1158. CENSUS, Perfecting the.—
For the
articles of a statistical table, I think the last
census of Congress presented what was
proper, as far as it went, but did not go far
enough. It required detailed accounts of our
manufactures, and an enumeration of our people,
according to ages, sexes and colors. But
to this should be added an enumeration according
to their occupations. We should know
what proportion of our people are employed in
agriculture, what proportion are carpenters,
smiths, shoemakers, tailors, bricklayers, merchants,
seamen, &c. No question is more
curious than that of the distribution of society
into occupations, and none more wanting. I
have never heard of such tables being effected
but in the instance of Spain, where it was first
done under the administration, I believe, of
Count D'Aranda, and a second time under the
Count de Florida Blanca, and these have
been considered as the most curious and valuable
tables in the world. The combination of
callings with us would occasion some difficulty,
many of our tradesmen being, for instance,
agriculturists also; but they might
be classed under their principal occupation.—
To Thomas W. Maury. Washington ed. vi, 548.