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Ðeah hine nu se yfela unrihtwisa
Neron cynincg niwan gescerpte
wlitegum wædum wundorlice,
golde geglengde and gimcynnum,
þeah he wæs on worulde witena gehwelcum


on his lifdagum lað and unweorð,
fierenfull. Hwæt, se feond swa ðeah
his diorlingas duguðum stepte.
Ne mæg ic þeah gehycgan hwy him on hige þorfte
a ðy sæl wesan; þeah hi sume hwile
gecure butan cræftum cyninga dysegast,
næron hy ðy weorðran witena ænegum.
Ðeah hine se dysega do to cyninge,
hu mæg þæt gesceadwis scealc gereccan
þæt he him ðy selra sie oððe þince?