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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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My Dear Friend

I mentioned in a late letter that I had. addressed
to your care a small box of books for the University.
I now enclose the Bill of lading. I enclosed also a
bill of lading for another box destined for Mr. W.
Hay. Will you be so good as to have it handed to
him? I paid two dollars for its freight from France
to this port, which he may repay to you. The money
you remitted by me to Col. Carrington having somewhat
exceeded the amount of his demand, the two
dollars may the more properly pass into your hands.

I have received no letter from you since your halt
at the Bolling Green. We hear that opinions are
various in Virginia on the plan of the Convention.
I have received, within a few days, a letter from the
Chancellor, by which I find that he gives it his


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approbation; and another from the President of William
and Mary, which, though it does not absolutely
reject the Constitution, criticises it pretty freely.
The newspapers in the Northern and Middle States
begin to teem with controversial publications. The
attacks seem to be principally levelled against the
organization of the Government, and the omission of
the provisions contended for in favor of the press,
and juries, &c. A new combatant, however, with
considerable address and plausibility, strikes at the
foundation. He represents the situation of the
United States to be such as to render any government
improper and impracticable which forms the
States into one nation, and is to operate directly
on the people. Judging from the newspapers, one
would suppose that the adversaries were the most
numerous and the most earnest. But there is no
other evidence that it is the fact. On the contrary,
we learn that the Assembly of New Hampshire,
which received the Constitution on the point of their
adjournment, were extremely pleased with it. All
the information from Massachusetts denotes a favorable
impression there. The Legislature of Connecticut
have unanimously recommended the choice of
a Convention in that State, and Mr. Baldwin, who is
just from the spot, informs me, that, from present
appearances, the opposition will be inconsiderable;
that the Assembly, if it depended on them, would
adopt the system almost unanimously; and that the
clergy and all the literary men are exerting themselves
in its favor. Rhode Island is divided; the


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majority being violently against it. The temper of
this State cannot yet be fully discerned. A strong
party is in favor of it. But they will probably be
outnumbered, if those whose numbers are not yet
known should take the opposite side. New Jersey
appears to be zealous. Meetings of the people in
different counties are declaring their approbation,
and instructing their representatives. There will
probably be a strong opposition in Pennsylvania.
The other side, however, continue to be sanguine.
Doctor Carroll, who came hither lately from Maryland,
tells me, that the public voice there appears at
present to be decidedly in favor of the Constitution.
Notwithstanding all these circumstances, I am far
from considering the public mind as fully known, or
finally settled on the subject. They amount only to
a strong presumption that the general sentiment in
the Eastern and Middle States is friendly to the proposed
system at this time.

Present me respectfully to Mrs. R. and accept the
most fervent wishes for your happiness, from your
affect. friend.