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[Scene IV.]

Who wend euer this tyme haue seyn?
We, that in sich myrth haue beyn,
That we shuld suffre so mych wo?
Who wold euer trow it shuld be so?
[Ten] orders in heuen were
of angels, that had offyce sere;
Of ich order, in thare degre,
the [teynd] parte fell downe with me;


ffor thay held with me that tyde,
and mantenyd me in my pride;
Bot herkyns, felows, what I say—
the Ioy that we haue lost for ay,
God has maide man with his hend,
to haue that blis withoutten end,
The neyn ordre to fulfill,
that after vs left, sich is his will.
And now ar thay in paradise;
bot thens thay shall, if we be wise.


The MS. has apparently lost 12 leaves here, containing (no doubt) the Temptation of Eve and the Expulsion of her and Adam from Paradise.