![]() | Documentary History of the Construction of the Buildings at the University
of Virginia, 1817-1828 | ![]() |
Appendix F
Selected Agreements and Contracts
John M. Perry
Agreement with Central College
Articles of Agreement made and concluded this twenty third day of June one thousand eight
hundred and seventeen between Alexander Garrett as Proctor of the Central College in
Albemarle on the one part and John M. Perry on the other part Witness, First, that of a
Pavilion or Schoolhouse wing to be built for the said College on one of the lots of land
purchased for the sd. College of the said John M Perry, the body of which pavilion is to be
built of brick and to contain one room below and two above stairs with cellars & offices
below. the said John undertakes and hereby covenants to and with the said Proctor and his
successors in office, to do all the Carpenter's and House joiner's work of the said pavilion as
shall be prescribed to him, that he will provide all the meterials of wood and iron mongery
which shall be required, that the meterials shall be of sound and durable quality, the
Carpenters work shall be done solidly, neatly and well fitted, and the house joinery in the
best manner, and strictly according to such forms and orders of Architecture as the said
Proctor or his successors shall prescribe; that all the work necessary to be put up or in as the
brick layer proceeds, shall allways be ready by the time the brick layer is ready for it, and all
the residue to be done by him shall be compleated and put up within five months after the
brick layer shall have so far and the walls as that they shall be capable of recieveing it; and
the said John M Perry doth further agree and covenant, that if any part of the Carpenters
work or house joinery shall not be done in the most perfect good manner or not strictly
according to the forms and orders of Architecture which shall be prescribed to him as
aforesaid, the said Proctor or his successors shall have a right to have the same altered or
taken down and rebuilt according to the forms prescribed, by any person he shall employ at
the expence of the said John, and the parties to these presents further agree, that if any part
of the work shall be objected to as insufficient or incomformable to what is herein before
stipulated that its sufficiency or non conformity shall be finally decided on by three
competent persons one chosen by each party and the two persons chosen are hereby
empower'd to choose a third equally competent And the said John doth further agree that if
the work shall not be done at the respective times stipulated that the said Proctor or his
successors shall be free to have it done by such person as he shall employ at the expence of
the said John and be entitled to damages for all wrongful delay to be paid by the said John--
And the said Alexander, covenants in the name of the said College and on its behalf, that for
all meterials furnished by the said John the reasonable price they shall have cost him, or
which they shall be worth if furnished by himself, shall be paid him, and for all Carpenter's
work or house-joinery done, he shall be paid the prices which were paid by James Madison
late President of the United States to James Dinsmore for similar work done at Montplier,
which payments shall be made to him as follows towit Five hundred dollars in hand, five
hundred dollars more when the roof shall be raised, and the ballance when it shall be
compleated, In Witness whereof the parties hereto subscribe their names the day & year first
within written
In presence of Alex Garrett Proctor to Central College (seal)
Wm Wertenbaker John M. Perry (seal)
approved Th. Jefferson
DS, in Garrett's writing, ViU:TJ, 2p [1458] with Garrett note on the coversheet "No. 3
Agreement Perry with Central College." The document also contains Perry's first receipt for
payment: "Charlottesville 16th: September 1817 Recieved of Alexander Garrett late Proctor
to the Central College five hundred dollars it being the sum mentioned in this agreement as
the first payment for the building therein before named John M. Perry."
John Gorman
Agreement for Stonecutting
John Gorman Does agree to Work all the tuscan Basses and Caps and all the other Moulded
Sircular Or Straight Work or plain work for the University of Va.
all Such Work to be measured as agreed on by the Proctor that is to take the Dementions at
the Largest part of the mouldings and to pay for them at 75 Sents pr. foot Superficial all
Such Blocks as will require help the Proctor will lend or Cause to be Lent Such assistance as
may Be required all tool Sharping to Be paid for or Done by Order of the Proctor at the
Shop Now at the University of Va. the Said Work is to be Measured at the End of Every
three Months Beginning from first of January 1820 the one half of the money to be paid then
the other half in Six months after Each Measurement
AD, ViU:PP, 1p, with ASB docket "Gorman Stone cutter." This document is in the undated
material for 1821 in ViU:PP. The agreement was to go in force in January 1820, and
Gorman worked extensively in stonecutting throughout 1820, indicating that the agreement
probably was made in late 1819.
Giacomo Raggi & Arthur Spicer Brockenbrough
Articles of agreement entered into by Arthur S Brockenbrough Proctor of the University of
Virginia and on behalf of the said University on the one part and Giacomo Raggi of Italy
Sculptor on the other part.
The said Giacomo Raggi agrees and covenants that he will furnish the said University with
ten Corinthian bases of Marble of Carrara of quality equal to that of the capitels lately
received from Thomas Appleton, and two Pilaster bases shewing each a front & flank with
returns of ten minutes at each angle where they are to ajoin the wall and in addition to the
said bases shall be the listel and cavetto, which are generally considered as part of the shaft
of the column, but here to be made solid with the base, that the said bases shall be
proportioned to a column of three English feet in diameter, to be modeled with the utmost
exactness according to the Bases of the Pantheon of Rome as drawn by Palladio in his book
of Architecture, to be dress, polished and finished in the best manner, each base to be of a
single and sound piece of Marble that they shall be packed singly in strong and sufficient
cases of wood, and delivered before the first day of June of the ensuing year on board of
some ship in the harbour of Leghorn bound to some port of the United States of North
America, or if there be none such at that time, then on the first which shall be there after that
date, clear of all cost & charges, save only the sums herein after Stipulated, the
transportation after being on ship board in the said harbour to be at the expence and risk of
the said University and the said Giacomo agrees that in the execution of the said agreement
he will be under the superintendance and direction of Thomas Appleton esquire of Leghorn
as acting for the University with all the rights and authority of the said Arthur S. were he
there in person.
And the said Arthur S Brockenbrough on behalf of the said University agrees & covenants,
that there shall be paid to the said Giacomo the sum of Sixty five dollars for each of the said
column bases and the sum of thirty two & one half dollars for each of the said pilaster bases
as follows, to wit one half of their prices from time to time during the progress of the work
in partial sums at the discretion of the said Thomas Appleton and the other half on their
delivery on ship board--or to Thomas Appleton if there by no ship in port on their arrival at
Leghorn bound as aforesaid deducting the transportation on ship board after the delivery to
said Appleton--
In witness whereof the said parties have here to subscribed their names at the said
University of Va. this eighth day of September One thousand eight hundred & twenty three.
Arthur S Brockenbrough (Seal)
Giacomo Raggi (Seal)
The words 'or to Thomas Appleton if there be no ship in port on their arrival at Leghorn
bound as aforesaind deducting the transportation on ship board after the delivery to said
Appleton' interlined before signed--
Witness--John Neilson
DS, in ASB's writing, ViU:PP, 2p, with docket "Contract G Raggi"; ADft, in TJ's writing,
ViU:PP, 1p [2028] with address and ASB docket "Copy of a contract by Mr Jefferson with
Raggi--"; printed, O'Neal, "Michele and Giacomo Raggi at the University of Virginia,"
Magazine of Albemarle County History, 18:29-30. The ADft is on the verso of a coversheet
addressed to Jefferson from James Madison that reads "Orange C H July 14. Mr. Jefferson
Monticello near Charlottesville, Va." Jefferson apparently saw the draft again along with
the copy of the agreement to be signed and other documents relating to Raggi, as indicated
by a separate note addressed to "Mr Brockenbrough" by Jefferson pertaining to the contract,
"Th: J. to mr Brockenbrough at the end of the 2d. paragraph, after the words 'the other half
at their delivery on ship board' interline 'but if on their arrival at Leghorn, there be no ship
in port bound as aforesd, the last half is to be paid on their delivery to the sd T. Appleton,
deducting the transportation on ship-board.'" At the bottom of this note Brockenbrough
added: "or to Thos Appleton if on their arrival at Leghorn there be no ship in port bound as
aforesaid deducting the transportation on ship board after the delivery to said Appleton."
Jefferson's one-page memorandum of this date about this agreement in DLC:TJ reads:
"heads of Raggis agreemt. for corinthian bases. Date Sep. 8. 23. he will furnish 10. Corinthn
bases, for columns of 3. f. of Carra marble of quality equal to that of the Capitels lately
furnd by Appleton. also 2. piaster half bases with front & flank. with listell & Cavetto, all
model of Pantheon of a single piece packed delivd. before June 1. on ship board. to be pd
65. D. for each whole, & 32.50 for each half base one half to be pd from time to time during
the progress of the work the other half on their delivy. on ship board."
Charles I. Meriwether & Arthur Spicer Brockenbrough
Agreement for Sand
We the subscribers have agreed to the following articls Viz: Charles Meriwether is to deliver
at any place required at the University two thousand bushels of good clean sand, for which
A. S. Brocknbrough Proctor has agreed to pay him seventy five dollars on the delivery of it
& if the University should require a larger quantity it is to be furnished on the same terms
delivered as aforesaid or at half a cent a bushel if taken from the sand bank Witness our
hand this 13th day of February 1824
A. S. Brockenbrough Proctor
Chas. I Meriwether
DS, in ASB's writing, 1p, with ASB docket "Brockenbro' & Meriwether Contract Feb: 13th.
John M. Perry & Arthur Spicer Brockenbrough
Agreement for Brickwork
We the Subscribers do enter into the following articles of agreement--Viz John M Perry is to
make for the University of Va three hundred thousand hard well shaped bricks such a
portion of which shall be Column bricks as many as may be required for the Rotunda shaped
agreeable to a mould to be furnished and such a portion of paving bricks as may be wanting
for the Rotunda & Gymnasia, and which shall be smoth well shaped bricks--The afore said
Perry is to take the wood purchased of Jesse Lewis & what ever other wood the proctor may
have on hand for the burning of Bricks at One Dollar per cord on the ground where cut or
two Dollars delivered at the Kiln near the University; the said Perry is to pay at the rate
of cents per thousand for the clay that was dug by the labourers of the University,[840]
to pay Child Brand his wages from the 17th May & to employ him & Patrick Quin for two
months to come from this date at the same rate I contracted with them--at that is to say, to
give them the same wages per month payable monthly that Capt Perry gave them the last
year--A. S. Brockenbrough--Proctor & acting for the University agrees to let Capt J. M.
Perry have the use of the yard, shelters, clamps &c attached to the Brick yard for the making
of the Said bricks but no other bricks are to be made or carried from said yard or grounds for
any other purposed.[841] the Said Shelters, yards, clamps &c to be returned in good order,
for the aforesaid 300,000 Bricks the said Proctor agrees to pay to said Perry at the rate of
four dollars & fifty cents per thousand on or before the 1st day of February next witness our
hands & Seals this 25th Day of May 1824.
AD (copy), in ASB's writing, ViU:PP, 1p, with ASB docket "Perry with Proctor Contract for
making Bricks"; Dft, in ASB's writing, ViU:PP, 2p. The draft is not dated.
![]() | Documentary History of the Construction of the Buildings at the University
of Virginia, 1817-1828 | ![]() |