University of Virginia Library

Council Makes Recommendations
For Fund Distribution To SAC

By Tom Adams
Cavalier Daily Asshole

In its longest meeting of the
year - one that lasted over five
hours - the Student Council approved
the budget of its own
Organizations and Publications
Committee for University organizations.

Nearly every group that requested
funds had their request cut by
the Organizations and Publications
Committee. Ron Hickman, the
Committee chairman, said that
although there was a lot of "fat" in
many budgets, their were many
valid requests that had to be cut
simply because of a limit to the
funds available to student organizations.

On the Thursday following
Thanksgiving, Mr. Hickman said,
the Student Activities Committee,
which gives the final approval on all
requests for funds by student
organizations, will meet to consider
the recommendations of the Student
Council. Usually, the SAC
follows the Council's recommendations.
Mr. Hickman said that any
group that is satisfied with the
amount of money granted them by
the Student Council need not
appear at that meeting. Those
groups unhappy with their
suggested allocation may appeal to
the SAC at that time, however.

Mr. Hickman said that there was
approximately $56,000 of Student
funds to be distributed to 47
groups that requested money.

Money For Groups

All groups desiring money must
go through the Student Council and
its Organizations and Publications
Committee, with the exception of
The Cavalier Daily, whose budget is
decided upon by the SAC alone.

Earlier this year the SAC, which
is made up of three students and six
members of either the faculty or
administration, granted The
Cavalier Daily $25,308 for
operating expenses this year. That
left about $33,000 to be
distributed among the remaining
student organizations, all of which
had to come before the Student
Council for their requests.

Each group that requested
funds, their request, and the
Student Council's final
recommendation is listed as

Organization  Request  Allocation 
Virginia Law
$1,940  $1,200 
Society for
$607  $300 
Arnold Air
$202  $50 
Modulus Magazine  $1,500  $1,500 
Extra Legal
$110  $100 
Va. Journal of
Int. Law 
$2,022  $1,800 
Va. Law Weekly  $2,751  $2,600 
Govt & Foreign
Affairs Assoc. 
$258  $40 
John B. Moore
Extra - Legal
$3,105  $1,500 
History Club  $960  $300 
Scarab  $168  Nothing 
Institute of
$583  $200 
Economics Club 
$950  $750 
Phi Sigma
$141  $75 
Virginia Weekly  $1,635  $1,500 
WTJU  $3,134  $2,350 
Student Legal
$1,204  $1,100 
Students For A
$316  Nothing 
$921  $750 
$185  $185 
Business Forum  $544  $450 
Draft Counseling
$100  $100 
Slavic Club  $97  $35 
Legal Aid Society  $176  $175 
Va. Bowling
$360  $150 
Va. Rowing Association  $4,050  $2,800 
UVA Sailing Association  $1,436  $650 
Rifle & Pistol
$944  $475 
UVA Fencing
$158  $50 
Gymnastics Club  $1,194  $900 
Polo Club  $646  $500 
Rugby Football
$3,266  $2,600 
UVA Grotto
$218  $125 
UVA Outing
$256  $150 
Va. Debaters  $2,697  $2,300 
Glee Club  $754  $500 
Va. Band  $675  $500 
Va. Players Social
$845  $550 
$115  $40 
Mulholland Society  $403  $400 
YMCA  $1,422  Nothing 
Focus  $235  $150 
$109  $100 
Student Council  $2,775  $2,200 

Rapier Magazine requested
$1,891 and it was recommended
that they receive $600 from the
Student Activities Fund and a
$1,200 loan from the Bursar. The
University of Virginia Magazine
requested $3,821 and it was
recommended that they receive a
$2,000 loan to pay off back debts
and a $1,000 allocation to cover
operating expenses for the current

Mr. Hickman pointed out that
there might have to be a two or two
and one half per cent cut in the
funds granted the organizations by
the Student Council because the
exact amount of money in the
Student Activities Fund has yet to
be determined by the Bursar.

He said that the Organizations
and Publications Committee,
because of their new procedure of
considering all requests at once,
tried to apply the same standards to
all groups. As an example, he said
that the group tried to take care of
most publications in such a fashion
this year so that they would be
self-sufficient in future years.

Another feature that his
committee's new procedure
showed, he said, was the need to
raise the Student Activities fee.
Last year the Council tried to get
the Board of Visitors to charge each
student an additional $2.50 per
year in student fees. It was not
granted then, but Mr. Hickman said
that the cuts that had to be made
showed that there was a definite
lack of funds for student groups.

Mr. Hickman said that he hoped
that the checks to student groups
would be sent out sometime before