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The Whole Works of William Browne

of Tavistock ... Now first collected and edited, with a memoir of the poet, and notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt, of the Inner Temple

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Herewith on leaden wings Sleepe from him flew,
When on his arme he rose, and sadly threw
Shrill acclamations; while an hollow caue,
Or hanging hill, or heauen an answer gaue.
O sacred Essence lightning me this houre!
How may I lightly stile thy great Power?


Power? but of whence? vnder the green-wood spray.
Or liu'st in heau'n? say.

In Heauens aye.

In heauens aye I tell, may I it obtaine
By almes; by fasting, prayer, by paine.
By paine.

Shew me the paine, 't shall be vndergone:
I to mine end will still goe on.
Goe on.

But whither? On! Shew me the place, the time:
What if the Mountain I do climbe?
Doe; climbe.

Is that the way to ioyes which still endure?
O bid my soule of it be sure!
Be sure.

Then thus assured, doe I climbe the hill,
Heauen be my guide in this thy will.
I will.