University of Virginia Library

Tuesday January 15th 1805.

Observed equal Altitudes of the ☉ with sextant and Glass artificial
horizon adjusted with a sperit level [43]

A.M.  8.  26.  32.  P. M.  —  —  — 
".  29.  14.  —  —  — 
".  32.  1.  1.  49.  46. 
Altitude given by the sextant at the time of obtn 26°.  6′  15″. 
Chronometer too slow on mean time  1.  1.  57.7 

Chronometer's daily rate of going, as deduced from this observation, and that of
the 22ed. of December 1804 is too slow on mean time 55s. 8.

☞I do not place much confidence in this observation in consequence
of loosing the observation of the Altitude of the ☉'s L. L. and
center P. M. and that [of] his U. L. was somewhat obscured by a
cloud. the weather was so could [cold] that I could not use-water as
the reflecting surface, and I was obliged to remove my glass horizon
from it's first adjustment lest the savages should pilfer it.


Not found in text of journal.—Ed.