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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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My dear friend,

This is the first convenient opportunity I have had
for dropping you a line since I last came into the
State. Your sanction to my remaining in N. York
during the crisis of the elections, conveyed through
Col. Carrington, never came to hand till I had arrived
in Orange. It coincided so fully with my


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inclination, and indeed with my judgment, that had
it been received in due time, I do not know but I
should have disregarded all the pressing exhortations
which stood opposed to your opinion. I am persuaded
however that my appearance in the district
was more necessary to my election than you then
calculated. In truth it has been evinced by the
experiment, that my absence would have left a room
for the calumnies of antifederal partizans which
would have defeated much better pretensions than
mine. In Culpeper which was the critical County, a
continued attention was necessary to repel the multiplied
fasehoods which circulated. Whether I ought
to be satisfied or displeased with my success, I shall
hereafter be more able to judge. My present anticipations
are not flattering. I see on the lists of Representatives
a very scanty proportion who will share
in the drudgery of business. And I foresee contentions
first between federal and antifederal parties,
and then between Northern & Southern Parties,
which give additional disagreeableness to the prospect.
Should the State Elections give an antifederal
colour to the Legislatures, which from causes not
antifederal in the people, may well happen, difficulties
will again start up in this quarter, which may
have a still more serious aspect on the Congressional

In my last or one of my last letters was inclosed a
Quere from Mr. St. John the French Consul at New
York, relating to the law here which regulates the
recording of deeds &c. As I shall on my return be


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applied to for an answer, I will thank you for the
proper one as soon as your leisure will allow.

I shall go on from this tomorrow. On my arrival
I shall attend as far as I can to whatever may deserve
your perusal. Besides the private satisfaction
which I shall have in the continuance of our correspondence,
I promise myself the benefit of ytmr suggestions
on public subjects.

Present me respectfully to Mrs. R. and rely on the
Affection with which I remain, Yrs truly.

As your neighborhood gives you frequent interviews
with the Presidt of Wm & Mary, remind him
of my best regards for him.