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Ræd sceal mon secgan, rune writan,
leoþ gesingan, lofes gearnian,
dom areccan, dæges onettan.
Til mon tiles ond tomes meares,
cuþes ond gecostes ond calcrondes;
nænig fira to fela gestryneð.
Wel mon sceal wine healdan on wega gehwylcum;
oft mon fereð feor bi tune, þær him wat freond unwiotodne.
Wineleas, wonsælig mon genimeð him wulfas to geferan,
felafæcne deor. Ful oft hine se gefera sliteð;
gryre sceal for greggum, græf deadum men;
hungre heofeð, nales þæt heafe bewindeð,
ne huru wæl wepeð wulf se græga,
morþorcwealm mæcga, ac hit a mare wille.
Wræd sceal wunden, wracu heardum men.


Boga sceal stræle, sceal bam gelic
mon to gemæccan. Maþþum oþres weorð,
gold mon sceal gifan. Mæg god syllan
eadgum æhte ond eft niman.
Sele sceal stondan, sylf ealdian.
Licgende beam læsest groweð.
Treo sceolon brædan ond treow weaxan,
sio geond bilwitra breost ariseð.
Wærleas mon ond wonhydig,
ætrenmod ond ungetreow,
þæs ne gymeð god.
Fela sceop meotud þæs þe fyrn gewearð, het siþþan swa forð wesan.
Wæra gehwylcum wislicu word gerisað,
gleomen gied ond guman snyttro.
Swa monige beoþ men ofer eorþan, swa beoþ modgeþoncas;
ælc him hafað sundorsefan.
Longað þonne þy læs þe him con leoþa worn,
oþþe mid hondum con hearpan gretan;
hafaþ him his gliwes giefe, þe him god sealde.
Earm biþ se þe sceal ana lifgan,
wineleas wunian hafaþ him wyrd geteod;
betre him wære þæt he broþor ahte, begen hi anes monnes,
eorles eaforan wæran, gif hi sceoldan eofor onginnan
oþþe begen beran; biþ þæt sliþhende deor.
A scyle þa rincas gerædan lædan
ond him ætsomne swefan;
næfre hy mon tomælde,
ær hy deað todæle.
Hy twegen sceolon tæfle ymbsittan, þenden him hyra torn toglide,
forgietan þara geocran gesceafta, habban him gomen on borde;


idle hond æmetlan geneah tæfles monnes, þonne teoselum weorpeð.
Seldan in sidum ceole, nefne he under segle yrne,
werig scealc wiþ winde roweþ; ful oft mon wearnum tihð
eargne, þæt he elne forleose, drugað his ar on borde.
Lot sceal mid lyswe, list mid gedefum;
þy weorþeð se stan forstolen.
Oft hy wordum toweorpað,
ær hy bacum tobreden;
geara is hwær aræd.
Wearð fæhþo fyra cynne, siþþan furþum swealg
eorðe Abeles blode. Næs þæt andæge nið,
of þam wrohtdropan wide gesprungon,
micel mon ældum, monegum þeodum
bealoblonden niþ. Slog his broðor swæsne
Cain, þone cwealm nerede; cuþ wæs wide siþþan,
þæt ece nið ældum scod, swa aþolwarum.
Drugon wæpna gewin wide geond eorþan,
ahogodan ond ahyrdon heoro sliþendne.
Gearo sceal guðbord, gar on sceafte,
ecg on sweorde ond ord spere,
hyge heardum men. Helm sceal cenum,
ond a þæs heanan hyge hord unginnost.