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Page 149


Admission to Advanced Standing.—For several years past, students
from other approved law schools have been privileged to apply for
advanced standing, upon passing a satisfactory entrance examination.
The experiment having proved unsatisfactory, hereafter no credit will
be given for attendance at another law school or for time spent in
private reading. The candidate for graduation must spend both the
Junior and Senior year in residence here.

Entrance Examinations.—No entrance examinations are held.

Special Students.—Students who can attend but a single session are
advised to take special courses, which the arrangement of the classes
readily permits. Overzealousness, by which an ambitious student is
beguiled into the assumption of more work than he can thoroughly
master in a single year, leads to cramming and inaccuracy, and often
to complete failure. With this admonition, the special student is free
to select his own work. The following course is suggested for students
who are not candidates for the degree:

First year classes 1, 3 and 4 (see page 138), and second year classes
8, 9 and 11; or, if the student has already had some legal training,
numbers 7 and 10 of the second year may be added. The first course
suggested would require 13½ hours, and the second 18 hours, of class-work
a week.

Late Entrance.—The work of the Law Department begins promptly
September 15, and continues until the middle of June. Students are
advised that late entrance is a serious hindrance to progress, though
the matriculation books are open throughout the session and it is
permissible to enter at any time. The course of study is arranged,
however, with a view to its being taken up at the beginning of the
session. The student who enters late must begin his work at the point
to which the course has advanced at the time of his entrance, and any
material loss of time by late entrance will disqualify him for graduation
the next year.

Seats in the Law Lecture-rooms are assigned in the order of matriculation.