University of Virginia Library

Sunday 29

the Morning was Rany the indian and LiBerty went to the
nation to Bring the rest of them to a treaty the hunter Come
to us at 12 CLock with Some EaLk meat and on[e] deare
the Cowes [buffalo, word conjectural] was near the Same Praerie
Land Some groves of timBer weL wartered I Cut my [word
illegible] on the 27 had to Lay by my ower [oar] the Cout
was one inch and half Long WiLard Left his tommehake weare
[where] we Camped on the night of the 28 Instan we Came
to the Grean Prarie it [is] very hansom the hiLs Com in
near the river th[ere] Come in [a] smaLe Creak on the West
Sd. of the river Cald it Potts Creak aBout 20 yds at the
Mouth. [2] Rold. 11 ½ Campd. on the E. S. Joseph fields
Shot a Brareowe he is the form of a dog. his colour is Gray
his talents on the four feet is 1 ½ Inch long his picture never
was Seen by any of the party before.


At this point begins handwriting No. 2, and extends over ten pages of MS. until
August 17, inclusive.—Ed.