University of Virginia Library

To the boke.

Go lytle boke, get the acquaintaunce
Amonge the louers of Gods worde
Geue them occasyon the same to auaunce
And to make theyr songes of the Lorde
That they may thrust vnder the borde
All other balettes of fylthynes
And that we all with one accorde
May geue ensample of godlynes
Go lytle boke amonge mens chyldren
And get the to theyr companye
Teach them to synge ye cōmaundementes ten
And other balettes of Gods glorye
Be not ashamed I warande the
Though thou be rude in songe and ryme
Thou shalt to youth some occasion be
In godly sportes to passe theyr tyme.


To the holy Goost.

O holy spirite our cōfortoure
For grace & help lorde now we call
Teach vs to knowe Christ our sauyoure
And his fathers mercy ouer all
From his swete worde let vs not fall
But lyft vp our hertes alway to the


That we may receaue it thankfully.
Nowe seynge we are come together
To heare the wordes of verite
In vnderstandynge be thou guyder
That we may folowe the voyce of the
From straunge lernynge lorde kepe vs fre
That we thorowe them be not begyled
Kepe our vnderstandynge vndefyled
We praye the also blessed lorde
Enflame our hertes so with thy grace
That in our lyues we folowe thy worde
And one forgeue anothers trespace
To amende our lyues lorde geue vs space
With thy godly frutes endewe vs all
That from thy worde we neuer fall


Let vs not haue thy worde onely
In our mouthe and in our talkynge
But both in dede and verite
Let vs shewe it in our lyuynge
Make vs frutefull in euery thynge
And in good workes so to encreace
That whyle we lyue we may the please.
O lorde lende vs thy strength and power
To mortifie all carnall luste
In all our trouble sende vs succour
That we faynt not in the to truste
And make vs stronge to suffre with Christe
Beynge pacient in aduersite
And in all thynges thankfull to the.

Another of the same.

[Come holy spirite moste blessed lorde]

Come holy spirite moste blessed lorde
Fulfyl oure hartes nowe with thy grace
And make our myndes of one accorde


Kyndle them with loue in euery place
O Lorde thou forgeuest our trespace
And callest the folke of euerye countre
To the ryght fayth and truste of thy grace


That they may gyue thankes & synge to the.
O holy lyght moste principall
The worde of lyfe shewe vnto vs
And cause vs to knowe God ouer all
For our owne father moste gracious
Lorde kepe vs from lernyng venymous
That we folowe no masters but Christs
He is the verite, his worde sayth thus
Cause vs to set in hym our truste
O holy fyre and conforth moste swete
Fyll our hertes with fayth and boldnesse
To abyde by the in colde and hete
Content to suffre for ryghtuousnesse
O lorde geue strengthe to our weaknesse


And sende vs helpe euery houre
That we may ouercome all wyckednesse
And brynge this olde Adam vnder thy power

Another of the same.

[Thou holy spirite we pray to the]

Thou holy spirite we pray to the
Strengthe out fayth and increace it alway
Cōforth our hertes in aduersite
with trewe beleue bothe nyght and daye.


Thou worthy lyght that art so cleare
Teache vs Christe Iesu to knowe alone
That we haue neuer cause to feare
In hym to haue redempcyon.
Thou swete loue graunt vs altogether
To be vnfayned in charite
That we may all loue one another
And of one mynde alwaye to be.
Be thou our confortoure in all nede
Make vs to feare nether death nor shame
But in the treuth to be stablyshed
That Sathan put vs not to blame.

Unto the Trenite.

God the father dwel vs by
And let vs neuer do amysse


geue vs grace with wyll to dye
& make vs redy to thy blysse
from the deuels myght & power
kepe vs in fayth euery houre
and euer let vs buylde on the
with hole herte trustynge stedfastly


our fleshe is weake
the deuell is stronge
he wolde ouerthrowe vs euer amonge
without the can we neuer spede
nowe helpe vs therfore in our nede
Amen Amen let it be so


thē shall we synge Alleluya.
Iesu Christ now dwell vs by
And let vs neuer do amysse. &c.
Holy Goost now dwell vs by
And let vs neuer do amysse. &c.

The ten commaundementes of God.

These are the holy commaundementes ten
which God our lorde gaue so strately
by moses his seruaunte vnto all men


vpon ye hygh hyll of Sinai

Exo. 20. a.

Thou shalt haue none other God but me

Set thou thy trust in me alone
Loue and dred me vnfaynedly
with harte and mynde at all season.

Deut. 5. b.

Thou shalt not take my name in vayne

But call on it in all thy nede
from othes and lyes thou shalt refrayne
That my name be not dishonoured
The Saboth day halowe thou to me

Heb, 4. b.

As I rested fro my workynge

So cease thou from all vanite
That I maye worke in the all thynge


Ephe. 6. a.

Honoure thy father and mother also

with men that are in auctorite

Roma. 13. a.

Obeye them all where euer thou go

So shall thy lyfe be longe truely.

Math. 5. c.

Thou shalt not kyll nor hate any man

Nor yet beare malyce in thy mynde

Roma. 12. c: Math. 5. e.

Do thy enemyes the best thou can

And to all men se thou be kynde.
Thy wedlocke shalt thou kepe truly
And helpe other men to do the same

Hebre. 13. a.

That whordome and dishonestie

Maye be distroyed and put to blame
Thou shalt not steale thy neghbours good
Nor get it with false marchaundyse

Ephe. 4. c.

But worke with thyne hande to get thy food

And to sustayne the poore helplesse.
Agaynst no man beare false witnesse
And speake no euell to hurte his name.

Gal. 6. a.

But yf he fall thorowe his weaknesse

Do thou thy best to couer his shame.
Thou shalt not thy neghbours house desyre
His wyfe, seruaunt, nor mayde also
But shalt be glad his good to forbeare

Math. 7. a.

As thou thy selfe woldest be done to.



Another of the same.



Math. 19. a.

wylt thou lyue ryght vertuously

and with god reygne eternally
then must thou kepe these cōmaundementes ten
that god cōmaunded to all men.

Exo. 20, a.

I am thy god and lorde alone


without me shalt thou other haue none
Thy harte shall trust on me alwaye
Loue and feare me both nyght and daye
Thou shalt honoure my name with spede
And call on it in all thy nede

Heb. 4. b.

Thou shalt halowe the Saboth daye

That I maye worke in the alwaye

math, 15. a.

Honoure thy father and mother also

Obey thou them where euer thou go

math. 5. c.

No mans persone desyre to kyll

Heb. 13. a.

And thy wedlocke shalt thou fulfyll


Ephe. 4. c.

From thy neghboure steale thou nothynge

Exo. 20. b.

nor false witnesse agaynst hym brynge

Thy neghbours house thou shalt not desyre
His wyfe and good shalt thou forbeare

The Crede.

we beleue all vpon one God
maker of heuen and erth he is truly


oure father deare he hath hym made
ye we all his chyldren myght be
he prouydeth for vs dayly
body and soule defēdeth he strōgly
al mysfortune shal frō vs fle


no harme shall happen to any of vs
he careth for vs both day & nyght
he is oure keper most gracyous
al thyngs stōde ī his power & myght
we beleue all on Christe Iesu
His owne sonne and oure lorde most deare

Iohn̄. 14. a.

which in godhead, power and vertus

Is alway lyke to his father

Luc. 2. a.

Of the glorious virgyn Mary

was he borne a man vndoutedly

Math. 1. c.

Thorowe the holy goostes workyng fre


mar. 15. d. e.

For vs deed and buried truely

mar. 16. a.

He rose vp the thyrde daye alone

Luc. 42. d.

To heauen ascended he myghtely

math. 25. c.

And shall come to iudge vs echone.

we beleue all on the holy goost

1. Io 5. a.

Lyke the father and sonne in Trenite

In all our trouble oure conforte most
And in all oure aduersite

Eph. 4. a.

One holy church beleue we all

which is fylled with sayntes great and small
And for synne can it neuer fall

Ioh. 20. c.

Of synnes there is clene remission

1. Cor 15. c.

Oure flesh shall aryse without doutynge

There is prepared for vs euerychone
A lyfe that is euerlastynge.

Another of the same.

[In God I trust, for so I must]

In God I trust, for so I must,
he hath made heauen and earth also,
my father is he, his chylde am I


my conforte he is / I haue no mo.
In all my nede he maketh me spede
his power is with me alwaye
to helpe me euery daye.
There is no euell can haue his wyll
agaynst my health nor yet my wealth


but it muste come to my furtheraunce.
he is my kynge / ye ruleth all thynge
ye deuell can make no hynderaunce.


So do I trust on Iesu Christ
His sonne

math. 1. c.

conceaued of the holy goost

Lu. 2. a.

Borne of Marye a virgin fre

For all my synnes to paye the cost

mar. 15. d. e.

For deed was he and buried truely

The gates of hell hath he broken
And heauen hath he made open

1, Cor. 15. a.

He rose truely, the thyrde daye fre

He went vp ryght, to the father of myght

mar. 16. c.

And shall apeare at domes daye

Act. 1. b.

For iudge shall he, all the worlde truely

And dryue myne enemyes all a waye.
I also truste, on the holy goost

1. Ioh. 5. a.

Lyke the father and sonne in Trenite

My conforth best in all euell rest
In all my nede my chefest remedie
A church holy, I beleue truely
which is but one generall
For synne can it neuer fall
A company of sayntes they be
Of synfulnesse

Ioh. 20. c,

true forgyuenesse

Is from amonge them neuer

1. Cor. 15. c.

Oure fleshe verely shall ryse in glory

So shall we lyue with God for euer.

Of the Pater noster.


O father ours celestiall,
we praye to the,
thou wylt haue vs on the to call,
in spirite and verite
Thy godly name be sanctified in great honoure
amonge vs all
and halowed
also euery houre.


The kyngdome of thy grace drawe nye
that thou mayst dwell alwaye in vs
with thy holy spirite continually
that we remayne not vicious
but as thou hast geuē vs thy sprete


so let vs euer do good thorowe it.
we praye the also blessed Lorde

Act. 21. b.

Let thy wyll be done

Amongst vs here with one accorde
As in heauen all season

Math. 6. b.

And let vs neuer oure wyll fulfyll
But thyne alwaye

Luc. 11. a.

Gene. 6. a.

For ours is wycked and geuen to euell

Truely both nyght and daye

Math. 6. b.

And geue vs euer oure dayly bred

Both for oure body and soule also
And let vs with thy worde be fed
That we be neuer kepte therfro

Luke 11. a.

Lorde sende vs true sheperdes therfore
To fede vs thy shepe euermore

Math. 6. b.

Forgeue oure dettes and synfulnesse

Lorde we the praye
where we haue greued the more or lesse
Ether by nyght or daye

Math. 18. c.

For we forgeue them that greue vs

Or do vs euell
Trustynge that thou wylt be gracyous

Math 6. b.

Thy promyse to fulfyll

In no tentacyon Lorde vs brynge
Nor suffre vs for to fall from the
But be oure helpe in euery thynge


And kepe vs from all ioperdy
Both of our body and soule also

Luc. 11. a.

And delyuer vs where euer we go.

Another of the same.

[O oure father celestiall]

O oure father celestiall
now are we come to praye to the
we are thy chyldren therfore we call
hear vs father mercyfully.
Now blessed be thy godly name


& euer amonge vs sāctified
there is none other but this same
wherby mankynde must be saued.

Mathe 6. b.

Thy kyngdome come/reigne thou in vs

For to expell all synne awaye
Let not Sathan dwell in thy house
To put the forth by nyght nor day

Luc. 11. a. Act. 31.

Fulfylled be thy godly wyll

Amonge vs all for it is ryght
As they in heauen do it fulfyll
So let vs do both daye and nyght


Luc. 11. a.

Oure dayly bred geue vs this daye

And let vs neuer perysh for nede

Math. 6. c.

The litle byrdes thou fedest alwaye

Thyne owne chyldren than must thou fede

Math. 18. c

Oure dettes are great forgeue vs Lorde

As we oure detters all forgeue
And let vs alwaye be restored
To thy mercy that we may lyue.
Tentacyon is sore in vse
And strongly now are we proued
Good Lorde thou mayst vs not refuse
we praye the with vs to abyde
Nat that alone, but helpe vs out
From parels all and ioperdy
Let no euell sprete put vs in doute
Of thy fauoure and great mercy.

Be glad now all ye Christen men.

Be glad now all ye christen men
and let vs reioyse vnfaynedly.
The kyndnesse can not be written with penne


that we haue receaued of gods mercy,
whose loue towarde vs hath neuer ende
he hath done for vs as a frende
now let vs thanke hym hartely.
I was a prysoner of the deuell

Ro. 5. b

with death was I also vtterly lost


My synnes droue me dayly to hell

Psal. 50. a.

Therin was I borne this may I bost

I was also in them ouer ryfe

Psal. 13. a.

There was no vertue in my lyfe

To take my pleasure I spared no cost.
Unto my workes I trusted to sore

Roma. 3. b. Roma. 3. c.

But they coulde not helpe nor yet fre wyll

My herte was not the better therfore

Gene. 6. a.

For I was alwaye geuen to euell

My conscience droue me to despayre
It was so vexed all with feare
There was no helpe but synke to hell.
Than God eternall had pitie on me
To tyd me fro my wyckednesse

Luc. i. f.

He thought of his plenteous great mercy

Ephe. 1. a.

And wolde not leaue me comfortlesse

He turned to me his fatherly herte
And wolde I shulde with hym haue parte
Of all his costly ryches.
He spake to his deare beloued sonne
The tyme is nowe to haue mercye
Thou must be mans redempcyon
And lowse hym from captiuite
Thou must hym helpe from trouble of synne
From paynfull death thou must hym wynne
That he may lyue eternally

Phil. 2. a.

Gods sonne was redy so to do


1. Tim. 1. c.

Into this worlde he cam to me

Lu. 2. a

Borne of a virgyn pure also

Because he thought my

heb. 2. c

brother to be

Phil. 2. a.

for in my shape he dyd apeare

Me to delyuer whole from feare
And from all euell to make me fre
These louynge wordes he spake to me
I wyll delyuer thy soule from payne
I am desposed to do for the

Ioh 14. a.

And to myne owne selfe the to retayne

Thou shalt be with me for thou art myne
And I with the for I am thyne
Soch is my loue I can not layne
They wyll shed out my precyous bloude
And take away my lyfe also
which I wyll suffre all for thy good
Beleue this sure where euer thou go

Math. 20. b.

For I wyll yet ryse vp agayne

Thy synnes I beare though it be payne
To make the safe and fre from wo.

Ioh. 16. a.

I wyll go from this worldly lyfe

To my deare father with hym to lyue
Yet am I with the in batell and stryfe
Oure spirite of trueth I wyll the geue
which shall the conforte in heuynes
And lede the into godlynes
Thus wyll I all thy synnes forgyue


Math. 28. c.

Soch thynges as I haue taught and done

Shalt thou both teach and do also
Geue thankes for thy redempcyon
And knowlege my worde where euer thou go
And kepe the well from straunge lernynge
which maye the to destruction brynge
So wyll I neuer departe the fro.

Now is oure helth come from aboue

Now is oure helth come from aboue
for god hath shewed vs his mercy
we can not deserue to haue his loue
yet Christ hath brought vs liberte


frō al our sines & wickednes
our naughtie lyfe & wātōnes
& wyl not cōdēne vs truly
what god had commaunded in the lawe

Act. 15. b.

were we not sufficient for to do

For oure stomakes it was to rawe

Ephe. 2. a.

Gods wrath reigned in vs also

Rom. 8. a.

Oure flesh was weake it had no myght

we coulde not geue the sprete his ryght
Oure flesh wolde not consent therto.
yet had we a false meanyng therbye
And thought the lawe was geuen therfore
As who saye we were all so fre
Gods lawe to fulfyll euermore

Gal. 3. d.

The lawe is but a scolemaster,

which doth oure naturall euell declare
That causeth vs to synne so sore.
For all this must the lawe be done


Els had we ben all vtterly lost

Gal. 4. a.

Therfore hath god sent his deare sonne

which was made man to paye the cost

Math. 5. b.

The hole lawe hath he well fulfylled

His fathers anger hath he stylled
To do it els no man coulde boost

Rom. 7. b.

The lawe therfore sheweth vs oure synne

And smytteth oure conscience to the grounde
But whan the gospell commeth therin
It lyfteth vs vp and maketh vs sounde

Ro. 5. c

Oure synne is great but mercy is more

Oure conscience oft doth greue vs sore
But Christe hath stopped that bloudy wounde.
whan I consyder this in my mynde
what God in Christ hath done for me
I can in no wyse be vnkynde
Nor vse my selfe vnchristenly
I am compelled godly to lyue
My neghbours fautes to forgeue

Ephe. 4. c,

As Christ dyd for me mercyfully

So are good workes the very frute
Of hym that beleueth stedfastly
A good tre with good frutes breaketh out

Math. 7. b.

As the gospell doth testifie

For lyke as fayth hangeth whole on God
To shulde oure workes do other men good

Math. 6. b,

For fayth without them can not be


O heuenly father graunt thy grace

Luc. 11. a.

Thy name in vs to be sanctified

Thy kyngdome come/thy wyll alwayes
Amonge vs all be fulfylled
Fede vs and forgeue all oure euell
Lede vs not in tentacion styll
From euell delyuer vs at oure nede.

Christ is the only sonne of god.

Christ is the only sonne of God
the father eternall
we haue in Iesse foūde this rod
god & man naturall
he is the mornynge starre


his beames sendeth he out farre
beyonde other starres all.

Lu. 2. a

He was for vs a man borne

In the last parte of tyme
yet kepte she maydenheade vnforlorne
his mother that bare hym
He hath hell gates broken
And heauen hath he made open
Bryngynge vs lyfe agayne.
Thou onely maker of all thynge
Thou euerlastynge lyght
From ende to ende all rulynge
By thyne owne godly myght.
Turne thou oure hartes vnto the
And lyghten them with the verite
That they erre not from the ryght


Let vs increace in loue of the
And in knowlege also
That we beleuynge stedfastly

Ioh. 4. c.

Maye in spirite serue the so

That we in oure hartes maye sauoure
Thy mercy and thy fauoure
And to thyrst after no mo.
Awake vs lorde we praye tho
Thy holy spirite vs geue
which maye oure olde man mortifie
That oure new man maye lyue
So wyll we alwaye thanke the
That she west vs so great mercye
And oure synnes dost forgeue.

Media vita.

In the myddest of oure lyuynge
death cōpaseth vs roūde about
who shuld vs now sucour brynge


by whose grace we maye come out,
euen thou lorde Iesu alone.
It doth our hartes sore greue truly
that we haue offēded the,
O lorde god most holy
O lord god most mightie


O holy & mercyfull Sauioure
thou most worthy god eternall
suffre vs not at oure last houre
for any death frō ye to fall.
In the myddest of oure dyenge
we are vexed with helles payne
who shulde helpe vs out of this thynge
with stronge fayth to resyste it agayne
Euen thou lorde Iesu alone
For whan we crye and call on the
Thou art moued than with mercye


O lorde god most holy
O lorde god most myghtye
O holy and mercyfull Sauioure
Thou most worthy god eternall
Suffre vs not at oure last houre
For any hell from the to fall.
In the myddest of oure helles payne
Oure owne synnes vexe vs greatly
who shulde saue vs from despayre agayne
That we maye holde by thy mercy?
Euen thou lorde Iesu alone
For thy deare bloude ryght plenteously
was shed out for oure synnes frely
O lorde god most holy
O lorde god most myghtie
O holy and mercyfull Sauioure
Thou most worthy god eternall
Suffre vs not at oure last houre
Thorow despare from the to fall

By Adams fall.

By Adams fall was so forlorne
the whole nature of mākynde


ye we were poysoned or we were borne
& no helpe therto could we fynde
Tyll Christ Iesu
by his vertue
for oure dette his deare bloude had spent
that we werein


by Adams synne
whan he brake gods commaundement.

Ge. 3. a

Seynge Eue was sore begyled

By the serpentes tentacyon
Because she gods worde despysed
Brought mankynde to destruccyon
Agaynst this dede
It was great nede
That god shulde vs to comforte geue

Ro. 8. d

His owne deare sonne


Ro. 3. b

mercy troane

By whose death we all myght lyue.

Ro. 5. b

Lyke as in Adam a straunge det

Had brought vs to destruccyon
So are we now delyuered from it
In Christ oure ryght saluacyon


Lyke as we all
By Adams fall
were ordened with ryght to dye
So in gods sonne
Haue we founde eternally.

Ro. 5. a

So dyd he then geue vs his sonne

when we were yet his enemyes

Math. 27. d.

which for vs on the crosse was done

1. Cor. 15. a.

And so the thyrde daye dyd aryse

Ro 4. d

To iustifie

All vs that trust fast on his myght
why shulde we than
Drede any payne
He is now oure owne by ryght
He is his fathers eternall worde

Ioh. 14. a.

The waye/the lyfe/and verite

He is the Sauioure and the lorde
whom he hath geuen vs frely
To be oure health
Oure helpe and wealth

Psal. 61. b.

And not to truste in any man

For there is none
But he alone
That vs sucoure or comforth can

Ge. b. a

Man is all wicked by nature

There is no helpe with hym to fynde


who seketh helpe in a creature
And not in god with harte and mynde
He buyldeth on sonde
And may not stonde
whan tyme cometh of tentacyon

Psal. 117. a.

Therfore to trest

on god is best
And the most sure foundacyon.

Roma. 10. b.

He that hopeth on god stedfastly

Shall neuer be confounded
For doutles gods worde can not ley
Though all men shulde resist it
Great trouble and care
Is euery where
This worldes sorowe is infinite
yet sawe I neuer
Hym perysh for euer
That fast on gods worde trusted
O lorde I praye the hartely
For thy great mercyfull kyndnesse

Psal. 118. f.

Thy wholsome worde take not fro me

Because of my vnthankfulnesse

Psal. 37. a.

My synne is great

I knowlege it

Psal. 144. a. Eccl. 2.

But thy mercy excelleth all thynge

Therfore wyll I
Hope styll in the
To thy blysse that thou mayest me brynge.


[wake vp wake vp in gods name]

wake vp wake vp in gods name
thou worthy fayre christente
and shewe thy brydgromes great fame
for that he hath done to the
which hath his worde now sent
and opened it once agayne


as thou mayest se in many a place
where now is preached his grace
so truly and so playne.
Thy olde enemye that Sathan

Io. 8. d.

The father of all lesynge

Seketh all the meanes that he can
The verite downe to brynge
If any man speake therof
It must cost hym his bloude
For many soch men he dryueth awaye
And some he slayeth now euery daye
yet all doth hym no good.


He can not leaue his cruelnesse
But threateneth daye and nyght
His mynde is whole the to oppresse
That thou mayest feare his myght
But stonde thou fast in god
O worthy fayre Christente
He is thy helpe and sucoure
who so doth the displeasure


He toucheth gods owne eye.

Beholde how god hath euer done
For Israell in theyr nede

Exo. 14. f.

He drowned kynge Pharao ryght sone

with all that them troubled

Iosue. 6. d.

The walles of Hierico fell

So sone as gods folke came
Thy lorde god is so myghty
That he can helpe the swyftly
And put thy foes to blame.
The Madianites dyd all theyr best
To trouble gods people deare
The Amaleckes wolde not let them rest
But helde them styll in feare
Israell cryed to god
which helped them louyngly
By Gedeon his seruaunt

Iudicū 9. c.

There fell a hundreth thousande

And twenty thousande truly.
Remembre how god kepte Dauid

1. Reg. 23. e.

From Saul that wicked kynge


How oft he hym delyuered

2. Reg, 22. a.

which caused Dauid to synge

2. Reg. 15. b.

He had also great harme

Euen of his naturall sonne
That made great laboure hym to slaye
But god delyuered hym alwaye

2, Reg. 18. b.

And hanged fayre Absalon.

Note also how god helped
The good kynge Abia
And hym strongly delyuered
From Hieroboam alwaye
Though he was sore vexed
Of hym a longe season

2 Par. 13. c.

As sone as he complayned

Fyue hundreth thousande were slayne deed
And all destroyed ryght sone
So hath god helped ryght well
Assa that faythfull kynge
That we his sucoure myght fele
In euery troublous thynge
His enemyes were many
And stronge in all mens syght

2. Pa. 14. c.

A thousande tymes a thousand

yet were they not so stronge to stande
But fell all thorow gods myght.
Consyder how god delyuered
The kynge Ezechiam
which was very oft sore threatened


with Sennacherib by name

4. Re. 19. g. Esa. 27. f. 2. Par. 32. d.

Of thousandes euen an hundreth

Foure score and. v. he brought
yet were they sone destroyed than
Gods aungell slewe them euery man
And brought them all to nought.
Heare to how strongly god fought
for his kynge Iosaphat

2. Par. 20. a.

when Ammon all his power brought

And Moabs hoost was therat
Israel called to God
He was theyr helpe onely
The heythen were so plaged
That one dyd slaye another deed
Gods folke gat the victory.
Thus all gods enemyes peryshed
God slewe them all sodenly
His hande is not yet shortened
O worthy fayre Christente
He can the well defende
Thy heeres are tolde truly
Let Sathan do all that he maye
yf thou holde fast gods worde alwaye
He shall not forsake the.

I call on the lorde Iesu Christe.


I call on the lorde Iesu Christ
I haue none other helpe but the.
My herte is neuer set at rest
tyll thy swete worde haue comforted me.
A stedfast fayth graunt me therfore
to holde by thy worde euermore


aboue all thynge, neuer resistynge
but to increace in fayth more and more.
yet once agayne I call on the
Heare my request o mercyfull lorde
I wolde fayne hope on thy mercye
And can not be therto restored
Excepte thou with thy grace oppresse
My blynde and naturall weaknesse
Cause me therfore
To hope euermore


On thy mercy and swete promises
Lorde prynte into my harte and mynde
Thy holy spirite with feruentnesse
That I to the be not vnkynde
But loue the without faynednesse
Let nothynge drawe my mynde from the
But euer to loue the earnestly
Let not my harte
Unthankfully departe
From the ryght loue of thy mercye
Geue me thy grace lorde I the praye
To loue myne enemyes hartely
How be it they trouble me alwaye
And for thy cause do slaundre me
yet Iesu Christ for thy goodnesse
Fyll my harte with forgeuenesse
That whyle I lyue
I maye them forgeue
That do offende me more or lesse.
I am compased all rounde aboute
with sore and stronge tentacyon
Therfore good lorde delyuer me out
From all this wycked nacyon
The deuell/the worlde/my fleshe also
Folowe vpon me where I go
Therfore wolde I
Now fayne delyuered be
Thy helpe I seke lorde and no mo.


Now seist thou lorde what nede I haue
I haue none els to complayne to
Therfore thy holy goost I craue
To be my guyde where euer I go
That in all my aduersite
I forget not the loue of the
But as thou lorde
Hast geuen me thy worde
Let me therin both lyue and dye.

Of the byrth of Christ.

Now blessed be thou Christ Iesu
thou art man borne this is true
the Aungels made a mery noyse
yet haue we more cause to reioyse


The blessed sonne of god onely

Lu. 2. a

In a crybbe full poore dyd lye

with oure poore flesh and oure poore bloude
was clothed that euerlastynge good
He that made heauen and earth of nought
In oure fleshe hath oure health brought

Phil. 2. a.

For oure sake made he hym selfe full small

That reigneth lorde and kynge ouer all

1. Io. 1.

Eternall lyght doth now apeare

To the worlde both farre and neare
It shyneth full cleare euen at mydnyght
Makynge vs chyldren of his lyght
The lorde Christ Iesu gods sonne deare
was a gest and a straunger here
Us for to brynge from mysery
That we myght lyue eternally
Into this worlde ryght poore came he
To make vs ryche in mercye
Therfore wolde he oure synnes forgeue


That we with hym in heauen myght lyue
All this dyd he for vs frely
For to declare his great mercy
All christendome be mery therfore
And geue hym thankes euermore

Of the Resurrection.

Christe is now rysen agayne
from his death and all his payne
therfore wyll we mery
be and reioyse with wym gladly.



1. Cor. 15. b.

Had he not rysen agayne

we had ben lost this is playne
But sen he is rysen in dede
Let vs loue hym all with spede
Now is tyme of gladnesse
To synge of the lordes goodnesse
Therfore glad now wyll we be
And reioyse in hym onely.

Another of the same.

[Christ dyed and suffred great payne]

Christ dyed and suffred great payne
for oure synnes and wyckednesse
but he is now rysen agayne


to make vs full of gladnesse.
Let vs all reioyse therfore
and geue hym thankes for euermore
synging to hī
There was no man that coulde ouerwynne
The power of death nor his myght
And all this came thorow oure synne
wherfore we were dampned by ryght
By occasyon of which thynge

Ro. 5. b

Death toke vs into his kepynge

we coulde not escape out of his syght.


But the lorde Iesu gods owne sonne
Takynge on hym oure weake nature

Io. 1. d

Hath put awaye oure synnes alone

And ouercome death thorow his power
As for death and his great myght
Christ hath ouercome it all by ryght
It can do vs no displeasure
It was a maruelous great thynge
To se how death with death dyd fyght
For the one death gat the wynnynge
And the other death lost his myght

1. Cor. 15. f. Ose. 13 Heb. 2. b

Holy scripture speaketh of it

How one death another wolde byte
The death of Christ hath wonne by ryght

1. Cor. 5. b.

This same is the ryght Paschall lambe

That was ones offred for oure synne
Into this worlde mekely he came
From Sathans power vs to wynne

Ro. 4. d

For oure wickednesse wolde he dye

And rose vs for to iustifie
The mercy of god was great therin

Gloria in excelsis deo.

To god the hyghest be glory alwaye
for his great kyndnes and mercy


that doth prouyde both nyght and daye
both for oure soule and oure body
To mākynde hath god great pleasure
now is great peace euery where
god hath put out all emnyte.


Ad Patrem.
we loue and prayse and honoure the
For thy great glory we thanke thy grace
That thou god father eternally
Art oure defender in euery place

Ro, 8. b

Thou art to vs a mercyfull father

And we thy chyldren altogether
Therfore we geue the thankes alwayes
Ad Filium.
O Iesu Christ thou onely sonne
Of god almyghtye thy heauenly father

Ra. 3. 1. Io. 2

Oure full and whole redempcyon

Thou that hast stilled gods displeasure

Io. 2. d

O gods lambe that takest synne awaye

when we haue nede helpe vs alwaye
graunt vs thy mercy altogether.
Ad Spiritum sanctum.
O holy goost oure confortoure
In all oure trouble and heuynesse
Defende vs all from Sathans power
whome Christ hath bought from wofulnesse
Kepe oure hertes in the verite
In oure tentacion stonde vs by
And strength alwaye oure weake bodies.


Mognificat/which is the songe of the virgin Mary..


Luc. j.

My soule doth magnyfie the Lorde,
my spret reioyseth greatly,
in God my Sauioure & his worde,
for he hath sene ye lowe degre,
of me his hādmaydē truly
beholde now after this day,


al generacyons shall speake of me,
and cal me blessed alwaye.
For he that is onely of myghte,
Hath done great thynges for me:
And holy is his name by ryghte
As for his endles mercy
It endureth perpetually
In euery generacyon
On them that feare hym vnfaynedly
without dissimulacyon.
He sheweth strength with his great arme
Declaryng hymselfe to be of power
He scatereth the proude to theyr owne harme
Euen with the wicked behauoure
Of theyr owne hertes euery houre
He putteth downe the myghtye


From theyr hye seate and great honoure
Exaltynge them of lowe degre.
The hongrye fylleth he with good
And letteth the ryche go emptie
where his owne people want no foode
He thynketh vpon his mercye
And helpeth his seruaunt truly
Euen Israel as he promysed
Unto oure fathers perpetually
Abraham and to his sede.

Nunc dimittis/which is the songe of Simeon.


Luc. ij.

with peace and with ioyfull gladnesse
and with a mery harte
accordynge to thy swete promesse


Lorde let me now departe.
Now geue me leaue that I may dye
for I wolde be present with the.
For myne eyes haue sene the Sauioure
That is sent out from the
Thou hast satisfied my harte therfore
That thou hast shewed hym me
which is oure onely saluacyon
Ourehelth and oure redempcion.
whome thou hast prepared ryght well


And shewed hym openly
Before the face of all people
Preachynge thy worde planely
Kepynge no man from thy kyngdome
That thorow hym wyll therin come.
He is the true and onely lyght
which moued with mercy
Restoreth the gentyls to theyr syght
Lyghtenynge theyr hartes truly
He is the glory of Israel
Thy people whom thou louest so well.

The .xi. Psalme of Dauid.

Agaynst false doctryne and ypocrites.

Saluum me fac Domine.

Helpe now o Lorde & loke on vs,
how we are brought in lowe degre
thy saintes are dryuē from euery house,


Mich. 7. a.

there are fewe faythfull lefte truly,

men wyll not suffre thy trueth to be knowen,
thy fayth is all most ouerthrowe
amonge mens chyldren piteously.

Ose, 7. a.

It is but lyes and vanite


That one preacheth now to his brother
They flatter with theyr lyppes falsely

Ier. 8. b. & 9.

And one dyssembleth with another
Thus shewe they with theyr mouth one thynge
And yet haue they another meanynge
within theyr hertes altogether.
O that the Lorde wolde once rote out
All soch disceatfull yppes speakynge
which wyll not haue that men shulde doute
In thynges that are of theyr makynge

Iude. 1

we ought to speake by auctorite they say proudly

Oure tonge shulde preuayle
who shulde rule vs or oure doynge?
Therfore sayeth the Lorde/now wyll I ryse
I se the poore are oppressed
Theyr sore complaynte wyll I not despyse
But wyll them helpe shortly in dede
I wyll set them at lybertie
My worde shalbe preached planely
They shall nomore be disceaued.

Psal. 17. c.

Syluer seuen tymes tryed in the fyre

Is purified and made cleare therby
So is gods worde alwaye nearer
whan it is persecute cruelly
The Lordes wordes are pure and ryght
And wyll not be kepte downe by myght
But wyll apeare the more planely.
O Lorde defende thou them therfore


And preserue vs gracyously
From this generacyon euermore
That persecute vs so cruelly
For whan vanite and ydilnesse
Is set by amonge men, doutles
all are full of the vngodly.

The seconde Psalme of Dauid.

Quare Fremuerunt gentes.

Act. 4. Psal. 70. a. &. 82. a.

wherfore do the heithen now rage thus,

cōspyryng together so wyckedly?
wherfore are the people so malicious
vayne thynges to ymagyn so folyshly?


The kynges of the earth stonde vp together,
& worldly rulers do conspyre,
agaynst the lorde and his Christ truly.

The en myes.

They saye/let vs breake vp theyr bondes

And let vs cast theyr yocke awaye
Theyr lawes wyll make vs lose oure londes
Therfore none soch wyll we obeye

The prophete.

But he that in heauen hath residence

Shall laugh them to scorne and theyr pretence

Pro. 1.

The lorde shall mocke them nyght and daye.


The Lorde shall talke with them together
In his great anger and wrath truly
And also he shall trouble them euer
Thrugh his displeasure at them daylye

God ye father.

yet haue I ordened and set my kynge

On my hyll Syon to haue rulynge
Theyr heade and gouernoure for to be

Christ the son, God ye father.

I wyll shewe forth the cōmaundement

wherof the Lorde hath sayd to me

Hebr.1. b. & 5. b

Thou art my sonne, whome I haue sent

Act. 13

This daye haue I begotten the

Axe me and I shall geue the soone
All Heithen in possession
Thorow out the worlde where euer they be.
Forsoth thou shalt rule them together

Apo. 2. d. & 14

with a rodde of yron made strongly

Esa 30

Lyke erthen vessel brent in the fyre

Shalt thou them breake that resyst the

The prophete.

Therfore ye kynges now vnderstonde

Be wyse and resyst not the Lordes honde
Be content ye Iudges warned to be.
with feare se that ye serue the Lorde
Reioyse before hym all with drede
Kysse ye the sonne and his swete worde
The lorde wyll els be sore greued
Than shall ye peryshe from the verite
His wrath shalbe kyndled shortly

Ier. 17

They that truste in hym are all blessed.



The .xlv. Psalme of Dauid.

Deus noster refugium.

Oure God is a defence and towre
a good armoure and good weapē
he hath ben euer oure helpe and sucoure
in all the troubles ye we haue ben in
therfore wyl we neuer drede


for any wōderous dede
by water or by lōde
in hilles or ye see sōde
our god hath thē al ī his hōd

2. Cor. 2. a.

Though we be alwaye greatly vexed

with many a great tentacyon
Yet thanked be god we are refreshed
His swete worde conforteth oure mansion

Io. 14

It is gods holy place

he dwelleth here by grace

Psal. 2. Act. 4.

Amonge vs is he

Both nyght and daye truly
He helpeth vs all and that swyftly.
The wicked heithen besege vs straytly
And many great kyngdomes take theyr parte

Psal. 65. b.

They are gathered agaynst vs truly

And are sore moued in theyr herte
But gods worde as cleare as daye
Maketh them shrenke awaye.


The lorde god of power
Stondeth by vs euery houre
The god of Iacob is oure stronge towre

Psal. 65. a.

Come hether now beholde and se

The noble actes and dedes of the lorde
what great thynges he doth for vs daylye
And conforteth vs with his swete worde
For whan oure enemyes wolde fyght
Than brake he theyr myght
Theyr bowe and theyr speare
(So that we nede not feare)
And brent theyr charettes in the fyre.
Therfore sayeth god/take hede to me
Let me alone and I shall helpe you
knowe me for youre god I saye onely
Amonge all heithen that reigne now

Psal. 26. a.

wherfore than shulde we drede

Seynge we haue no nede

Ro. 8. d

For the lorde god of power

Stondeth by vs euery houre
The God of Iacob is oure stronge towre.

The .C. xxiii. Psalme of Dauid.

Nisi quia Dominus.

Except the lorde had bene with vs
now maye Israel say boldly


Excepte the lorde had ben with vs
when men rose vp agaynst vs fearsly

Pro. 1.

they had deuoured vs quyck doutlesse

& had ouerwonne vs confortles
they were so wroth at vs truly.


The wawes of waters had wrapped vs in
Oure soule had gone vnder the floode
The depe waters of these proude men
Had ronne oure soules ouer where they stode
The Lorde be praysed euery houre
That wolde not suffre them vs to deuoure
Nor in theyr tethe to sucke oure bloude
Oure soule is delyuered from theyr power
They can not haue that they haue sought
As the byrde from the snare of the fouler
So are we from theyr daungers brought
The snare is broken and we are fre

Pro. 18 Psal. 120. a.

Oure helpe is in the lordes name truly

which hath made heauen and earth of nought.

The .C. xxxvi. Psalme.

Super Flumina Babilonis.

At the

Eze. 1. a. &. 3. b

ryuers of Babilō

there sat we downe ryght heuely


Euen whan we thought vpon Sion
we wept together sorofully
for we were in soch heuynes
ye we forgat al our merynes
& left of all oure sporte & playe
on the willye trees ye were therby


we hanged vp our harpes truly
& morned sore both night & day.
They that toke vs so cruelly
And led vs bounde into pryson
Requyred of vs some melody
with wordes full of derision
when we had hanged our harpes awaye
This cruell folke to vs coulde saye
Now let vs heare some mery songe
Synge vs a songe of some swete toyne
As ye were wont to synge at Sion
where ye haue lerned to synge so longe
To whom we answerd soberly
Beholde now are we in youre honde
How shulde we vnder captiuite
Synge to the lorde in a straunge londe


Hierusalem I say to the
yf I remembre the not truly
My honde playe on the harpe nomore
yf I thynke not on the alwaye
Let my tonge cleue to my mouth for aye
And let my loose my speache therfore.
yee aboue all myrth and pastaunce
Hierusalem I preferre the
Lorde call to thy remembraunce

Ier. 49 Eze. 25 Abd. 1.

The sonnes of Edom ryght strately

In the daye of the destruction
which at Hierusalem was done
For they sayd in theyr cruelnes
Downe with it, downe with it, destroye it all
Downe with it soone, that it may fall
Laye it to the grounde all that there is.

Esa. 13 Iee. 50

O thou cite of Babilon

Thou thy selfe shalt be destroyed
Truly blessed shalbe that man
which euen as thou hast deserued
Shall rewarde the with soch kyndnesse
As thou hast shewed to vs gyltlesse
which neuer had offended the
Blessed shall he be that for the nones
Shall throwe thy chyldren agaynst the stones
To brynge the out of memorie.

The .C. xxvii. Psalme.

Beati omnes qui timent Dominum.


Psal. 33. b.

Blessed are all that feare the lorde

worshippynge hym both nyght and daye
ordrynge heyr lyfe after his worde
and walkyng euer in his waye
and walkynge euer in his waye.

Gen. 3.

For thou shalt get thyne owne lyuynge


And eate thy bred without ydelnesse
Euen with thy handes laborynge
So shalt thou haue prosperous increase.
Thy wyfe as the vyna shalbe frutefull
within the walles of thy dwellynge
Thy chyldren shall stonde about thy table
Lyke Olyue braunches floryshynge.
Lo thus shall that man be blessed
And happye shall he be alwaye
That leadeth his lyfe in the lordes drede
And feareth hym both nyght and daye.

Nu 6. d

From Sion shall the lorde blesse the

And pleasure shalt thou haue amonge
Beholdynge the great prosperite
Of Hierusalem all thy lyfe longe.

Iob. 42. c. Tob. 14. a.

The lorde shall so prolonge thy lyfe

That thy chyldres chyldren thou shalt se
In Israel shalt thou se no stryfe
But peace and great felicite?

The same Psalme.

[Blessed are all yt feare the lorde]

Beati omnes.

Blessed are all yt feare the lorde

Psal. 33. b.

worshippynge hym both nyght and daye


ordrynge theyr lyfe after his worde
& walkynge euer in his waye
for thou shalt get thin owne lyuing
& eat thy bred without ydelnes
euē wt thin owne hādes workyng


and shalt haue prosperous increace
and want nothynge to thy hartes ease
Thy wyfe also shalbe frutefull
within the walles of thy dwellynge
As the vyne tre plenteous and full
Shall she fayre chyldren to the brynge
which rounde aboute thy table shall stonde
Lyke fayre plantes of the Olyue tre
Lo, thus shall he blessed be founde
That worshippeth and feareth the lorde truly
Hauynge Gods lawe before his eye
The lorde shall do the good alwaye
From the holy hyll of Syon
Thou shalt delyte both nyght and daye
Beholdynge the prosperous fortune
Of Hierusalem all thy lyfe longe


Iob. 42. c. Tob. 14. a.

And thy chyldres chyldren shalt thou se

Thus shall the lorde thy dayes prolonge
To se the peace and felicite
wherin all Israel shalbe.

The .L. Psalme of Dauid.

[O lorde god haue thou mercy on me]

Miserere mei Deus.

O lorde god haue thou mercy on me
after thy maruelous great pite
as thou art ful of mercy
do away all my iniquite.

Psal. 31. a. Iob. 13. b. Lu. 18.

And washe me frō all fylthynesse


of my great synnes and wantonesse
for they are many within me
and euer I fele them heuye
my synne is alwaye before myne eye
I haue alone offended the
before the haue I lyued synfully


in thy worde stondest thou stedfastly
thoughe thou be iudged wrongfully.
Se how I am conceaued in synne
My mother hath brought me forth therin

Ephe. 2 a.

A chylde of wrathe by nature borne

And without the lorde am forlorne
To the treuth thou hast a pleasure alwaye
And helpest my blyndnesse euery daye
To knowe thy wysedome gracyously
That thou hast hyd so secretly


with ysope fayre sprenkle thou me
washe thou me clene/so shall I be
whyter then snowe/mende thou my cheare
My weery bones to helpe from feare
which thou thy selfe hast brused so neare.
Loke not vpon my wreched lyfe
Forgeue my synnes that are so ryfe

Eze. 36 Act. 2.

Lorde make in me a ryght pure harte

A good conscience let be my parte
A godly spirite renew in me
And cast me not away from the
Thy holy spirite let me haue styll
To be my conforte in all euell
And let me haue euer the gladnesse
Of thy health in all heuynesse
Thy myghtie spirite holde thou in me
I wyll helpe synners turne to the
Thy waye wyll I teache them hartely.
God rydde me from bloudgyltynesse
Thou god of all my healthfulnesse
So shall my tonge geue prayse to the
Thy ryghtuousnesse to honoure in me
Lorde open thou these lippes of myne
That my mouthe maye to thy prayse inclyne

Mich. 6. b.

Thou hast no pleasure in offrynge

For els I thought them the to brynge
Burnt offrynges are not to thy paye
They please not the though they be gaye
They are nothynge worth in thy syght


Gods offrynge is of moche more myght
A spirite all troubled is his ryght.

Esa 66

A contrite harte that is brought lowe

Shalt thou lorde god awaye not throwe
That dost thou alwaye so regarde
That it shall euer of the be harde.
To Sion lorde be gracyous
After thy kyndnesse plenteous
That the walles of Hierusalem
Maye be buylded and brought from shame

Ro. 12.

Then shalt thou be pleased doutlesse

with the offrynge of ryghtuousnes
with the brent offrynges of thy wyll
Then shall good men theyr calues kyll
Therwith thyne altare to fulfyll.

The same Psalme.

[O god be mercyfull to me]

Miserere mei Deus.

O god be mercyfull to me
accordynge to thy great pitie

Psal. 31. a.

washe of make clene my iniquite


I knowlege my synne and it greueth me
Agaynst the agaynst the
only haue I synned which is before myne eye.
Though thou be iudged in mans syght

Ro. 3.

yet are thy wordes founde true and ryght.


Beholde, I was borne all in synne
My mother conceaued me therin
But thou louest treuth, and haste shewed me
Thy wysedome hyd so secretly
with fayre ysope lorde sprenkle thou me
washe thou me clene/so shall I be
whyter than snowe/cause me reioyse
Make my bones mery whō thou madest lowse.
Lorde turne thy face fro my wickednesse
Clense me from all vnryghtuousnesse

Eze. 16. e. Act. 7.

A pure harte lorde make thou in me

Renewe a ryght spirite in my body
Cast me not out away from the
Nor take thy holy goost fro me
Make me reioyse in thy sauynge health
Thy myghty spirite strength me for my wealth
Thy waye shall I shewe to men full of vyce
And enstructe them well in thy seruice
That wicked men and vngodly
maye be conuerted vnto the
O god, o god my sauioure
Delyuer me from the synne of murther
my tonge shall reioyse in thy mercye
Open my lippes/and my mouth shal prayse the


Mich. 6. b.

Thou wylt haue no bodely offrynge

I thought them els to the to brynge
Gods sacrifice is a troubled spirite

Esa. 66

Thou wilt not dispise a harte contrite

with Sion (o god) deale gently
That Hierusalem walles may buylded be
Than shalt thou delyte in the ryght offrynge
which men shall with theyr calues brynge.

The .Cxxix. Psalme.

[Out of the depe crye I to the]

De profundis.

Out of the depe crye I to the
O lorde lorde heare my callynge.
Oh let thyne eares enclyned be.
to the voyce of my complaynynge.


Iob. 9. Psal. 142. a.

yf thou (lorde) wylt deale with stratenesse,

to marke all that is done amysse,
lorde who may abyde that rekenynge?

Exo. 34. a. Psal. 102. a.

But there is mercy euer with the

That thou therfore mayest be feared
I wyll abyde the lorde paciently
My soule loketh for hym vnfaynted
And in his worde is all my trust
So is my hope and conforte most
His promysse shalbe fulfylled.


As the watche men in the mornynge
Stonde lokynge longe desyrously
That they myght se the fayre day sprynge
So wayteth my soule for the lorde dayly
Therfore let Israel wayte styll
Untyll it be the lordes wyll
To lowse them from aduersite

Psal. 85. c.

For with the lorde there is mercy

And great plenteous redempcyon

1. Io. 2

All though we synne oft wickedly

yet hath he for vs a sure pardon

Esa. 43. d.

He shall redeme poore Israel

And hym shall he delyuer full well
From all the synnes that he hath done.

The .xxiiii. Psalme of Dauid.

[I lyft my soule lord vp to the]

Ad te Domine leuaui.

I lyft my soule lord vp to the
my god I trust on the alone
let me neuer confounded be


my enemyes els wyll mocke me soone

Ro. 9. Esa. 28 Psal. 30. a.

they shall not be shamed that trust on the
but they that scornefull despysers be
those shall be put to confusyon.


Psal. 118

Shewe me o lorde thy godly wayes

And lerne me the ryght pathes to the
In thy verite leade me alwayes
Thou art god my sauioure truly
Lerne me, for in the is all my trust
My hope, my beleue, and conforte most
All the daye longe continually.
Remembre lorde thy great mercy
And thy great plenteous kyndnesse
Call to thy mynde lorde we praye the
Thy gracious fauoure and gentylnesse
For in these thynges thou excellest greatly
Euen from the begynnynge eternally
Thou art so ryche in mercyfulnesse.
My fautes and my vngodlynesse
My synfull youth and euell bearynge
As thou art lorde full of goodnesse
Remembre not this my euell lyuynge
But after thy mercy thynke on me
And after thy great benignite
Forgyue thou all my mysdoynge.
The lorde is iuste full of goodnesse
To synners that leaue theyr euell lyuynge

Psal. 36. d.

For though they fall ofte thorow weaknesse

yet to his waye he wyll them brynge
He shall lerne meke men his gracyous wyll
And teach them his waye to come thertyll
And set theyr fete fast for slippynge.


All wayes of the lorde are full truly
Both of mercy and faythfulnesse

Esa. 43. d. Ier. 3 a

For as he promyseth mercyfully

So payeth he all without doubylnesse
To soch as regarde his worde and wyll
And are euer redy to fulfyll
Theyr couenaunt with hym and theyr promesse
For thy names sake lorde I praye the
forgeue me my great wickednesse
The lorde shall lerne that man truly
That feareth hym with all lowlynesse
He shalbe teachynge hym euer the waye
That pleaseth hym both nyght and daye
His conscience shalbe in quyetnesse
His chyldren shall possesse the londe
It shalbe theyr heretage and ryght

Psal. 36. d.

They shall neuer want by see nor sonde

The lorde wyll fede them thorow his myght
He is a defence both louynge and deare
For euery man that hym doth feare
She wynge them his couenaunte daye & nyght.
Myne eyes shall on the lorde be set
Tyll he se his tyme and season
To drawe my fete out of this net
That holdeth me so fast in prison
Beholde thou and haue mercy on me
For I am forsaken in mysery
And full of great affliction.


The cares of my harte and sorofulnesse
Increase euer dayly more and more
Leade me out of my heuynesse
And my poore state beholde therfore
Forgeue thou all my synnes and se
How many they are that trouble me
And persecute me with furiousnesse.
Preserue my soule and delyuer me
Lest I be brought to confusion
For I haue put my trust in the
Let godlynesse kepe me all season
My hope is in the, and shalbe styll
Oh god delyuer poore Israell
From all theyr trouble and affliction.

The .lxvii. Psalme.

[God be mercyfull vnto vs]

Deus misereatur nostri.

God be mercyfull vnto vs
and sende ouer vs his blessynge
shewe vs his presence glorious


& be euer to vs louynge
yt men on earth may knowe thy waye
thy sauynge health & ryghteousnesse
that they be not led by nyght nor day
thorowe the pretexte of trewe iustice


to seke saluacyon where none is.
Therfore the people mought magnyfie the
O god let all folke honoure thy name
Let all the people reioyse gladly
Because thou dost ryght without blame
The people dost thou iudge truly
And ordrest euery nacyon
Thou hast directe the earth iustly
Euer sense the fyrst creacyon
with thy godly prouision
O god let the people prayse the
All people (god) mought geue the honoure
The earth also ryght plenteously
Mought increase euer more and more
And god which is oure god ouer all
Mought do vs good and pleasure
God blesse vs now both great and small
And all the worlde hym honoure
Fearynge alwaye his myght and power

The .xiii. Psalme of Dauid.

[The foolysh wicked men can saye]

Dixit insipiens.


The foolysh wicked men can saye
they holde of god ryght perfectly.
yet are they farre out of the way
for in theyr hartes they hym deny
corrupte and abbominable are they also
in al the thynges that they do


there wyll not one do good truly.

Gen. 11 b. &. 18.

The lorde dyd loke here downe frō heauen

Men to consyder and theyr doynge
To se yf any men were geuen
To gods knowlege aboue all thynge
yf there were any that perfectly
Regarded god so earnestly
To folowe his worde in his lyuynge.
Then sayd god these wordes moreouer
Is euery man gone so farre by
Swarued so farre now all together
From the ryght waye so parlously
So vnprofitable and peryshed
That no man wyll do good in dede

Ro. 13.

No not so moche as one truly.


Are they out of theyr myndes so farre
All these workes of wickednesse
Beholde now/for they nothynge care
My people to deuoure for gredynesse
As one shulde eat a pece of bread
The lordes feare is out of theyr heade
They do not regarde it moch doutlesse.
wherfore they shalbe feared truly
with feare incomparable and endlesse
O ryghtuous man thou mayst be mery
for they that beseged the gyltles
Theyr bones hath god shaken altogether
Now shalt thou despyse them for euer
For god hath left them confortles.
God is in iust mens company
And in the ryghtuous nacyon
But wicked men mocke them dayly
for none other cause nor reason
But for because they folowe the mynde
Of the poore afflicte which was Gods frende
To trust in the lordes redempcyon.

Esa. 59 Ro. 11.

O wolde God that the sauynge health

wolde come from the hyll of Sion
That Israel myght haue his wealth
And God to lowse hym from preson
Then shulde Iacob be full of ioye
And Israel shulde make full mery
Because of his redempcyon.


The .C. xlvii. Psalme.

[Prayse thou the lorde Hierusalē]

Lauda Hierusalem dominum.

Prayse thou the lorde Hierusalē
prayse thou thy god o Sion
for all thy strength stondeth whole in hym
he barreth & kepeth thy gates alone
endewyng thy chyldrē in ye
wt goodly gyftes plēteously


blessyng thy cōgregacion
He doth ende we thy borders all
Rounde about the with peace and rest
His prouision for the is not small
with wheate he feadeth the of the best
He sendeth his worde into the earth

Ge. 1. a Psal. 32. b. & 148. a.

Swyftly renneth his commaundement forth

All thynges obeye hym most and least.
Lyke woll doth he cast downe the snowe
Scatrynge the frost lyke as asshes
Lyke morsels of bread his haile doth he throwe
That no man maye byde the coldnesse
with a worde meltynge them all agayne
And leadeth his wynde backe to geue rayne
So droppe the waters downe with moystnesse.
This same is he that tolde ryght well

Exo. 20. a.

His pleasures to Iacob his drare frende

His lawes and decrees to Israell
That they myght kepe them in theyr mynde

Deu. 4

with no nacyon hath he dealte thus

Nor bene to them so gracyous
His godly worde them for to sende.


The .C. xxxiii. Psalme.

[Beholde and se forget not this]

Ecce quam bonum.

Beholde and se forget not this
how ioyfull & pleasaunt a thynge it is
brethren to dwell all together
and to be of one mynde euer.
For they are lyke that precious vnction
which beynge powred on the head of Aaron
Ran in his bearde into Aarons bearde
And to his skirtes it descended.
This brotherly loue is so noble vertue
That it is lykened vnto the dew
which fell on the hyll of Hermon


And on the fayre hill of Sion.
For there the lorde gaue his blessynge
And she wed his lyfe euerlastynge
So where as loue is vnfayned
There is the lordes blessynge in dede.

Christe qui lux.

O Christ ye art ye lyght & day
thou discouerst yedarknes of nyght
ye lyght of lyghtes thou art alwaye
preachyng euer the blessed lyght.


Thou holy lorde to the we praye
Defende vs all in this darke nyght
Let vs haue rest in the alwaye
And graunt vs all a quyet nyght.
Let not heuye slepe on vs fall
Nor let the feynde take vs awaye
Let not oure fleshe consent with all
To make vs gyltie by nyght nor daye.
Let oure eyes take theyr slepe naturall
But let oure hartes wake to the styll
with thy ryght honde defende vs all
Thy seruanntes true that loue the well.
Loke on vs lorde oure defender
Put them downe that wolde vs no good
Kepe thy seruauntes in good ordre
whom thou hast bought with thy deare bloude.
Lorde call vs now vnto thy mynde
In this body that is so heuy
Thou that doest euer oure soule defende
Be present now with thy mercy.
God the father for euermore
with Iesu Christ his sonne only
And the holy goost oure confortoure
Be thanked alwaye hartely.

O heuenly lorde.

[O heauenly lorde thy godly worde]


O heauenly lorde thy godly worde
hathe longe bene kepte awaye from vs
but thorow thy grace now in oure dayes
thou hast shewed the so plenteous
that very well we can now tell
what thy Apostles haue written al


and now we se/thy worde opēly,
hath geuen Anthechrist a great fall.
It is so cleare/as we may heare
No man by ryght can it deny
That many a yeare/thy people deare
Haue bene begyled perlously
with men spirituall/as we them call
But not of thy spirite truly
For more carnall/are none at all
Than many of these spirites be.
They haue bene euer/sworne altogether
Theyr owne lawes for to kepe alwaye
But mercyfull lorde/of thy swete worde
There durst no man begynne to saye
They durst them call/great heretikes all
That dyd confesse it stedfastly
For they charged/it shulde be hyd
And not be spoken of openly.
O mercyfull god/where was thy rod


In punyshynge soch great tyranny
why slepte thou then/knowynge these men
Resist openly the verite
But the prophetes saye/thou art alwaye
Full of mercy and gentylnesse
for nyght and day/thou suffrest that they
Myght turne from theyr olde wickednesse.
Neuerthelesse/they dyd oppresse
Thy worde and thy true preachers
For theyr euell syght/thou sent thy lyght
yet slewe they all soch teachers
Then seynge they/resisted alway
Thy grace offred so louyngly
Thou madest it mete/for the poore in sprite
That now receaue it thankfully.
For there are none/but they alone
That knowe the for theyr sauioure
All other withstonde/thy godly honde
And slaundre thy worde euery houre
well is hym therfore/that feleth his sore
Sekynge no helpe but in thy bloude
Receauynge grace/of the alwayes
Knowynge of hym selfe to haue no good.
we thanke the lorde/for thy swete worde
And for thy kyndnesse she wed therin
For thy mercy/lorde we praye the
Strength vs therwith agaynst all synne
And lorde oppresse/vnthankfulnesse
That we neuer do foget the
Graunt vs thy spirite/to lyue thorowe it
In vertue euer whyle we dye


Let go the whore of Babilon.

Let go the whore of Babilon,
her kyngdome falleth sore
her marchauntes begyne to make theyr mone
the Lorde be praysed therfore.
Theyr ware is naught/it wyll not be bought


great falsheed is foūde therin
let go the whore of Babilon
the mother of al synne.
No man wyll drynke her wyne any more
The poyson is come to lyghte
That maketh her marchauntes to wepe so sore
The blynde haue gotten theyr syghte
for now we se/gods grace frelye
In Christ offred vs so fayre
Let go the whore of Babilon
And bye nomore her ware.
Of Christen bloude so moch she shed
That she was dronken withall
But now Gods worde hath broken her head
And she hath gotten a fall
God hath raysed/some men in dede
To vtter her great wickednesse
Let go the whore of babilon
And her vngodlynesse.


ye ypocrites what can ye saye?
wo be vnto you all
ye haue begyled vs many a daye
Heretikes ye dyd vs call
For louynge the worde/of Christ the Lorde
whom ye do alwaye resiste
Let go the whore of Babilon
That rydeth vpon the beast.
ye proude and cruell Egipcians
That dyd vs so great wronge
The lorde hath sent vs delyueraunce
Thoughe ye haue troubled vs longe
youre Pharao/with other mo
Is drowned in the reed see
Let go the whore of Babilon
with her captiuite.
ye Cananites ye enemyes all
Though ye were many in dede
yet hath the lorde geuen you a fall
And vs delyuered
Euen in youre londe/do we now stonde
Oure lorde god hath brought vs in
Let go the whore of Babilon
And fle from all her synne.
Dagon Dagon that false ydoll
The Philistines god
which hath deceaued many a soule
In soch honoure he stode
But now the lorde/with his swete worde
Hath broken hym downe before the Ark
Let go the whore of Babilon


And forsake the beestes marke.
Balaam Balaam thou false prophet
Thou hast cursed vs ryght sore
yet in to a blessynge hath god turned it
No thanke to the therfore
For thy belye/thou woldest lye
Though god make the to saye the loth
Let go the whore of Babilon
And turne you to the trueth.
Thy god be praysed o Daniel
For his goodnesse so great
The gredy prestes of the Idoll Bel
were wonte to moche to eate
And that priuely/no man dyd se
But now the kynge hath spied theyr cast
Let go the whore of Babilon
For Bell is destroyed at the last.
O glorious god full of mercye
we thanke the euermore
Thou hast shewed vs thy verite
Thy name be praysed therfore
For thy swete worde/O gracious lorde
Let vs be euer thankfull to the
And sende the whore of Babilon
In to captiuite.
Reioyse with me thou heauen aboue
And ye Apostles all
Be glad ye people for Christes loue
That the whore hath gotten a fall
Be thankfull now I requyre you


Amende youre lyues whyle ye haue space
Let go the whore of Babilon
And thanke god of his grace.