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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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FRANCE, OCTOBER 30, 1788.[89]



  • Quelle est l'opinion
    des habitans les plus instruits
    de la Virginie,
    sur le contrat de la ferme
    avec Mons. Rob.
    Morris et quel est le système
    qu'ils voudroient y

    1. It is not easy to give a precise
    answer to this question, many of the
    best informed not having been led to
    communicate their opinions, and others
    having been directly or indirectly interested
    on one side or the other. It
    seems to have been rather the prevailing opinion that the
    Contract was more hurtful to the price of Tobacco, than a
    supply of the Farmer Gen1 by purchases made in the English
    or other Foreign Markets. This opinion must be founded on
    a supposition that the mercantile sellers in Europe could more
    easily combine and counteract the monopoly than the Planters
    of America. It does not appear that those who dislike ye
    contract have particularly turned yr thoughts to a system
    proper to be substituted. The general idea seems to have
    been that some arrangement in France disarming the monopoly


    Page 282
    there of its influence direct or indirect on the market
    here could alone effectually answer the purpose.

  • 2.

  • Ne pourrions nous
    pas fournir à très bon
    marché le gros lainage
    pour l'habillement des

    2. The manufacture of this article
    being extremely simple & easily accommodated
    to the use the event of a
    competition must depend on the comparative
    price of the material. The
    cloathing of Negroes is made of the coarsest materials. It is
    at present supplied in part by family manufacture, especially
    where a few negroes only belong to the same master, and this
    resource is daily increasing. Principal part however comes
    from G. Britain and if no foreign competition interferes this
    must be the case for a considerable time.

  • 3.

  • Quels sont en général
    les objects de commerce,
    dont il pourroit
    être interessant d'encourager
    soit en France, soit aux

    3. Virginia produces Tobacco Wheat,
    Indian Corn, Lumber, salt provisions,
    coal, Iron, Hemp, tar, pitch turpentine,
    flax-seed. Ship-building can be
    carried on also advantageously. It is
    the interest of Virginia to find encouragement
    for all these articles; and of France to give encouragement
    so far at least as she does not herself produce
    them. Tobacco naval stores, ready-built Vessels, flax-seed, and
    occasionally wheat and flour also, are wanted in France. Flour
    Bread, Indian Corn, salt provisions, lumber and ready-built
    vessels of inferior size, are adapted to the wants of the Islands.

  • 4.

  • Quelles sont d'un
    autre côté les marchandizes
    du Royaume ou
    des Isles dont les Virginiens
    paroissent avoir
    le plus grand besoin?

    4. As Virginia does not manufacture,
    and consumes less or more of a very
    great variety of articles, she may be
    considered as wanting most of the
    French Manufactures recommended by
    their quality and price. At present, the coarser woolens of
    France are inferior to those of Britain, and her coarser linens
    to those of Germany. In the articles of hardware & leather,
    the English have also greatly the advantage. Wines, brandies,
    oil, Fruits,—silks, cambricks, Lawns, printed goods,
    Glass, Kid gloves, ribbons, superfine broadcloaths &c are
    articles which may be best obtained from France. The goods


    Page 283
    imported as valued at the ports of delivery, between Sepr 1,
    '86, & July 20, '87, amounted to 949.444.00-7, excluding Salt,
    distilled spirits, wine, malt liquors, Cheese, Tea, Sugar, Coffee.
    These paid a duty ad quantitatem, & therefore the value does
    not appear. It need not be remarked that in all cases the
    entries subject to duty fall short of ye truth. The productions
    of the Islands most wanted in Virginia are Sugar & Coffee.
    Between Sepr 1, '86, & July 20, '87, were entered 2,126,673lbs
    Sugar, & 147,591 of Coffee. Molasses also is wanted; and
    Taffia perhaps, in a small degree. Cotton is raised in Virginia
    as far as it is needed for domestic manufacture.

  • 5.

  • Est-il vraisemblable
    que les eaux de vie
    de France fassent tomber
    entièrement le Rum
    des Isles? A quoi peut
    se monter la consommation
    annuelle des vins
    de France en Virginie?

    5. It would be very difficult for
    brandy entirely to supplant Rum. A
    moderate preference however would
    soon make it a formidable rival. The
    small encouragement hitherto given to
    brandy has had a very sensible effect in
    promoting the use of it, and as antecedent
    habits become weakened the use will spread of itself.
    The brandies (doubtless from France with very trifling exceptions)
    entered on the Custom House books between Sept. 1,
    86, & July 20, 87, amounted to 10,630 Gallons; and it is conjectured
    that the direct importations not entered with the
    considerable quantity introduced by the way of Maryland
    where the duty has been lower, may amount to half as much.
    The rum entered within that period amounted to 499,083
    Gallons the Gin to 9102 1/2 Gals; & the cordials & other spirits
    to 4,169 1/2 Gals.

    The Wines entered within the above periods amounted to
    109,948 Gals, on which quantity abt 40,000 Gals were French.

  • 6.

  • Se sert-on beaucoup
    du sel de France
    pour les salaisons et que
    faut-il faire pour en rendre
    l'usage plus commun?

    6. French Salt is little if at all used
    in Virginia. The eye is displeased at
    its colour, and the supposition is
    favored by that circumstance that it is
    dirty and inferior to the British & other
    white Salt. The objection suggests the means of rendering
    the use more common.

  • 284

    Page 284


  • La Virge commence-t-elle
    à exporter
    elle même ses denrées et
    quelle est la proportion
    de sa navigation avec
    celle des autres nations
    pour le transport des
    Tabacs et autres articles?

    7. of the Vessels entered between the
    above dates—The American amounted
    to 26,705 tons The British & those of
    other nations not in alliance, 26,903
    The French & those of other nations in
    alliance 2,664. The law having required
    no other discriminations, the Custom House books do
    not furnish a more particular answer.

  • 8.

  • Comme les Americains
    desirent beaucoup
    d'obtenir de nouvelles
    faveurs dans nos Antilles,
    que pourroient-ils
    proposer pour faciliter
    un arrangement de cette
    nature sans trop préjudicier
    aux avantages
    que la France ne cesse
    de tirer de ses Colonies?

    8. The answer to this important
    question ought to be the result of much
    information as well as consideration.
    At present Mr. M. is not prepared with
    such an one. Whenever he shall have
    formed an opinion on the subject which
    he thinks worth the attention of Ct. M.
    it shall be communicated.


The questions were accurately transcribed by Madison in the
margin opposite the answers. The questions themselves were preceded
by the following: "Questions, dont M. le Cte. de Moustier prie
Monsieur Madison de vouloir bien lui addresser le solution, quand ses
occupations le lui permiteront." Nothing came of this tentative negotiation
evidently begun with the idea of some sort of reciprocity
treaty between the United States and France; and by act of July 7,
1798, Congress abrogated all treaties with France, this being the only
instance of such sweeping action towards a foreign country by this