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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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5481. MONROE (James), Madison and.—

I had * * * a frank conversation with
Colonel Monroe. * * * I reminded him
that in the letter I wrote to him while in Europe,


Page 588
proposing the government of Orleans, I also suggested that of Louisiana, if fears for
health should be opposed to the other. I said
something on the importance of the post, its
advantages, &c.—expressed my regret at the
curtain which seemed to be drawn between him
and his best friends, and my wish to see his
talents and integrity engaged in the service
of his country again, and that his going into
any post would be a signal of reconciliation,
on which the body of republicans, who lamented
his absence from the public service,
would again rally to him. * * * The sum
of his answers was, that to accept of that office
was incompatible with the respect he owed
himself; that he never would act in any office
where he should be subordinate to anybody but
the President himself, or which did not place
his responsibility substantially with the President
and the nation; that at your accession to
the chair, he would have accepted a place in the
cabinet, and would have exerted his endeavors
most faithfully in support of your fame and
measures; that he is not unready to serve the
public, and especially in the case of any difficult
crisis in our affairs; that he is satisfied
that such is the deadly hatred of both France
and England, and such their self-reproach and
dread at the spectacle of such a government as
ours, that they will spare nothing to destroy it;
that nothing but a firm union among the whole
body of republicans can save it, and, therefore,
that no schism should be indulged on any
ground; that in his present situation, he is
sincere in his anxieties for the success of the
Administration, and in his support of it as far
as the limited sphere of his action or influence
extends; that his influence to this end had been
used with those with whom the world had ascribed
to him an interest he did not possess, until,
whatever it was, it was lost (he particularly
named J. Randolph, who, he said, had plans of
his own, on which he took no advice); and that
he was now pursuing what he believed his
properest occupation, devoting his whole time
and faculties to the liberation of his pecuniary
embarrassments, which, three years of close
attention, he hoped, would effect. In order to
know more exactly what were the kinds of
employ he would accept, I adverted to the information
of the papers, * * * that General
Hampton was dead, but observed that the
military life in our present state, offered nothing
which could operate on the principle of
patriotism; he said he would sooner be shot
than take a command under Wilkinson.
* * * On the whole, I conclude he would
accept a place in the cabinet, or a military
command dependent on the Executive alone,
and I rather suppose a diplomatic mission, because
it would fall within the scope of his views,
and not because he said so, for no allusion was
made to anything of that kind in our conversation.
Everything from him breathed the purest
patriotism, involving, however, a close attention
to his own honor and grade. He expressed
himself with the utmost devotion to the interests
of our own country, and I am satisfied
he will pursue them with honor and zeal in any
character in which he shall be willing to act.—
To President Madison. Washington ed. v, 481. Ford ed., ix, 265.
(M. Nov. 1809)