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[All vanitese forsake, if þou his lufe will fele]

All vanitese forsake, if þou his lufe will fele;
Þi hert til hym þou take, he kan it kepe sa wele.
Þe myrth na man may make, of god es ilk a dele.
Þi thoght lat it noght qwake, þi lufe lat it not kele.
Of synne þe bitternes, þou fle ay fast þerfra;
Þis worldes wikkednes, let it noght with þe ga.
þis erthly bisynes, þat wirkes men sa wa,
Þi lufe it wyll make lesse, if þou it with þe ta.
All we lufe sum thyng, þat knawyng hase of skyll,
And haues þer-in likyng, when it mai com̄ vs tyll.
For-þi do Crystes biddyng, & lufe hym as he wyll:
And with lufe þat hase na endyng þi hert he wil fulfyll.
Þai þat lufes fleschly, er lickend til þe swyne:
In fylth þai lat þaim ly: þaire fairehed wil þai tyne.
Þair luf partes porely, & putted es to pyne:
Swetter es luf gastly, þat never-mare wil dwyne.


If þou luf, whils þat þou may, þe keyng of maieste,
Þi wa wendes a-way, þi hele hyes to þe,
Þe nyght turnes in til day, þi ioy sall euer be;—
When þou ert as I þe say, I pray þe thynk on me.
Owre hedes sal we sett to-gydyr in heuen to dwell,
For þare þe gode ar mett, þat Cryste haldes fra hell.
When we owre synnes haue grett, þen tythans may we tell,
Þat we fra fer haues fett þe lufe þat nane may fell.
Þe world, cast it be-hynd, & say: “Ihesu my swete,
Fast in þi lufe me bynd, & gyf me grace to grete,
To lufe þe ouer al thyng: for ay to lufe I hete,
Þat I þi lufe may fynd, þat wele my bale may bete.
Wyth lufe wounde me with-in, & til þi lyght me lede;
þou make me clene of synne, þat I þe ded noght drede.
Als þou to saue man-kyn, sufferd þi sydes blede,
Gyf me wytt to wyn þe syght of þe to mede.”
His luf es trayst & trew, wha sa hym lufand ware;
Sen fyrst þat I it knew, hit keped me fra kare;
I fand it euer new to lere me goddes lare:
And now thar me not rew þat I haue sufferd sare.
In lufe þi hert þou hye, & fande to fell þe fende:
Þi dayes sal be vndregh, þat þe na sorow schende;
When þe dede neghes negh & þou sall hethen wende,
Þou sal hym se wyth hegh, and com̄ til Cryste þi frende.
Aforce þe forto fest in Cryst þi couaytyng,
And chese hym for þe best, he es þi weddyd keyng.
For ioy þi hert burd brest to haue swylk a swetyng;
Of al I hald it werst to luf another thyng.
His lufe es lyf of all þat wele lyuand may be:
Þou sted hym in þi stal, lat hym noght fra þe fle.
Ful sone he wil þe call,—þi setell es made for þe,—
And haue þe in his hall, euer his face to se.
Þis mede for þe I say, þat þou kyndel þi thoght
And make þe lufe verray, in hym þat þe hase wroght.
For al þat lufe hym may, & þai þar-of will noght,
Tyl pyne turnes þar play—þam-self hase it soght.
Syn þat es sa sowre, gyf it in þe na gyrth:
Of lufe take þe flowre, þat þou may layke þe wyth—
Swetter es þat sauowre þan any felde or freth.
Sett hym in þi sokowre þat lennes þe lym & lyth.


Take Ihesu in þi thynkyng, his lufe he will þe send;
Þi lufe & þi lykyng, in hym þou lat it lend.
And vse þe in praiyng, þar-in þou may be mend:
Swa þat þow hafe þi keyng in ioy with-owten endyng.

Section XIII is in prose, and has thus been omitted.

Expliciunt cantica diuini amoris secundum Ricardum Hampole.