University of Virginia Library



Ande sene sum thinge is sad here
of paule, þat was peteris fere,
of hym mare ȝet will I tell,
before his deid as hym befell.
sone eftir his conuersione
and þe gret persecucione,
as accordis hillarius,
In schorth spech sayand þus:
“In philippis, with wandis sar,
he wes firste doungyne, & syn þare
presonyt and put in stokis,
and eftere þat vndir gret lokkis
stanyt, and in exoma
tholit panis syndry alsa;
In thesalunuca als he
tholit rycht gret perplexite;
In epheso als wes he gewine
till wilde bestis, till hym haf rewine;
and in damase at-oure þe wall
In a creile he wes latin fall;
and in Ierusalem he wes bofte,
spyit, waitit, and bundyn ofte;
and eftere in sesaria
bundyne, and tholit panis ma;
and sailand in Italy
In parelis wes he stad sindry;


and eftir, quhen he come to rome,
wndir fell nero tholit dowme,
and ded wes,” sais yllarius,
þat his story writtis till ws;
sayand of hym, þat firste quhen he
beguth appostill fore to be,
he heilyt hym þat crepil wes,
and restorit Patroclase;
a serpent als, callit wipera,
þat of venim fillit is sa
þat quham it bittis, it mon be ded,
þar agane is no remed;
and þat serpent bate his hand
of vituryne in-to þe land,
and he in þe fyre but schathe
fra hym [it] keste, or ony wath.
opunionis als syndry are
of petir and paule, quha wes mar;
bot paule wes les in his degre,
and in sum oþir mar wes he,
and als in-to sum othir thinge
he wes to petir as ewelinge;
for paule wes lese of dingnite,
bot in-to prechinge mare wes he;
and, gyfe we say suthtfastnes,
In lyk þai ware in halynes.
aymo recordis In his saw,
þat paule ay, fra þe cok craw
to þe fyfte our of þe day,
quhare-euir he wes, þis oysit ay,
with his handis to be wirkand,
and to þe nycht syne ay prechand,
And all þe lawe spendyt but were
In fude, In slepe, and in prayer.
Ierome ws sais in his lessone,


þat paule, fra cristis passione
ewene þe fyfe and twenty ȝere,
and of nero þe toþir, bwte were,
festus hym send bundyn to rome,
and nero hym gert þar be done
In fre presone, quhare twa ȝer ay
he liffit, In prechinge ilkaday
a-gane þe Iowis; and syne nero
In þe weste partis has lattyn hym go,
and prechit þare in landis sere,
till of nero þe thratten ȝere.
þat tyme of his religione,
and of his wisdome, ran sic renown,
sa þat all wonderit war but were
his ferly warkis þat mycht here.
als sic grace þat tym he had,
þat feile to hym war frendis mad,
þat war to nero Rycht prewe,
þat he gert trew and baptiste be;
and ȝete, quhen to nero cesar
of his pystilis sum rede war,
he wald commende þam, þocht þat he
vas fillit of all cruelte.
IT fel þat in a tyme paule
prechit furth þe heile of sawle,
and for to here hym wes sik prese,
þat fawt of rowme gret þar wes.
for-þi, a man clymit on hycht
to her hym, at patroclas hecht,
and till his word tuk sik kepe,
till he wes Irk and fel one slepe;
and slepand sa he deit þare,
quham for mony mad grete care.
and to nero þis patroclas


sa luffit, and sa speciale wes,
þat of þe cowp he seruit hym ay.
ȝet þan, quhen nero hard say
þat his seruand sa wes dede,
ane wthire he tuk in his stede.
bot paule gert bringe hym son þar,
and raisit hym befor al þat war þar,
and to nero send hym ine hy,
þat for his dede wes rycht aungry.
and, quhene he schaw hym þat wes dede
stand before hym in þat stede,
he dred, and sad: “liffis þu?”
and he sad: “nero, I luff now.”
“and quha has gert þe luf?” and he
sad: “Ihesu criste of nazaree,
of all þis warld lord a[nd] syre.”
and nero þane in gret Ire
sad: “sall he reinge and sa weld all?”
quod patroclas: “ȝey, þat he sall.”
þane nero hym in gret Ire strak,
“and serwis þu þat kinge, I wat!”
“ȝa,” sad he, “þat kinge serwe I,
þat raisit me sa mychtyly.”
þan fyfe of his maste prewe men
reprewit nero, sayand þane:
“to strik þis man, sir, ȝe misdo,
þat suthfastly spekis ȝow to;
fore to þat ilke mychty kinge
we sall serwe in-till al thinge.”
and quhene nero þat has hard,
as wod of wit nere he ferd,
and þame, he had in affeccione
maste, he gerte þare presone;
and besyly gert sek all þai,
þat cristine fath before can ta,


and torment þame with panyss sere.
þan with vthir paule can apere,
bundyn, to quham nero can say:
“and þu man of cristine fay,
þat þis bundyn is brocht me till
as mychty kinge, agane þi will,
and callis þe seruand to þat kinge,
þat may þe helpe ine alkine thinge,
my knychtis þu drawis fra me
falsly to þi trewtht and þe?”
and he sad: “nocht anerly
goddis knychtis fra þe draw I,
bot of all þe warld hale
I draw; fore to þame myn kinge sal
gyf sic reward þat ma nocht cese,
and sal exclude all wrechitnese.
and he [þe] same sall do to þe,
gywe þu to hym will subiet be.
for he is Iuge of sa gret mycht,
þat of all thinge he sall do rycht,
and of þis warld þe figur hale,
quhen [he] sall deme, vndo he sall
throw fyre.” And quhen paule sad sa,
Nero of wit ner cuth ga,
quhene he harde þis warld be fyre
suld losit be. Þane in gret Ire
all cristine, þat [in] pressone ware,
he gert bringe furth, & brin rycht þare.
and paule, as for hurte maieste,
syne eftir bad hedit suld be.
þe folk of rowme, þat saw swa
he gerte but resone sa mony sla,
Raisit in hym sedicione,
and wald have brokyn his palace done.
þane þe leile folk be-gan to cry:
“nero, mesure þi gret foly,


and sla na man fore-owt sake,
þat fore þe realme defens suld mak!”
Nero, þat was þan sum part rade,
couertly to his men he bad
þat nane suld noy crist[i]ne mare,
till he forthyre awisit ware,
and þane leit paule a quhill ga.
bot eftir sone þai can hym ta,
and hyme to nero browcht in hy.
and quhene he saw hym, he can cry:
“belyve! ger do þis wik away,
and hed hym but mare delay,
þat changis men owt of þare wit,
and gerris þam fra þar lordis flit,
wifis and concubins alswa
till his ryte takis ser men fra,
and changis menis wit, at þai
wat nocht quhat þai [do] na say.”
þane sad paule: “nero, wit þu
þat schorte tyme I sall tholl now,
bot lestely I sall luf sine
with my lord Ihesu withowtyn fyne.”
þan Nero bad “hed hym in hy,
þat he kene me mare mychty,
þat hym ma sla, þan is his kinge,
quham of he makis sic awantinge!
and eftir sone sal we se,
gyf he but end sall liffand be.”
þane sad paule: “to mak þe wyse,
quhene myn hewid of strekine is
befor þine eyne, þu sal [me] se,
and kene þat I quhyk sall be;
fore myn lord is kinge of lyfe,
and nocht of ded na ȝete of stryfe.”
to thre knychttis þane wes he tawcht,


þat hym to sla son has lacht,
þe quhilkis ledand hym þe way,
praide hym ȝarne he wald þam sa[y],
quha wes þe kinge he luffit sa,
for quham he dred nocht ded to ta.
þane paule þam prechit be þe way
of criste, his kinge, gret nobillay,
of his gret Ioy, and of his ryk,
þat euire lestis in to lyk,
and of þe panis fers and fell,
þat þai sall hawe þat ar in hell.
and þis he has þai knychttis taucht,
and þai all thre oure treutht laucht.
þane þai prait, he wald ga
quhare sa hym leste, and pas þam fra.
bot he sad: “I will nocht tak flicht;
for I am cristis lauchtful knycht,
þat eftire þis lyfe transitore
euire-lestand lyfe is me before.
and for takine ȝe sall trew
þe thinge I say till ȝow now:
lele men sall cum, quhen I am slane,
and ber myn corse away with þame.
and takis tent quhare þai it lay,
and besyd it to morne ȝe se may
twa men stannand besyd it prayand,
titum and lucam, god lowand;
and at þame spere but mare
þe cause quhy I gert ȝou cum þare,
and þai sall baptis ȝow, and mak
habile cristis kinrik to tak.”
and as þai furth farand ware,
nero send twa knychttis to spere,
gywe ȝet wes sa slane sanct paule,
quham to conuert he paynyt hym all;


bot þai till hym sad: “quhene we
haf þe slane and liffand se,
full trewly þane sall we trew
In hym, quham of þu prechis now;
bot sped þe now, and tak þi med
þat þu has servit fore ill dede!”
and as þai led hym furth þe gat,
he met, in hostientis ȝete,
a woman þat gret dule can may,
and till hyre name had p[l]ancilla,
þat of gud lyfe wes and clene,
and to petir printeis had bene,
to quham gretand paule can mele:
“fare well, dowchtir of lestand hele!
lene [me] þi curch to heile me,
till þat myn hewid of strikin be,
and þu sall haf it in schort space.”
þane schow lent it, at drery wase.
þe baser sad, schow wes vode,
þat lente to hym a clath sa gud,
þat wes sa slichty a creatour.
þane þai hym led furth in þat houre
to þe place of his passione,
quhare he one kneis set rycht downe,
and to þe est his handis vphelde,
and prait to hym at all can welde.
In þat sted, gretand rycht sare,
tuk leife [he] at his brethir þare,
and with þe querch [he] hid his face;
and sone wes hedit in þat place.
and quhen þe hewid strickine wes away,
in ebrow clerly cane it say
of Ihesu criste, þat all mycht here,
þat in þat place stud far or nere.
and of his hals firste milk out ran,
þe knychtis clathis þat smyttit þan;


and syne rede blud, and in þe ayr
wes clernes sene grete and fare;
and of þe cors com swet sawoure,
þat lestit langare þane ane howr.
and with his handis in his blud
he wet þe querch þat wes gud,
and It, be grete merakill and mycht,
wnpersawit of manis sicht,
gaff it a-gane to p[l]ancilla.
and as þe basare hame cane ga,
at hym besily cane schow spere,
quhare he lewit hire master dere.
quod he: “in þe wale of comptone,
I haf hym lefte beowt þe towne,
and his face with þi wempill bundyn,
I tel þe wel, he sall be fundyn.”
quod schow: “it is nocht sa.”
þane of hir bosum can scho ta
þe bludy clath, and schew to hym,
and sad: “at þe ȝat now com þai In,
petir and paule, in clathis schenand,
far cronis one þar hew[d]is berand,
and paule myn querche gaf to me
all bludy, as þu now ma se.”
þane for þis ferly mony ane
Richt þane þe cristine treutht has tane.
and quhene nero þis herd had,
he wex sone abaysit and rad,
and with wismen þare-of had spek,
and with his othire frendis eke.
In-to his chawmer maste prewe,
wele closit, quhare sic spek suld be,
paule apperit to nero cesare,
and sad sic wordis in þat sithar:
“be-hald and se, I am nocht dede,


bot lestand lyf in hewine I led.
and, waful wrech, I sa þe now,
þat lestand ded de sall þu,
for cristis folk þat þu has slane
full cruelly and put to pane.”
and þar-with wanyste he away,
and lewit nero in sic effray,
þat he of wit ner can gay.
bot his frendis consalit hym swa,
þat he deliuerit patroclas
Out of presone, and barnabas
And mony othire losit he
out of presone, and mad þam fre.
þe knychttis, þat can hym conway
to de, quhen þat he tuk þe way,
callit longynus and cestus,
and þar thred fer, maiestus,
one þe morne weil ayrly
com to þe grawe, quhare he suld ly;
and luk and tytum þare þai fand
deuotly at þar prayer stand,
and paule in myddis of þe twa.
and luk and titus war fleit sa,
þai sad knychtis fra þat þai
saw cum, þai war bowne to fle away.
and þe knychttis sad þame ful rath:
“abidis! we will do ȝow na schath;
for we cum nocht to do ȝow ill;
bot to be baptist at ȝoure will,
as paule bad vs þat gerte ws trew,
þe quhilk we saw her with ȝou now.”
and quhen þat lucas and titus
had herde þe knychttis sa þam þus,
þai turnyt agane with Ioyfull fare,
and þane baptiste þe knychttis þare.


Sanct paulis hed eftir his discese
In a depe vewar warpit was,
quhare sa mony vthir war flungyne,
þat [it] was lange or it was fundyne.
bot quhene þat fowrty ȝer war gane,
þe men þar by purposs has tane
to dry þe stank; and sa þai did.
and paulis hed, þat þar wes hyd
a-mange þe lafe, a hyrd has tane
one his staf end, or euir he fane.
þe hewid, at fresche wes and nocht alde,
he set it vpe besid his falde,
quhare þat he wok his fe one nycht;
and thre nichttis he saw gret lycht
a-beowe þat heid þan, þat gert he
his lord cum and it se.
to þe bischope þan þai twa
þis tale has tald, and oþir ma.
þe bischop sad þan, be his sawle,
þis is þe hed of sanct paule!
and went one in processione,
and browcht it with hym to þe towne,
In þe kirk befor þe altere
lad it, fresche as it wes eyre.
his body þane vnhelit þai,
þat sa lange had lyne in clay,
and fand it alswa fresche & gren,
as it þat day grawin had bene.
þan dressit þai entent and will
þe hed to set þe body till.
and it hapnyt in þe sythar
þe patriarch for to cum þare,
þat sad: “lordis, ȝe suld wele ken,
þat here slane has bene mony men,
Of quham þe hedis in placis sere


ar scalyt; for-thy it is in wer
gyff þis be paulis hewid or nocht.
for-þi to do þis, hafe I thowcht:
þis hewid ewene at his fet to lay,
and syne dewotly to god to pray,
sant paulis hewid gyf þat it be,
þat þis body, þat we ma se,
turne till it and till It knet,
þe suthfastnes at we ma wyt.”
till all it likit þat he sad.
þe hevid þan to þe fete þai lad;
and, seand all þis grete ferly,
a-bowt turnyt þe ded body,
and with þe hewid sic festening mad,
rycht as þai neuire departit had.
þane lofit þai god of his gret mycht,
þat schew [it] þame sa þe suth be sycht;
and sone with worschipe þe body
þai enclusit full reuerendly.
llange efter þis, quhen pape cornel
þe sege of rowme gouernyt wele,
quhare gret religione wes þane,
fra owt of grece com mony men
to rowme, and stall a-way be nycht
þe twa bodis of mekill mycht
of petir and paule, fra quhare þai lay;
and with þame wald hawe gan a-way,
bot fendis, þat in ydolis ware,
throw goddis vertu he can rare
agane þar will: “men of rome, now
helpe! ȝour goddis ar tane fra ȝow.”
þan þai of rome wittinge had
þat sic nois and cryis wes mad
for þe appostulis; and for-thy
gret multitud gadderit in hy,


and þame of grece folowit so faste,
till þai for rednase done can caste
In-till a dyk, ner by þe place
þat catakumba callit wes,
þat worthy tresour but delay,
and war richt fane to fle a-way.
fra þine þire banis men has tane.
for þai na weste quhilk wes ane,
na quhilk vthir of þe twa,
for-þi þare prayere can þai may,
with dewote fastinge and wak,
þat god wyss þame wald make
peteris banis quhilk war of þai,
and quhilk war pa[u]lis banis alsa.
and fra hewine wes þam tawcht,
þe mar banis þe prechour awcht,
and þe les als but wer
war þe banis of þe feschere.
and sa þe banis þai bad parte,
and in a kirk lad a parte,
and [in] a[ne] vthire parte lad þai.
þar ar þai honorit to þis day.
And men sais þat siluester,
Ȝarnand of þis to be wisere,
quhen hallowit war þir kirkis twa
he gerte agane þir banis ta,
and with a balance and nomar
þai banis he departit þare;
and in a kirk has he downe
ane halfe, and ane wthir sone
In ane wthir reuerently,
till domyseday quhar þat þa ly.
a, Rowme, þu aucht blitht to be,
þat had sic techare to kene þe
Cristis ewangell; first, quhen þu


wes mastres of errour; and now
discippil mad of suthfastnes!
þai ar þi frendis neuir-þe-lese,
sut[h]faste hirdis, þat has þe
playntit in hewine reme to be
bettir and happliare.
and þai, þi firste faderis war,
of þe quhilk [he þat] firste rit þe,
gafe þe name and fowndit to be,
throw browthir slawchtir can þe file;
þat wes gret wikitnes and will.
þa ar þai sa helit þe,
þat þu art digne callit to be
now haly folk and pepill chosyn,
as gud þat fra ill ar losine.
of kinge and presthed þe gud citte
þu art callit, worthy to be
mychtyare throw religione
þan wardly dominacione.
þis þu throw mycht of empriour,
has hyit bene to gret honour;
Ȝet cristine throw þe mar availis
þan victory of gret batalis;
for ma now cumis to þe,
throw þi patrons helpyne to be,
þan euir ȝet come of victory
to þe, or of þi chewalry.
for-þi suld þu gret Ioy may
of sic hirdis and fadderis twa,
throw [quhom] all crist[i]ne honouris þe
as hevyde of al cristianite.
Now folowis in þis processe,
how þat sante paul conuertit was,
þat conuertit þe sammyn ȝere


þat criste tholit for ws here,
and þat sammyne ȝere with-all
þat stewene stanit ded can fall.
bot criste tholit of fre will
þe aucht kalente of Aprill.
þe thred day of august þat ȝer
sante stewene wes slane without wer.
of februare þe aucht kalend,
or þat ȝere come till hend,
god of his grace conuertit sawle,
and [mad] of hyme þe prechour paule.
and þir ar resonis thre, for quhy
haly kirk now commonly
of his conuersione mais feste.
and low þe firste, þat is nocht leste,
þat na mane for grewous syne
sal disparit be pardone to wyne,
considerande quhou þat paul was
gilty, and ȝet wane goddis grace.
þe tothir is, þe grete blythnese
kirk had efter sorowfulnese,
as he, þat firste wes cristis fa,
and in thra will his men can sla,
become to þame sic frend, þat he
for þame dred nocht for to de,
na lewit nocht for manis blame
to preche of criste þe haly name.
þar-for, quhow he conuertit wes
I sall tell her, mare na les.
quhene Iowis mad þame bowne
To dinge sante stewyn with stanis done,
þar clathis by paulis fet kest þay.
Ȝet stewene for þame euir can pray,
bot it mowcht nocht on þame lycht
for þar gret wikitnese and plycht.


Ȝet wald nocht god his prayer
war in wane in þat sythtware,
bot þe meryt of It gerte he
In felone paule translatit be;
for he schupe þam all to schame,
þat euir trowit in cristis name,
for-þi he sped hym rycht gud spede
to þe preste of þar presthede,
and purc[h]aste lettris, and can pase
to þe gret cite of damase,
to sper gyf he ony þar
mycht fynd, þat in criste trowand war,
to bring þame to Ierusalem
faste bundyn, wemene and mene,
martirdome to thole þare,
for þai trewit in sic lare.
Þan went he furth son in hy,
with sere men in-to company.
and as he went ewine furth rycht,
fra hewine schane don a mekil lycht,
and vmlappyt hym son all;
and he with þat to ȝerd can fall.
and as he at þe ȝerde lay,
he herd a voice to hym say:
“saule, saule, quhy warrais þou me?
for is it nocht hard to þe
agane þe brod þu for to prese?”
þane askit he, þat lyand was:
“quhat art þu, lord?” sad he in hy.
“Ihesu of nazareth,” he sad, “am I
þat þu warrays, þat is to say,
all þat trowis in myn lay.
bot ryse and gange in þe citte,
and þar it sall be sad to þe


quhat þu sal do.” And þar withal
þe men, þat with hym war, al
stud abaysit in þe way;
for þat voyce þai þar hard say,
and þai saw na liffand man.
bot saule, þat fra þe ȝerd vpwan,
with flesly ewine he na se mocht,
for he had bene lang blynd in thocht.
þane þai, þat war in company,
be þe handis hym tuk in hy,
ande led hym furth in-[to] damasse.
and þare he thre dais fullely was
bot met na drink, na myicht nocht se.
men trowis, [that] at þat tyme he
was tawcht wele be þe hali gast
þe ewangele þat hym likit beste,
as he to þame of galathas
sais, no man his master was,
na of nane had he techinge,
bot of Ihesu throw his schewinge.
In þat towne wes a lele man sted,
þat ananyas to name had,
to quhowme god sad in visione:
“ananias, ryse, mak þe bowne,
and of þis towne pase til a rew,
quhare þat Iuda dwellis now,
and sek ane saule till his name,
þat beris of tharse till his sorname;
for, lo, he prais, I say þe.”
to god agane þis answerit he:
“and I haf herd fele gud men say,
at þat man has done gret il ay
to þame, þat ar to þe lele men
In þe towne of ierusalem,


and for þat cause is cumin hiddyr,
to gaddir sik men all togiddir,
to haf þam to þe forsad towne,
for þi sak to thole passione.”
quod god: “til hym gang, I byd þe,
for he weschele is to me
chosine, for to bere myn name,
forowut dowt of manis blame,
before kingis and folkis fell,
and to þe sonnis of israell;
fore I hafe schawit hym quhat he
mone thole for þe sayk of me.
for I haf mad of felone sawle
a leile prechour, and callit is paule,
and of a felone wolf eke
a lame I haf mad hym mek.”
but mar þan passit anany
to þe howse of Iuda in hy,
and one paule his handis lad,
and, as god bad hym, þus he sad:
“paule, bruthir, god Ihesu send me,
þat in þe get apperit to þe,
þat þu þi sicht ma hafe in haste,
and be fillit of þe haly gaste.”
And with þat word fel fra his ene
mirknes, as þa skalis had bene,
and he þat sicht þane gat, and rase,
and anany hym baptiste has.
and he tuk mete, and confourt had,
and þar with discipulis abad
a quhyle, þat war in-to damase;
and syne to synagogis cane pase
and prechit Ihesu criste alsone,
sayand þat he wes goddis son.
þan all þat harde, wondir hade,
and sik spech of hym þai mad:


“Is nocht þis he, þat all þe men
werrayt in Ierusalem,
þat euir callit one cristis name,
and now to prech it has na scham,
and for þat cause com her to fynd
sic cristine folk, and þame to bynd,
and to ierusalem þame to led
to þe prince of our presthed?”
and ay þe mar þat þai sad þat,
þe fer mare he his strinthis gat,
and schamyt faste þe Iowis fele,
þat in-to damase þan can dwell,
affermand ay þat Criste Ihesu
wes goddis sone in for to trow.
and þan þe name of felone sawle
wes turnyt in to prechore paule,
þat all þe warld be lycht of preching
to þe suthfaste trewcht can bringe.
off petir and paule haf ȝe hard,
and how þat nero with þam ferde,
and how þat þai for criste war slane.
now will I tell [ȝu] of þe payne
þat nero tholit, as was skill,
for tyranny and dedis ill.
and þocht it be ypocrifa,
I will be-gyne at seneca,
þat to nero, þat tyran kene,
In all tyme had master bene,
and techit hym full mekil wit,
þocht þat he na folowt it.
þis nero worthit ay of ned,
throw o custum of his barnehed,
ryse ay quhen his master com nere,


aganis his will þocht it war,
And do hym reuerence; and for-þi
It missat hym grettumly.
and als þis senek forthirward
for his trawell asskit reward;
bot nero, as a wekit man,
has fundin ane enchesone þane,
þat it ganyt nocht þe emprioure
til do till ony mane honoure.
and for hym worth[it] honour do
til seneca, he sad hym to,
þat he suld chese quhat kind of tre
hym lykit one to hangit be;
vthir reward he suld hawe nan.
þan sad seneca, makand mayne,
for myse, or for quhat cause he
sa to dede suld put be.
þane nero, þis wekit fowle,
gert set his mastere on a stule,
and owth his hevid sittand þar
brandiste a brand þat scharply schar.
and quhen he saw hym sa sted,
for þe scharpe sword ay ves he rad,
and with þe hewid wald eschow,
þan sad nero: “quhare for now
bowis þu þi hed for dowt of sword?”
þane seneca sad hym þis word:
“for I ame a man in dowt sted,
and nedly fore dede mon be red.”
quod nero: “I am ay red for þe
as I a barne wes wont to be;
þar-for wit þu þat in radnes
I ma nocht luf in hartly es,
till þat þou luffis.” þan seneca
sad hym: “sene I ded mon ta,


I ask for reward and med,
þat þu will tholl me to bled
In a bath of myn armis twa,
þat I þe ded ma softly ta.”
þane sad nero: “se, þat be downe
swith, for þu sall dee alsone!”
þane seneca in þe bath
leit hym-selfe blud of armis bath,
and bled to ded. Ȝet summan sais
þat he deit all wthir wais,
as of a fellone poyssone,
myngit and mad be tresone;
bot quhedir sa suld be na strife,
for nero gert hym lose þe lyf.
syne eftir þis nero wes brocht
In sa mekill wodnes of thocht,
þat he his awne modir gert sla,
suppos fele þar-of wes wa,
for nedly he wald se þe place,
quhare-in he consawit wes,
and all þe tothir instrumentis
he gert vnhele in his presence.
and ay as men war hyr scherand
þai prewetes, and scho murnand,
he had gret ese of hyr hard pyn,
and blythtly bad bringe hym þe wyn.
and with his modir þus he ferde,
for, passand þe towne throw, he herd
a womane with barne traweland
ful pituysly, and sar granand;
for-þi he thowcht þat he wald se
ye cause of hyr Infirmyte
In his awne modir, and nane ellis,
but pety, as þe story tellis.


and sum, þat war till hym prewe,
seand his gret Iniquite,
sperit at hym, quhy he did sa
fellely his awne modir to sla;
for, gyf he wit quhat wa þat scho
for hym tholyt, he suld nocht þat do:
“for is na payne, we wele þe warne,
In life sa gret as to ber barne;
and law warnis, and lofe forbedis,
þat ony chyld, þe modir fedis,
suld defowle þe modir þat hym fed
of hir wame in þe preue sted.”
þe tyrand þan can to þam say,
þat he wald be hym-selfe assay
how hard panis, ore how sar
his modir tholit, þat hym bare.
mony medicinar[is] for-þi,
and masteris in philosophy
rycht awful þan can [he] warne,
þat þai suld mak hym with barne.
sad þai, Inpossible thinge
was til do his ȝarnynge,
for natur tholyt it nocht to be done.
þane to þame sad he sone,
bot þai did It, þai suld de.
þan þai, þat wyse war and sle,
but persawinge sudandly
a padok gert hym drink in hy,
and syne throw thar suttellite
In his wame gert it fosterit be,
þat his wame bolnyt ner and rafe,
a-ganis kynd for þat he strafe.
bot þai fosterit hym neuir-þe-lese
with sic dietis, as cordand wes
for þe padok, and sad, sic fowd


was for his barne and hym gud.
his breth hym grewit mar & mare,
and he, þat mycht nocht thole sic sare,
sad til his medicinaris, þat he
wald of his barne deliuerit be,
for he mycht nocht leste in lyff
In sik panys and sic striff.
for-þi he sad he suld þame sla,
bot þai hym losyt of syk wa.
þane ordanyt þai a poton,
to ger hym caste owt þat poysson,
þat hym handlit sa faste,
till a fowle padow at þe laste
he keste, þat wes laythe to se.
þan at his mastere askit he,
quhar-for his birth wes sa wile,
sa foule, and sa horribyle.
þan ansuerte þai, be-cause at he
a-gane kind wald deliuerit be.
þan sperit he rycht besyly,
gyf þat he wes sa wgly
quhen he wes borne; and þa sad, “ȝa.”
þat vgly padok þan gert he ta,
and in a towre of stane gert he
It besyli fosterit be,
till at it liffit; and it wox sa,
till þai, þat war wele far it fra,
micht her it ȝele a wel far way.
for-thi þat place callit þai
laterent, quhare ful gret pardone
Is now in rowme, and deuocione.
and in ekine of his mysded,
It hapnyt nero for to red
of troy þe gret distruccione,
at quhylum wes sa far a towne,


and syne wes brynt halely.
of swilk fyr he had ferly,
þat wes sa gret and lang lestand.
for-þi þe tyrand tuk on hand
for to byrne þe gret cite
of rome, sic a fyr to se
as was þe fellone fyr of troy,
In yll þe tyrand had sic Ioy.
þan tyrandis he callit hym till,
and, his wikitnes to fulfill,
bad þame in all þe partis of rome
set fyre at anis but ony howne,
þat he mycht stand his towr In,
and se all to-geidir byrne.
þane þai cuth son; fulfill
of þat tyrand þe wikit will,
and, hym sa till emplece,
þai gert rowme bryn vpe in a bles;
and Ithandly it brint sewin dais
but cessinge, as þe story sais.
and all þat tyme owt of his towre
þe fyr beheld þat fell tratowr,
and sad, It wes þe farrest fyre
þat euir he saw, sene he wes syr.
and of þis tyrand sais þe buk,
with goldine nettis he fesche tuk;
and of þe syngyne als cuth he mar
þane all þe me[n]stralis at þat tym war;
and he as wyff wald wedit be
wmquhill to man, and quhyll walde he
tak hym a man in sted of wyff.
of þis tyrand sic wes þe lyff.
and ȝet, amang ill dedis ma,
his awne brethir he gert sla.
als he slew petir and paule,


till eke þe tynsale of his sawle,
and [did] fell vthire Ill dedis fer,
þat war lange to rekine her.
þe men of rowme ful noyt wes
of his foly and his wodnes,
and thowcht to thole hym no mar,
na till his fellony mar to spar,
bot erar thocht hym to sla.
quhane he persawit it wes swa,
[he] fled allane owt of þe towne,
willand in wastine vpe and done,
and fand a tre, and it schapit
with his tetht, and syne on; It
slewit hym-self rycht to þe hart,
and offerit to þe fend þat mart.
bot it is red in wthir place
þat, in a wod as he wandrand was,
wolfis hym rafe, and drank þe blud,
þat to Ill ay thocht sa gud.
and þai of rowme, quhen þai hym socht
in wildirnes and fand nocht,
come a-gane, and þe padok fand
In a rownd tour still ȝelland,
and gert men haf it owt of towne,
and bryne [it] þar, as wes resone.
þis wes nero for his felony
wele punyst, as [he] wes worthy,
þat mony thowsand gert sla
for cristis sak in dowte and wa.
bot for þe panys þai can fele,
god has þame rewardit wele
with hevinlyk Ioy and lestand bliss,
þat he has grathit for al his;
quhare hele beis ay but seknes,
ȝouthed but eld or wrechitnes,


fulth but hungir or wantinge
of goddis fud, or hard ȝarninge,
ay lestand lykine with fredome
but seruitut or thrildome,
blowmand bewte but wane or smyt
of sawle and body to-giddir knyt,
but ded ay lestand lyf,
and habundance of pece but strif,
sikirnes but dut or dred,
full knawlage of alkind ded;
er ma nocht her, na e se,
na in hart comprisit be
þe gret Ioy, þat god to med
has granttit þam, þat will hym dred.
þe quhilk Ioy petir and paule
browkis now in body and sawle;
and nero wa, þat can nocht blyne,
In hel tholis for his syne.
for-thi war gud to lef þe play,
to lestand payne þat ledis ay,
and her þis fleschely delyt
mon cesse, men wat nocht how tyt;
for-þi quhen þe play best is,
best is to lefe þan I-wyse.
of þis nero quha wald for-þi
behald þe dedis verraly,
þat luffit sa þis schort delyt,
þat he mon euir dwel in syt,
als wele in body as in sawle,
and wald syne luk to paule,
þat conuertit and lewit his syne,
and of Ihesu sic luf can wyne,
þat he is mad til ws merour,
þat na man suld for gret errour
fal in wanhope for to purches


eftir syne of god þe grace,
þe doctor gregor sais þar-by,
þat nothir stekis fra godis mercy
of þe fel syne þe quantite,
na ȝet þe gret ennormyte,
na ȝet þe latnese of þe howre,
ellis þat till our saweour
þe will of þe man k[n]awyn be,
as be sanct paule we ma se,
þat rocht of na wardly thinge,
ellis þat he mycht criste Inbringe.
for-þi in his pystil, he wrat
to þame of rome, [he] sad þusgat,
þat he tholit trawal ful gret,
and als bath gret hungir & het,
and þat he wes oft in presone
for cristis sak, but resone;
and of þe Iowis he can tak
gret dispyt for his master sak;
wondis fyfe tymis fourti, ane lese,
and strakis one his nakit flesche
with a swerd, fel and Ill,
mad for sic cause of litill skil;
and with wandis dongyne sar,
for þat he prechit cristis lare;
and anis als stanit wes he;
and thriis fchipe-brokine in þe se,
and all þe nycht hale and þe day
at sey-grownd, he sad, he lay;
and ofte tym tholit he gret wath
In gattis and in wattir bath;
and a-mang thefis and his kyn
he wes of[te] tym parele In;
and in cites and wildirnes
in gret parele ful oft he wes;
and a-mange þam þat war fals


he wes ofte in parele als;
and trawel with dule and wrak
he tholyt ofte for cristis sak;
and in a creile or þe wall
of damasse he wes lattyn fall;
owtwart thingis neuir-þe-les
owtane, þat wes þe besynes
þat he had of all þe kirk,
þat is, þat al men suld wel wirk.
for quha-sa had Infirmite,
þare-for wes paule sek as he;
and quha for his gilt tholit blame,
paule for hyme brynt for schame.
& thocht þat he was rewyst ewine,
as hyme-self sais, to þe thred hewyne
& syne in paradis, quhare he
herd, as he sais, priwete,
as It afferyt nocht to man
to spek þat thing, þat [he] herd þan;
of þis yet þan na Ioy had he;
bot ay of his infirmyte
he had gret Ioy; for þan, he wist,
Crystis vertu in hyme suld reste.
& als, as sais a gret doctor,
of alkyne folk sanct paule had cure,
& he was wischeall chosine, throw
to bere þe name of swet Ihesu.
& he to Ihesu criste was ayre
of wisdome in þe vertu fare,
& fillyt all þe warld wele nere
with cristis [e]wangel, þat is clere;
& [at the] last Iugment sall bryng
nere hand all men befor þe kyng.


& for sic cause he trawalyt mare
þane all þe postilis, þat euir ware,
for till gere all men leif þare syne,
& þare sawlis to god to wyne.
laith of lysing als taucht he
til Ilke man in his degre,
to princis, lordis, & pure men,
to thrillmen & to women,
& to ȝoung men als gef he lare,
& faddire & modyre, þat þaim bare,
to licheouris & to continent,
till all he prechit his entent;
&, schortly, he was hym allane
a commowne man till euirilkane.
[A]nd quhen þat he brocht was to rome,
befor nero to thole doume,
all þat euire war of Iowis lay
Come to sanct paule, & þis can say:
“Defend oure lacht, we pray þe now,
sene þu art borne man of hebrew!
cause of folk þu suld defend,
& thol It cum till spedfull end.
syne circumcydit of þaim is nane,
& circumcisione þu has tane,
& þow, as ws think, vald put don
þe lacht of circumcisione,
þar-for, quhen [þu] seis petire ma,
sustene our lacht agan hym ay;
for he fayndis bath lat & ar
for to distroy quytly our lare;
for bath our sabbot & fest-day
he forcis for to put away.”
þane said paule: “quhen I petir se,
Ȝe sall apertly prewe be me


þat I ame verray Iow, quhen I
þe circumcisione suthly
& þe sabbottis sall aprowe ay;
for god hym restit on þe VII day,
als our elderis lacht ws leyrit.
quhy suld þane petir sa be steryt,
þat he ymang þe folk suld preche,
or ony new law to þame teche?
þarfor lat hyme cum now to me,
& yhe but Ire or wreth sall se
hym ourcumyne, suppos he ware
fere wisare; bot gif his lare
throu witnes be approwit now
of þe ald bukis of hebrew;
& gif It swa be, we mon all
obey till his lare, gret & small.”
quhen þis was herd, but mare went þai,
quhar petir was, & can hym say:
“paule appostill is cumyne; loo,
we pray þe þat þu cum hyme to;
for he is bundine, & but leife
to cum here, he ma nocht eschewe.”
quhen petir þis herd, he was blyth,
& with þame went to paule alswyth.
& þai bath, fra þai sammyn met,
for pure pytte & Ioy þai gret;
& Ilkane of þame tald til vthire,
as bruthire suld do to his bruthire,
all hale þare trawale les & mare,
& þe gret dout þat þai in ware.
syne one þe morne richt ayrly
to paule come petir full freyndly,
& fand a multytud wele greit
of Iowis, stanand at his yhat;
& was þar a full gret strife þare


betwen þe Iowis & folk, þat ware
Conuertyt to god throw his grace.
for þe Iowis in þat place
sad: “we ar of ryall kyne,
of goddis dere frendis chosine,
Abraham, ysaac & Iacob leile,
& prophettis, quhome with god can meille,
& schaw to þame his priuete,
& his ferlyis he leit þame se;
& yhe are cumyne of folk but drede,
þat god wrocht nathing in þare sede,
bot þai till wrechit ydolis ay
has bene seruandis; þis is na nay.”
& þan þe folk, þat cristine ware,
mad to þe Iowis sic answere:
“fra þat we herd þe suthfastnes,
we left oure errour mare & les,
& ar set now in þe richt way,
& suthfastnes sall folow ay.
bot yhe, þat wat ȝour fadderis lare,
& of prophettis þat wysmen ware;
þat dryfut passit throu þe se,
& saw ȝour fays drownyt be,
& till ȝou one þe day can pere
of full gret licht a gret pillere,
& syne till ȝou apone þe nycht
It apperyt & gef ȝou licht;
for met of hewine gef ȝou manna,
& stane gef yhou wattir alswa;
bot nocht-withstannand syk gud dede,
þat god wrocht for ȝou in to nede,
of þe gret gold, þat yhe þan had,
ane ydoll of a calf ȝe mad,
& honour[t] It, & had na thocht
of þe gret gud, god for ȝou wrocht.


bot we, þat neuir sic thing had sene,
in þat god trewis wele but wene,
þat yhe haf left, & trewis now
in error, þat ma nocht helpe ȝou.”
& till þat þai war þis striwand,
petir and paule war ȝarne prechand
to þame þat lang tym striwine had,
& gud acord betwene þaim mad.
of petir syne throu þe preching
god schawyt þar a ferly thing,
þat of þe folk full mony ware
conuertyt throu þe postilis lare.
& ymang wtheris treutht can ta
þe wyf of Nero, libia,
na to agrippe, þe prefet,
to be cristine vald nocht lat,
þat had to name agrippyna;
& vthir women mony ma
þar husbandis left for heile of saule,
& aneherdit to petir & paule.
& mony knychtis þar erroure,
þat war dere to þe emprioure,
left, & þar knichthed alswa,
& cristis treutht rycht þare can ta,
sa þat þai wald fra þame na was
Cume to þe king, na his palas;
bot trewit trewly to sanct paule,
& throw hym wan þe heile of saule.
[D]ere lord, quhat sall we say
of awfull doume apon þe day,
quhen þat we sall gif strat reknyng
befor þe auchtfull Iug & king
of all þat we haf sad or wrocht;
and als of oure maste priwe thocht,
& wat þat we na gud haf done?


for-þi full sare vs bird to mone
to þis paule, gif we gud tent tak,
at gud ensampill can ws mak,
hou we suld wirk till we are here,
þat we but dred mycht þane apere.
bot, allace! how worthy ar we,
one þat day, to condampnyt be,
quhen we, þat in a man se may
all gud but want, suthly to say,
we set neuir oure cure na hart
of sic gud to gat ony part.
& yheit a flesclyk man was he,
& lyk till ws in sic degre,
and lyf & sawle lyk ws he had,
& in þis warld [his] duelling mad;
ȝeit þane of thewis fare to se,
condicione and honeste,
þe vertu of will þare to mare,
he transcendit all men þat þare,
or yheit þat befor hym had bene,
as þai suld say þat had hym sene.
and all his dedis mare & les
war witnes þat þis suthfas[t] wes.
for-þi till hyme in hewyn is mad
sic Reward as he seruit had,
till he in þis erth duelland was,
in presone of euire brukill fleschias.
þarfor I pray hyme þat I may
of þis warld sa depart ay way,
þat sawle ma fra þe body twyne
bot schame, or deit, or dedly syne.
gregour of twryne alswa sais,
þat Iustine yungre in þai dais,
þar was a man disparit swa
þat he a stalowart gyrne can ma


to hang hym-self with be þe hals,
at þe tysing of þe feynd fals.
nocht-þan he had in custum ay
deuotely to sanct paule to pray,
& quhen þat he did ony thing,
he wald call paule in helpyng;
& tyd hym to do swa þare,
quhen he [þe] rape mad al ȝare,
sayand: “sanct paule, I pray þe
þat þou wald cum now, & helpe me!”
þan come a schadow full hugly,
blak & blay, & stud hyme by,
& sad hyme: “man, do furth þi dede!
quhy houffis þou? quhy has þou dred?”
for-þi þe man was graithand ay
þe girne, & yhet þan can he say:
“sanct paule, helpe me now but bad!”
with þat þe gyrne wes redy mad.
þan a schaudow rycht nerehand,
as of a man, saw by hym stand,
& to þe first schadow can say:
“þu wekit spryt, ga hyne þi way!
for paule, þis manis adwocat,
is cumine till hym now fut-hat.”
with þat þe foule schedow can fle;
& þan þe man thocht weile þat he
had mysdon in his entent;
for-þi he can hym sare repent,
& gretly lof[it] god & paule,
þat wald nocht thole hym tyn his saule,
na of þe feynd confundit be,
as þan to purpos tane had he.
for-þi to god be honour ay,
as we alsinful acht to say;
& helpyne to all warldly men
In hewyry tyme! say we Amen.