University of Virginia Library

Ladies and Gentlemen—There doesn't appear to be anybody here to introduce me, and so we will have to let that go by default. But I am the person who is to deliver the lecture, and I shall try to get along just the same as if I had been formally introduced. I suppose I should apologize for the weather, but I can't hold myself altogether responsible for it, so I will let it go as it is. The only apology which I can offer for appearing before you to talk about the Sandwich Islands is the fact that the recent political changes there have rendered it necessary for us to post ourselves concerning that country, to know a little something about the people, what we have forgotten, to gather up again, and, as I have spent several months in the Islands, several years ago, I feel competent to shed any amount of information upon the matter. (Laughter.) I shall try to tell the petrified truth about that country, although it is a good deal like pulling teeth to keep it up, straight along, for any length of time. (Laughter.)