University of Virginia Library


SCENE of a Temple with Illuminations. An Altar, Apis painted above; Priests and Choristers. Ptolomy, Cassandra, Courtiers Men and Women, all decently plac'd. Musick Instrumental and Vocal. Then Ptolomy taking Cassandra by the Hand, advances to the Altar of Apis, bowing thrice, and gives the High Priest a Purse. Soft Musick all the while Ptolomy and Cassandra are Adoring and speaking.
Soul of the Universe, and source of Life,
Immortal Apis, thou thrice Holy Fire,
Hear Ægypt's Vows and mine: if as we dream,
Ægyptian Earth Impregnated with Flame,
Sprung the first man;
Preserve thy Primitive Plantation here.
Then for my self, thy Type, and thy Vicegerent,
Rowl from my Loins a long Descent of Kings:
Mix'd of Cassandra's kindly blood and mine.
Mine be she only, and I only hers.
And when I shall resolve again to thee,
May she survive me, and be Queen of Ægypt:
Hear this, and firm it with some happy Omen.

[An Augury portending good Success arises from the Altar.
Apis be prais'd for this Auspicious Omen.

[Ptolo. bowing retires and seems pleas'd.
Great pow'r of Love! who spreadst thy gentle sire
Thro' humane Hearts, art every where Ador'd;
Accept these Vows, in shew to Apis paid,
And make his Altar thine: Hear not that wretch!
Because his Prayers were not address'd to thee;
Or only hear his last: that I may reign.
Make Cleomenes mine, and mine alone:
Give us a flight secure, a safe arrival;
And Crown our Wishes in each others Arms.
Hear this and firm it with some happy Omen.

[A bad Omen arises from the Flames of the Altar.
Avert this Omen, Apis.


Accurs'd be thou, Grass-eating fodder'd God!
Accurs'd thy Temple! more accurs'd thy Priests!
The Gods are theirs, not ours; and when we pray
For happy Omens, We their price must pay:
In vain at Shrines, th'ungiving suppliant stands;
This 'tis to make a Vow with Empty hands:
Fat Offrings are the Priesthoods only care;
They take the Money, and Heaven hears the Prayer.
Without a Bribe their Oracles are mute,
And their Instructed Gods refuse the suit.

[Exit Cass. in a fury, King and Attendants follow. Scene closes.