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[Scene II.]

primus demon.
Alas, alas, and wele-wo!
lucifer, whi fell thou so?
We, that were angels so fare,
and sat so hie aboue the ayere,
Now ar we waxen blak as any coyll,
and vgly, tatyrd as a foyll.
What alyd the, lucifer, to fall?
was thou not farist of angels all?
Brightist, and best, & most of luf
With god hym self, that syttys aboyf?
thou has maide [neyn,] there was [ten,]
thou art foull comyn from thi kyn;
thou art fallen, that was the teynd,
ffrom an angell to a feynd.
thou has vs doyn a vyle dispyte,
and broght thi self to sorow and sitt.
Alas, ther is noght els to say
bot we ar tynt for now and ay.

Secundus demon.
—Alas, the ioy that we were In
haue we lost, for oure syn.


alas, that euer cam pride in thoght,
ffor it has broght vs all to noght.
We were in myrth and Ioy enoghe
When lucifer to pride drogh.
Alas, we may warrie wikkyd pride,
so may ye all that standys be side;
We held with hym ther he saide leasse,
and therfor haue we all vnpeasse.
Alas, alas, oure Ioye is tynt,
We mon haue payne that neuer shall stynt.