![]() | Board of Visitors minutes March 30, 1984 | ![]() |
The following resolution was adopted:
- RESOLVED that the following persons be and they are hereby re-elected to the faculty:
- Mr. Howard W. Allen as Associate Professor, General Faculty, School of Education, for two academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Dieter G. Altenpohl as Visiting Professor of Materials Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for one semester, effective January 16, 1984.
- Mr. Mark Altshuller as Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Sally A. Amero as Assistant Professor of Biology, part-time, for one semester, effective January 16, 1984.
- Miss Varnell Armstrong as Assistant Professor of Nursing, part-time, for the period July 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984.
- Ms. Cindy S. Aron as Assistant Professor of History, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1985.
- Mr. Dalynn T. Badenhop as Assistant Professor of Education, for two academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. James J. Barnette as Assistant Professor of Education, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Emily E. Batinski as Acting Assistant Professor of Classics, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Richard S. Benner as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Sharon C. Berk as Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. S. Michael Bernhard as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Miriam C. Birdwhistell as Professor, General Medical Faculty, Division of Medical Center Social Work, for two years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Bruce C. Black as Research Assistant Professor of Biology, for the period March 1, 1984 through June 30, 1984.
- Mr. Bruce C. Black as Research Assistant Professor of Biology, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Robert A. Bloodgood as Associate Professor of Anatomy, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Joye L. Bowman as Assistant Professor of History, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1985.
- Mr. Jack S. Brenizer as Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Michael F. Brown as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mrs. Suzanne K. Burge as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. David T. Buxton as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Robert T. Canevari as Associate Professor, General Faculty, for five years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Dr. Robert L. Chevalier as Associate Professor of Pediatrics, effective July 1, 1984.
- Dr. Robert L. Chevalier as Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for the period June 1, 1984 through June 30, 1984.
- Mrs. Deborah C. Conway as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. George T. Crafts as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mrs. Lillie B. Crigler as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Jack W. Davidson as Assistant Professor of Computer Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for three academic years, effective January 16, 1985.
- Ms. Angela M. Davis as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Scott K. DeVeaux as Acting Assistant Professor of Music, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Anthony B. Dotson as Associate Professor of Planning, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Daniel J. Ehnbom as Acting Assistant Professor of South Asian Art, for one semester, effective January 16, 1984.
- Ms. Betty A. Fletcher as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Michael S. Forbes as Research Assistant Professor of Physiology, for one year, effective April 1, 1984.
- Lieutenant Oneida H. Franke as Assistant Professor of Naval Science, for the period September 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984.
- Ms. Anne H. Freudenberg as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, part-time, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. William P. Gardner as Acting Assistant Professor of Psychology, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Mohammad R. Ghanoonparvar as Assistant Professor of Persian, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Susanne R. Glass as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Spencer J. Golub as Assistant Professor of Drama, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1985.
- Mr. Theodore W. Graves, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, part-time, for one year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Ingrid G. Grieger as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Dr. Dieter H. M. Groschel as Professor of Pathology and Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Lawrence A. Groves as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for the period January 1, 1984 through June 30, 1986.
- Ms. Maureen R. Hanson as Assistant Professor of Biology, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. John F. Harlan, Jr. as Assistant Professor, General Medical Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Diana R. Harrington as Associate Professor of Business Administration, The Darden School, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Ronald M. Hartwell as Professor of Economics, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1986.
- Mr. Robert M. Hedrick as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for the period January 1, 1984 through June 30, 1986.
- Ms. Susan T. Hitchcock as Assistant Professor of Humanities, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for one semester, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Robert B. Hitchner as Assistant Professor of History, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1985.
- Ms. Eileen A. Hogan as Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Darden School, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Dennis T. P. Hu as Assistant Professor of Chinese, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mrs. Leslie D. Hurt as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. William E. Jackson as Associate Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Marylin S. James as Assistant Professor, General Medical Faculty, for the period July 1, 1984 through December 8, 1984.
- Dr. Richard P. Keeling as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, for one year, effective April 1, 1984.
- Mrs. Gretchen L. Kelly as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Paul W. Kingston as Assistant Professor of Sociology, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Miss Anna B. Kinney as Associate Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Cherie L. Kitchell as Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Center Social Work, General Medical Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Peter Kleeman as Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Karen H. Knierim as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, part-time, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Craig Kochel as Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Alwyn Lapsley as Research Associate Professor, General Faculty, School of Engineering and Applied Science, for the period June 1, 1984 through June 30, 1985.
- Mrs. Peggye G. Lassiter as Assistant Professor of Nursing, part-time, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mrs. Edith C. Lawrence as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Monica C. Lobo as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Charles J. Loewenstein as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Chung-ming Lung as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Timothy L. MacDonald as Associate Professor of Chemistry, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Catherine L. Macklin as Acting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Susan O. Marcell as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. John M. Markwood as Assistant Professor of Education, for one semester, effective January 16, 1984.
- Mr. Francis O. McGuinness as Assistant Professor of Mathematics, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Jeanne C. Miller as Associate Professor of Nursing, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mrs. Linda A. Moore as Assistant Professor of Nursing, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Anne K. Myers as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for the period December 1, 1983 through June 30, 1987.
- Dr. Eero G. Niskanen as Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Margaret M. O'Bryant as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Thomas J. Olivier as Scholar in Residence, Department of Anthropology, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Lieutenant Colonel James P. Pennell as Associate Professor of Naval Science, for the period September 1, 1984 through December 31, 1984.
- Ms. Carol M. Pfeiffer as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Jeanne M. Pietig as Assistant Professor of Education, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Michael F. Plunkett as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Ann P. Pollard as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Miss Patricia A. Powell as Assistant Professor of Nursing, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. G. Carleton Ray as Research Professor of Environmental Sciences, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Christine M. Reppucci as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, part-time, for two academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Dorothy F. Rudolph as Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, for three years, effective October 1, 1984.
- Ms. Cindi W. Sanborn as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Richard D. Schultz as Professor, General Faculty, for five years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. James R. Self as Associate Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. C. Clinton Sisson as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Edward A. Smith, Jr. as Assistant Professor, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Miss Eileen T. Somerville as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one year, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Michael A. Spar as Assistant Professor, Darden School, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Paul B. Stephan as Associate Professor of Law, effective September 1, 1984.
- Dr. James W. Stone as Associate Professor of Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. J. Adelheid Synnatzschke-Cochran as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Patricia A. Taylor as Assistant Professor of Sociology, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Carolyn E. Taylor as Assistant Professor, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective April 16, 1984.
- Ms. Sylvia V. Terry as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for the period January 1, 1984 through June 30, 1986.
- Mr. Gary R. Treadway as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Dr. Frederic B. Walker, IV as Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for three years, effective December 1, 1984.
- Mr. Ronald S. Warren, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Economics, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Monica M. Weinzapfel as Assistant Professor of Drama, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
- Miss Nancy I. Whitman as Assistant Professor of Nursing, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Donna D. Wilson as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Ms. Hope W. Wilson as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for the period January 1, 1984 through June 30, 1986.
- Mr. Henry W. Wingate as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective July 1, 1984.
- Mr. Jerry O. Wolff as Assistant Professor of Biology, for one year, effective September 1, 1984.
- Mr. Houston G. Wood, III as Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, effective September 1, 1984.
- Ms. Karen T. Zagona as Assistant Professor of Linguistics, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1984.
![]() | Board of Visitors minutes March 30, 1984 | ![]() |