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This course, which is required of students of civil, mechanical, and
electrical engineering, gives a fuller and more analytical treatment of
rational mechanics, and is extended to cover its application to thermodynamics
and the thermodynamical theory of heat engines, and to
hydrodynamics and the theory of hydraulic motors.

1. Analytical Mechanics.

The work of the first term consists of a course in Analytical
developed by the aid of the higher mathematical processes,
with especial reference to the dynamics of a particle and of a rigid
body. The laws of motion, force, and energy, already studied under
a more elementary aspect, are restated in the forms furnished by the
infinitesimal calculus, and applied to produce the general equations
of motion and equilibrium for the particle, for the material system,
for rigid bodies, and for elastic bodies. From these general equations
are developed the more interesting special problems of advanced
mechanics—the theories of projectile motion in vacuo and in air, of
planetary and other orbital motions, of the rotation of rigid bodies
about fixed axes, and fixed centres, of the potential and of attractions,
and of elastic equilibrium.

2. Thermodynamics.

During the second term the subject of Thermodynamics is studied.
The general equations of heat energy are established and are first
applied to the investigation of the thermal behavior of air and other
so-called permanent gases. The forms of the various thermal curves for
such gases are studied, the theories of the hot air engine, the compressed
air engine, and the air compressor are developed, and the
laws of efflux of air from orifices and through pipes are investigated.
The same methods are next applied to the study of steam and other
vapours, with particular reference to the theories of the steam engine
and the ice machine. The processes for tracing the heat losses in


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the various stages of the steam engine cycle are minutely studied, the
effects of jacketing, superheating, and compounding are analyzed, and
their results upon steam engine economy are exhibited. Practical
laboratory methods for determining the humidity of the steam, the
indicated power of the engine, the brake horse-power, the steam consumption,
and the rejected heat are developed and applied in actual
tests by the student. Finally the thermodynamic analysis is applied
to the internal combustion motor. The cycles of all forms which have
received successful practical development are minutely studied. The
methods for testing the available energy, the indicated and the useful
work of the actual gas engine, and the heat losses are explained, and
the use illustrated by experimental application.

3. Hydrodynamics.

A course in Hydrodynamics constitutes the work of the last term.
The principles of hydrostatics are first restated in more comprehensive
form. The general equations of fluid motion are then developed
in their classical forms, and applied to investigate the more interesting
cases of irrotational, wave and vortex motion. The fundamental
principles of hydraulics are next established and the laws of flow
from orifices, notches, nozzles, pipes, and canals are studied, with
due regard to the data of experiment and the conditions of practice.
Finally the laws of impact and reaction between fluids and solids
are studied, the rules of construction and operation of water pressure
engines, water wheels, turbines, centrifugal pumps and reciprocating
pumps are developed, and the results obtained are applied to the
problems of utilizing natural water powers and designing hydraulic