University of Virginia Library



Professor Peters.


A. First Year.—A student who is able to translate Cæsar or Vergil, and
has a proper acquaintance with the Forms, is prepared to enter this course,
which begins with Sallust or a writer of like difficulty. Systematic attention
is given to the study of the Forms. The syntactical work is the study of the
Case-relations, the exact force of the Tenses, and a consecutive outline of the
connections in which the Subjunctive Mood is required. Principles and facts


Page 8
explained are applied by frequent exercises in Latin Composition. The reading
is confined to selected portions of Sallust, Ovid, Curtius, and Vergil. A
limited amount from each author is prescribed for private reading. For the
examinations, passages are selected for translation from the Latin assigned as
private reading. There are two examinations—the Intermediate, held about
the middle of the session; the Final, near its close. These examinations are
conducted in writing.

B. Second Year.—The work of this year will be directed to the acquirement
of readiness in translation and syntactical interpretation, with as little
specialistic investigation as is consistent with a general but sound and permanent
knowledge of the language. As an indispensable auxiliary to this end,
written exercises in translating English into Latin and Latin into English will
be required. Proper attention will be given to Roman History and Literature.
The metrical work will be limited to the structure and accurate recitation of
the Dactylic, Anapæstic, Trochaic, and Iambic verses, with the verses occurring
in the odes of Horace. Translation will be confined to Livy, Horace,
Cicero, Seneca, and Tacitus. Selections from each author will be assigned as
parallel reading. There are two written examinations—Intermediate and
Final. The student who completes the work of this year will be entitled to
a diploma of graduation in the B. A. course in Latin.


This course commences with Juvenal or Livy, and includes selected portions
of Juvenal, Livy, Cicero, Seneca, Tacitus, and Plautus. The Case-relations
are reviewed, and the Syntax of the Verb is systematically presented.
Latin versification is taken up early in the session and continued throughout
the term. A theoretical acquaintance with this subject is insufficient. Prompt
identification and correct recitation of every variety of Latin verse is insisted
upon. A very prominent place is assigned to Latin Composition as an indispensable
means of acquiring an exact knowledge of the language. Portions
of the authors read in the lecture-room are designated as parallel and private
reading. The object of parallel reading is to enable a student to acquire a
more copious vocabulary than is furnished by the limited amount of Latin read
in the lecture-room, and to afford a wider field for the application of the principles
explained in the lectures. In this class there are two examinations—
one occurring about the middle of the session, the other near its close. The
examinations are conducted in writing. For the second or Final examination,
passages for translation are selected partly from the parallel and partly from
Latin which the class has not read. In Roman History and Literature the
work is that of the B. A. course. The completion of the work of this year


Page 9
entitles the student to the diploma of graduation in the M. A. course in Latin,
if the work of the B. A. course has been completed.

Text-Books.—Any approved edition of the authors above named.

Grammars.—Gildersleeve's, Syntax of the Verb by the Professor, Printed Lectures
by the Professor on the Latin Cases and Versification.

History.—Liddell's with Long's or any approved Atlas.

Literature.—Bender's, as a Hand-book and Guide, supplemented by Lectures.


This course is intended for students who propose to teach, or desire to equip
themselves for original investigation in the language. The scope of the work
is such as to familiarize them with the language in its several periods. An
extensive course of reading is prescribed, and subjects for independent investigation
are from time to time assigned. The lecture-room exercises consist in
translation and the discussion by the student of the passage translated. He is
invited to propound such questions to the Professor, or to a member of the
class, as he would to a pupil. In addition, a careful translation from some
one of the best Latin prose writers is prepared, and the student is required at
once to write on the blackboard his Latin rendering of it, and to give his
reasons as well for the periods as for the syntactical constructions employed.
Though it requires at least two years to complete this course, yet one year
given to it abundantly repays the student, as the greater part of the first year
of the course is devoted to the Archaic period of the language, which cannot
be considered to any great extent in the under-graduate course.


Professor Humphreys.

In this School there are three courses:

I. A general course, comprising what is deemed essential to a liberal
classical education. This course extends over two years.

A. First Year Class.—As a preparation for this class an accurate knowledge
of the regular Attic inflections and some experience in translating are
necessary. A thorough study of two books of Xenophon's Anabasis may be
regarded as the minimum of preparatory reading. The work of the class is
directed to the acquirement of practical familiarity with the simpler Attic
prose. The Grammar is carefully reviewed, and weekly exercises, based on
Greek authors, are written. The authors read are Xenophon and Lysias.


Page 10

B. Second Year Class.—This class, for which the work of the preceding
year, or some equivalent, is the appropriate preparation, continues the study of
Attic prose, and enters upon the study of Epic and Ionic Greek and the Drama.
The Syntax is reviewed, and weekly exercises are given for translation into
Attic prose. The authors read are Plato, Demosthenes, Euripides, Herodotus
and Homer. Instruction is given in History, Literature, Antiquities, and the
simpler Metres. Graduation in this course is prescribed for those who select
Greek as one of their studies for the degree of B. A.

II. An advanced course, adapted especially to the requirements of those
who desire to become teachers of the classics. It extends through one session
of nine months. For admission to this course, graduation in the preceding
course is required; but, when sufficiently prepared, students may be allowed
to pursue both courses simultaneously. In this course the Syntax of the Verb
is thoroughly studied, and weekly exercises, including passages from modern
English authors, are given to be translated into idiomatic Greek. Lectures
are given on Rhythm and Metres, and the students are practiced in reading
rhythmically the lyric parts of the Drama and the works of the Lyric Poets.
The authors read are Demosthenes, Æschylus, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Thucydides,
Pindar, and other Lyric Poets. The course will be varied and modified
as occasion may require. Graduation in this course is prescribed for
those who select Greek as one of their studies for the degree of M. A.

III. A special course designed for those who wish to devote themselves
to classical scholarship. For admission to this course, graduation in the
preceding course is required, but in special cases students may be permitted
to prosecute both courses at the same time. The work of this course will be
adapted to the special aims of those pursuing it, but will, in all cases, include
extensive reading of Greek authors and minute study of some branch
of Greek philology. Those who select Greek as one of their studies for the
degree of Ph. D. will be required to pursue this course for two years.

In all the courses private reading is prescribed, and the examinations will
be partly upon this and the work done in class, and partly upon passages
selected from the Greek authors at will.

Text-Books.—Goodwin's Greek Grammar; Goodwin's Moods and Tenses; Hogue's
Irregular Verbs; Veitch's Verbs; Liddell and Scott's Lexicon (Intermediate, and in
courses II. and III., unabridged seventh edition); Smith's History of Greece; Jebb's
Primer of Greek Literature. Any editions of Greek authors may be used, except when
particular ones are specially prescribed; but students should always have at hand
Teubner's texts for reference, and for use on examinations. At present Rhythm and
Metres and some other subjects are taught wholly or partly by lecture.

Hebrew.—Elementary instruction in Hebrew will be given when the
demand for such instruction is sufficient.


Page 11



Professor Harrison.

The courses offered in this School are General (B. A.), Special (M. A.),
and Advanced, or Post-Graduate (Ph. D.).


The General Course embraces such a knowledge of the selected language
as an intelligent student may be expected to acquire in one year. Some previous
preparation is most desirable. The aim of this course is to acquaint
the student with the pronunciation, phonology, grammar, and general syntax
of the language through systematic oral and written practice, to initiate him
into the literature through easy and abundant reading, and to lay a solid
foundation for the prosecution of his Special and Advanced courses, if he
elects to continue his studies in this School.


The Special Course embraces a systematic extension of the General Course
along the same lines, but is at once more comprehensive and more specialized
in certain directions; incessant practice in translation and composition, gradually
increasing in difficulty, is continued; instruction in syntax, in historical
grammar, and in literature is given by lecture and abstract; and an orderly
reading of the great writers in each language, chronologically arranged, is
planned and accomplished by class work and collateral reading.


The Advanced or Post-Graduate Course is intended for those students that
elect Romance Languages for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It embraces
two years of post-graduate work in any two languages of the group,
and is especially adapted to students who have graduated in Latin and Greek.
Study of the comparative grammar, vocabulary, and literature of these languages
is made a special feature of this course. Most attractive combinations
can be made in this department, such as French-Italian, Spanish-French,
Portuguese-Spanish, Provençal-French, Latin-French, etc. Graduation in
Latin is indispensable for the prosecution of a Ph. D. course in Romance Languages.

Instruction will be given by conference, assigned private work, and
stated examination, and a dissertation evincing original research in some department
of grammar, phonetics, syntax, literature or history, will in every


Page 12
case be required. Detailed courses for intending students will be arranged
by the Professor on application.


B. A. COURSE (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9-10).

Texts: Whitney's Large French Grammar and Introductory French Reader; Bruno's
Tour de la France; Joynes' Classic French Plays; Fontaine's Prosateurs et Poètes du
XIX Siècle. Exercises. Parallel reading (completion of the texts begun in class).
Heath's, Gasc's or Bellows' Dictionary. The texts used have been so chosen as to form
a suitable general introduction (a) to the grammar, (b) to the vocabulary, (c) to the
history and geography, and (d) to the literature of France in the XVIIth and XIXth

M. A. COURSE (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10-11).

For pronunciation: Koschwitz' Parlers Parisiens; Passy's Sons du Français (Association
Fonétique). For reference: Harrison's French Syntax. For reading: Fasnacht's
Select Specimens of Great French Writers; Crane's Series of French Prose (for the
study of select periods of French culture and civilization); Voltaire's Siècle de Louis
XIV (for the study of one typical reign); Fortier's Littérature Française (reference-text
for professor's lectures on Eminent French Writers); Chardenal's Advanced Exercises.
Examinations on definite assigned work.


B. A. COURSE (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30-1:30 or 10-11.)

Texts: Edgren's Spanish Grammar (for rapid survey); Knapp's Reader (for current
Spanish prose); Todd's Don Quijote, with Selections from Lope and Calderon (for classical
prose and poetry); Valera's Pepita Jiménez; Harrison's History of Spain; Seoane's
Dictionary. Exercises. Definite collateral reading and examinations on assigned work.

M. A. COURSE (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1:30-2:30).

Texts: Knapp's Grammar, with lectures based on Foerster's Sprachlehre and Wiggers'
Grammatik der Spanischen Sprache; Selections from the lyric and dramatic poets and
from the great prose writers, in connection with Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature;
Isla's Le Sage's Gil Blas; El Romancero del Cid; Seoane's Dictionary. Exercises,
assigned collateral reading, and stated examinations on definite assigned work.

Ph. D. Courses in Old French, Provençal, and Old Spanish will be arranged and offered
as they are required. The texts, editions, grammars, and chrestomathies of Schwan,
Bartsch, Keller, Groeber, Suchier, Vietor, Gaston Paris, Meyer, Darmesteter, and others,
will be used, and the professor's extensive collection of Modern Language works will be
freely open to students of the School.


B. A. Course.—Grandgent's Grammar; Foresti's Reader; De Amicis' Cuore; Pellico's
Le Mie Prigioni.

M. A. Course.—Vockeradt's Grammatik; Manzoni's I Promessi Sposi; Tasso's Gerusalemme
Liberata; Dante's Divina Commedia.

[The courses in Italian will be for the present directed by Professor Perkinson.]


Page 13



Professor Perkinson.

Three courses are offered in this language.


Students who desire to enter this course must possess an accurate knowledge
of English Grammar, and some familiarity with the rudiments of German.
They will study the grammar of the language, and will be trained in pronunciation,
on which special stress will be laid, and in translation, supplemented
by weekly exercises, parallel reading of easy texts, and a course in the history and literature of the language. The object of this course is
mainly to enable the student to read and appreciate ordinary German at
sight, and to give him an insight into the literature of the language. Three
hours a week.


In this course the syntax and historical grammar will be treated, and the
historical grammar illustrated by short selections from Old High German
and Middle High German authors. Practice in translation and composition
will be continued, and a minute study of certain authors made. Candidates
for graduation will be expected to translate at sight any passage that may be
assigned, and to render selections from English into German. Three hours
a week.


This is designed for students who wish to make a special study of the
literature or the philology of the language. Only those who have completed
the lower courses are admitted to it. The work will be adapted to the
aims of the student, but in all cases the study of Gothic, Old High German
and Middle High German will be required. Applicants for the degree of
Ph. D. will be required to prepare a dissertation showing original research.
Three hours a week.

The text-books vary from time to time. Parallel reading will be assigned
at the beginning of the year.

B. A. German.—Whitney's Brief Grammar; Thomas' Grammar; Whitney's Introductory
German Reader; Hauff's Das Bild des Kaisers; Schiller's Maria Stuart; Goethe's
Hermann und Dorothea.

M. A. German.—Wright's Old High German Primer and Middle High German
Primer; Whitney's Grammar; Heine's Prosa: Scheffel's Ekkehard; Lessing's Nathan
der Weise and Emilia Galotti.

Ph. D. German.—Ulfilas, Tatian, Otfried, Nibelungenlied, Gudrun, Wolfram von


Page 14


Professor Garnett.


Modern English.—In this class the study of the English drama and of
the descriptive history of the language is pursued; Shakspere is made a
special subject of study. The critical study of one or two plays of Shakspere,
with private reading of about one-fourth of the plays, is followed by
similar study of selected works of other dramatic authors. Lectures on the
history of the Elizabethan drama are given in connection with the study of
Shakspere. These treat the early dramatic forms prevalent in England—i.e.,
the Mysteries, Moralities and Interludes; the rise of regular comedy and
tragedy as seen in Ralph Royster Doyster and Gorboduc; the Pre-Shaksperian
dramatists, Lyle, Peele, Greene and Marlowe; the Shaksperian
period, including Shakspere, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, and
Webster; and the Post-Shaksperian dramatists to the closing of the theatres
in 1642. The study of the English drama occupies the first half-session;
that of the history of English, treated from an elementary point of view,
the second half-session. The course closes with the reading of some work,
usually of Chaucer, in practical illustration of the formation of English.
The aim is to give such a knowledge of the history of the language as every
educated man should possess. Three lectures a week.

Text-Books.—For 1896-'97, Richard II. and Richard III.; Tancock's or Ward's
Old English Drama; Dowden's Shakspere Primer; Abbott's Shaksperian Grammar;
Champneys's History of English; Chaucer's Prologue and Knight's Tale; Pollard's
Chaucer Primer. For Reference.—The Globe Shakspere; Fleay's Life of Shakspere;
Fleay's History of the Stage, 1559-1642; Halliwell-Phillips's Life of Shakspere; Keltie's
British Dramatists; Dowden's Shakspere, His Mind and Art; Emerson's History of
the English Language; Skeat's Student's Chaucer.


Old and Middle English.—In this class the historical and philological
study of the language is pursued, the class beginning with its oldest forms
and tracing the language, by the study of specimens, through its different
periods to the formation of modern English. After a thorough study of the
grammar, selected pieces of Old and Middle English prose and poetry are
read, with a view to acquiring a philological knowledge of the origin and
structure of English. Lectures on the position of English in the Indo-European
family of languages, and on the history of the language, are also
given. These treat in outline the other branches of the Indo-European family
of languages, and in detail the Teutonic branch. Special stress is laid


Page 15
upon the development of the language during the Old and Middle English
periods, and the infusion of the Romance elements which so greatly affected
its character. The study of Old English (Anglo-Saxon) occupies the first
half-session; that of Middle English, the second half-session. In addition
to what is read in class, assigned parallel reading of Old and Middle English
works is also required. It is well for the student to have studied the history
of English as given in the class of Modern English, or some similar course,
before entering upon the study of the course in Old and Middle English,
although this is not essential, as the two may be studied together. Some
antecedent philological study is, however, necessary. The aim is to lay the
foundation for more advanced studies in English Philology. Three lectures
a week.

Text-Books.—Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader; Morris and Skeat's Specimens of Early
English, Parts I. and II.; Cook's Sievers's Grammar of Old English; Earle's Anglo-Saxon
Literature; Skeat's Primer of English Etymology. For Reference.—Ten Brink's
Early English Literature; Brooke's History of Early English Literature; Skeat's Principles
of English Etymology, First and Second Series; Henry's Comparative Grammar of
English and German.


This course is arranged to suit the needs of those students who desire to
pursue further their work in English Philology. It will comprise the further
study of Old and Middle English works, especially of Old English poetry,
and the study of Gothic and the comparative grammar of the Teutonic languages.
In addition to such examinations as may seem advisable, a dissertation
will be required, giving evidence of independent private study of
some subject cognate with the course pursued. The selection of the course
and subject is left to the student himself under the guidance of the Professor.
The completion of the M. A. Course in Old and Middle English is absolutely
necessary to the prosecution of the Ph. D. Course, and a knowledge of German
is desirable.

The first year course includes the reading of the Exodus and Daniel,
Andreas and Elene, Judith, and Beowulf, or any other old English poetry;
and the study of Wright's Gothic Language Primer, with additional readings
in Skeat's Gothic Gospel of St. Mark and Braune's Gothic Grammar.
The second year course embraces the study of Fourteenth-Century English
and the writing of a dissertation.


Page 16


Professor Kent.

Experience has shown that of the large number who elect English Literature
as one of their studies here, a few are prepared to do work even more
advanced than that offered in the B. A. Course, some are able to accomplish
successfully, but without ease, the work assigned, and many find it too difficult.
It seems advisable, therefore, to divide the course, not for the purpose
of making graduation materially more difficult, though the nature of the
work be slightly changed, but in order to adapt it more closely to the requirements
of the students. This division will also enable the instructor to
readjust the work and thereby add to its interest and widen its scope.


A.—First Year. In addition to a certain maturity of mind and general
mental training, students who desire to pursue this course with profit should
have an accurate knowledge of the principles of English grammar, including
orthography, and some knowledge of the elements of rhetoric. Previous practice
in composition is well-nigh essential to the successful prosecution of
the work of the class, while information about the history and contents of
English Literature will add materially to appreciation of the lectures. Three
hours a week. In evidence of the successful completion of this course a
certificate is awarded.

For convenience of presentation, the course is divided as follows:

1. Rhetoric.—This will comprise a careful study of the principles of style
in prose discourse. Particular attention will be paid to frequent written
exercises, and to the critical analysis of selected specimens of English prose.

Text-Books.—Genung's Practical Rhetoric; Genung's Hand-book of Rhetorical
Analysis; Hill's Foundations of Rhetoric; Scott and Denney's Paragraph-writing.

2. General History of English Literature.—This course will follow in the
main the outline provided by Pancoast's Introduction to English Literature.
The text will be prefaced by a few lectures on the development of English
literature prior to Chaucer, and be supplemented throughout by explanations,
assigned topics for class-study, lectures, etc. Besides the various written
exercises of this class, two essays will be required. These will be due on
December 3d and April 2d.

B.—Second Year. Admission to this class presupposes preparation in
character similar, if not equal, to that offered in Course A., which is intended
to lead directly into this course. This class will meet three times a


Page 17
week, and graduation in this Course B. is necessary for those who elect
English Literature as one of their studies for the B. A. degree.

This course is as follows:

1. Rhetoric.—This will comprise first a rapid review of the principles of
style as illustrated by the Sentence and the Paragraph, and then a careful
study of invention in prose discourse. There will be occasional written exercises,
and particular attention will be given to the critical analysis of selected
specimens of Descriptive, Narrative, Expository, and Argumentative Prose.
The course will be based on Genung's Rhetoric, but will not be limited to it.

Text-Books.—Genung's Rhetoric; Genung's Hand-book of Rhetorical Analysis;
Baldwin's Specimens of Prose Description; Brewster's Specimens of Narration; Lamont's
Specimens of Exposition, and Baker's Specimens of Argumentation.

2. Versification.—This course will be based upon the Professor's Notes
on Poetics, and will consider the mechanism of verse, the artistic elements in
versification, history of verse-forms, kinds of poetry, etc.

Class-exercises of various kinds will be assigned from time to time.

Text-Book.—Professor's Notes. References.—Gummere's Hand-book of Poetics;
Guest's English Rhythms; Schipper's Englische Metrik; Lanier's Science of English
Verse, etc.

3. Literature.—As members of this class are supposed to have some
general acquaintance with the historical development of English Literature,
this course will comprise some period of time, some literary form, some
author or group of authors, or some general division of literary history.

For '96-97 there will be offered a course in American Literature.

Text-Book.—Richardson's American Literature, supplemented by general and special

Essays.—Besides the occasional written exercises of the class, four essays
will be required of each student applying for graduation in this B. A. Course.
These will be due October 14th, December 18th, March 18th, May 1st. The
subjects will, in some cases, be assigned and at other times be left to the
choice of the student, but will fall under these general heads; Description,
Narration, Exposition, Argumentation or Persuasion.


In this course there will be occasional lectures, but in general the exercises
of the class will be conducted by questions, conversation and conference.
Readings will be assigned, independent investigation insisted upon, and written
reports required from time to time. The students will be encouraged to
form their own judgments and to express them orally or in writing. References


Page 18
for each author, period, or subject studied will be given, and the free
use of the library in this and all courses is cordially recommended.


  • I. Representative Writers of English Prose.

  • II. History of Lyric Poetry from 1550 to 1800.

  • III. British Essayists from Bacon to Burke.

  • IV. Victorian and American Poets.

  • V. Tennyson, the Representative Poet of the Nineteenth Century.


II. The History of Lyric Poetry from 1550 to 1800.

This course includes:

1. Lyric Poems from the Elizabethan Dramatists; 2. Lyric Poems from
the Elizabethan Romances; 3. Jacobean Lyric Poets; 4. Lyric Poetry in
the Puritan Era; 5. Lyric Poetry in the Restoration Era; 6. Lyric Poems
from the Restoration Dramatists; 7. The Romantic Movement illustrated
by the study of certain poets of the Eighteenth Century; 8. Burns, the Lyrist.

VI. The British Essay in the Nineteenth Century; illustrated by the study
of, 1. The Edinburgh Reviewers (Jeffrey, Smith, and Brougham); 2. The
Blackwood Reviewers (Wilson and Lockhart); 3. Lamb; 4. Hazlitt; 5.
Hunt; 6. Landor; 7. DeQuincey; 8. Macaulay; 9. Bagehot; 10. Sir Arthur
Helps; 11. Carlyle; 12. Newman; 13. Arnold; 14. Pater; 15. Leslie
Stephen; 16. Ruskin.

Dissertation.—As an essential part of this course a dissertation showing
independent and original work will be required. The theme of this dissertation
may be selected by the student, with the Professor's approval; or, if
desired, will be assigned by the Professor, but in either case the subject must
be recorded by the Professor on or before January 15.


This course will be, in some measure, adapted to the needs of the students
desiring to pursue it. Its purposes will be to cultivate more fully the love
of letters, to encourage independent and scholarly research, and to further
the art of literary expression. It will include the study of some writer, or
school of writers, or of some period or movement of literature, and will take
into consideration the political, social, and literary characteristics of the time
under discussion.


Page 19


Political Economy and Science of Society.

Professor Holmes.

In this class there are two courses, each of three lectures a week throughout
the session. Political Economy will be prosecuted for the B. A., and
Science of Society for the Ph. D. degree.

Political Economy.—In the treatment of this department of knowledge
there is no rigid adherence to the school of Smith, Ricardo and Mill. The
modification of older doctrines, necessitated by the increase of productive
inventions and productive operations, is steadily regarded. Attention is paid
to the inquiries and criticisms of Thornton, Cairnes, Jevons, Marshall, Nicholson,
etc.; and to the altered views propounded by Laveleye, Walker, and
the school of the Cathedrists and other German schools.

Text-Books.—Walker's Political Economy (advanced course); Mill's Political
Economy (abridged). A later book than Mill's, and special lectures will be introduced.

Science of Society.—In this (the Post-graduate course) is prosecuted
the investigation of the laws and movements, the growth, decay, and constitution
of Societies, in the different phases and stages of social development.
The necessary organic functions of society are studied in their several forms.
They are also regarded in their reciprocal relations and in their conjoint
action in successive forms of civilization. All systems are interpreted; no
ideal constitution is contemplated. The course is descriptive of processes by
which experienced results have been obtained, not speculative in advocacy
of theoretic dreams.

This class is dependent on notes for the Lectures, as no text-book exists or has been


Associate Professor Dabney.

General History.—In this class, which comprises the historical work required
for the B. A. degree, great stress is laid on the view that the career
of man, as revealed in History, is not a mere jumble of disconnected dates
and facts, but a continuous stream, having its sources and tributaries in the
far-off past, its outlet in the remote future. No attempt is made, however,
to traverse in the class-room the entire length of this stream; for, although
constant efforts are made to demonstrate the vital connection of nation with
nation, of generation with generation, and of anterior with ensuing conditions
of historical development, the lectures are confined to the more important
periods, the student being required to fill the gaps by private reading.


Page 20
The periods, and, therefore, the text-books studied, may be more or less
varied each year. Three lectures a week.

Text-Books.—Fisher's Outlines of Universal History; Abbott's Pericles and the
Golden Age of Athens; Froude's Cæsar; Capes's Age of the Antonines; Duruy's Middle
Ages; Seebohm's Era of the Protestant Revolution; Gardiner's Thirty Years' War;
Longman's Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War; Dabney's Causes of the
French Revolution; Morris's French Revolution and First Empire.

English and American History.—In this advanced class the principles
taught in the preceding course will be applied to a more special field;
and in order that the students may be encouraged to exercise independent
thought and judgment, they will be required to write essays on assigned
topics. Moreover, it should be distinctly understood that the text-books are
by no means regarded by the professor as infallible authorities. On the contrary,
some of them contain much that is emphatically rejected by him. And
yet such books may be exceedingly useful; for to educate a man is not to
stuff him full of cut-and-dried opinions, but rather to draw forth and develop
his own judgment by presenting to his mind opinions that oppose and even
clash violently with each other. With this end in view different text-books
are studied side by side, the professor giving his own views of each and encouraging
the students also to think for themselves. Graduates in General
History will derive most benefit from this course. It may be taken, however,
by others; and, as considerable attention will be paid to constitutional development,
students intending to study Law will find the course of advantage. Candidates
for the M. A. degree selecting History as one of their four subjects
must graduate both in this course and in the preceding. Three lectures a week.

Text-Books.—Gardiner's History of England; Green's Short History of the English
People; Gardiner's Atlas of English History; Percy Greg's History of the United States;
Thwaites's Colonies; Hart's Formation of the Union; Wilson's Division and Re-union;
Curry's Southern States of the American Union.

The Post-Graduate Course.—This course is designed for those students
who aim at the Ph. D. degree and expect to become professors of History.
A large amount of reading will be assigned, and frequent discussion of
important points will be held between student and professor. The aim will
be to cultivate the habit of original research; and, if History be the major
subject of a candidate for the doctorate, a dissertation embodying the fruits
of such research will be required.


Page 21


Professor Davis.

There are two classes arranged for two successive sessions.

The First Class studies during the first half-session, Deductive and Inductive
Logic; during the second half-session, Psychology. Three lectures
a week.

Text-Books.—The Professor's Elements of Deductive Logic, Elements of Inductive
Logic, Theory of Thought, and Elements of Psychology.

The Second Class studies during the first half-session, Ethics; during the
second half-session, Philosophy. Two lectures a week.

Text-Books.—The Professor's Essay in Ethics; Janet's La Morale; Lotze's Grundzüge
der Praktischen Philosophie; Paulsen's Introduction to Philosophy; Ueberweg's
History of Philosophy.