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[Scene I.]

Ego sum alpha et o,
I am the first, the last also,
Oone god in mageste;
Meruelus, of myght most,
ffader, & son, & holy goost,
On god in trinyte.
I am without begynnyng,
My godhede hath none endyng,
I am god in trone;
Oone god in persons thre,
Which may neuer twynnyd be,
ffor I am god alone.
All maner thyng is in my thoght,
Withoutten me ther may be noght,
ffor all is in my sight;
hit shall be done after my will,
that I haue thoght I shall fulfill
And manteyn with my myght.


At the begynnyng of oure dede
make we heuen & erth, on brede,
and lyghtys fayre to se,
ffor it is good to be so;
darknes from light we parte on two,
In tyme to serue and be.
Darknes we call the nyght,
and lith also the bright,
It shall be as I say;
after my will this is furth broght,
Euen and morne both ar thay wroght,
and thus is maid a day.
In medys the water, bi oure assent,
be now maide the firmament,
And parte ather from othere,
Water aboue, I-wis;
Euen and morne maide is this
A day, [so was] the tothere.
Waters, that so wyde ben spred,
be gedered to geder in to one stede,
that dry the erth may seym;
that at is dry the erth shall be,
the waters also I call the see;
this warke to me is queme.
Out of the erth herbys shal spryng,
Trees to florish and frute furth bryng,
thare kynde that it be kyd.
This is done after my will;
Even & morn maide is ther till
A day, this is the thryd.
Son & moyne set in the heuen,
With starnes, & the planettys seuen,
To stand in thare degre;


The son to serue the day lyght,
The moyne also to serue the nyght;
The fourte day shall this be.
The water to norish the fysh swymand,
The erth to norish bestys crepeand,
That fly or go may.
Multiplye in erth, and be
In my blyssyng, wax now ye;
This is the fyft day.

Oure lord god in trynyte,
Myrth and lovyng be to the,
Myrth and lovyng ouer al thyng;
ffor thou has made, with thi bidyng,
Heuen, & erth, and all that is,
and giffen vs Ioy that neuer shall mys.
Lord, thou art full mych of myght,
that has maide lucifer so bright;
we loue the, lord, bright ar we,
bot none of vs so bright as he:
He may well hight lucifere,
ffor lufly light that he doth bere.
He is so lufly and so bright
It is grete ioy to se that sight;
We lofe the, lord, with all oure thoght,
that sich thyng can make of noght.

hic deus recedit à suo solio & lucifer sedebit in eodem solio.
Certys, it is a semely sight,
Syn that we ar all angels bright,
and euer in blis to be;
If that ye will behold me right,
this mastre longys to me.
I am so fare and bright,
of me commys all this light,
this gam and all this gle;


Agans my grete myght
may [no]thyng stand [ne] be.
And ye well me behold
I am a thowsand fold
brighter then is the son;
my strengthe may not be told,
my myght may no thyng kon;
In heuen, therfor, wit I wold
Above me who shuld won.
ffor I am lord of blis,
ouer all this warld, I-wis,
My myrth is most of all;
the[r]for my will is this,
master ye shall me call.
And ye shall se, full sone onone,
How that me semys to sit in trone
as kyng of blis;
I am so semely, blode & bone,
my sete shall be ther as was his.
Say, felows, how semys now me
To sit in seyte of trynyte?
I am so bright of ich a lym
I trow me seme as well as hym.

primus angelus malus.
Thou art so fayre vnto my syght,
thou semys well to sytt on hight;
So thynke me that thou doyse.

primus bonus angelus.
I rede ye leyfe that vanys royse,
ffor that seyte may non angell seme
So well as hym that all shall deme.

Secundus bonus angelus.
I reyde ye sese of that ye sayn,
ffor well I wote ye carpe in vayne;
hit semyd hym neuer, ne neuer shall,
So well as hym that has maide all.


Secundus malus angelus.
Now, and bi oght that I can witt,
he semys full well theron to sytt;
He is so fayre, withoutten les,
he semys full well to sytt on des.
therfor, felow, hold thi peasse,
and vmbithynke the what thou saysse.
he semys as well to sytt there
as god hymself, if he were here.

leyf felow, thynk the not so?

primus malus angelus.
Yee, god wote, so dos othere mo.

primus bonus [Angelus].
Nay, forsoth, so thynk not vs.

Now, therof a leke what rekys vs?
Syn I my self am so bright
therfor will I take a flyght.

Tunc exibunt demones clamando, & dicit primus,