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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXXIII


Illvstr. XXXIII

[When on the Sword, the Olive-branch attends]

For whatsoever, Man doth strive,
The Conquest, God alone, doth give.

When on the Sword, the Olive-branch attends,
(That is, when bloody Warres, have peacefull Ends)
And, whensoever Victories are gained;
This Emblem shewes, by whom they are obtained:
For, that all Victorie, doth onely from
The pow'rfull hand of God-Almightie, come,
The Boughes of Bayes and Olives, doe declare,
Which round the Tetragrammaton appeare.
Nor must we thinke, that God bestowes, alone,
The Victories of Warre, on any one;
But, that, when we contend in other things,
From him, th' event that's wisht for, also springs.
This being so, how dare wee, by the Lawes,
Or, by the Sword, pursue a wicked Cause?
How dare wee bring a matter that's unjust,
Where hee (though few perceive him) judge it must?
Or, prosecute with fury, or despite,
Against the person of his Favourite?
What Fooles are they, who seeke the Conquest, by
Oppression, Fraud, or hellish Perjurie?
How mad are those, who to the Warres prepare,
For nothing, but to spoyle and murther there?
Who, nor ingag'd by Faith to their Alies,
Nor urg'd by any private injuries,
(Nor sent, nor tolerated, by their Prince,
Nor caring whether side hath giv'n offence)
Run rambling through the World, to kill and slay,
Like needie Butchers, for two groats a day?
These men may side, where Conquests, God bestowes;
Yet, when the Field is wonne, these men doe lose.