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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXIX


Illvstr. XXIX

[That's Love in earnest, which is constant found]

That's Friendship, and true-love, indeed,
Which firme abides, in time of need.

That's Love in earnest, which is constant found,
When Friends are in Affliction, or in Bands;
And, their Affection merits to be crown'd,
Whose hearts are fastned where they joyne their hands.
Tis easie to be friendly, where wee see
A Complement or two will serve the turne;
Or, where the kindnesse may requited bee;
Or, when the charge is with a trifle borne.
It is as easie too, for him to spend
At once, the full Revenues of a yeare,
In Cates, for entertainment of his Friend,
Who thinkes his glorie, is expensive-cheere:
For, 'tis his pleasure; and, if none should come
Like fashionable-Friends, for him to court,
Hee would with Rogues, and Canters, fill the Roome,
Or, such as should abuse, and flout him for't.
But, hard it is, to suffer, or to spend
For him (though worthy) that's of meane estate,
Unlikely our occasions to befriend,
Or, one unable to remunerate.
Few men are liberall, whom neither Lust,
Vaine glorie, Prodigalitie, nor Pride,
Doth forward into foolish Bountie thrust;
As may, by Observation bee espide.
For, when a slender Bountie would relieve
Their vertuous Friend, whose wants to them are knowne,
To their Buffoone, a Knights estate they'l give;
And, thinke on t'other trifles ill-bestowne.
Yet, this Ile say; and, give the Devill his due;
These Friends, are to their lusts, and humours, true.