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The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

Edited by Francis James Child.

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Young Hynhorn



Cromek's Select Scotish Songs, ii, 204.


Near Edinburgh was a young son born,
Hey lilelu an a how low lan
An his name it was called young Hyn Horn.
An it's hey down down deedle airo


Seven long years he served the king,
An it's a' for the sake of his daughter Jean.


The king an angry man was he;
He send young Hyn Horn to the sea.


An on his finger she put a ring.


‘When your ring turns pale and wan,
Then I'm in love wi another man.’


Upon a day he lookd at his ring,
It was as pale as anything.


He's left the sea, an he's come to the lan,
An there he met an auld beggar man.


‘What news, what news, my auld beggar man?
What news, what news, by sea or by lan?’


‘Nae news, nae news,’ the auld beggar said,
‘But the king's dochter Jean is going to be wed.’


‘Cast off, cast off thy auld beggar-weed,
An I'll gie thee my gude gray steed.’


When he cam to our guid king's yet,
He sought a glass o wine for young Hyn Horn's sake.


He drank out the wine, an he put in the ring,
An he bade them carry't to the king's dochter Jean.


‘O gat ye't by sea, or gat ye't by lan?
Or gat ye't aff a dead man's han?’


‘I gat na't by sea, I gat na't by lan,
But I gat it out of your own han.’


‘Go take away my bridal gown,
For I'll follow him frae town to town.’


‘Ye need na leave your bridal gown,
For I'll make ye ladie o' mony a town.’