University of Virginia Library


Copyright, 1891, by

IN a certain kingdom there lived a rich peas-
ant, who had three sons—Simeon (a soldier),

Tarras-Briukhan (fat man), and Ivan (a fool)—
and one daughter, Milania, born dumb. Sim-
eon went to war, to serve the Czar; Tarras went
to a city and became a merchant; and Ivan,
with his sister, remained at home to work on
the farm.

For his valiant service in the army, Simeon
received an estate with high rank, and mar-
ried a noble's daughter. Besides his large pay,
he was in receipt of a handsome income from
his estate; yet he was unable to make ends
meet. What the husband saved, the wife wasted


in extravagance. One day Simeon went to the
estate to collect his income, when the steward
informed him that there was no income, say-

"We have neither horses, cows, fishing-nets,
nor implements; it is necessary first to buy
everything, and then to look for income."

Simeon thereupon went to his father and

"You are rich,

[little father], but
you have given nothing to me. Give me one-
third of what you possess as my share, and I
will transfer it to my estate."

The old man replied: "You did not help to
bring prosperity to our household. For what
reason, then, should you now demand the third
part of everything? It would be unjust to Ivan
and his sister."

"Yes," said Simeon; "but he is a fool, and
she was born dumb. What need have they of

"See what Ivan will say."


Ivan's reply was: "Well, let him take his

Simeon took the portion allotted to him, and
went again to serve in the army.

Tarras also met with success. He became
rich and married a merchant's daughter, but
even this failed to satisfy his desires, and he
also went to his father and said, "Give me my

The old man, however, refused to comply
with his request, saying: "You had no hand in
the accumulation of our property, and what our
household contains is the result of Ivan's hard
work. It would be unjust," he repeated, "to
Ivan and his sister."

Tarras replied: "But he does not need it.

He is a fool, and cannot marry, for no one will
have him; and sister does not require anything,
for she was born dumb." Turning then to Ivan
he continued: "Give me half the grain you
have, and I will not touch the implements or
fishing-nets; and from the cattle I will take


only the dark mare, as she is not fit to

Ivan laughed and said: "Well, I will go and
arrange matters so that Tarras may have his
share," whereupon Tarras took the brown mare
with the grain to town, leaving Ivan with one
old horse to work on as before and support his
father, mother, and sister.