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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir,

The arrival of R. H. Lee yesterday has made up
a Quorum of the Senate. A Quorum in the other
House was made on Wednesday last. The ballots
will be opened to-day, unless an indisposition of Mr.
Basset should prevent, which was not probable yesterday
afternoon. The notifications of the President
& Vice President will be left to the Senate. Mr.
Charles Thomson will be the messenger to the former.


Page 339

The papers will have made known that Mr. Mulenburg
was the choice of the Representatives for their
Speaker, & Mr. Beckley for their Clerk. The competitor
of the former was Mr. Trumbul who had a
respectable vote; of the latter Mr. S. Stockton, of new
Jersey, who, on the first ballot, had the same number
with Mr. Beckley.

A British Packet arrived some days ago, but has
not brought as far as I have learned, any public letters.
The other information brought has passed into
our Gazettes, and will have reached you thro' that

I am Dear Sir with the highest respect & attachment
Your Obedt & very hble Servt.

Your favor, inclosing a letter recd at Mount Vernon
for me has been duly received.