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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 92. To Master W: Shakespeare.

Shakespeare , that nimble Mercury thy braine,
Lulls many hundred Argus-eyes asleepe,

So fit, for all thou fashionest thy vaine,
At th' horse-foote fountaine thou hast drunk full deepe,
Vertues or vices theame to thee all one is:
Who loues chaste life, there's Lucrece for a Teacher:
Who list read lust there's Venus and Adonis,
True modell of a most lasciuious leatcher.
Besides in plaies thy wit windes like Meander:
When needy new-composers borrow more
Thence Terence doth from Plautus or Menander.
But to praise thee aright I want thy store:
Then let thine owne works thine owne worth vpraise,
And help t'adorne thee with deserued Baies.