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or, Collins's Doggerel Dish Of All Sorts. Consisting of Songs Adapted to familiar Tunes, And which may be sung without the Chaunterpipe of an Italian Warbler, or the ravishing Accompaniments of Tweedle-Dum or Tweedle-Dee. Particularly those which have been most applauded in the author's once popular performance, call'd, The Brush. The Gallimaufry garnished with a variety of comic tales, quaint epigrams, whimsical epitaphs, &c. &c. [by John Collins]

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The Poet and the Prince, in Turn, have worn the Bays and Laurel,
And Fools, for Feathers in their Caps, will squabble, fight and quarrel,
But Fortune's Favorites while of Plumes and Coronets they vapour,
Was every Fool to wear a Cap, t'would raise the Price of Paper.
With a Row dow dow,
And That, you'll allow,
Is as good a Burden for a Song as Bow wow wow.
My Lord, when out of House and Home, the Law, for Debt, ejects him,
May boast that from Imprisonment his Privilege protects him,
But, stript of all, while thus he braves the Bailiff and the Setter,
He knows that Brag's a dashing Dog, but Holdfast is a better.
With a Row dow dow, &c.
Among the Sons of Sloth, you'll find this Maxim ever true, Sir,
That Satan soon sets them to Work who've Nothing to do, Sir,
But Wise Men shun a Sluggard's Path, as Jews will shun a Pork Shop,
Because too oft an Idler's Head is made the Devil's Workshop!
With a Row dow dow, &c.


When I was young, my dainty Dad, who wish'd me well the World through,
And saw how like a Whirligig I might be spinn'd and twirl'd too,
Says he, “If Loss of Time and Cash, you'd never wish to rue, Boy,
“Be sure to pocket safe your Watch, and watch you Pocket too, Boy.”
With a Row dow dow, &c.
And so, for Thrift, I turn'd my Coat, a good Turn when we're needy,
And then I got it turn'd again, because it look'd so seedy;
Which, when a Quiz was staring at, says I, “Don't make a Pother,
“'Tis even so,—but ‘One good Turn, you know, deserves another.”
With a Row dow dow, &c.
Now War's renew'd and Taxes rise, we all must post the Clinkum,
Though Knaves, to bilk the Income Tax, will swear they've got no Income,
But Peace again, by some good Turn, may come within our Grappling,
And all, I'm sure, will pray for That, except the Devil's Chaplain.
With a Row dow dow, &c,
When That returns, I care not who may roll in Pomp and Riches,
Give me a Heart that's light and tight and not quite empty Breeches,


And as to wish for Wealth or Pow'r, I'll ne'er be such a Ninny,
With Health of Body, Peace of Mind, a clean Shirt and a Guinea!
With a Row dow dow,
And That, you'll allow,
Is as good a Burden for a Song as Bow wow wow.