A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
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![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |
Illvstr. VI.
[Svch pleasant Flowres, as here are shadow'd out]
When prosperous our Affaires doe growe;
God's Grace it is, that makes themso.
God's Grace it is, that makes themso.
Svch pleasant Flowres, as here are shadow'd out
(Full grown, well-trim'd, and strongly fenc'd about)
At first, perchance, had planting (where they stand)
And, husbanding, by some good Gard'ners hand:
But, when to perfect ripenesse, they are grown,
(And, spread forth leaves, and blossomes, fully blowne)
They draw it from the Vertue of the Sunne,
Which worketh, when the Gard'ners worke is done:
For, lost were all his Travaile, and his praise,
Vnlesse that Planet cheare them with his rayes.
(Full grown, well-trim'd, and strongly fenc'd about)
At first, perchance, had planting (where they stand)
And, husbanding, by some good Gard'ners hand:
But, when to perfect ripenesse, they are grown,
(And, spread forth leaves, and blossomes, fully blowne)
They draw it from the Vertue of the Sunne,
Which worketh, when the Gard'ners worke is done:
For, lost were all his Travaile, and his praise,
Vnlesse that Planet cheare them with his rayes.
In this our Pilgrimage, it fares with us
(In all our hopes, and all our labours) thus.
For, whatsoever bus'nesse wee intend,
On God, our good successes doe depend.
Our Hands may build; but, structures vaine we make,
Till God, to be Chiefe builder, undertake.
To wall a City, wee may beare the cost;
But, he must guard it, or, the Towne is lost:
The Plow-man useth diligence to sowe;
But, God must blesse it, or, no Corne will grow:
Yea, though Paul plant, and, though Apollo water,
They spend their sweat, upon a fruitlesse matter,
Till God from heaven, their labours please to blesse,
And crowne their travailes, with a good increase.
(In all our hopes, and all our labours) thus.
For, whatsoever bus'nesse wee intend,
On God, our good successes doe depend.
Our Hands may build; but, structures vaine we make,
Till God, to be Chiefe builder, undertake.
To wall a City, wee may beare the cost;
But, he must guard it, or, the Towne is lost:
The Plow-man useth diligence to sowe;
But, God must blesse it, or, no Corne will grow:
Yea, though Paul plant, and, though Apollo water,
They spend their sweat, upon a fruitlesse matter,
Till God from heaven, their labours please to blesse,
And crowne their travailes, with a good increase.
Let, therefore, those that flourish, like this Flowre,
(And, may be wither'd, e're another houre)
Give God the praise, for making of their Seeds
Bring forth sweet Flowres, that, else, had proved Weeds:
And, me despite not, though I thrive not so;
For, when, God pleaseth, I shall flourish too.
(And, may be wither'd, e're another houre)
Give God the praise, for making of their Seeds
Bring forth sweet Flowres, that, else, had proved Weeds:
And, me despite not, though I thrive not so;
For, when, God pleaseth, I shall flourish too.
![]() | A Collection of Emblemes | ![]() |