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The Wolf and the Lamb Shall Feed Together
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The Wolf and the Lamb Shall Feed Together

The wolf, why heeds he not the sportive lamb,
But lies at rest beside him on the plain?
The lion feeds beside the browsing ram,
The tyger's rage is curbed without a chain;
The year of peace has on the earth begun!
And see ye not bestowed the promised sign,
The prophets by the spirit moved have sung,
To close the world's long strife with day benign?


Look not abroad, it comes not with the eye;
Nor can the ear its welcome tidings hear;
Nor seek ye Christ below, nor yet on high,
Behold the Word to thee is also near;
E'en at thy heart it speaks, Repent! Obey!
And thine eye too shall hail the rising day.
Poem No. 596; c. January 1839