Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others
of the family | ||
“What a to-do they make about treating the slaves
bad at the south!” said Mrs. Partington; and everybody
strained their ears to catch an opinion that perhaps was
fraught with the destiny of millions. There was a slight
tremor in her voice, a sort of rumbling before the
“bustin” of the volcano, and her eye looked troubled
as a lake by a fitful gust. “What a to-do they do make
about it, to be sure! But some of our folks don't do much
better. I know a poor old colored man here in Boston
that they treat jest like a nigger. People a'n't no better
than scribes, pharisees, and hippogriffs, that say one thing
and do another.”
There is truth in thy remarks, O, most estimable Mrs.
P.! Our philanthropy, we fear, if weighed in the just
balance, would be found often sadly wanting.
Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others
of the family | ||