University of Virginia Library



A Man of Stile, and Eloquence
Although as far from wit and Sense
As He that made a house deliver
A long Oration to a River.
As if the Devil to make Proof
He's a clean Beast, should shew his Cloven-hoof.
As Just as 'twas for Burning Paules
To build it with excise on Coales.
Made an Empty Noyse with words
As Fencers stamp upon the Boards,
To Daunt the Enemy with th' Sound
But go's for nothing on the Ground.
Mistake the Meanes for th' Ends of Life,
And like the Prussian eate a knife.
Swift as two Taylors Run a Race
At sewing twenty Score of Lace.
A Trible
More silly then a Statesman Quibble.
As Curiously as Paper wasts in Print
When evry Page has weight, and measure In't.
And when th' have cald them by another Name
Perswade themselves th' are Really the Same.
As Brisk and Frolique in a Smoking-shop
As Swallows are upon a Chimnys-top.
As Horses when th' are Spurd and prickd
But kick again, for being kickd.
All Cattle use, the shorter
Their Commons are, to feed the Heartier.