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Rvbbe, and A great Cast

Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman

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Epigram. 57. In Prodigum.

Poore Prodigus brags wheresoere he comes
How much hee hath consumed in his daies:
How many hundred pounds, no lesser summes:
Think'st Prodigus this can be for thy praise,
Thou, whose decline can neuer be redeemed
Of friends, of fortunes, eu'ry way defac'st,
An Irus now, though Cræssus late esteem'd:
Think'st thou the world takes notice what thou wast?
No, no, thou shalt be ballanc'st as thou art,
Mens minds are metamorphoz'd with thy meanes,
And want can alienate the truest heart,
And: Loe, (saith some one) how on vs hee leanes,
Perhaps hee thinks that wee will beare him out:
Hee sayes it too, perchance, that cost thee much:
The whilst thou bragst thou hast not spar'd to do't,
For him ere now, and twenty other such:
“When none but fooles would boast the bankrout ioy
Of Once wee flourssht; wee haue beene of Troy.