University of Virginia Library



Square brackets denote editorial insertions or emendations.


nas byrnað?”
Hnæf hleoþrode ða, heaþogeong cyning:
“Ne ðis ne dagað eastan, ne her draca ne fleogeð,
ne her ðisse healle hornas ne byrnað.
Ac her forþ berað; fugelas singað,
gylleð græghama, guðwudu hlynneð,
scyld scefte oncwyð. Nu scyneð þes mona
waðol under wolcnum. Nu arisað weadæda
ðe ðisne folces nið fremman willað.
Ac onwacnigeað nu, wigend mine,
habbað eowre linda, hicgeaþ on ellen,
winnað on orde, wesað onmode!”
Ða aras mænig goldhladen ðegn, gyrde hine his swurde.
Ða to dura eodon drihtlice cempan,
Sigeferð and Eaha, hyra sword getugon,
and æt oþrum durum Ordlaf and Guþlaf,
and Hengest sylf hwearf him on laste.
Ða gyt Garulf Guðere styrde
ðæt he swa freolic feorh forman siþe
to ðære healle durum hyrsta ne bære,
nu hyt niþa heard anyman wolde,
ac he frægn ofer eal undearninga,
deormod hæleþ, hwa ða duru heolde.
“Sigeferþ is min nama,” cweþ he, “ic eom Secgena leod,
wreccea wide cuð; fæla ic weana gebad,
heardra hilda. Ðe is gyt her witod
swæþer ðu sylf to me secean wylle.”
Ða wæs on healle wælslihta gehlyn;


sceolde cellod bord cenum on handa,
banhelm berstan (buruhðelu dynede),
oð æt ðære guðe Garulf gecrang,
ealra ærest eorðbuendra,
Guðlafes sunu, ymbe hyne godra fæla,
hwearflicra hræw. Hræfen wandrode,
sweart and sealobrun. Swurdleoma stod,
swylce eal Finnsburuh fyrenu wære.
Ne gefrægn ic næfre wurþlicor æt wera hilde
sixtig sigebeorna sel gebæran,
ne nefre swetne medo sel forgyldan
ðonne Hnæfe guldan his hægstealdas.
Hig fuhton fif dagas, swa hyra nan ne feol
drihtgesiða, ac hig ða duru heoldon.
Ða gewat him wund hæleð on wæg gangan,
sæde þæt his byrne abrocen wære,
heresceorp unhror, and eac wæs his helm ðyrel.
Ða hine sona frægn folces hyrde,
hu ða wigend hyra wunda genæson,
oððe hwæþer ðæra hyssa



MS. Ny kgl. saml. 167b, Royal Library, Copenhagen


hyrde hyne georne:
“Huru Welande[[OMITTED]] worc ne geswiceð
monna ænigum ðara ðe Mimming can
heardne gehealdan. Oft æt hilde gedreas
swatfag and sweordwund secg æfter oðrum.


Ætlan ordwyga, ne læt ðin ellen nu gy[[OMITTED]]
gedreosan to dæge, dryhtscipe [OMITTED]
[[OMITTED]] is se dæg cumen
þæt ðu scealt aninga oðer twega,
lif forleosan oððe l[[OMITTED]]gne dom
agan mid eldum, Ælfheres sunu.
Nalles ic ðe, wine min, wordum cide,
ðy ic ðe gesawe æt ðam sweordplegan
ðurh edwitscype æniges monnes
wig forbugan oððe on weal fleon,
lice beorgan, ðeah þe laðra fela
ðinne byrnhomon billum heowun,
ac ðu symle furðor feohtan sohtest,
mæl ofer mearce; ðy ic ðe metod ondred,
þæt ðu to fyrenlice feohtan sohtest
æt ðam ætstealle oðres monnes,
wigrædenne. Weorða ðe selfne
godum dædum, ðenden ðin god recce.
Ne murn ðu for ði mece; ðe wearð maðma cyst
gifeðe to geoce, mid ðy ðu Guðhere scealt
beot forbigan, ðæs ðe he ðas beaduwe ongan
[[OMITTED]]d unryhte ærest secan.
Forsoc he ðam swurde and ðam syncfatum,
beaga mænigo, nu sceal bega leas
hworfan from ðisse hilde, hlafurd secan
ealdne illustration oððe her ær swefan,
gif he ða”


“ce bæteran
buton ðam anum ðe ic eac hafa
on stanfate stille gehided.
Ic wat þæt hit ðohte Ðeodric Widian


selfum onsendon, and eac sinc micel
maðma mid ði mece, monig oðres mid him
golde gegirwan (iulean genam),
þæs ðe hine of nearwum Niðhades mæg,
Welandes bearn, Widia ut forlet;
ðurh fifela gewe[[OMITTED]]ld forð onette.”
Waldere mað[[OMITTED]]lode, wiga ellenrof,
hæfde him on handa hildefrofre,
guðbilla gripe, gyddode wordum:
“Hwæt! Ðu huru wendest, wine Burgenda,
þæt me Hagenan hand hilde gefremede
and getwæmde [[OMITTED]]ðewigges. Feta, gyf ðu dyrre,
æt ðus heaðuwerigan hare byrnan.
Standeð me her on eaxelum Ælfheres laf,
god and geapneb, golde geweorðod,
ealles unscende æðelinges reaf
to habbanne, þonne hand wereð
feorhhord feondum. Ne bið fah wið me,
þonne [[OMITTED]] unmægas eft ongynnað,
mecum gemetað, swa ge me dydon.
Ðeah mæg sige syllan se ðe symle byð
recon and rædfest ryh[[OMITTED]]a gehwilces.
Se ðe him to ðam halgan helpe gelifeð,
to gode gioce, he þær gearo findeð
gif ða earnunga ær geðenceð.
Þonne moten wlance welan britnian,
æhtum wealdan, þæt is”




MS. Rawlinson B 203

brocen wurde.
Het þa hyssa hwæne hors forlætan,
feor afysan, and forð gangan,
hicgan to handum and to hige godum.
Þa þæt Offan mæg ærest onfunde,
þæt se eorl nolde yrhðo geþolian,
he let him þa of handon leofne fleogan
hafoc wið þæs holtes, and to þære hilde stop;
be þam man mihte oncnawan þæt se cniht nolde
wacian æt þam wige, þa he to wæpnum feng.
Eac him wolde Eadric his ealdre gelæstan,
frean to gefeohte, ongan þa forð beran
gar to guþe. He hæfde god geþanc
þa hwile þe he mid handum healdan mihte
bord and bradswurd; beot he gelæste
þa he ætforan his frean feohtan sceolde.
Ða þær Byrhtnoð ongan beornas trymian,
rad and rædde, rincum tæhte
hu hi sceoldon standan and þone stede healdan,
and bæd þæt hyra randas rihte heoldon
fæste mid folman, and ne forhtedon na.
Þa he hæfde þæt folc fægere getrymmed,
he lihte þa mid leodon þær him leofost wæs,
þær he his heorðwerod holdost wiste.
Þa stod on stæðe, stiðlice clypode
wicinga ar, wordum mælde,
se on beot abead brimliþendra
ærænde to þam eorle, þær he on ofre stod:
“Me sendon to þe sæmen snelle,
heton ðe secgan þæt þu most sendan raðe
beagas wið gebeorge; and eow betere is
þæt ge þisne garræs mid gafole forgyldon,


þon we swa hearde hilde dælon.
Ne þurfe we us spillan, gif ge spedaþ to þam;
we willað wið þam golde grið fæstnian.
Gyf þu þat gerædest, þe her ricost eart,
þæt þu þine leoda lysan wille,
syllan sæmannum on hyra sylfra dom
feoh wið freode, and niman frið æt us,
we willaþ mid þam sceattum us to scype gangan,
on flot feran, and eow friþes healdan.”
Byrhtnoð maþelode, bord hafenode,
wand wacne æsc, wordum mælde,
yrre and anræd ageaf him andsware:
“Gehyrst þu, sælida, hwæt þis folc segeð?
Hi willað eow to gafole garas syllan,
ættrynne ord and ealde swurd,
þa heregeatu þe eow æt hilde ne deah.
Brimmanna boda, abeod eft ongean,
sege þinum leodum miccle laþre spell,
þæt her stynt unforcuð eorl mid his werode,
þe wile gealgean eþel þysne,
Æþelredes eard, ealdres mines,
folc and foldan. Feallan sceolon
hæþene æt hilde. To heanlic me þinceð
þæt ge mid urum sceattum to scype gangon
unbefohtene, nu ge þus feor hider
on urne eard in becomon.
Ne sceole ge swa softe sinc gegangan;
us sceal ord and ecg ær geseman,
grim guðplega, ær we gofol syllon.”
Het þa bord beran, beornas gangan,
þæt hi on þam easteðe ealle stodon.
Ne mihte þær for wætere werod to þam oðrum;
þær com flowende flod æfter ebban,
lucon lagustreamas. To lang hit him þuhte,
hwænne hi togædere garas beron.
Hi þær Pantan stream mid prasse bestodon,


Eastseaxena ord and se æschere.
Ne mihte hyra ænig oþrum derian,
buton hwa þurh flanes flyht fyl gename.
Se flod ut gewat; þa flotan stodon gearowe,
wicinga fela, wiges georne.
Het þa hæleða hleo healdan þa bricge
wigan wigheardne, se wæs haten Wulfstan,
cafne mid his cynne, þæt wæs Ceolan sunu,
þe ðone forman man mid his francan ofsceat
þe þær baldlicost on þa bricge stop.
Þær stodon mid Wulfstane wigan unforhte,
Ælfere and Maccus, modige twegen,
þa noldon æt þam forda fleam gewyrcan,
ac hi fæstlice wið ða fynd weredon,
þa hwile þe hi wæpna wealdan moston.
Þa hi þæt ongeaton and georne gesawon
þæt hi þær bricgweardas bitere fundon,
ongunnon lytegian þa laðe gystas,
bædon þæt hi upgang agan moston,
ofer þone ford faran, feþan lædan.
Ða se eorl ongan for his ofermode
alyfan landes to fela laþere ðeode.
Ongan ceallian þa ofer cald wæter
Byrhtelmes bearn (beornas gehlyston):
“Nu eow is gerymed, gað ricene to us,
guman to guþe; god ana wat
hwa þære wælstowe wealdan mote.”
Wodon þa wælwulfas (for wætere ne murnon),
wicinga werod, west ofer Pantan,
ofer scir wæter scyldas wegon,
lidmen to lande linde bæron.
Þær ongean gramum gearowe stodon
Byrhtnoð mid beornum; he mid bordum het
wyrcan þone wihagan, and þæt werod healdan
fæste wið feondum. Þa wæs feohte neh,
tir æt getohte. Wæs seo tid cumen


þæt þær fæge men feallan sceoldon.
Þær wearð hream ahafen, hremmas wundon,
earn æses georn; wæs on eorþan cyrm.
Hi leton þa of folman feolhearde speru,
gegrundene garas-fleogan;
bogan wæron bysige, bord ord onfeng.
Biter wæs se beaduræs, beornas feollon
on gehwæðere hand, hyssas lagon.
Wund wearð Wulfmær, wælræste geceas,
Byrhtnoðes mæg; he mid billum wearð,
his swuster sunu, swiðe forheawen.
Þær wearð wicingum wiþerlean agyfen.
Gehyrde ic þæt Eadweard anne sloge
swiðe mid his swurde, swenges ne wyrnde,
þæt him æt fotum feoll fæge cempa;
þæs him his ðeoden þanc gesæde,
þam burþene, þa he byre hæfde.
Swa stemnetton stiðhicgende
hysas æt hilde, hogodon georne
hwa þær mid orde ærost mihte
on fægean men feorh gewinnan,
wigan mid wæpnum; wæl feol on eorðan.
Stodon stædefæste; stihte hi Byrhtnoð,
bæd þæt hyssa gehwylc hogode to wige
þe on Denon wolde dom gefeohtan.
Wod þa wiges heard, wæpen up ahof,
bord to gebeorge, and wið þæs beornes stop.
Eode swa anræd eorl to þam ceorle,
ægþer hyra oðrum yfeles hogode.
Sende ða se særinc suþerne gar,
þæt gewundod wearð wigena hlaford;
he sceaf þa mid ðam scylde, þæt se sceaft tobærst,
and þæt spere sprengde, þæt hit sprang ongean.
Gegremod wearð se guðrinc; he mid gare stang
wlancne wicing, þe him þa wunde forgeaf.
Frod wæs se fyrdrinc; he let his francan wadan


þurh ðæs hysses hals, hand wisode
þæt he on þam færsceaðan feorh geræhte.
Ða he oþerne ofstlice sceat,
þæt seo byrne tobærst; he wæs on breostum wund
þurh ða hringlocan, him æt heortan stod
ætterne ord. Se eorl wæs þe bliþra,
hloh þa, modi man, sæde metode þanc
ðæs dægweorces þe him drihten forgeaf.
Forlet þa drenga sum daroð of handa,
fleogan of folman, þæt se to forð gewat
þurh ðone æþelan Æþelredes þegen.
Him be healfe stod hyse unweaxen,
cniht on gecampe, se full caflice
bræd of þam beorne blodigne gar,
Wulfstanes bearn, Wulfmær se geonga,
forlet forheardne faran eft ongean;
ord in gewod, þæt se on eorþan læg
þe his þeoden ær þearle geræhte.
Eode þa gesyrwed secg to þam eorle;
he wolde þæs beornes beagas gefecgan,
reaf and hringas and gerenod swurd.
Þa Byrhtnoð bræd bill of sceðe,
brad and bruneccg, and on þa byrnan sloh.
To raþe hine gelette lidmanna sum,
þa he þæs eorles earm amyrde.
Feoll þa to foldan fealohilte swurd;
ne mihte he gehealdan heardne mece,
wæpnes wealdan. Þa gyt þæt word gecwæð
har hilderinc, hyssas bylde,
bæd gangan forð gode geferan;
ne mihte þa on fotum leng fæste gestandan.
He to heofenum wlat:
“Geþancie þe, ðeoda waldend,
ealra þæra wynna þe ic on worulde gebad.
Nu ic ah, milde metod, mæste þearfe
þæt þu minum gaste godes geunne,


þæt min sawul to ðe siðian mote
on þin geweald, þeoden engla,
mid friþe ferian. Ic eom frymdi to þe
þæt hi helsceaðan hynan ne moton.”
Ða hine heowon hæðene scealcas
and begen þa beornas þe him big stodon,
Ælfnoð and Wulmær begen lagon,
ða onemn hyra frean feorh gesealdon.
Hi bugon þa fram beaduwe þe þær beon noldon.
Þær wearð Oddan bearn ærest on fleame,
Godric fram guþe, and þone godan forlet
þe him mænigne oft mear gesealde;
he gehleop þone eoh þe ahte his hlaford,
on þam gerædum þe hit riht ne wæs,
and his broðru mid him begen ærndon,
Godrine and Godwig, guþe ne gymdon,
ac wendon fram þam wige and þone wudu sohton,
flugon on þæt fæsten and hyra feore burgon,
and manna ma þonne hit ænig mæð wære,
gyf hi þa geearnunga ealle gemundon
þe he him to duguþe gedon hæfde.
Swa him Offa on dæg ær asæde
on þam meþelstede, þa he gemot hæfde,
þæt þær modiglice manega spræcon
þe eft æt þearfe þolian noldon.
Þa wearð afeallen þæs folces ealdor,
Æþelredes eorl; ealle gesawon
heorðgeneatas þæt hyra heorra læg.
Þa ðær wendon forð wlance þegenas,
unearge men efston georne;
hi woldon þa ealle oðer twega,
lif forlætan oððe leofne gewrecan.
Swa hi bylde forð bearn Ælfrices,
wiga wintrum geong, wordum mælde,
Ælfwine þa cwæð, he on ellen spræc:


“Gemunan þa mæla þe we oft æt meodo spræcon,
þonne we on bence beot ahofon,
hæleð on healle, ymbe heard gewinn;
nu mæg cunnian hwa cene sy.
Ic wylle mine æþelo eallum gecyþan,
þæt ic wæs on Myrcon miccles cynnes;
wæs min ealda fæder Ealhelm haten,
wis ealdorman, woruldgesælig.
Ne sceolon me on þære þeode þegenas ætwitan
þæt ic of ðisse fyrde feran wille,
eard gesecan, nu min ealdor ligeð
forheawen æt hilde. Me is þæt hearma mæst;
he wæs ægðer min mæg and min hlaford.”
Þa he forð eode, fæhðe gemunde,
þæt he mid orde anne geræhte
flotan on þam folce, þæt se on foldan læg
forwegen mid his wæpne. Ongan þa winas manian,
frynd and geferan, þæt hi forð eodon.
Offa gemælde, æscholt asceoc:
“Hwæt þu, Ælfwine, hafast ealle gemanode
þegenas to þearfe, nu ure þeoden lið,
eorl on eorðan. Us is eallum þearf
þæt ure æghwylc oþerne bylde
wigan to wige, þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge
habban and healdan, heardne mece,
gar and godswurd. Us Godric hæfð,
earh Oddan bearn, ealle beswicene.
Wende þæs formoni man, þa he on meare rad,
on wlancan þam wicge, þæt wære hit ure hlaford;
forþan wearð her on felda folc totwæmed,
scyldburh tobrocen. Abreoðe his angin,
þæt he her swa manigne man aflymde!”
Leofsunu gemælde and his linde ahof,
bord to gebeorge; he þam beorne oncwæð:
“Ic þæt gehate, þæt ic heonon nelle
fleon fotes trym, ac wille furðor gan,


wrecan on gewinne minne winedrihten.
Ne þurfon me embe Sturmere stedefæste hælæð
wordum ætwitan, nu min wine gecranc,
þæt ic hlafordleas ham siðie,
wende fram wige, ac me sceal wæpen niman,
ord and iren.” He ful yrre wod,
feaht fæstlice, fleam he forhogode.
Dunnere þa cwæð, daroð acwehte,
unorne ceorl, ofer eall clypode,
bæd þæt beorna gehwylc Byrhtnoð wræce:
“Ne mæg na wandian se þe wrecan þenceð
frean on folce, ne for feore murnan.”
Þa hi forð eodon, feores hi ne rohton;
ongunnon þa hiredmen heardlice feohtan,
grame garberend, and god bædon
þæt hi moston gewrecan hyra winedrihten
and on hyra feondum fyl gewyrcan.
Him se gysel ongan geornlice fylstan;
he wæs on Norðhymbron heardes cynnes,
Ecglafes bearn, him wæs Æscferð nama.
He ne wandode na æt þam wigplegan,
ac he fysde forð flan genehe;
hwilon he on bord sceat, hwilon beorn tæsde,
æfre embe stunde he sealde sume wunde,
þa hwile ðe he wæpna wealdan moste.
Þa gyt on orde stod Eadweard se langa,
gearo and geornful, gylpwordum spræc
þæt he nolde fleogan fotmæl landes,
ofer bæc bugan, þa his betera leg.
He bræc þone bordweall and wið þa beornas feaht,
oðþæt he his sincgyfan on þam sæmannum
wurðlice wrec, ær he on wæle læge.
Swa dyde Æþeric, æþele gefera,
fus and forðgeorn, feaht eornoste.
Sibyrhtes broðor and swiðe mænig oþer
clufon cellod bord, cene hi weredon;


bærst bordes lærig, and seo byrne sang
gryreleoða sum. Þa æt guðe sloh
Offa þone sælidan, þæt he on eorðan feoll,
and ðær Gaddes mæg grund gesohte.
Raðe wearð æt hilde Offa forheawen;
he hæfde ðeah geforþod þæt he his frean gehet,
swa he beotode ær wið his beahgifan
þæt hi sceoldon begen on burh ridan,
hale to hame, oððe on here crincgan,
on wælstowe wundum sweltan;
he læg ðegenlice ðeodne gehende.
Ða wearð borda gebræc. Brimmen wodon,
guðe gegremode; gar oft þurhwod
fæges feorhhus. Forð þa eode Wistan,
Þurstanes sunu, wið þas secgas feaht;
he wæs on geþrange hyra þreora bana,
ær him Wigelines bearn on þam wæle læge.
Þær wæs stið gemot; stodon fæste
wigan on gewinne, wigend cruncon,
wundum werige. Wæl feol on eorþan.
Oswold and Eadwold ealle hwile,
begen þa gebroþru, beornas trymedon,
hyra winemagas wordon bædon
þæt hi þær æt ðearfe þolian sceoldon,
unwaclice wæpna neotan.
Byrhtwold maþelode, bord hafenode
(se wæs eald geneat), æsc acwehte;
he ful baldlice beornas lærde:
“Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre,
mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlað.
Her lið ure ealdor eall forheawen,
god on greote. A mæg gnornian
se ðe nu fram þis wigplegan wendan þenceð.
Ic eom frod feores; fram ic ne wille,
ac ic me be healfe minum hlaforde,


be swa leofan men, licgan þence.”
Swa hi Æþelgares bearn ealle bylde,
Godric to guþe. Oft he gar forlet,
wælspere windan on þa wicingas,
swa he on þam folce fyrmest eode,
heow and hynde, oðþæt he on hilde gecranc.
Næs þæt na se Godric þe ða guðe forbeah




Text from MS. 173, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (A); variants from MS. Cotton Tiberius A. vi (B), MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i (C), and MS. Cotton Tiberius B. iv (D)

Her Æþelstan cyning, eorla dryhten,
beorna beahgifa, and his broþor eac,
Eadmund æþeling, ealdorlangne tir
geslogon æt sæcce sweorda ecgum
ymbe Brunanburh. Bordweal clufan,
heowan heaþolinde hamora lafan,
afaran Eadweardes, swa him geæþele wæs


from cneomægum, þæt hi æt campe oft
wiþ laþra gehwæne land ealgodon,
hord and hamas. Hettend crungun,
Sceotta leoda and scipflotan
fæge feollan, feld dænnede
secga swate, siðþan sunne up
on morgentid, mære tungol,
glad ofer grundas, godes condel beorht,
eces drihtnes, oð sio æþele gesceaft
sah to setle. Þær læg secg mænig
garum ageted, guma norþerna
ofer scild scoten, swilce Scittisc eac,
werig, wiges sæd. Wesseaxe forð
ondlongne dæg eorodcistum
on last legdun laþum þeodum,
heowan herefleman hindan þearle
mecum mylenscearpan. Myrce ne wyrndon
heardes hondplegan hæleþa nanum
þæra þe mid Anlafe ofer æra gebland
on lides bosme land gesohtun,


fæge to gefeohte. Fife lægun
on þam campstede cyningas giunge,
sweordum aswefede, swilce seofene eac
eorlas Anlafes, unrim heriges,
flotan and Sceotta. Þær geflemed wearð
Norðmanna bregu, nede gebeded,
to lides stefne litle weorode;
cread cnear on flot, cyning ut gewat
on fealene flod, feorh generede.
Swilce þær eac se froda mid fleame com
on his cyþþe norð, Costontinus,
har hilderinc, hreman ne þorfte
mæca gemanan; he wæs his mæga sceard,
freonda gefylled on folcstede,
beslagen æt sæcce, and his sunu forlet
on wæstowe wundun forgrunden,
giungne æt guðe. Gelpan ne þorfte
beorn blandenfeax bilgeslehtes,
eald inwidda, ne Anlaf þy ma;


mid heora herelafum hlehhan ne þorftun
þæt heo beaduweorca beteran wurdun
on campstede cumbolgehnastes,
garmittinge, gumena gemotes,
wæpengewrixles, þæs hi on wælfelda
wiþ Eadweardes afaran plegodan.
Gewitan him þa Norþmen nægledcnearrum,
dreorig daraða laf, on Dinges mere
ofer deop wæter Difelin secan,
eft Iraland, æwiscmode.
Swilce þa gebroþer begen ætsamne,
cyning and æþeling, cyþþe sohton,
Wesseaxena land, wiges hremige.
Letan him behindan hræw bryttian
saluwigpadan, þone sweartan hræfn,
hyrnednebban, and þane hasewanpadan,


earn æftan hwit, æses brucan,
grædigne guðhafoc and þæt græge deor,
wulf on wealde. Ne wearð wæl mare
on þis eiglande æfre gieta
folces gefylled beforan þissum
sweordes ecgum, þæs þe us secgað bec,
ealde uðwitan, siþþan eastan hider
Engle and Seaxe up becoman,
ofer brad brimu Brytene sohtan,
wlance wigsmiþas, Wealas ofercoman,
eorlas arhwate eard begeatan.



Text from MS. 173, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (A); variants from MS. Cotton Tiberius A. vi (B), MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i (C), and MS. Cotton Tiberius B. iv (D)

Her Eadmund cyning, Engla þeoden,
mæcgea mundbora, Myrce geeode,
dyre dædfruma, swa Dor scadeþ,
Hwitanwyllesgeat and Humbra ea,
brada brimstream. Burga fife,
Ligoraceaster and Lincylene


and Snotingaham, swylce Stanford eac
and Deoraby. Dæne wæran æror
under Norðmannum nyde gebegde
on hæþenra hæfteclommum
lange þrage, oþ hie alysde eft
for his weorþscipe wiggendra hleo,
afera Eadweardes, Eadmund cyning.



Text from MS. 173, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (A); variants from MS. Cotton Tiberius A. vi (B) and MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i (C)

Her Eadgar wæs, Engla waldend,
corðre miclum to cyninge gehalgod
on ðære ealdan byrig, Acemannesceastre;
eac hi igbuend oðre worde
beornas Baðan nemnaþ. Þær wæs blis micel
on þam eadgan dæge eallum geworden,
þone niða bearn nemnað and cigað
Pentecostenes dæg. Þær wæs preosta heap,
micel muneca ðreat, mine gefrege,
gleawra gegaderod. And ða agangen wæs
tyn hund wintra geteled rimes
fram gebyrdtide bremes cyninges,


leohta hyrdes, buton ðær to lafe þa get
wæs wintergeteles, þæs ðe gewritu secgað,
seofon and twentig; swa neah wæs sigora frean
ðusend aurnen, ða þa ðis gelamp.
And him Eadmundes eafora hæfde
nigon and XX, niðweorca heard,
wintra on worulde, ða þis geworden wæs,
and þa on ðam XXX wæs ðeoden gehalgod.



Text from MS. 173, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (A); variants from MS. Cotton Tiberius A. vi (B) and MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i (C)

Her geendode eorðan dreamas
Eadgar, Engla cyning, ceas him oðer leoht,
wlitig and wynsum, and þis wace forlet,
lif þis læne. Nemnað leoda bearn,
men on moldan, þæne monað gehwær
in ðisse eðeltyrf, þa þe ær wæran
on rimcræfte rihte getogene,
Iulius monoð, þær se geonga gewat
on þone eahteðan dæg Eadgar of life,
beorna beahgyfa. Feng his bearn syððan


to cynerice, cild unweaxen,
eorla ealdor, þam wæs Eadweard nama.
And him tirfæst hæleð tyn nihtum ær
of Brytene gewat, bisceop se goda,
þurh gecyndne cræft, ðam wæs Cyneweard nama.
Ða wæs on Myrceon, mine gefræge,
wide and welhwær waldendes lof
afylled on foldan. Fela wearð todræfed
gleawra godes ðeowa; þæt wæs gnornung micel
þam þe on breostum wæg byrnende lufan
metodes on mode. Þa wæs mærða fruma
to swiðe forsewen, sigora waldend,
rodera rædend, þa man his riht tobræc.
And þa wearð eac adræfed deormod hæleð,
Oslac, of earde ofer yða gewealc,
ofer ganotes bæð, gamolfeax hæleð,
wis and wordsnotor, ofer wætera geðring,
ofer hwæles eðel, hama bereafod.
And þa wearð ætywed uppe on roderum
steorra on staðole, þone stiðferhþe,
hæleð higegleawe, hatað wide
cometa be naman, cræftgleawe men,
wise woðboran. Wæs geond werðeode
waldendes wracu wide gefrege,
hungor ofer hrusan; þæt eft heofona weard


gebette, brego engla, geaf eft blisse gehwæm
egbuendra þurh eorðan westm.



Text from MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i (C); variants from MS. Cotton Tiberius B. iv (D)

Her com Ælfred, se unsceððiga æþeling, Æþelrædes
sunu cinges, hider inn and wolde to his meder, þe on Win-
cestre sæt, ac hit him ne geþafode Godwine eorl, ne ec oþre
men þe mycel mihton wealdan, forðan hit hleoðrode þa
swiðe toward Haraldes, þeh hit unriht wære.
Ac Godwine hine þa gelette and hine on hæft sette,
and his geferan he todraf, and sume mislice ofsloh;
sume hi man wið feo sealde, sume hreowlice acwealde,
sume hi man bende, sume hi man blende,
sume hamelode, sume hættode.
Ne wearð dreorlicre dæd gedon on þison earde,
syþþan Dene comon and her frið namon.
Nu is to gelyfenne to ðan leofan gode,
þæt hi blission bliðe mid Criste
þe wæron butan scylde swa earmlice acwealde.
Se æþeling lyfode þa gyt; ælc yfel man him gehet,
oðþæt man gerædde þæt man hine lædde
to Eligbyrig swa gebundenne.
Sona swa he lende, on scype man hine blende,


and hine swa blindne brohte to ðam munecon,
and he þar wunode ða hwile þe he lyfode.
Syððan hine man byrigde, swa him wel gebyrede,
ful wurðlice, swa he wyrðe wæs,
æt þam westende, þam styple ful gehende,
on þam suðportice; seo saul is mid Criste.



Text from MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i (C); variants from MS. Cotton Tiberius B. iv (D)

Her Eadward kinge, Engla hlaford,
sende soþfæste sawle to Criste
on godes wæra, gast haligne.
He on worulda her wunode þrage
on kyneþrymme, cræftig ræda,
XXIIII, freolic wealdend,
wintra gerimes, weolan britnode,
and healfe tid, hæleða wealdend,
weold wel geþungen Walum and Scottum
and Bryttum eac, byre Æðelredes,
Englum and Sexum, oretmægcum,
swa ymbclyppð cealde brymmas,
þæt eall Eadwarde, æðelum kinge,


hyrdon holdlice hagestealde menn.
Wæs a bliðemod bealuleas kyng,
þeah he lange ær, lande bereafod,
wunode wræclastum wide geond eorðan,
syððan Cnut ofercom kynn Æðelredes
and Dena weoldon deore rice
Engla landes XXVIII
wintra gerimes, welan brytnodon.
Syððan forð becom freolice in geatwum
kyningc kystum god, clæne and milde,
Eadward se æðela, eðel bewerode,
land and leode, oðþæt lungre becom
deað se bitera, and swa deore genam
æþelne of eorðan; englas feredon
soþfæste sawle innan swegles leoht.
And se froda swa þeah befæste þæt rice
heahþungenum menn, Harolde sylfum,
æþelum eorle, se in ealle tid
hyrde holdlice hærran sinum
wordum and dædum, wihte ne agælde
þæs þe þearf wæs þæs þeodkyninges.




Text from MS. Ff. i. 27, University Library, Cambridge (C); variants from Hickes (H)

Is ðeos burch breome geond Breotenrice,
steppa gestaðolad, stanas ymbutan
wundrum gewæxen. Weor ymbeornad,
ea yðum stronge, and ðer inne wunað
feola fisca kyn on floda gemonge.
And ðær gewexen is wudafæstern micel;
wuniad in ðem wycum wilda deor monige,
in deope dalum deora ungerim.
Is in ðere byri eac bearnum gecyðed
ðe arfesta eadig Cudberch
and ðes clene cyninges heafud,
Osuualdes, Engle leo, and Aidan biscop,
Eadberch and Eadfrið, æðele geferes.
Is ðer inne midd heom Æðelwold biscop
and breoma bocera Beda, and Boisil abbot,
ðe clene Cudberte on gecheðe
lerde lustum, and he his lara wel genom.
Eardiæð æt ðem eadige in in ðem minstre
unarimeda reliquia,
ðær monia wundrum gewurðað, ðes ðe writ seggeð,
midd ðene drihnes wer domes bideð.



illustration (feoh) byþ frofur fira gehwylcum.
Sceal ðeah manna gehwylc miclun hyt dælan
gif he wile for drihtne domes hleotan.
illustration (ur) byþ anmod and oferhyrned,
felafrecne deor, feohteþ mid hornum,
mære morstapa; þæt is modig wuht.
illustration (ðorn) byþ ðearle scearp; ðegna gehwylcum
anfeng ys yfyl, ungemetun reþe
manna gehwylcun ðe him mid resteð.
illustration (os) byþ ordfruma ælcre spræce,
wisdomes wraþu and witena frofur,
and eorla gehwam eadnys and tohiht.
illustration (rad) byþ on recyde rinca gehwylcum
sefte, and swiþhwæt ðam ðe sitteþ on ufan
meare mægenheardum ofer milpaþas.
illustration (cen) byþ cwicera gehwam cuþ on fyre,
blac and beorhtlic, byrneþ oftust
ðær hi æþelingas inne restaþ.
illustration (gyfu) gumena byþ gleng and herenys,
wraþu and wyrþscype, and wræcna gehwam
ar and ætwist ðe byþ oþra leas.
illustration (wen)ne bruceþ ðe can weana lyt,
sares and sorge, and him sylfa hæfþ
blæd and blysse and eac byrga geniht.
illustration (hægl) byþ hwitust corna; hwyrft hit of heofones lyfte,
wealcaþ hit windes scuras, weorþeþ hit to wætere syððan.
illustration (nyd) byþ nearu on breostan, weorþeþ hi ðeah oft niþa bearnum
to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.
illustration (is) byþ oferceald, ungemetum slidor,
glisnaþ glæshluttur, gimmum gelicust,
flor forste geworuht, fæger ansyne.
illustration (ger) byþ gumena hiht, ðon god læteþ,
halig heofones cyning, hrusan syllan


beorhte bleda beornum and ðearfum.
illustration (eoh) byþ utan unsmeþe treow,
heard, hrusan fæst, hyrde fyres,
wyrtrumun underwreþyd, wyn on eþle.
illustration (peorð) byþ symble plega and hlehter
wlancum [OMITTED] ðar wigan sittaþ
on beorsele bliþe ætsomne.
illustration (eolhx)secg eard hæfþ oftust on fenne,
wexeð on wature, wundaþ grimme,
blode breneð beorna gehwylcne
ðe him ænigne onfeng gedeð.
illustration (sigel) semannum symble biþ on hihte,
ðonn hi hine feriaþ ofer fisces beþ,
oþ hi brimhengest bringeþ to lande.
illustration (Tir) biþ tacna sum, healdeð trywa wel
wiþ æþelingas, a biþ on færylde,
ofer nihta genipu næfre swiceþ.
illustration (beorc) byþ bleda leas, bereþ efne swa ðeah
tanas butan tudder, biþ on telgum wlitig,
heah on helme hrysted fægere,
geloden leafum, lyfte getenge.
illustration (eh) byþ for eorlum æþelinga wyn,
hors hofum wlanc, ðær him hæleþ ymbe,
welege on wicgum, wrixlaþ spræce,
and biþ unstyllum æfre frofur.
illustration (man) byþ on myrgþe his magan leof;
sceal þeah anra gehwylc oðrum swican,
for ðam dryhten wyle dome sine
þæt earme flæsc eorþan betæcan.
illustration (lagu) byþ leodum langsum geþuht,
gif hi sculun neþan on nacan tealtum,
and hi sæyþa swyþe bregaþ,
and se brimhengest bridles ne gymeð.
illustration (Ing) wæs ærest mid Eastdenum
gesewen secgun, oþ he siððan eft


ofer wæg gewat, wæn æfter ran;
ðus heardingas ðone hæle nemdun.
illustration (eþel) byþ oferleof æghwylcum men,
gif he mot ðær rihtes and gerysena on
brucan on bolde bleadum oftast.
illustration (dæg) byþ drihtnes sond, deore mannum,
mære metodes leoht, myrgþ and tohiht
eadgum and earmum, eallum brice.
illustration (ac) byþ on eorþan elda bearnum
flæsces fodor, fereþ gelome
ofer ganotes bæþ; garsecg fandaþ
hwæþer ac hæbbe æþele treowe.
illustration (æsc) biþ oferheah, eldum dyre,
stiþ on staþule, stede rihte hylt,
ðeah him feohtan on firas monige.
illustration (yr) byþ æþelinga and eorla gehwæs
wyn and wyrþmynd, byþ on wicge fæger,
fæstlic on færelde, fyrdgeatewa sum.
illustration (iar, ior) byþ eafix, and ðeah a bruceþ
fodres on foldan, hafaþ fægerne eard,
wætre beworpen, ðær he wynnum leofaþ.
illustration (ear) byþ egle eorla gehwylcun,
ðonn fæstlice flæsc onginneþ,
hraw colian, hrusan ceosan
blac to gebeddan; bleda gedreosaþ,
wynna gewitaþ, wera geswicaþ.




MS. 422 (A) and MS. 41 (B), Corpus Christi College, Cambridge


Saturnus cwæð:
“Hwæt! Ic iglanda eallra hæbbe
boca onbyrged þurh gebregdstafas,
larcræftas onlocen Libia and Greca,
swylce eac istoriam Indea rices.
Me þa treahteras tala wisedon
on þam micelan bec [OMITTED]
M ces heardum.
Swylce ic næfre on eallum þam fyrngewrytum findan ne mihte
soðe samnode. Ic sohte þa git
hwylc wære modes oððe mægenþrymmes,
elnes oððe æhte oððe eorlscipes
se gepalmtwigoda Pater Noster.
Sille ic þe ealle, sunu Dauides,
þeoden Israela, XXX punda
smætes goldes and mine suna twelfe,
gif þu mec gebringest þæt ic si gebryrded
ðurh þæs cantices cwyde Cristes linan,
gesemesð mec mid soðe, and ic mec gesund fare,
wende mec on willan on wæteres hrigc
ofer Coferflod Caldeas secan.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Unlæde bið on eorþan, unnit lifes,


wesðe wisdomes, weallað swa nieten,
feldgongende feoh butan gewitte,
se þurh ðone cantic ne can Crist geherian.
Worað he windes full, worpað hine deofol
on domdæge, draca egeslice,
bismorlice, of blacere liðran
irenum aplum; ealle beoð aweaxen
of edwittes iða heafdum.
Þonne him bið leofre ðonne eall ðeos leohte gesceaft,
gegoten fram ðam grunde goldes and seolfres,
feðersceatum full feohgestreona,
gif he æfre ðæs organes owiht cuðe.
Fracoð he bið ðonne and fremede frean ælmihtigum,
englum ungelic ana hwearfað.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac hwa mæg eaðost ealra gesceafta
ða halgan duru heofona rices
torhte ontynan on getælrime?”

Salomon cwæð:
“Ðæt gepalmtwigede Pater Noster
heofonas ontyneð, halige geblissað,
metod gemiltsað, morðor gefylleð,
adwæsceð deofles fyr, dryhtnes onæleð.
Swylce ðu miht mid ðy beorhtan gebede blod onhætan,


ðæs deofles dreor, þæt him dropan stigað,
swate geswiðed, seofan intingum,
egesfullicran ðonne seo ærene gripu,
ðonne heo for XII fyra tydernessum
ofer gleda gripe gifrust wealleð.
Forðon hafað se cantic ofer ealle Cristes bec
widmærost word; he gewritu læreð,
stefnum steoreð, and him stede healdeð
heofona rices, heregeatewa wigeð.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac hulic is se organ ingemyndum
to begonganne ðam ðe his gast wile
meltan wið morðre, mergan of sorge,
asceadan of scyldum? Huru him scippend geaf
wuldorlicne wlite. Mec ðæs on worolde full oft
fyrwit frineð, fus gewiteð,
mod gemengeð. Nænig manna wat,
hæleða under hefenum, hu min hige dreoseð,
bysig æfter bocum; hwilum me bryne stigeð,
hige heortan neah hædre wealleð.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Gylden is se godes cwide, gimmum astæned,


hafað sylfren leaf; sundor mæg æghwylc
ðurh gastes gife godspel secgan.
He bið seofan snytro and saule hunig
and modes meolc, mærþa gesælgost.
He mæg ða saule of siennihte
gefeccan under foldan, næfre hie se feond to ðæs niðer
feterum gefæstnað; ðeah he hie mid fiftigum
clusum beclemme, he ðone cræft briceð
and ða orðancas ealle tosliteð.
Hungor he ahieðeð, helle gestrudeð,
wylm toweorpeð, wuldor getimbreð.
He is modigra middangearde,
staðole strengra ðonne ealra stana gripe.
Lamena he is læce, leoht wincendra,
swilce he is deafra duru, dumbra tunge,
scyldigra scyld, scyppendes seld,
flodes ferigend, folces nerigend,
yða yrfeweard, earmra fisca
and wyrma welm, wildeora holt,
on westenne weard, weorðmynta geard.


And se ðe wile geornlice ðone godes cwide
singan soðlice, and hine siemle wile
lufian butan leahtrum, he mæg ðone laðan gæst,
feohtende feond, fleonde gebrengan,
gif ðu him ærest on ufan ierne gebrengest
prologa prima, ðam is illustration P. nama.
Hafað guðmæcga gierde lange,
gyldene gade, and a ðone grymman feond
swiðmod sweopað, and him on swaðe fylgeð
illustration A ofermægene and hine eac ofslihð.
illustration T. hine teswað and hine on ða tungan sticað,
wræsteð him ðæt woddor and him ða wongan brieceð.
illustration E hiene yflað, swa he a wile
ealra feonda gehwane fæste gestondan.
Ðonne hiene on unðanc illustration R. ieorrenga geseceð,
bocstafa brego, bregdeð sona
feond be ðam feaxe, læteð flint brecan
scines sconcan; he ne besceawað no
his leomona lið, ne bið him læce god.
Wendeð he hiene ðonne under wolcnum, wigsteall seceð,
heolstre behelmed. Huru him bið æt heartan wa,
ðonne [[OMITTED]]e hangiende helle wisceð,
ðæs ængestan eðelrices.
Ðonne hine forcinnað ða cirican getuinnas,
N. and O s[[OMITTED]]od, æghwæðer brengeð
sweopan of siðe; sargiað hwile


fremdne flæschoman, feorh ne bemurnað.
Ðonne illustration S. cymeð, engla geræswa,
wuldores stæf, wraðne gegripeð
feond be ðam fotum, læteð foreweard hleor
on strangne stan, stregdað toðas
geond helle heap. Hydeð hine æghwylc
æfter sceades sciman; sceaða bið gebisigod,
Satanes ðegn swiðe gestilled.
Swilce hiene illustration Q and illustration V. cwealme gehnægað,
frome folctogan, farað him togegnes,
habbað leoht speru, lange sceaftas,
swiðmode sweopan, swenga ne wyrnað,
deorra dynta; him bið ðæt deofol lað.
Ðonne hine I and illustration L. and se yrra illustration C.
guðe begyrdað (geap stæf wigeð
biterne brogan), bigað sona
helle hæftling, ðæt he on hinder gæð.
Ðonne hiene illustration F. and illustration M. utan ymbðringað,
scyldigne sceaðan, habbað scearp speru,
atole earhfare, æled lætað
on ðæs feondes feax flana stregdan,
biterne brogan; banan heardlice
grimme ongieldað, ðæs hie oft gilp brecað.
Ðonne hine æt niehstan nearwe stilleð
illustration G. se geapa, ðone god sendeð
freondum on fultum, færeð æfter illustration D.
fifmægnum full. Fyr bið se ðridda
stæf stræte neah, stille bideð.
.H. onetteð, engel hine scierpeð,
Cristes cempan, on cwicum wædum
godes spyrigendes geonges hrægles.
Ðonne hine on lyfte lifgetwinnan
under tungla getrumum tuigena ordum,
sweopum seolfrynum, swiðe weallað,
oððæt him ban blicað, bledað ædran;


gartorn geotað gifrum deofle.
Mæg simle se godes cwide gumena gehwylcum
ealra feonda gehwane fleondne gebrengan
ðurh mannes muð, manfulra heap
sweartne geswencan, næfre hie ðæs syllice
bleoum bregdað. Æfter bancofan
feðerhoman onfoð, hwilum flotan gripað;
hwilum hie gewendað in wyrmes lic
str[[OMITTED]]nges and sticoles, stingeð nieten,
feldgongende feoh gestrudeð.
Hwilum he on wætere wicg gehnægeð,
hornum geheaweð, oððæt him heortan blod,
famig flodes bæð, foldan geseceð.
Hwilum he gefeterað fæges mannes,
handa gehefegað, ðonne he æt hilde sceall
wið lað werud lifes tiligan;
awriteð he on his wæpne wællnota heap,
bealwe bocstafas, bill forscrifeð,
meces mærðo. Forðon nænig man scile
oft orðances ut abredan
wæpnes ecgge, ðeah ðe him se wlite cweme,
ac symle he sceal singan, ðonne he his sweord geteo,
Pater Noster, and ðæt palmtreow
biddan mid blisse, ðæt him bu gife
feorh and folme, ðonne his feond cyme.” [OMITTED]
“swice, ær he soð wite,
ðæt ða sienfullan saula sticien
mid hettendum helle tomiddes.
Hateð ðonne heahcining helle betynan,
fyres fulle, and ða feondas mid.”

Hæfde ða se snotra sunu Dauides
forcumen and forcyðed Caldea eorl.
Hwæðre was on sælum se ðe of siðe cwom


feorran gefered; næfre ær his ferhð ahlog.


Hwæt! Ic flitan gefrægn on fyrndagum
modgleawe men, middangeardes ræswan,
gewesan ymbe hira wisdom; wyrs deð se ðe liehð
oððe ðæs soðes ansæceð. Saloman was bremra,
ðeah ðe S[[OMITTED]]rnus sumra hæfde,
bald breosttoga, boca c[[OMITTED]]g[[OMITTED]],
[[OMITTED]]ornenga locan; land eall geondhwearf,
Indea mere, east Corsias,
Persea rice, Palestinion,
Niniuen ceastre and norð Predan,
Meda maððumselas, Marculfes eard,
Saulus rice, swa he suð ligeð
ymbe Geallboe and ymb Geador norð,
Filistina flet, fæsten Creca,
wudu Egipta, wæter Mathea,
cludas Coreffes, Caldea rice,
Creca cræftas, cynn Arabia,
lare Libia, lond Syria,
Pitðinia, Buðanasan,
Pamhpilia, Pores gemære,
Macedonia, Mesopotamie,
Cappadocia, Cristes eðel,
Hieryhco, Galilea, Hierusalem [OMITTED]
“oððe ic swigie,
nyttes hycgge, ðeah ic no spr[[OMITTED]]c[[OMITTED]].
Wat ic ðonne, gif ðu gewitest on Wendelsæ
ofer Coforflod cyððe secean,
ðæt ðu wille gilpan ðæt ðu hæbbe g[[OMITTED]]ena bearn


forcumen and forcyððed. Wat ic ðæt wæron Caldeas
guðe ðæs gielpne and ðæs goldwlonce,
mærða ðæs modige, ðær to ðam moning gelomp
suð ymbe Sanere feld. Sæge me from ðam lande
ðær nænig fyra ne mæg fotum gestæppan.”
Saturnus cuæð:
“Se mæra was haten sæliðende
weallende Wulf, w[[OMITTED]]rðeodum cuð
Filistina, freond Nebrondes.
He on ðam felda ofslog XXV
dracena on dægred, and hine ða deað offeoll;
forðan ða foldan ne mæ fira ænig,
ðone mercstede, mon gesecan,
fugol gefleogan, ne ðon ma foldan n[[OMITTED]]t.
Ðanon atercynn ærest gewurdon
wide onwæcned, ða ðe nu weallende
ðurh attres oroð ingang rymað.
Git his sweord scineð swiðe gescæned,
and ofer ða byrgenna blicað ða hieltas.”

Salomon cwað:
“Dol bið se ðe gæð on deop wæter,
se ðe sund nafað ne gesegled scip
ne fugles flyht, ne he mid fotum ne mæg
grund geræcan; huru se godes cunnað
full dyslice, dryhtnes meahta.”

Saturnus cuæð:
“Ac hwæt is se dumba, se ðe on sumre dene resteð?
Swiðe snyttrað, hafað seofon tungan;
hafað tungena gehwylc XX orda,
hafað orda gehwylc engles snytro,
ðara ðe wile anra hwylc uppe bringan,
ðæt ðu ðære gyldnan gesiehst Hierusalem
weallas blican and hiera winrod lixan,
soðfæstra segn. Saga hwæt ic mæne.”

Salomon cuæð:
“Bec sindon breme, bodiað geneahhe


weotodne willan ðam ðe wiht hygeð.
Gestrangað hie and gestaðeliað staðolfæstne geðoht,
amyrgað modsefan manna gehwylces
of ðreamedlan ðisses lifes.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Bald bið se ðe onbyregeð boca cræftes;
symle bið ðe wisra ðe hira geweald hafað.”

Salomon cuæð:
“Sige hie onsendað soðfæstra gehwam,
hælo hyðe, ðam ðe hie lufað.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“An wise is on woroldrice
ymb ða me fyrwet bræc L wintra
dæges and niehtes ðurh deop gesceaft;
geomrende gast deð nu gena swa,
ærðon me geunne ece dryhten
ðæt me geseme snoterra monn.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Soð is ðæt ðu sagast; seme ic ðe recene
ymb ða wrætlican wiht. Wilt ðu ðæt ic ðe secgge?
An fugel siteð on Filistina
middelgemærum; munt is hine ymbutan,
geap gylden weall. Georne hine healdað
witan Filistina, wenað ðæs ðe naht is,
ðæt hiene him scyle eall ðeod on genæman
wæpna ecggum; hie ðæs wære cunnon,
healdað hine niehta gehwylce norðan and suðan
on twa healfa tu hund wearda.
Se fugel hafað IIII heafdu
medumra manna, and he is on middan hwælen;
geowes he hafað fiðeru and griffus fet,
ligeð lonnum fæst, locað unhiere,
swiðe swingeð and his searo hringeð,
gilleð geomorlice and his gyrn sefað,
wylleð hine on ðam wite, wunað unlustum,
singgeð syllice; seldum æfre
his leoma licggað. Longað hine hearde,


ðynceð him ðæt sie ðria XXX ðusend wintra
ær he domdæges dynn gehyre.
Nyste hine on ðære foldan fira ænig
eorðan cynnes, ærðon ic hine ana onfand
and hine ða gebendan het ofer brad wæter,
ðæt hine se modega heht Melotes bearn,
Filistina fruma, fæste gebindan,
lonnum belucan wið leodgryre.
Ðone fugel hatað feorbuende,
Filistina fruman, uasa mortis.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac hwæt is ðæt wundor ðe geond ðas worold færeð,
styrnenga gæð, staðolas beateð,
aweceð wopdropan, winneð oft hider?
Ne mæg hit steorra ne stan ne se steapa gimm,
wæter ne wildeor wihte beswican,
ac him on hand gæð heardes and hnesces,
micles and mætes; him to mose sceall
gegangan geara gehwelce grundbuendra,
lyftfleogendra, laguswemmendra,
ðria ðreoteno ðusendgerimes.”

Salomon cuæð:
“Yldo beoð on eorðan æghwæs cræftig;
mid hiðendre hildewræsne,
rumre racenteage, ræceð wide,
langre linan, lisseð eall ðæt heo wile.
Beam heo abreoteð and bebriceð telgum,
astyreð standendne stefn on siðe,
afilleð hine on foldan; friteð æfter ðam
wildne fugol. Heo oferwigeð wulf,
hio oferbideð stanas, heo oferstigeð style,
hio abiteð iren mid ome, deð usic swa.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac forhwon fealleð se snaw, foldan behydeð,
bewrihð wyrta cið, wæstmas getigeð,


geðyð hie and geðreatað, ðæt hie ðrage beoð
cealde geclungne? Full oft he gecostað eac
wildeora worn, wætum he oferbricgeð,
gebryceð burga geat, baldlice fereð,
reafað” [OMITTED]
“swiðor micle ðonne se swipra nið
se hine gelædeð on ða laðan wic
mid ða fræcnan feonde to willan.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Nieht bið wedera ðiestrost, ned bið wyrda heardost,
sorg bið swarost byrðen, slæp bið deaðe gelicost.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Lytle hwile leaf beoð grene;
ðonne hie eft fealewiað, feallað on eorðan
and forweorniað, weorðað to duste.
Swa ðonne gefeallað ða ðe fyrena ær
lange læstað, lifiað him in mane,
hydað heahgestreon, healdað georne
on fæstenne feondum to willan,
and wenað wanhogan ðæt hie wille wuldorcining,
ælmihtig god, ece gehiran.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Sona bið gesiene, siððan flowan mot
yð ofer eall lond, ne wile heo awa ðæs
siðes geswican, sioððan hire se sæl cymeð,
ðæt heo domes dæges dyn gehiere.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Wa bið ðonne ðissum modgum monnum, ðam ðe her nu mid mane lengest
lifiað on ðisse lænan gesceafte. Ieo ðæt ðine leode gecyðdon;
wunnon hie wið dryhtnes miehtum, forðon hie ðæt worc ne gedegdon.


Ne sceall ic ðe hwæðre, broðor, abelgan; ðu eart swiðe bittres cynnes,
eorre eormenstrynde. Ne beyrn ðu in ða inwitgecyndo!”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Saga ðu me, Salomon cyning, sunu Dauides,
hwæt beoð ða feowere fægæs rapas?”

Salomon cuæð:
“Gewurdene wyrda,
ðæt beoð ða feowere fæges rapas.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac hwa demeð ðonne dryhtne Criste
on domes dæge, ðonne he demeð eallum gesceaftum?”

Salomon cwæð:
“Hwa dear ðonne dryhtne deman, ðe us of duste geworhte,
nergend of niehtes wunde? Ac sæge me hwæt nærende wæron.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac forhwon ne mot seo sunne side gesceafte
scire geondscinan? Forhwam besceadeð heo
muntas and moras and monige ec
weste stowa? Hu geweorðeð ðæt?”

Salomon cuæð:
“Ac forhwam næron eorð[[OMITTED]]lan ealle gedæled
leodum gelice? Sum to lyt hafað,
godes grædig; hine god seteð
ðurh geearnunga eadgum to ræste.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac forhwan beoð ða gesiðas somod ætgædre,
wop and hleahtor? Full oft hie weorðgeornra
sælða toslitað; hu gesæleð ðæt?”

Salomon cuæð:
“Unlæde bið and ormod se ðe a wile
geomrian on gihðe; se bið gode fracoðast.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Forhwon ne moton we ðonne ealle mid onmedlan


gegnum gangan in godes rice?”

Salomon cwæð:
“Ne mæg fyres feng ne forstes cile,
snaw ne sunne somod eardian,
aldor geæfnan, ac hira sceal anra gehwylc
onlutan and onliðigan ðe hafað læsse mægn.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac forhwon ðonne leofað se wyrsa leng?
Se wyrsa ne wat in woroldrice
on his mægwinum maran are.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Ne mæg mon forildan ænige hwile
ðone deoran sið, ac he hine adreogan sceall.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac hu gegangeð ðæt? Gode oððe yfle,
ðonne hie beoð ðurh ane idese acende,
twegen getwinnas, ne bið hira tir gelic.
Oðer bið unlæde on eorðan, oðer bið eadig,
swiðe leoftæle mid leoda duguðum;
oðer leofað lytle hwile,
swiceð on ðisse sidan gesceafte, and ðonne eft mid sorgum gewiteð.
Fricge ic ðec, hlaford Salomon, hwæðres bið hira folgoð betra?”

Salomon cuæð:
“Modor ne rædeð, ðonne heo magan cenneð,
hu him weorðe geond worold widsið sceapen.
Oft heo to bealwe bearn afedeð,
seolfre to sorge, siððan dreogeð
his earfoðu orlegstunde.
Heo ðæs afran sceall oft and gelome
grimme greotan, ðonne he geong færeð,
hafað wilde mod, werige heortan,
sefan sorgfullne, slideð geneahhe,
werig, wilna leas, wuldres bedæled,
hwilum higegeomor healle weardað,


leofað leodum feor; locað geneahhe
fram ðam unlædan agen hlaford.
Forðan nah seo modor geweald, ðonne heo magan cenneð,
bearnes blædes, ac sceall on gebyrd faran
an æfter anum; ðæt is eald gesceaft.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac forhwan nele monn him on giogoðe georne gewyrcan
deores dryhtscipes and dædfruman,
wadan on wisdom, winnan æfter snytro?”

Salomon cwæð:
“Hwæt! Him mæg eadig eorl eaðe geceosan
on his modsefan mildne hlaford,
anne æðeling. Ne mæg don unlæde swa.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac forhwam winneð ðis wæter geond woroldrice,
dreogeð deop gesceaft? Ne mot on dæg restan,
neahtes neðyð, cræfte tyð,
cristnað and clænsað cwicra manigo,
wuldre gewlitigað. Ic wihte ne cann
forhwan se stream ne mot stillan neahtes.” [OMITTED]
“his lifes fæðme. Simle hit bið his lareowum hyrsum;
full oft hit eac ðæs deofles dugoð gehnægeð,
ðær weotena bið worn gesamnod.
Ðonne snottrum men snæd oððglideð,
ða he be leohte gesihð, luteð æfter,
gesegnað and gesyfleð and him sylf friteð.
Swilc bið seo an snæd æghwylcum men
selre micle, gif heo gesegnod bið,
to ðycgganne, gif he hit geðencan cann,
ðonne him sie seofon daga symbelgereordu.
Leoht hafað heow and had haliges gastes,
Cristes gecyndo; hit ðæt gecyðeð full oft.
Gif hit unwitan ænige hwile
healdað butan hæftum, hit ðurh hrof wædeð,


bryceð and bærneð boldgetimbru,
seomað steap and geap, stigeð on lenge,
clymmeð on gecyndo, cunnað hwænne mote
fyr on his frumsceaft on fæder geardas,
eft to his eðle, ðanon hit æror cuom.
Hit bið eallenga eorl to gesihðe,
ðam ðe gedælan can dryhtnes ðecelan,
forðon nis nænegu gecynd cuiclifigende,
ne fugel ne fisc ne foldan stan,
ne wæteres wylm ne wudutelga,
ne munt ne mor ne ðes middangeard,
ðæt he forð ne sie fyrenes cynnes.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Full oft ic frode menn fyrn gehyrde
secggan and swerian ymb sume wisan,
hwæðer wære twegra butan tweon strengra,
wyrd ðe warnung, ðonne hie winnað oft
mid hira ðreamedlan, hwæðerne aðreoteð ær.
Ic to soðon wat; sægdon me geara
Filistina witan, ðonne we on geflitum sæton,
bocum tobræddon and on bearm legdon,
meðelcwidas mengdon, moniges fengon,
ðæt nære nænig manna middangeardes
ðæt meahte ðara twega tuion aspyrian.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Wyrd bið wended hearde, wealleð swiðe geneahhe;
heo wop weceð, heo wean hladeð,
heo gast scyð, heo ger byreð,
and hwæðre him mæg wissefa wyrda gehwylce
gemetigian, gif he bið modes gleaw
and to his freondum wile fultum secan,
ðeh hwæðre godcundes gæstes brucan.”

Saturnus cwæð:
“Ac hwæt witeð us wyrd seo swiðe,
eallra fyrena fruma, fæhðo modor,
weana wyrtwela, wopes heafod,


frumscylda gehwæs fæder and modor,
deaðes dohtor? Ac tohwan drohtað heo mid us?
Hwæt! Hie wile lifigende late aðreotan,
ðæt heo ðurh fyrena geflitu fæhðo ne tydre.”

Salomon cwæð:
“Nolde gæd geador in godes rice
eadiges engles and ðæs ofermodan;
oðer his dryhtne hierde, oðer him ongan wyrcan ðurh dierne cræftas
segn and side byrnan, cwæð ðæt he mid his gesiðum wolde
hiðan eall heofona rice and him ðonne on healfum sittan,
[[OMITTED]]y[[OMITTED]]ran him mid ðy teoðan dæle, oððæt he his [[OMITTED]]r[[OMITTED]] cuðe
ende ðurh insceafte. Ða wearð se æðel[[OMITTED]]eoden
gedrefed ðurh ðæs deofles gehygdo; forlet hine ða of dune gehreosan,
afielde hine ða under foldan sceatas,
heht hine ðær fæste gebindan. Ðæt sindon ða usic feohtað on.
Forðon is witena gehwam wopes eaca.
Ða ðæt eadig onfand engla dryhten,
ðæt heo leng mid hine lare ne namon,
aweorp hine ða of ðam wuldre and wide todraf,
and him bebead bearn heofonwara
ðæt hie ec scoldon a ðenden hie lifdon
wunian in wylme, wop ðrowian,
heaf under hefonum, and him helle gescop,
wælcealde wic wintre beðeahte,
wæter in sende and wyrmgeardas,
atol deor monig irenum hornum,
blodige earnas and blace nædran,
ðurst and hungor and ðearle gewin,
egna egesan, unrotnesse;
and æhwylc him ðissa earfeða ece stondeð
butan edwende a ðenden hie lifigað.”


Saturnus cwæð:
“Is ðonne on ðisse foldan fira ænig
eorðan cynnes, ðara ðe man age,
ðe deað abæde, ær se dæg cyme
ðæt sie his calendcwide [OMITTED] arunnen
and hine mon annunga ut abanne?”

Salomon cwæð:
“Æghwylc[[OMITTED]] engel onsendeð
dryhten heo[[OMITTED]]eð;
se sceall behealdan hu his hyge [[OMITTED]
[OMITTED]]dig growan in godes willan,
murnan metodes ðrym, mid ðy ðe hit dæg bið.
Ðonne hine ymbegangað gastas twegen;
oðer bið golde glædra, oðer bið grundum sweartra,
oðer cymeð [OMITTED]
ofer ðære stylenan helle;
oðer hine læreð ðæt he lufan healde,
metodes miltse, and his mæga ræd,
oðer hine tyhteð and on tæso læreð,
yweð him and yppeð earmra manna
misgemynda, and ðurh ðæt his mod hweteð,
lædeð hine and læceð and hine geond land spaneð,
oððæt his ege bið, æfðancum full,
ðurh earmra scyld yrre geworden.
Swa ðonne feohteð se feond on feower gecynd,
oððæt he gewendeð on ða wyrsan hand
deofles dædum dæglongne fyrst,
and ðæs willan wyrcð ðe hine on woh spaneð.
Gewiteð ðonne wepende on weg faran
engel to his earde and ðæt eall sagað:
‘Ne meahte ic of ðære heortan heardne aðringan
stylenne stan; sticað him tomiddes’”





MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i

Crist wæs acennyd, cyninga wuldor,
on midne winter, mære þeoden,
ece ælmihtig, on þy eahteoðan dæg
Hælend gehaten, heonfonrices weard.
Swa þa sylfan tiid side herigeas,
folc unmæte, habbað foreweard gear,
for þy se kalend us cymeð geþincged
on þam ylcan dæge us to tune,
forma monað; hine folc mycel
Ianuarius gerum heton.
And þæs embe fif niht þætte fulwihttiid
eces drihtnes to us cymeð,
þæne twelfta dæg tireadige,
hæleð heaðurofe, hatað on Brytene,
in foldan her. Swylce emb feower wucan
þætte Solmonað sigeð to tune
butan twam nihtum, swa hit getealdon geo,
Februarius fær, frode gesiþas,
ealde ægleawe. And þæs embe ane niht
þæt we Marian mæssan healdað,
cyninges modor, forþan heo Crist on þam dæge,
bearn wealdendes, brohte to temple.
Ðænne þæs emb fif niht þæt afered byð
winter of wicum, and se wigend þa
æfter seofentynum swylt þrowade
nihtgerimes, nergendes þegen,
Mathias mære, mine gefræge,
þæs þe lencten on tun geliden hæfde,
werum to wicum. Swylce eac is wide cuð
ymb III and twa þeodum gewelhwær
his cyme kalend ceorlum and eorlum
(butan þænne bises geboden weorðe


feorðan geare; þænne he furðor cymeð
ufor anre niht us to tune),
hrime gehyrsted hagolscurum færð
geond middangeard Martius reðe,
Hlyda healic. Ðænne se halga þæs
emb XI niht æþele scynde
Gregorius in godes wære,
breme in Brytene. Swylce Benedictus
embe nigon niht þæs nergend sohte,
heard and higestrang, þæne heriað wel
in gewritum wise, wealdendes þeow
rincas regolfæste. Swylce eac rimcræftige
on þa ylcan tiid emniht healdað,
forðan wealdend god worhte æt frymðe
on þy sylfan dæge sunnan and monan.
Hwæt, ymb feower niht fæder onsende,
þæs þe emnihte eorlas healdað,
heahengel his, se hælo abead
Marian mycle, þæt heo meotod sceolde
cennan, kyninga betst, swa hit gecyðed wearð
geond middangeard; wæs þæt mære wyrd,
folcum gefræge! Swylce emb feower and þreo
nihtgerimes, þætte nergend sent
Aprelis monað, on þam oftust cymð
seo mære tiid mannum to frofre,
drihtnes ærist; þænne dream gerist
wel wide gehwær, swa se witega sang:
“Þis se dæg þæne drihten us
wisfæst worhte, wera cneorissum,
eallum eorðwarum eadigum to blisse.”
Ne magon we þa tide be getale healdan
dagena rimes, ne drihtnes stige
on heofenas up, forþan þe hwearfað aa
wisra gewyrdum, ac sceal wintrum frod
on circule cræfte findan
halige dagas. Sculan we hwæðere gyt
martira gemynd ma areccan,


wrecan wordum forð, wisse gesingan,
þæt embe nihgontyne niht and fifum,
þæs þe Eastermonað to us cymeð,
þæt man reliquias ræran onginneð,
halige gehyrste; þæt is healic dæg,
bentiid bremu. Swylce in burh raþe
embe siex niht þæs, smicere on gearwum,
wudum and wyrtum cymeð wlitig scriðan
Þrymilce on tun, þearfe bringeð
Maius micle geond menigeo gehwær.
Swa þi ylcan dæge æþele geferan,
Philippus and Iacob, feorh agefan,
modige magoþegnas for meotudes lufan.
And þæs embe twa niht þætte tæhte god
Elenan eadigre æþelust beama,
on þam þrowode þeoden engla
for manna lufan, meotud on galgan
be fæder leafe. Swylce ymb fyrst wucan
butan anre niht þætte yldum bringð
sigelbeorhte dagas sumor to tune,
wearme gewyderu. Þænne wangas hraðe
blostmum blowað, swylce blis astihð
geond middangeard manigra hada
cwicera cynna, cyninge lof secgað
mænifealdlice, mærne bremað,
ælmihtigne. Þæs emb eahta and nigon
dogera rimes þætte drihten nam
in oðer leoht Agustinus,
bliðne on breostum, þæs þe he on Brytene her
eaðmode him eorlas funde
to godes willan, swa him se gleawa bebead
Gregorius. Ne hyrde ic guman a fyrn
ænigne ær æfre bringan
ofer sealtne mere selran lare,


bisceop bremran. Nu on Brytene rest
on Cantwarum cynestole neah,
mynstre mærum. Þænne monað bringð
ymb twa and feower tiida lange
Ærra Liða us to tune,
Iunius on geard, on þam gim astihð
on heofenas up hyhst on geare,
tungla torhtust, and of tille agrynt,
to sete sigeð. Wyle syððan leng
grund behealdan and gangan lator
ofer foldan wang fægerust leohta,
woruldgesceafta. Þænne wuldres þegn
ymb þreotyne, þeodnes dyrling,
Iohannes in geardagan wearð acenned,
tyn nihtum eac; we þa tiid healdað
on midne sumor mycles on æþelum.
Wide is geweorðod, swa þæt wel gerist,
haligra tid geond hæleða bearn,
Petrus and Paulus. Hwæt, þa apostolas,
þeodenholde, þrowedon on Rome
ofer midne sumor, miccle gewisse,
furðor fif nihtum, folcbealo þrealic,
mærne martyrdom; hæfdon mænige ær
wundra geworhte geond wærþeoda,
swylce hi æfter þam unrim fremedon
swutelra and gesynra þurh sunu meotudes,
ealdorþegnas. Þænne ædre cymð
emb twa niht þæs tidlice us
Iulius monað, on þam Iacobus
ymb feower niht feorh gesealde
ond twentigum, trum in breostum,
frod and fæstræd folca lareow,
Zebedes afera. And þæs symle scriþ
ymb seofon niht þæs sumere gebrihted
Weodmonað on tun, welhwær bringeð


Agustus yrmenþeodum
hlafmæssan dæg. Swa þæs hærfest cymð
ymbe oðer swylc butan anre wanan,
wlitig, wæstmum hladen; wela byð geywed
fægere on foldan. Þænne forð gewat
ymb þreo niht þæs þeodne getrywe
þurh martyrdom, mære diacon,
Laurentius, hæfð nu lif wiðþan
mid wuldorfæder weorca to leane.
Swylce þæs ymb fif niht fægerust mægða,
wifa wuldor, sohte weroda god
for suna sibbe, sigefæstne ham
on neorxnawange; hæfde nergend þa
fæere fostorlean fæmnan forgolden
ece to ealdre. Þænne ealling byð
ymb tyn niht þæs tiid geweorðad
Bartholomeus in Brytene her,
wyrd welþungen. Swylce eac wide byð
eorlum geypped æþelinges deað
ymb feower niht, se þe fægere iu
mid wætere oferwearp wuldres cynebearn,
wiga weorðlice. Be him wealdend cwæð
þæt nan mærra man geond middangeard
betux wife and were wurde acenned.
Ond þæs ymbe þreo niht geond þeoda feala
þætte Haligmonð, heleþum geþinged,
fereð to folce, swa hit foregleawe,
ealde uþwitan, æror fundan,
Septembres fær, and þy seofoþan dæg
þæt acenned wearð cwena selost,
drihtnes modor. Þænne dagena worn
ymbe þreotyne þegn unforcuð,
godspelles gleaw, gast onsende
Matheus his to metodsceafte,
in ecne gefean. Þænne ealling cymð
ymb þreo niht þæs þeodum wide
emnihtes dæg, ylda bearnum.


Hwæt, we weorðiað wide geond eorðan
heahengles tiid on hærfeste,
Michaheles, swa þæt menigo wat,
fif nihtum ufor þæs þe folcum byð,
eorlum geywed emnihtes dæg.
And þæs embe twa niht þæt se teoða monð
on folc fereð, frode geþeahte,
October on tun us to genihte,
Winterfylleð, swa hine wide cigað
igbuende Engle and Seaxe,
weras mid wifum. Swylce wigena tiid
ymb twentig þæs twegra healdað
and seofon nihtum samod ætgædere
on anne dæg. We þa æþelingas
fyrn gefrunan þæt hy foremære,
Simon and Iudas, symble wæron,
drihtne dyre; forþon hi dom hlutan,
eadigne upweg. And þæs ofstum bringð
embe feower niht, folce genihtsum,
Blotmonað on tun, beornum to wiste,
Nouembris, niða bearnum
eadignesse, swa nan oðer na deð
monað maran miltse drihtnes.
And þy ylcan dæge ealra we healdað
sancta symbel þara þe sið oððe ær
worhtan in worulde willan drihtnes.
Syþþan wintres dæg wide gangeð
on syx nihtum, sigelbeortne genimð
hærfest mid herige hrimes and snawes,
forste gefeterad, be frean hæse,
þæt us wunian ne moton wangas grene,
foldan frætuwe. Þæs ymb feower niht
þætte Martinus mære geleorde,
wer womma leas wealdend sohte,
upengla weard. Þænne embe eahta niht
and feowerum þætte fan gode
besenctun on sægrund sigefæstne wer,


on brime haran, þe iu beorna fela
Clementes oft clypiað to þearfe.
And þæs embe seofon niht, sigedrihtne leof,
æþele Andreas up on roderum
his gast ageaf on godes wære,
fus on forðweg. Þænne folcum bringð
morgen to mannum monað to tune,
Decembris drihta bearnum,
Ærra Iula. Swylce emb eahta and twelf
nihtgerimes þætte nergend sylf
þristhydigum Thomase forgeaf
wið earfeðum ece rice,
bealdum beornwigan bletsunga his.
Þænne emb feower niht þætte fæder engla
his sunu sende on þas sidan gesceaft
folcum to frofre. Nu ge findan magon
haligra tiida þe man healdan sceal,
swa bebugeð gebod geond Brytenricu
Sexna kyninges on þas sylfan tiid.



MS. Cotton Tiberius B. i

Cyning sceal rice healdan. Ceastra beoð feorran gesyne,
orðanc enta geweorc, þa þe on þysse eorðan syndon,
wrætlic weallstana geweorc. Wind byð on lyfte swiftust,
þunar byð þragum hludast. Þrymmas syndan Cristes myccle,
wyrd byð swiðost. Winter byð cealdost,
lencten hrimigost (he byð lengest ceald),
sumor sunwlitegost (swegel byð hatost),
hærfest hreðeadegost, hæleðum bringeð
geres wæstmas, þa þe him god sendeð.


Soð bið switolost, sinc byð deorost,
gold gumena gehwam, and gomol snoterost,
fyrngearum frod, se þe ær feala gebideð.
Weax bið wundrum clibbor. Wolcnu scriðað.
Geongne æþeling sceolan gode gesiðas
byldan to beaduwe and to beahgife.
Ellen sceal on eorle, ecg sceal wið hellme
hilde gebidan. Hafuc sceal on glofe
wilde gewunian, wulf sceal on bearowe,
earm anhaga, eofor sceal on holte,
toðmægenes trum. Til sceal on eðle
domes wyrcean. Daroð sceal on handa,
gar golde fah. Gim sceal on hringe
standan steap and geap. Stream sceal on yðum
mencgan mereflode. Mæst sceal on ceole,
segelgyrd seomian. Sweord sceal on bearme,
drihtlic isern. Draca sceal on hlæwe,
frod, frætwum wlanc. Fisc sceal on wætere
cynren cennan. Cyning sceal on healle
beagas dælan. Bera sceal on hæðe,
eald and egesfull. Ea of dune sceal
flodgræg feran. Fyrd sceal ætsomne,
tirfæstra getrum. Treow sceal on eorle,
wisdom on were. Wudu sceal on foldan
blædum blowan. Beorh sceal on eorþan
grene standan. God sceal on heofenum,
dæda demend. Duru sceal on healle,
rum recedes muð. Rand sceal on scylde,
fæst fingra gebeorh. Fugel uppe sceal
lacan on lyfte. Leax sceal on wæle
mid sceote scriðan. Scur sceal on heofenum,
winde geblanden, in þas woruld cuman.
Þeof sceal gangan þystrum wederum. Þyrs sceal on fenne gewunian
ana innan lande. Ides sceal dyrne cræfte,
fæmne hire freond gesecean, gif heo nelle on folce geþeon


þæt hi man beagum gebicge. Brim sceal sealte weallan,
lyfthelm and laguflod ymb ealra landa gehwylc,
flowan firgenstreamas. Feoh sceal on eorðan
tydran and tyman. Tungol sceal on heofenum
beorhte scinan, swa him bebead meotud.
God sceal wið yfele, geogoð sceal wið yldo,
lif sceal wið deaþe, leoht sceal wið þystrum,
fyrd wið fyrde, feond wið oðrum,
lað wið laþe ymb land sacan,
synne stælan. A sceal snotor hycgean
ymb þysse worulde gewinn, wearh hangian,
fægere ongildan þæt he ær facen dyde
manna cynne. Meotod ana wat
hwyder seo sawul sceal syððan hweorfan,
and ealle þa gastas þe for gode hweorfað
æfter deaðdæge, domes bidað
on fæder fæðme. Is seo forðgesceaft
digol and dyrne; drihten ana wat,
nergende fæder. Næni eft cymeð
hider under hrofas, þe þæt her for soð
mannum secge hwylc sy meotodes gesceaft,
sigefolca gesetu, þær he sylfa wunað.



MS. 751, Nationalbibliothek, Vienna

Oft daedlata domȩ forȩldit.
sigisitha gahuem, suuyltit thi ana.




MS. 201, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Hwæt! Ic ana sæt innan bearwe,
mid helme beþeht, holte tomiddes,
þær þa wæterburnan swegdon and urnon
on middan gehæge, eal swa ic secge.
Eac þær wynwyrta weoxon and bleowon
innon þam gemonge on ænlicum wonge,
and þa wudubeamas wagedon and swegdon
þurh winda gryre; wolcn wæs gehrered,
and min earme mod eal wæs gedrefed.
Þa ic færinga, forht and unrot,
þas unhyrlican fers onhefde mid sange,
eall swylce þu cwæde, synna gemunde,
lifes leahtra, and þa langan tid,
þæs dimman cyme deaðes on eorðan.
Ic ondræde me eac dom þone miclan
for mandædum minum on eorðan,
and þæt ece ic eac yrre ondræde me
and synfulra gehwam æt sylfum gode,
and hu mihtig frea eall manna cynn
todæleð and todemeð þurh his dihlan miht.
Ic gemunde eac mærðe drihtnes
and þara haligra on heofonan rice,
swylce earmsceapenra yfel and witu.
Ic gemunde þis mid me, and ic mearn swiðe,
and ic murcnigende cwæð, mode gedrefed:
“Nu ic eow, æddran, ealle bidde
þæt ge wylspringas wel ontynan,
hate of hleorum, recene to tearum,
þænne ic synful slea swiðe mid fyste,
breost mine beate on gebedstowe,
and minne lichaman lecge on eorðan
and geearnade sar ealle ic gecige.


Ic bidde eow benum nu ða
þæt ge ne wandian wiht for tearum,
ac dreorige hleor dreccað mid wope
and sealtum dropum sona ofergeotaþ,
and geopeniað man ecum drihtne.
Ne þær owiht inne ne belife
on heortscræfe heanra gylta,
þæt hit ne sy dægcuð, þæt þæt dihle wæs,
openum wordum eall abæred,
breostes and tungan and flæsces swa some.
Ðis is an hæl earmre sauwle
and þam sorgiendum selest hihta,
þæt he wunda her wope gecyðe
uplicum læce, se ana mæg
aglidene mod gode gehælan
and ræplingas recene onbindan,
ne mid swiðran his swyþe nele brysan
wanhydige mod wealdend engla,
ne þone wlacan smocan waces fleaxes
wyle waldend Crist wætere gedwæscan.
Hu ne gesceop þe se scaþa scearplice bysne
þe mid Criste wæs cwylmed on rode,
hu micel forstent and hu mære is
seo soðe hreow synna and gylta?
Se sceaþa wæs on rode scyldig and manful,
mid undædum eall gesymed;
he drihtene swa þeah, deaðe gehende,
his bena bebead breostgehigdum.
He mid lyt wordum ac geleaffullum
his hæle begeat and help recene,
and in gefor þa ænlican geatu
neorxnawonges mid nerigende.
Ic acsige þe, la, earme geþanc,
hwi latast þu swa lange, þæt þu ðe læce ne cyþst,
oððe hwi swigast þu, synnigu tunge,


nu þu forgifnesse hæfst gearugne timan,
nu þe ælmihtig earum atihtum,
heofonrices weard, gehyreð mid lustum?
Ac se dæg cymeð ðonne demeð god
eorðan ymbhwyrft; þu ana scealt
gyldan scad wordum wið scyppend god,
and þam rican frean riht agyldan.
Ic lære þæt þu beo hrædra mid hreowlicum tearum,
and þæt yrre forfoh eces deman.
Hwæt ligst þu on horwe leahtrum afylled,
flæsc, mid synnum? Hwi ne feormast þu
mid teara gyte torne synne?
Hwi ne bidst þu þe beþunga and plaster,
lifes læcedomes æt lifes frean?
Nu þu scealt greotan, tearas geotan,
þa hwile tima sy and tid wopes;
nu is halwende þæt man her wepe
and dædbote do drihtne to willan.
Glæd bið se godes sunu, gif þu gnorn þrowast
and þe sylfum demst for synnum on eorðan,
ne heofenes god henða and gyltas
ofer ænne syþ wrecan wile ænigum men.
Ne scealt þu forhyccan heaf and wopas
and forgifnesse gearugne timan.
Gemyne eac on mode, hu micel is þæt wite
þe þara earmra byð for ærdædum,
oþþe hu egeslice and hu andrysne
heahþrymme cyningc her wile deman
anra gehwylcum be ærdædum,
oþþe hwylce forebeacn feran onginnað
and Cristes cyme cyþað on eorðan.
Eall eorðe bifað, eac swa þa duna
dreosað and hreosað,
and beorga hliðu bugað and myltað,
and se egeslica sweg ungerydre sæ
eall manna mod miclum gedrefeð.
Eal bið eac upheofon


sweart and gesworcen, swiðe geþuxsað,
deorc and dimhiw, and dwolma sweart.
Þonne stedelease steorran hreosað,
and seo sunne forswyrcð sona on morgen,
ne se mona næfð nanre mihte wiht,
þæt he þære nihte genipu mæge flecgan.
Eac þonne cumað hider ufon of heofone
deaðbeacnigende tacn, bregað þa earman;
þonne cumað upplice eoredheapas,
stiþmægen astyred, styllað embutan
eal engla werod, ecne behlænað,
ðone mæran metod mihte and þrymme.
Sitt þonne sigelbeorht swegles brytta
on heahsetle, helme beweorðod.
We beoð færinga him beforan brohte,
æghwanum cumene to his ansyne,
þæt gehwylc underfo
dom be his dædum æt drihtne sylfum.
Ic bidde, man, þæt þu gemune hu micel bið se broga
beforan domsetle drihtnes þænne;
stent hergea mæst heortleas and earh,
amasod and amarod, mihtleas, afæred.
Þænne samod becumað of swegles hleo
eall engla werod, ecne ymtrymmað.
Þænne bið geban micel, and aboden þider
eal Adames cnosl eorðbuendra
þe on foldan wearð feded æfre
oððe modar gebær to manlican,
oþþe þa þe wæron oððe woldon beon
oþþe towearde geteald wæron awiht.
Ðonne eallum beoð ealra gesweotolude
digle geþancas on þære dægtide,
eal þæt seo heorte hearmes geþohte
oððe seo tunge to teonan geclypede


oþþe mannes hand manes gefremede
on þystrum scræfum þinga on eorðan;
eal þæt hwæne sceamode scylda on worulde,
þæt he ænigum men ypte oððe cyðde,
þonne bið eallum open ætsomne,
gelice alyfed þæt man lange hæl.
Ufenan eall þis eac byð gefylled
eal uplic lyft ættrenum lige.
Færð fyr ofer eall, ne byð þær nan foresteal,
ne him man na ne mæg miht forwyrnan;
eal þæt us þincð æmtig eahgemearces
under roderes ryne, readum lige
bið emnes mid þy eal gefylled.
Ðonne fyren lig blaweð and braslað,
read and reaðe, ræsct and efesteð,
hu he synfullum susle gefremme;
ne se wrecenda bryne wile forbugan
oððe ænigum þær are gefremman,
buton he horwum sy her afeormad,
and þonne þider cume, þearle aclænsad.
Þonne fela mægða, folca unrim,
heora sinnigan breost swiðlice beatað
forhte mid fyste for fyrenlustum.
Þær beoð þearfan and þeodcyningas,
earm and eadig, ealle beoð afæred;
þær hæfð ane lage earm and se welega,
forðon hi habbað ege ealle ætsomne.
Ðæt reðe flod ræscet fyre
and biterlice bærnð ða earman saula,
and heora heortan horxlice wyrmas,
synscyldigra, ceorfað and slitað.
Ne mæg þær æni man be agnum gewyrhtum
gedyrstig wesan, deman gehende,
ac ealle þurhyrnð oga ætsomne,


breostgehyda and se bitera wop,
and þær stænt astifad, stane gelicast,
eal arleas heap yfeles on wenan.
Hwæt dest þu, la, flæsc? Hwæt dreogest þu nu?
Hwæt miht þu on þa tid þearfe gewepan?
Wa þe nu, þu þe þeowast þissere worulde,
and her glæd leofast on galnysse
and þe mid stiðum astyrest sticelum þæs gælsan!
Hwi ne forhtas þu fyrene egsan,
and þe sylfum ondræd swiðlice witu,
ða deoflum geo drihten geteode,
awyrgedum gastum, weana to leane?
Þa oferswiðað sefan and spræce
manna gehwylces for micelnysse.
Nænig spræc mæg beon, spellum areccan
ænegum on eorðan earmlice witu,
fulle stowa fyres on grunde,
þe wæs in grimmum susle on helle.
Þær synt to sorge ætsomne gemenged
se þrosma lig and se þrece gicela,
swiðe hat and ceald helle tomiddes.
Hwilum þær eagan ungemetum wepað
for þæs ofnes bryne (eal he is bealuwes full);
hwilum eac þa teþ for miclum cyle manna þær gryrrað.
Þis atule gewrixl earmsceapene men
on worulda woruld wendað þær inne
betwyx forsworcenum sweartum nihtum
and weallendes pices wean and þrosme.
Þær nan stefn styreð butan stearcheard
wop and wanung, nawiht elles;
ne bið þær ansyn gesewen ænigre wihte,


butan þara cwelra þe cwylmað ða earman.
Ne bið þær inne aht gemeted
butan lig and cyle and laðlic ful;
hy mid nosan ne magon naht geswæccan
butan unstences ormætnesse.
Þær beoð þa wanigendan welras gefylde
ligspiwelum bryne laðlices fyres,
and hy wælgrimme wyrmas slitað
and heora ban gnagað brynigum tuxlum.
Ufenon eal þis bið þæt earme breost
mid bitere care breged and swenced,
for hwi fyrngende flæsc on þas frecnan tid
hym selfum swa fela synna geworhte,
þæt hit on cweartern cwylmed wurde,
þær ða atelan synd ecan witu;
þær leohtes ne leoht lytel sperca
earmum ænig, ne þær arfæstnes
ne sib ne hopa ne swige gegladað
ne þara wependra worn wihte.
Flyhð frofor aweg; ne bið þær fultum nan
þæt wið þa biteran þing gebeorh mæge fremman.
Ne bið þær ansyn gemet ænigre blisse,
ac þær bið angryslic ege and fyrhtu
and sari mod, swiðlic gristbigtung;
þær bið unrotnes æghwær wælhreow,
adl and yrre and æmelnes,
and þær synnge eac sauwle on lige
on blindum scræfe byrnað and yrnað.
Þonne deriende gedwinað heonone
þysse worulde gefean, gewitað mid ealle;
þonne druncennes gedwineð mid wistum,
and hleahter and plega hleapað ætsomne,


and wrænnes eac gewiteð heonone,
and fæsthafolnes feor gewiteð,
uncyst onweg and ælc gælsa
scyldig scyndan on sceade þonne,
and se earma flyhð uncræftiga slæp
sleac mid sluman slincan on hinder.
Ðonne blindum beseah biterum ligum
earme on ende þæt unalyfed is nu;
leofest on life lað bið þænne,
and þæt werige mod wendað þa gyltas
swiðe mid sorgum and mid sargunge.
Eala, se bið gesælig and ofersælig
and on worulda woruld wihta gesæligost,
se þe mid gesyntum swylce cwyldas
and witu mæg wel forbugon,
and samod bliðe on woruld ealle
his þeodne geþeon, and þonne mot
habban heofonrice; þæt is hihta mæst.
Þær niht ne genimð næfre þeostrum
þæs heofenlican leohtes sciman;
ne cymð þær sorh ne sar ne geswenced yld,
ne þær ænig geswinc æfre gelimpeð,
oððe hunger oþþe þurst oððe heanlic slæp,
ne bið þær fefur ne adl ne færlic cwyld,
nanes liges gebrasl ne se laðlica cyle.
Nis þær unrotnes ne þær æmelnys,
ne hryre ne caru ne hreoh tintrega,
ne bið þær liget ne laðlic storm,
winter ne þunerrad ne wiht cealdes,
ne þær hagulscuras hearde mid snawe,
ne bið þær wædl ne lyre ne deaðes gryre
ne yrmð ne agnes ne ænigu gnornung,


ac þær samod ricxað sib mid spede,
and arfæstnes and ece god,
wuldor and wurðmynt,
swylce lof and lif and leoflic geþwærnes.
Ufenan eal þis ece drihten
him ealra goda gehwylc glædlice ðenað,
þær a andweard ealle weorðaþ
and fehþ and geblyssað fæder ætsomne,
wuldraþ and wel hylt,
fægere frætuað and freolice lufað
and on heofonsetle hean geregnað.
His sunu bliðe, sigores brytta,
sylð anra gehwam ece mede,
heofonlice hyrsta, þæt is healic gifu,
gemang þam ænlican engla werode
and þæra haligra heapum and þreatum.
Þær hy beoð geþeode þeodscipum on gemang
betwyx heahfæderas and halige witegan,
blissiendum modum, byrgum tomiddes,
þær þa ærendracan synd ælmihtiges godes,
and betweoh rosena reade heapas,
þær symle scinað.
Þær þæra hwittra hwyrfð mædenheap,
blostmum behangen, beorhtost wereda,
þe ealle læt ænlicu godes drut,
seo frowe þe us frean acende,
metod on moldan, meowle seo clæne.
Þæt is Maria, mædena selast;
heo let þurh þa scenan scinendan ricu,
gebletsodost ealra, þæs breman fæder,
betweox fæder and sunu, freolicum werede,
and betwyx þære ecan uplicum sibbe
rice rædwitan, rodera weardas.


Hwæt mæg beon heardes her on life,
gif þu wille secgan soð þæm ðe frineð,
wið þam þu mote gemang þam werode
eardian unbleoh on ecnesse,
and on upcundra eadegum setlum
brucan bliðnesse butan ende forð?”



MS. 201, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Nu lære ic þe swa man leofne sceal.
Gif þu wille þæt blowende rice gestigan,
þænne beo þu eadmod and ælmesgeorn,
wis on wordum, and wæccan lufa
on hyge halgum on þas hwilwendan tid,
bliðe mode, and gebedum filige
oftost symle þær þu ana sy.
Forðan þæt halige gebed and seo hluttre lufu
godes and manna and seo ælmessylen
and se miccla hopa to þinum hælende,
þæt he þine synna adwæscan wylle,
and eac oþera fela
godra weorca glengað and bringað
þa soðfæstan sauwle to reste
on þa uplican eadignesse.
Wyrc þæt þu wyrce, word oððe dæda,
hafa metodes ege on gemang symle;
þæt is witodlice wisdomes ord,
þæt þu þæt ece leoht eal ne forleose.
Þeos woruld is æt ende, and we synd wædlan gyt
heofena rices; þæt is hefig byrden.
And þeah þu æfter þinum ende eall gesylle
þæt þu on eorðan ær gestryndes
goda gehwylces, wylle gode cweman,


ne mihtu mid þæm eallum sauwle þine
ut alysan, gif heo inne wyrð
feondum befangen, frofre bedæled,
welena forwyrned; ac þu wuldres god,
ece ælmihtigne, ealninga bidde
þæt he þe ne forlæte laðum to handa,
feondum to frofre, ac þu fleoh þanan,
syle ælmessan oft and gelome
digolice; þæt bið drihtnes lac
gumena gehwylces þe on god gelyfð.
Ceapa þe mid æhtum eces leohtes,
þy læs þu forweorðe, þænne þu hyra geweald nafast
to syllanne. Hit bið swiðe yfel
manna gehwilcum þæt he micel age,
gif he him god ne ondræt
swiðor micle þonne his sylfes gewil.
Warna þe georne wið þære wambe fylle,
forþan heo þa unþeawas ealle gesomnað
þe þære saule swiðost deriað,
þæt is druncennes and dyrnegeligere,
ungemet wilnung ætes and slæpes;
þa man mæg mid fæstenum
and forhæfdnessum heonon adrifan,
and mid cyricsocnum cealdum wederum
eadmodlice ealluncga biddan
heofena drihten þæt he þe hæl gife,
milde mundbora, swa him gemet þince.
And ondræd þu ðe dihle wisan,
nearwe geþancas, þe on niht becumað,
synlustas foroft swiðe fremman
earfoðlice, þy þu earhlice scealt
gyltas þine swiðe bemurnan,
har hilderinc; hefie þe ðincaþ
synna þine. Forþam þu sylf ongyte


þæt þu alætan scealt læne staþelas,
eard and eþel. Uncuð bið þe þænne
tohwan þe þin drihten gedon wille,
þænne þu lengc ne most lifes brucan,
eardes on eþle, swa þu ær dydest,
blissum hremi. Nu þu ðe beorgan scealt,
and wið feonda gehwæne fæste healdan
sauwle þine; a hi winnað
embe þæt [OMITTED]
dæges and nihtes ongean drihtnes lif.
Þu miht hy gefleman, gif þu filian wilt
larum minum, swa ic lære þe
digollice þæt þu on dægred oft
ymbe þinre sauwle ræd swiðe smeage,
hu þu þæt ece leoht æfre begytan mæge,
siðe gesecan; þu scealt glædlice swiðe swincan
wið þæs uplican eþelrices
dæges and nihtes, þu scealt druncen fleon
and þa oferfylle ealle forlætan.
Gif þu wilt þa upplican eardwic ceosan,
þænne scealt þu hit on eorðan ær geþencan,
and þu þe sylfne swiðe gebindan
and þa unþeawas ealle forlætan
þe þu on þis life ær lufedest and feddest.



MS. 201, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Þænne gemiltsað þe, N., mundum qui regit,
ðeoda þrymcyningc thronum sedentem
a butan ende [OMITTED]
saule þinre [OMITTED]
Geunne þe on life auctor pacis
sibbe gesælða, salus mundi,
metod se mæra magna uirtute,


and se soðfæsta summi filius
fo on fultum, factor cosmi,
se of æþelre wæs uirginis partu
clæne acenned Christus in orbem,
metod þurh Marian, mundi redemptor,
and þurh þæne halgan gast. Uoca frequenter
bide helpes hine, clemens deus,
se onsended wæs summo de throno
and þære clænan clara uoce
þa gebyrd bodade bona uoluntate
þæt heo scolde cennan Christum regem,
ealra cyninga cyningc, casta uiuendo;
and þu þa soðfæstan supplex rogo,
fultumes bidde friclo uirginem almum,
and þær æfter to omnes sancti
bliðmod bidde, beatus et iustus,
þæt hi ealle þe unica uoce
þingian to þeodne thronum regentem,
æcum drihtne, alta polorum,
þæt he þine saule, summus iudex,
onfo freolice, factor aeternus,
and he gelæde luce perhennem,
þær eadige animæ sanctæ
rice restað regna caelorum.



MS. 201, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Pater noster.
Þu eart ure fæder, ealles wealdend,
cyninc on wuldre. Forðam we clypiað to þe,
are biddað, nu þu yþost miht
sawle alysan. Þu hig sændest ær


þurh þine æþelan hand in to þam flæsce;
ac hwar cymð heo nu,
buton þu, engla god, eft hig alyse,
sawle of synnum þurh þine soðan miht?
Qui es in celis.
Ðu eart on heofonum hiht and frofor,
blissa beorhtost; ealle abugað to þe,
þinra gasta þrym, anre stæfne
clypiað to Criste, cweþað ealle þus:
“Halig eart þu, halig, heofonengla cyningc,
drihten ure, and þine domas synd
rihte and rume, ræcað efne gehwam,
æghwilcum men agen gewyrhta.
Wel bið ðam þe wyrcð willan þinne!”
Sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Swa is gehalgod þin heah nama
swiðe mærlice manegum gereordum,
twa and hundseofontig, þæs þe secgað bec,
þæt þu, engla god, ealle gesettest
ælcere þeode þeaw and wisan.
Þa wurþiað þin weorc wordum and dædum,
þurh gecynd clypiað and Crist heriað
and þin lof lædað, lifigenda god,
swa þu eart geæþelod geond ealle world.
Adueniat regnum tuum.
Cum nu and mildsa, mihta waldend,
and us þin rice alyf, rihtwis dema,
earda selost and ece lif,
þar we sibbe and lufe samod gemetað,
eagena beorhtnysse and ealle mirhðe,
þar bið gehyred þin halige lof
and þin micele miht, mannum to frofre,
swa þu, engla god, eallum blissast.
Fiat uoluntas tua.
Gewurðe þin willa, swa þu, waldend, eart
ece geopenod geond ealle world,


and þu þe silf eart soðfæst dema,
rice rædbora, geond rumne grund.
Swa þin heahsetl is heah and mære,
fæger and wurðlic, swa þin fæder worhte,
æþele and ece, þar ðu on sittest
on sinre swiðran healf. Þu eart sunu and fæder,
ana ægþer; swa is þin æþele gecynd
micclum gemærsod, and þu monegum helpst,
ealra cyninga þrym, clypast ofer ealle.
Bið þin wuldorword wide gehyred,
þonne þu þine fyrde fægere geblissast,
sylest miht and mund micclum herige,
and þe þanciað þusenda fela,
eal engla þrym, anre stæfne.
Sicut in celo.
Swa þe on heofonum heahþrymnesse
æþele and ece a þanciað,
clæne and gecorene Cristes þegnas,
singað and biddað soðfæstne god
are and gifnesse ealre þeode;
þonne þu him tiðast, tyreadig cyningc,
swa þu eadmod eart ealre worlde.
Sy þe þanc and lof þinre mildse,
wuldor and willa; þu gewurðod eart
on heofonrice, heah casere,
Et in terra.
and on eorðan, ealra cyninga
help and heafod, halig læce,
reðe and rihtwis, rumheort hlaford.
Þu geæþelodest þe ealle gesceafta,
and tosyndrodest hig siððan on manega,
sealdest ælcre gecynde agene wisan
and a þine mildse ofer manna bearn.
Panem nostrum cotidianum.
Swa mid sibbe sænst urne hlaf
dæghwamlice duguðe þinre,
rihtlice dælest


mete þinum mannum and him mare gehætst
æfter forðsiðe, þines fæder rice,
þæt wæs on fruman fægere gegearwod,
earda selost and ece lif,
gif we soð and riht symle gelæstað.
Da nobis hodie.
Syle us to dæg, drihten, þine
mildse and mihta and ure mod gebig,
þanc and þeawas, on þin gewil.
Bewyrc us on heortan haligne gast
fæste on innan, and us fultum sile,
þæt we moton wyrcan willan þinne
and þe betæcan, tyreadig cyningc,
sawle ure on þines silfes hand.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra.
Forgif us ure synna, þæt us ne scamige eft,
drihten ure, þonne þu on dome sitst
and ealle men up arisað
þe fram wife and fram were wurdon acænned.
Beoð þa gebrosnodon ban mid þam flæsce
ealle ansunde eft geworden;
þar we swutollice siððan oncnawað
eal þæt we geworhton on worldrice,
betere and wyrse, þar beoð buta geara.
Ne magon we hit na dyrnan, for ðam þe hit drihten wat,
and þar gewitnesse beoð wuldormicele,
heofonwaru and eorðwaru, helwaru þridde.
Þonne bið egsa geond ealle world,
þar man us tyhhað on dæg twegen eardas,
drihtenes are oððe deofles þeowet,
swa hwaðer we geearniað her on life,
þa hwile þe ure mihta mæste wæron.
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Ac þonne us alyseð lifigende god
sawle ure, swa we her forgifað
earmon mannum þe wið us agilt.


Et ne nos inducas in temtationem.
And na us þu ne læt laðe beswican
on costunga, cwellan and bærnan
sawla ure, þeah we sinna fela
didon for ure disige dæges and nihtes,
idele spræce and unrihte weorc,
þine bodu bræcon. We þe biddað nu,
ælmihtig god, are and gifnesse;
ne læt swa heanlice þin handgeweorc
on endedæge eal forwurðan,
Set libera nos a malo.
ac alys us of yfele. Ealle we beþurfon
godes gifnesse; we agylt habbað
and swiðe gesingod. We ðe, soðfæstan god,
heriað and lofiað, swa þu, hælend, eart
cynebearn gecydd cwycum and deadum,
æþele and ece ofer ealle þingc.
Þu miht on anre hand eaðe befealdan
ealne middaneard. Swilc is mære cyningc.
Sy swa þu silf wilt, soðfæst dema;
we þe, engla god, ealle heriað,
swa þu eart gewurðod a on worlda forð.



Text from MS. Junius 121 (J); variants from MS. 201, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (C)

Sy þe wuldor and lof wide geopenod
geond ealle þeoda, þanc and wylla,
mægen and mildse and ealles modes lufu,
soðfæstra sib, and ðines sylfes dom


worulde gewlitegod, swa ðu wealdan miht
eall eorðan mægen and uplyfte,
wind and wolcna. Wealdest eall on riht.
Patri et filio et spiritui sancto.
Þu eart frofra fæder and feorhhyrde,
lifes latteow, leohtes wealdend,
asyndrod fram synnum, swa ðin sunu mære
þurh clæne gecynd, cyning ofer ealle,
beald gebletsod, boca lareow,
heah higefrofer and halig gast.
Sicut erat in principio.
Swa wæs on fruman frea mancynnes
ealre worulde wlite and frofer,
clæne and cræftig. Þu gecyddest þæt
þa ðu, ece god, ana gewrohtest
þurh halige miht heofonas and eorðan,
eardas and uplyft and ealle þing.
Þu settest on foldan swyðe feala cynna
and tosyndrodost hig syððon on mænego;
þu gewrohtest, ece god, ealle gesceafta
on syx dagum, and on þone seofoðan þu gerestest.
Þa wæs geforðad þin fægere weorc,
and ðu sunnandæg sylf halgodest
and gemærsodest hine manegum to helpe.
Þone heahan dæg healdað and freoðiaþ
ealle þa ðe cunnon cristene þeawas,
halige heortlufan and ðæs hehstan gebod;


on drihtnes namon se dæg is gewurðod.
Et nunc et semper.
And nu and symble þine soðan weorc
and ðin mycele miht manegum swytelað,
swa þine cræftas heo cyðaþ wide
ofer ealle woruld; ece standeþ
godes handgeweorc, groweð swa ðu hete.
Ealle þe heriað halige dreamas
clænre stefne and cristene bec,
eall middaneard, and we men cweþað
on grunde her: “Gode lof and ðanc,
ece willa, and ðin agen dom!”
Et in secula seculorum.
And on worulda woruld wunað and rixað
cyning innan wuldre and his þa gecorenan,
heahþrymnesse haliges gastes,
wlitige englas and wuldorgyfe,
soðe sibbe, sawla þancung,
modes miltse. Þær is seo mæste lufu;
haligdomes heofonas syndon
þurh þine ecan word æghwær fulle,
swa syndon þine mihta ofer middangeard
swutele and gesyne, þæt ðu hy sylf worhtest.
We þæt soðlice secgað ealle:
Þurh clæne gecynd þu eart cyning on riht,


clæne and cræftig. Þu gecyddest þæt
þa ðu, mihtig god, man geworhtest
and him on dydest oruð and sawul,
sealdest word and gewitt and wæstma gecynd,
cyddest þine cræftas. Swylc is Cristes miht!



MS. Junius 121

Pater noster qui es in celis.
Fæder manncynnes, frofres ic þe bidde,
halig drihten, þu ðe on heofonum eart.
Sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Þæt my gehalgod, hygecræftum fæst,
þin nama nu ða, neriende Crist,
in urum ferhðlocan fæste gestaðelod.
Adueniat regnum tuum.
Cume nu to mannum, mihta wealdend,
þin rice to us, rihtwis dema,
and ðin geleafa in lifdæge
on urum mode mære þurhwunige.
Fiat uoluntas tua sicut in cȩlo et in terra.
And þin willa mid us weorðe gelæsted
on eardunge eorðan rices,
swa hluttor is in heofonwuldre,
wynnum gewlitegod a to worulde forð.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie.
Syle us nu to dæge, drihten gumena,
heofena heahcyning, hlaf urne,
þone ðu onsendest sawlum to hæle
on middaneard manna cynnes;
þæt is se clæna Crist, drihten god.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra.
Forgyf us, gumena weard, gyltas and synna,
and ure leahtras alet, lices wunda


and mandæda, swa we mildum wið ðe,
ælmihtigum gode, oft abylgeað,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
swa swa we forlætað leahtras on eorþan
þam þe wið us oft agyltað,
and him womdæde witan ne þencað
for earnunge ecan lifes.
Et ne nos inducas in temptationem.
Ne læd þu us to wite in wean sorge
ne in costunge, Crist nerigende,
þy læs we arlease ealra þinra mildsa
þurh feondscipe fremde weorðan.
Sed libera nos a malo.
And wið yfele gefreo us eac nu ða
feonda gehwylces; we in ferhðlocan,
þeoden engla, ðanc and wuldor,
soð sigedrihten, secgað georne,
þæs ðe þu us milde mihtum alysdest
fram hæftnyde hellewites.
Weorðe þæt.



MS. Junius 121

Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem.
Ælmihtig fæder up on rodore,
þe ða sciran gesceaft sceope and worhtest
and eorðan wang ealne gesettest,
ic þe ecne god ænne gecenne,
lustum gelyfe. Þu eart lifes frea,
engla ordfruma, eorðan wealdend,
and ðu garsecges grundas geworhtest,
and þu ða menegu canst mærra tungla.


Et in Iesum Christum filium eius unicum, dominum nostrum.
Ic on sunu þinne soðne gelyfe,
hælendne cyning, hider asendne
of ðam uplican engla rice,
þone Gabriel, godes ærendraca,
sanctan Marian sylfre gebodode.
Ides unmæne, heo þæt ærende
onfeng freolice, and ðe fæder sylfne
under breostcofan bearn acende.
Næs ðær gefremmed firen æt giftum,
ac þær halig gast handgyft sealde,
þære fæmnan bosm fylde mid blisse,
and heo cuðlice cende swa mærne
eorðbuendum engla scyppend,
se to frofre gewearð foldbuendum,
and ymbe Bethleem bodedan englas
þæt acenned wæs Crist on eorðan.
Passus sub Pontio Pilato.
Ða se pontisca Pilatus weold
under Romwarum rices and doma,
þa se deora frea deað þrowade,
on gealgan stah, gumena drihten,
þone geomormod Iosep byrigde,
and he of helle huðe gefette,
of þam suslhofe, sawla manega,
het ða uplicne eþel secan.
Tertia die resurrexit a mortuis.
Þæs þy ðriddan dæge þeoda wealdend
aras, rices frea, recene of moldan,
and he XL daga folgeras sine
runum arette, and ða his rice began,
þone uplican eðel secan,
cwæð þæt he nolde nænne forlætan
þe him forð ofer þæt fylian wolde
and mid fæstum sefan freode gelæstan.


Credo in spiritum sanctum.
Ic haligne gast hihte beluce,
emne swa ecne swa is aðor gecweden,
fæder oððe freobearn, folca gereordum.
Ne synd þæt þreo godas, þriwa genemned,
ac is an god, se ðe ealle hafað
þa þry naman þinga gerynum,
soð and sigefæst ofer side gesceaft,
wereda wuldorgyfa, wlanc and ece.
Sanctam ȩcclesiam catholicam.
Eac ic gelyfe þæt syn leofe gode
þe þurh ænne geþanc ealdor heriað,
heofona heahcyning her for life,
Sanctorum communionem.
and ic gemænscipe mærne getreowe
þinra haligra her for life.
Remissionem peccatorum.
Lisse ic gelyfe leahtra gehwylces,
Carnis resurrectionem.
and ic þone ærest ealra getreowe,
flæsces on foldan on þa forhtan tid,
Et uitam ȩternam.
þær ðu ece lif eallum dælest,
swa her manna gehwylc metode gecwemað.



MS. Junius 121

(5, 1) Verba mea auribus percipe, domine; intellege clamorem meum.
Word þu min onfoh, wuldres ealdor,
and mid earum gehyr, ece drihten.
[I]ntende uoci orationis mȩȩ, rex meus et deus meus.
Ongyt mine clypunga cuðum gereorde,
beheald min gebed holdum mode;


þu eart min cyning and eac ece god.
(5, 2) Quoniam ad te orabo: Domine, mane exaudies uocem meam.
Forðon ic to ðe, ece drihten,
soðum gebidde, and ðu symble gehyr
morgena gehwylce mine stefne.
(5, 3) Mane adstabo tibi et uidebo, quoniam non deus uolens iniquitatem tu es.
Ic þe æt stande ær on morgen
and ðe sylfne geseo; forðon ic to soðe wat
þæt ðu unriht ne wilt ænig, drihten.
(19, 9) Domine, saluum fac regem, et exaudi nos in die qua inuocauerimus te.
Do, drihten, cyng dædum halne,
and us eac gehyr holdum mode,
swylce we ðe daga, drihten, cigen.
(24, 3) Uias tuas, domine, notas fac mihi, et semitas tuas edoce me.
Do me wegas þine wise, drihten,
and me ðinra stiga stapas eac gelær.
(24, 4) Dirige me in ueritate tua, et doce me, quia tu es deus salutaris meus et te sustinui tota die.
Gerece me on ræde and me ricene gelær,
þæt ic on þinre soðfæstnysse simble lyfige.
(24, 5) Reminiscere miserationum tuarum, domine, et misericordiȩ tuȩ, quȩ a seculo sunt.
Wes ðu gemyndig miltsa þinra,
þe ðu, drihten, dydest syððan dagas wæron,
and ðu wislice þas woruld gesettest.
(24, 6) Delicta iuuentutis meȩ et ignorantias meas ne memineris, domine; secundum magnam misericordiam tuam memor esto mei, deus.
Ne gemynega þu me minra fyrena
gramra to georne, þe ic geong dyde
and me uncuðe æghwær wæron;


for ðinre þære myclan mildheortnysse
weorð gemyndig min, mihtig drihten.
(27, 10) Saluum fac populum tuum, domine, et benedic hereditati tuȩ, et rege eos et extolle illos usque in aeternum.
Hal do þin folc, halig drihten,
and ðin yrfe eac eal gebletsa;
rece þu heo swylce and on riht ahefe,
þæt hi on worulde wynnum lifigen.
(32, 18) Fiat misericordia tua, domine, super nos, quemadmodum sperauimus in te.
Wese þin mildheortnys, mihtig drihten,
wel ofer us, swa we wenað on ðe.
(34, 1) Iudica, domine, nocentes me; expugna inpugnantes me.
Dem, drihten, nu þa me deredon ær,
afeoht swylce þa me fuhtan to.
(34, 2) Adprehende arma et scutum, et exsurge in adiutorium michi.
Gegrip gar and scyld, and me georne gestand
on fultume wið feonda gryre.
(34, 3) Effunde framea[m] et conclude aduersus eos qui me persecuntur; dic anime meȩ, Salus tua ego sum.
Heald me herewæpnum wið unholdum
and wige beluc wraðum feondum
þe min ehtend ealle syndon;
sæge þonne syððan sawle minre
þæt ðu hire on hæle hold gestode.
(40, 4) Ego dixi, Domine, miserere mei; sana animam meam, quia peccaui tibi.
Ic nu mægene cweðe: “Miltsa me, drihten,
hæl mine sawle, forðon me hreoweð nu
þæt ic firene on ðe fremede geneahhige.”
(43, 27) Exsurge, domine, adiuua nos, et libera nos propter nomen tuum.
Aris, drihten, nu and us ricene do
fælne fultum, and us æt feondum ahrede,


forðon we naman þinne nyde lufiað.
(50, 1) Miserere mei, deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.
Mildsa me, mihtig drihten, swa ðu manegum dydest,
æfter ðinre þære mycelan mildheortnysse.
(50, 10) Auerte faciem tuam a peccatis meis, et omnes iniquitates meas dele.
Awend þine ansyne a fram minum
fræcnum fyrenum, and nu forð heonon
eall min unriht adwæsc æghwær symle.
(50, 11) Cor mundum crea in me, deus, et spiritum rectum innoua in uisceribus meis.
Syle me, halig god, heortan clæne,
and rihtne gast, god, geniwa
on minre gehigde huru, min drihten.
(50, 12) Ne proicias me a facie tua, et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.
Ne awyrp þu me, wuldres ealdor,
fram ðinre ansyne æfre to feore,
ne huru on weg aber þone halgan gast,
þæt he me færinga fremde wyrðe.
(50, 13) Redde michi lȩtitiam salutaris tui, et spiritu principali confirma me.
Syle me þinre hælu holde blisse,
and me ealdorlice æþele gaste
on ðinne willan getryme, weroda drihten.
(53, 1) Deus, in nomine tuo saluum me fac, et in uirtule tua libera me.
On þinum þam halgan naman, gedo me halne, god;
alys me fram laðum þurh þin leofe mægen.
(58, 1) Eripe me de inimicis meis, deus meus, et ab insurgentibus in me libera me.
Ahrede me, halig god, hefiges niðes
feonda minra, þe me feohtað to;
alys me fram laðum þe me lungre on
risan willað, nymþe þu me ræd gife.


(58, 2) Eripe me de operantibus iniquitatem, et de uiri[s] sanguinum salua me.
Genere me fram niðe nahtfremmendra
þe her unrihtes ealle wyrceað,
and me wið blodhreowes weres bealuwe gehæle.
(60, 6, 2–4) Sic psalmum dicam nomini tuo, deus, in seculum seculi, ut reddam uota mea de die in diem.
Swa ic naman þinum neode singe,
þæt ic min gehat her agylde
of dæge on dæg, swa hit gedefe wese.
(64, 6) Exaudi nos, deus salutaris noster, spes omnium finium terre et in mari longe.
Gehyr us, hælend god, þu eart hiht ealra
þe on ðisse eorðan utan syndon
oððe feor on sæ foldum wuniað.
(69, 1) Deus, in adiutorium meum intende; domine, ad adiuuandum me festina.
Wes, drihten god, deore fultum;
beheald, drihten, me, and me hraðe syððan
gefultuma æt feorhþearfe.
(70, 7) Repleatur os meum laude tua, ut possim cantare gloriam tuam, tota die magnificentiam tuam.
Sy min muð and min mod mægne gefylled,
þæt ic þin lof mæge lustum singan
and wuldor ðin wide mærsian
and ðe ealne dæg æghwær herian.
(79, 18) Domine deus uirtutum, conuerte nos et ostende faciem tuam, et salui erimus.
Gehweorf us, mægna god, and us milde æteow
þinne andwlitan; ealle we beoð hale.
(84, 4, 1–2) Conuerte nos, deus salutaris noster, et auerte iram tuam a nobis.
Gehweorf us hraðe, hælend drihten,
and ðin yrre fram us eac oncyrre.
(87, 13) Et ego ad te, domine, clamaui, et mane oratio mea preueniet te.


Ic me to ðe, ece drihten,
mid modgehygde mægne clypode,
and min gebed morgena gehwylce
fore sylfne ðe soðfæst becume.
(89, 15) Conuertere, domine, aliquantulum, et deprecabilis esto super seruos tuos.
Gehweorf us hwæthwygu, halig drihten;
wes ðinum scealcum wel eaðbene.
(89, 18) Respice in seruos tuos et in opera tua, domine, et dirige filios eorum.
Geseoh þine scealcas swæsum eagum,
and on þin agen weorc, ece drihten,
and heora bearn gerece bliðum mode.
(89, 19) Et si[t] splendor domini dei nostri super nos, et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos, et opus manuum nostrarum dirige.
Wese us beorhtnys ofer bliðan drihtnes,
ures þæs godan godes georne ofer ealle;
gerece ure handgeweorc heah ofer usic.
(101, 1) Domine, exaudi orationem meam, et clamor meus ad te perueniat.
Þu min gebed, mære drihten,
gehyr, heofones weard, and gehlyde min
to ðe becume, þeoda reccend.
(102, 1) Benedic, anima mea, domino, et omnia interiora mea nomen sanctum eius.
Bletsa, mine sawle, bliðe drihten,
and eall min inneran his þone ecan naman.
(102, 2) Benedic, anima mea, domino, et noli obliuisci omnes retributiones eius.
Bletsige, mine sawle, bealde drihten,
ne wilt ðu ofergeotul æfre weorðan
ealra goda þe he ðe ær dyde.
(102, 3) Qui propitiatur omnibus iniquitatibus tuis, qui sanat omnes languores tuos.
He þinum mandædum miltsade eallum


and ðine adle ealle gehælde.
(102, 4) Qui redemit de interitu uitam tuam, qui sanat in bonis desiderium tuum.
Se alysde þin lif leof of forwyrde,
fylde þinne willan fægere mid gode.
(102, 5) Qui coronat te in miseratione et misericordia; renouabitur sicut aquile iuuentus tua.
He ðe gesigefæste soðre mildse
and ðe mildheorte mode getrymede;
eart ðu edniwe earne gelicost
on geoguðe nu gleaw geworden.
(118, 175) Uiuet anima mea et laudabit te, et iudicia tua adiuuabunt me.
Leofað sawul min and ðe lustum hereð,
and me þine domas dædum fultumiað.
(118, 176) Erraui sicut ouis que perierat; require seruum tuum, domine, quia mandata tua non sum oblitus.
Ic gedwelede swa þæt dysige sceap,
þæt ðe forwurðan wolde huru;
la, sec þinne esne elne, drihten,
forðon ic ðinra beboda ne forgeat beorhtra æfre.
(121, 7) Fiat pax in uirtute tua, et abundantia in turribus tuis.
Sy ðe on ðinum mægne sib mæst and fyrmest,
and on þinum torrum wese tidum genihtsum.
(139, 1, 1–2) Eripe me, domine, ab homine malo; a uiro iniquo libera me.
Genere me wið niþe on naman þinum,
fram yfelum men, ece drihten.
(140, 2) Dirigatur, domine, ad te oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo.
Sy on ðinre gesihðe mines sylfes gebed
full ricene gereht, swa recels bið,
þonne hit gifre gleda bærnað.




MS. Cotton Vespasian

Wuton wuldrian weorada dryhten
halgan hlioðorcwidum, hiofenrices weard,
lufian liofwendum, lifȩs agend,
and him simle sio sigefȩst wuldor
uppe mid ænglum, and on eorðan sibb
gumena gehwilcum goodes willan.
We ðe heriað halgum stefnum
and þe blætsiað, bilewit fȩder,
and ðe þanciað, þioda walden,
ðines weorðlican wuldordreames
and ðinra miclan mægena gerena,
ðe ðu, god dryhten, gastes mæhtum
hafest on gewealdum hiofen and eorðan,
an ece fȩder, ælmehtig god.
Ðu eart cyninga cyningc cwicera gehwilces,
ðu eart sigefest sunu and soð hȩlend
ofer ealle gescȩft angla and manna.
Ðu, dryhten god, on dreamum wunast
on ðære upplican æðelan ceastre,
frea folca gehwæs, swa ðu æt fruman wære
efeneadig bearn agenum fæder.
Ðu eart heofenlic lioht and ðæt halige lamb,
ðe ðu manscilde middangeardes
for þinre arfȩstnesse ealle towurpe,
fiond geflæmdest, follc generedes,
blode gebohtest bearn Israela,


ða ðu ahofe ðurh ðæt halige triow
ðinre ðrowunga ðriostre senna,
þæt ðu on hæahsetle heafena rices
sitest sigehræmig on ða swiðran hand
ðinum godfæder, gasta gemyndig.
Mildsa nu, meahtig, manna cynne,
and of leahtrum ales ðine ða liofan gescȩft,
and us hale gedo, heleða sceppend,
niða nergend, for ðines naman are.
Ðu eart soðlice simle halig,
and ðu eart ana æce dryhten,
and ðu ana bist eallra dema
cwucra ge deadra, Crist nergende,
forðan ðu on ðrymme ricsast and on ðrinesse
and on annesse, ealles waldend,
hiofena heahcyninc, haliges gastes
fegere gefelled in fæder wuldre.



MS. Cotton Vespasian

Dauid wæs haten diormod hæleð,
Israela brega, æðelæ and rice,
cyninga cynost, Criste liofost.
Wæs he under hiofenum hearpera mærost
ðara we an folcum gefrigen hæbben.
Sangere he wæs soðfæstest, swiðe geðancol
to ðingienne þiodum sinum
wið þane mildostan manna sceppend.
Wæs se dryhtnes ðiowa Dauid æt wige
soð sigecempa, searocyne man,


casere creaftig, þonne cumbulgebrec
on gewinndagum weorðan scoldan.
Hwȩðere him geiode, swa ful oft gedeð
þætte godferhte gylt gefræmmað
þurh lichaman lene geðohtas.
Gelamp þæt him mon ansende saula neriend,
witgan mid wordum, weorada dominus,
and secgan het, selfum gecyðan
ymb his womdeda waldendes doom,
þæt se fruma wære his feores sceldig,
for ðam þe he Uriam het aldre beneman,
fromne ferdrinc fere beserode,
and him Bezabe brohte to wife
for gitsunga, þe he godes eorre
þurh his selfes weorc sona anfunde.
Him ða ðingode þioda aldor,
Dauid georne, and to dryhtne gebæd,
and his synna hord selfa ontende,
gyltas georne gode andhette,
weoruda dryhtne, and ðus wordum spæc:
Miserere mei deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.
“Miltsa ðu me, meahta walden, nu ðu wast manna geðohtas,
help ðu, hælend min, handgeweorces
þines anes, ælmehtig god,
efter þinre ðære miclan mildhiortnesse.
Et secundum multitudinem miserationem tuarum dele iniquitatem meam.
Ond eac efter menio miltsa ðinra,
dryhten weoruda, adilga min unriht
to forgefenesse gaste minum.
Amplius laua me ab iniustitia mea et a delicta mea munda mæ.


Aðweah me of sennum, saule fram wammum,
gasta sceppend, geltas geclansa,
þa ðe ic on aldre æfre gefremede
ðurh lichaman leðre geðohtas.
Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego agnosco et delictum meum coram me est semper.
Forðan ic unriht min eal oncnawe,
and eac synna gehwær selfum æt eagan,
firendeda geðrec beforan standeð,
scelda scinað; forgef me, sceppen min,
lifes liohtfruma, ðinre lufan blisse.
Tibi soli peccaui et malum coram te feci ut iustificeris in sermonibus tuis et uincas dum iudicaris.
Nu ic anum ðe oft syngode,
and yfela feola eac gefræmede,
gelta gramhegdig, ic ðe, gasta breogo,
helende Crist, helpe bidde,
ðæt me forgefene gastes wunde
an forðgesceaft feran mote,
þy ðine wordcwidas weorðan gefelde,
ðæt ðu ne wilnast weora æniges deað;
ac ðu synfulle simle lærdes
ðæt hio cerrende Criste herdon
and hiom lif mid ðe langsum begȩton,
swilce ðu æt dome, dryhten, oferswiðdest
ealra synna cynn, saula neriend.
Ecce enim iniquitatibus.
Ic on unrihtum eac ðan in synnum
geeacnod wæs. Ðu ðæt ana wast,
mæhtig dryhten, hu me modor gebær
in scame and in sceldum; forgef me, sceppend min,
ðæt ic fram ðæm synnum selfa gecerre,
þa ðe mine ældran ær geworhtan
and ic selfa eac sioððan beeode.


Ecce enim ueritatem.
Ac ðu, selua god, soð an lufast;
þy ic ðe mid benum biddan wille
lifes and lisse, liohtes aldor,
forðan ðu me uncuðe eac ðan derne
þinre snetera hord selfa ontendes.
Asperies me ysopo et mundabor.
Ðu me, meahtig god, milde and bliðe
þurh ysopon ealne ahluttra,
þonne ic geclænsod Criste hero,
and eac ofer snawe self scinende
þinre sibbe lufan sona gemete.
Auditui meo dabis gaudium.
Ontyn nu, elmehtig, earna hleoðor,
þæt min gehernes hehtful weorðe
on gefean bliðse forðweard to ðe;
ðanne bioð on wenne, waldend, simle
þa gebrocenan ban, bilwit dominus,
ða þe on hænðum ær hwile wæron.
Auerte faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes.
Ahwerf nu fram synnum, saula neriend,
and fram misdedum minra gylta
þine ansione, ælmeahtig god,
and ðurh miltsunga meahta þinra
ðu unriht min eall adilga.
Cor mundum crea in me deus et spiritum rectum.
Æc ðu, dryhten Crist, clȩne hiortan
in me, mehtig god, modswiðne geðanc
to ðolienne ðinne willan
and to healdenne halige domas,
and ðu rihtne gast, rodera waldend,
in ferðe minum feste geniowa.
Ne proicias me a facie tuae et spiritum sanctum tuum.
Ne aweorp ðu me, weoruda dryhten,
fram ansione ealra þinra miltsa,
ne ðane godan fram me gast haligne


aferre, domine, frea ælmeahtig,
þinra arna me eal ne bescerwe.
Redde mihi letitiam.
Sæle nu bliðse me, bilewit dominus,
þinre hælo heht, helm alwihta,
and me, lifgende liohtes hiorde,
gaste ðine, god selfa, getreme,
ðæt ic aldorlice a forð sioððan
to ðinum willan weorðan mote.
Doceam iniquos uias tuas et impii ad te.
Simle ic ðine weogas wanhogan lærde,
ðæt hio arlease eft gecerdan
to hiora selfra saula hiorde,
god selfa, to ðe gastes mundberd
ðurh sibbe lufan seocan scoldan.
Libera me de sanguinibus.
Befreo me an ferðe, fæder mancynnes,
fram blodgete and bealaniðum,
god lifigende, gylta geclansa,
helo and helpend, hiofenrices weard;
ðanne tunge min triowfest blissað
for ðines selfes soðfestnesse.
Domine labia mea aperies et os meum adnuntiauit.
Ontyn nu, waldend god, weoloras mine;
swa min muð sioððan mæhte ðine
and lof georne liodum to bliðse,
soð sigedryhten, secgende wæs.
Quoniam si uoluisses.
Ic ðe onsegednesse sona brohte,
weoruda dryhtne, ðer ðu wolde swa,
ða ðu þæt ne lufedest, lifes bretta,
ðæt ic ðe bernelac brengan moste
deadra neata, dryhtne to willan.
Sacrificium deo spiritus contribulatus.
Ac ðe micle ma, mehtig dryhten,


lifiende Crist, liicwerðe bið
se gehnysta gast, hiorte geclansod
and geeadmeded ingeþancum;
ða ðu, ælmæhtig, æfre ne æwest.
Benigne fac domine in bona uoluntate.
Gedoo nu fræmsume frofre ðine
to ðinum godan gastes willan,
ðætte Sione dun sigefest weorðe,
and weallas Sion wynfȩste getremed,
Hierusolimȩ, god lifiende.
Tunc acceptabis sacrificium.
Swa þu, frea meahtig, anfehst siþðan
liofwende lac lioda þinra,
hælend manna; hio ðæt halige cealf
on wigbed þin willum asettað,
liohtes aldor. Forgef me, lifigende
meotod mancynnes, mæhtig dominus,
ðæt ða sorhfullan saule wunde,
þa ðe ic on ælde uel on giogeðe
in flæschaman gefrȩmed hæbbe
leahtra hegeleasra, mid lufan þinre
gastæ forgeofene glidan mote.”
Swæ þingode þiode aldor,
Dauid to dryhtne, deda gemyndig,
þæt hine mȩhtig god mannum to frofre
ðæs cynedomes, Crist neriende,
waldende god, weorðne munde.
Forðon he gebette balaniða hord
mid eaðmede ingeþance,
ða ðe he on ferðe gefrȩmed hæfde,
gastes wunde. Forgef us, god mæahtig,
þæt we synna hord simle oferwinnan


and us geearnian æce dreamas
an lifigendra landes wenne.



MS. Cotton Titus D.xxvii

Wuldor sy ðe and wurðmynt, wereda drihten,
fæder on foldan, fægere gemæne,
mid sylfan sunu and soðum gaste.



Text from MS. Cotton Julius A.ii (J); variants from MS. 427, Lambeth Palace (L)

Æla, drihten leof! Æla, dema god!
Geara me, ece waldend.
Ic wat mine saule synnum forwundod;
gehæl þu hy, heofena drihten,
and gelacna þu hy, lifes ealdor,
forþan ðu eðest miht ealra læca
ðæra þe gewurde side oððe wyde.
Æla, frea beorhta, folkes scippend!
Gemilsa þyn mod me to gode,
sile þyne are þynum earminge.
Se byð earming þe on eorðan her
dæiges and nihtes deofle campað
and hys willan wyrcð; wa him þære mirigðe,


þonne he ða handlean hafað and sceawað,
bute he þæs yfeles ær geswyce.
Se byð eadig, se þe on eorðan her
dæiges and nyhtes drihtne hyræð
and a hys willan wyrcð; wel hym þæs geweorkes,
ðonne he ða handlean hafað and sceawað,
gyf he ealteawne ende gedreogeð.
Æla, leohtes leoht! Æla, lyfes wynn!
Getiþa me, tireadig kyning,
þonne ic minre sawle swegles bydde,
ece are. Þu eart eaðe, god,
hæfst and waldest
ana ofer ealle eorðan and heofonas
syddra gesceafta. Ðu eart soð meotod,
ana ofer ealle eorðbugende,
swilce on heofonum up þu eart hælend god.
Ne mæg þe aherian hæleða ænig;
þeh us gesomnie geond sidne grund,
men ofer moldan, geond ealne middaneard,
ne mage we næfre asæcgan, ne þæt soðe witan,
hu þu æðele eart, ece drihten.
Ne þeah engla werod up on heofenum
snotra tosomne sæcgan ongunnon,
ne magon hy næfre areccean, ne þæt gerim wytan,
hu þu mære eart, mihtig drihten.
Ac is wunder mycel, wealdend engla,
gif þu hit sylfa wast, sigores ealdor,
hu þu mære eart, mihtig and mægenstrang,
ealra kyninga kyning, Crist lifiende,
ealra worulda scippend, wealdend engla,
ealra dugeþa duguð, drihten hælend.
Ðu eart se æðela þe on ærdagum
ealra femnena wyn fægere akende
on Bethleem ðære byrig beornum to frofre,
eallum to are ylda bearnum,
þam þe gelyfað on lyfiendne god


and on þæt ece leoht uppe on roderum.
Ðyn mægen ys swa mære, mihtig drihten,
swa þæt ænig ne wat eorðbuende
þa deopnesse drihtnes mihta,
ne þæt ænig ne wat engla hades
þa heahnisse heofena kyninges.
Ic þe andette, ælmihtig god,
þæt ic gelyfe on þe, leofa hælend,
þæt þu eart se miccla and se mægenstranga
and se eadmoda ealra goda
and se ece kyning ealra gesceafta,
and ic eom se litla for þe and se lyðra man,
se her syngige swiðe genehhe,
dæges and nihtes do, swa ic ne sceolde,
hwile mid weorce, hwile mid worde,
hwile mid geþohte, þearle scyldi,
inwitniðas oft and gelome.
Ac ic þe halsige nu, heofena drihten,
and gebidde me to þe, bearna selost,
þæt ðu gemilsige me, mihtig drihten,
heofena heahkyning and se halga gast,
and gefylste me, fæder ælmihtig,
þæt ic þinne willan gewyrcean mæge,
ær ic of þysum lænan lyfe gehweorfe.
Ne forweorn þu me, wuldres drihten,
ac getyþa me, tyreadig kyning,
læt me mid englum up siðian,
sittan on swegle,
herian heofonas god haligum reorde
a butan ende.




MS. Cotton Claudius A. iii

Ic eom halgungboc; healde hine dryhten
þe me fægere þus frætewum belegde.
Þureð to þance þus het me wyrcean,
to loue and to wurðe, þam þe leoht gesceop.
Gemyndi is he mihta gehwylcre
þæs þe he on foldan gefremian mæg,
and him geþancie þeoda waldend
þæs þe he on gemynde madma manega
wyle gemearcian metode to lace;
and he sceal æce lean ealle findan
þæs þe he on foldan fremaþ to ryhte.



MS. 326, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Þus me gesette sanctus et iustus
beorn boca gleaw, bonus auctor,
Ealdelm, æþele sceop, etiam fuit
ipselos on æðele Angolsexna,
byscop on Bretene. Biblos ic nu sceal,
ponus et pondus pleno cum sensu,
geonges geanoðe geomres iamiamque,
secgan soð, nalles leas, þæt him symle wæs
euthenia oftor on fylste,
æne on eðle ec ðon ðe se is
yfel on gesæd. Etiam nusquam
ne sceal ladigan labor quem tenet
encratea, ac he ealneg sceal
boethia biddan georne
þurh his modes gemind micro in cosmo,


þæt him drihten gyfe dinams on eorðan,
fortis factor, þæt he forð simle [OMITTED]



Additional MS. 43,703

Wæs on ealddagum Israheala folc
þurh Moysen, mærne lareow,
anlyht and gelared, swa hine lifes frea,
heofna heahcyning, her on life
þurh his sylfes word sette for leodum,
rincum to ræde, and him runa gescead
sylfum asæde, hu he þone soþan weg
leofum leodscipe læran sceolde.
Þa se leoda fruma larum fyligde
heofena heahcyninges, and þa hæleþ samod,
swa hie on leodscipe lærede wæron;
gyf hie wancule weorc ongunnon,
heom þæs of heofonum hearm to leane
asende sigora god, and hie sona to him
fryþa wilnodan and þær fundon raþe,
gif hie leohtras heora letan gewyrpan.
Feala is mægena þe sio mære þeod
on þam herescype heold and worhte,
þendan hie lifes frean lufian woldon;
ac him se ende wearð earm and þrealic,
þa hie besyredon sylfne dryhten,
on beam setton and to byrgenne
[OMITTED] gedemdon; he þær bedigled wæs,
and þy þryddan dæge þeodum ætywed.
We þæt gehyrdon hæleþa mænige
on bocstafum breman and writan,


þæt hie fæstenu feower heoldon
and þonne offredan unmæne neat,
þæt is lamb oþþe styrc, leofum to tacne
þe for worulde wæs womma bedæled.
Ac arisan ongan rices ealdor
of byrgenne, blæda gefylled,
and mid heofenwarum ham gesohte,
eard mid englum, and us eallum þone
hyht and gehateð, gyf we his willaþ
þurh rihtne sefan rædum fyligan.
Na þær in cumeð atele gefylled,
womme gewesed, ac scal on wyrd sceacan.
Nu we herian sceolan her for life
deorne dædfruman, and him geara gerim
ælmesdædum ure gefyllan,
and on fæstenum, swa se froda iu
Moyses mælde, and we þa mearce sceolan
heoldan higefæste [OMITTED] mid Anglum,
swa hie gebrefde us beorn on Rome,
Gregorius, gumena papa.
We þæt forme sceolan fæsten heowan
on þære ærestan wucan lengtenes,
on þam monþe þe man Martius
geond Romwara rice nemneð,
and þær twelfe sceolan torhtum dihte
runa gerædan in þæs rican hofe,
heofona heahcyninges, herian mid sange,
wlancne weorþian wuldres bryttan.
Ofer þa Eastertid oþer fæsten
ys to bremenne Brytena leodum
mid gelicum lofe, þe gelesen hafað
on þære wucan þe æfter cumeð
þam sunnandæge þe geond sidne wang
Pentecostenes dæg preostas nemnað,
on þam monþe, þæs þe me þinceð,


þe man Iunius gearum nemde.
Ðonne is þæt þrydde þinga gehwelces
fæsten on foldan fyra bearnum
dihte gelicum on þam deoran hofe
to brymenne beorhtum sange
on þære wucan þe ærur byð
emnihtes dæge ælda beornum,
on þam monþe, mine gefræge,
þe man September [OMITTED] genemneð.
We þæt feorþe sceolen fæsten gelæstan
on þære wucan þe bið ærur full
dryhtnes gebyrde, and we mid deornum scylan
wordum and weorcum wuldres cyninge
in þa ylcan tid eallum gemynde
þeodne deman þinga gehwylces,
efne swa swa ærran, and þone arwesan
leofne leoda frean lifes biddan.
On þissum fæstenum is se feorþa dæg
and sixta samod seofoþa getinge
to gelæstanne lifes ealdre
and to bremenne boca gerynum
emb þa nigoþan tyd; nan is on eorþan,
butan hine unhæ geþreatige,
þe mot, hæt, oþþe wæt ærur þingan,
þæs þe us boca dom þeodlic demeð.
Gif þe þonne secgan suþan cymene
bryttan Franca, þæt þu gebann sceole
her on eorþan ænig healdan,
þæs þe Moyses iu mælde to leodum,
na þu þæs andfeng æfre gewyrþe,
ac þu þæt sylfe heald þæt þe suþan com
from Romana rices hyrde,
Gregoriæ, gumena papa.


Þus he gesette sylf ond dyhte
þa þenunga, þeodlareow,
fæstendtida; we þam forþ nu gyt
geond Engla land estum filiað.
Swa he æt þæm setle sylfa gedemde,
sancte Petres preostas syþþan
lange lifes tyd leordun þæt sylfe,
þæt þu oþrum ne scealt æfre filian.
Eac we feowertig daga fæsten healden
ær þæm æriste ures dryhtnes,
þæt nu lengtentid leoda nemnað,
and hit ærest ongan eorl se goda,
mære Moyses, ær he on munt styge;
he þæt fæsten heold feowertig daga
and nyhta samod, swa he nahtes anbat
ær he þa deoran æ dryhtnes anfenge.
Him þær gesealde sylfe dryhten
bremne boca cræft, bæle behlæned,
of his haligan handa gescrifene,
het hine leodum þone leoran and tæcan
elda orþancum eallum to tacne,
þæt we mid fæstene magon freode gewinnan
and þa deopan dryhtnes gerynu,
þa þe leoran sceolan leoda gehwylce,
gif us þære duguþe hwæt dryhten sylleð.
Eft Helias, eorl se mæra,
him on westene wiste geþigede,
þær him symbelbread somod mid wætere
dryhtnes engla sum dihte togeanes,
and se gestrangud wearð styþum gyfle
to gefæstenne feowertig daga
and nihta samod, swa he nahtes anbat
ær he on Horeb dun hali ferde.
Uton þæt gerine rihte gehicgan,
þæt se mæra þegen mihta ne hæfde


to astigenne stæppon on ypplen
ær him þæt symbel wearþ seald fram engle.
We sint on westene wuldres blisse
on þæm ænete ealra gefeana;
nu is helpes tid, halig dryhten,
hu we munt þinne mærne gestygan.
Sint for englas geteald eorþbugendum
þa þe dryhtnes word dædum lærað.
We þa andlifene ofstum þycgen
and þone deoran wist, dryhtnes lare;
uton fæstan swa fyrene dædum
on forhæfenesse her for life,
þæt we þæs muntes mægen mærþa gestigan
swa se ealda dyde Elias iu.
Is to hicganne hu se halga gewat
of þissum wangstede wuldres neosian;
hine fyren scryd feower mærum
wlangum wicgum on weg ferede
on neorxnawong, þær us nergend Crist
gehaten hafað ham mid blisse,
gif we þæt fæsten her fyrena gelæstað
and þone uplican æþel secað.
Nu wæs æt nehstan þæt us nergend Crist,
halig heofenes weord, heolp and lærde.
He hine dyppan let deorum þweale,
fulwihtes bæðe, fyrena bedæled,
and he feowertig daga firsude mettas,
eac nihta swa feala nanuht gyltig,
leodum to lare, þæt hie on lengten sceolan
efen feowertig daga fæsten hewan.
Hine costude þær Cristes gewinna
on þæm ænete eald and fræte,
geseah mærne frean mannum gelicne
and þa wenan ongann, wommes gemyndig,
þæt he stræla his stellan mihte


on þam lichoman; næs þæs leahtra nan,
ac on hinder gewat hearmes brytta,
and þær englas hyra ealdor sohtan.
Higesynnig man, gyf þe susla weard
costian durre, þonne he Crist dyde,
wereda wulderfrean, womma leasne,
ne mæg he þæs inne ahwæt scotian
gif he myrcels næfþ manes æt egum,
ac he on hinder scriþ, and þe halig [OMITTED]
englas ærfæste æghwær helpað,
gif þu dryhtnes her dædum fylgest.
Hæbbe we nu gemearcod hu þa mæran iu
feowertig daga fæsten hewdon,
and we bebeodað þurh beorn godes
þæt manna gehwilc þe for moldan wunað
ær þam æreste ures dryhtnes
efen feowertig daga fæsten hewe
oþ þa nigoþan tid, and he na bruce
flæsces oþþe fyrna, þæ læs þe he fah wese.
Sceolan sacerdas singan mæssan,
dæghwamlice dryhten biddan
on þam fæstenne þæt he freond wese
folce gynd foldan, and þa fyrna sceolan
þam sacerdan secgan gehwilce
and þa dymnissa dædum betan
wordes and weorces, wuldres ealdor
þurh ælmesdæde eall gegladian.
Þonne is þearf micel þeoda mænium
þæt þa sacerdos sylfe ne gyltan,
ne on leahtrum hiora ligegen to fæste.
Hwa mæg þyngian þreale hwilcum
wiþ his arwesan, gyf he him ærur hæfð
bitere onbolgen, and þæs bote ne deð,
ac þa æbyligþe ealdere wrohte,
dæghwamlice dædum niwað?


Gyf se sacerd hine sylfne ne cunne
þurh dryhtnes ege dugeþum healdan,
nu þa, folces mann, fyrna ne gyme
þe gehalgod mann her gefremme,
ac þu lare scealt lustum fremman
ryhthicgennde þe he to ræde tæchð,
drince he him þæt drofe oððe þæt dæghluttre
wæter of wege, þæt is wuldres lare.
Ac ic secgan mæg, sorgum hremig,
hu þa sacerdas sace niwiað,
dæghwamlice dryhten gremiað
and mid æfeste ælcne forlædað
þe him fylian wyle folces manna;
sona hie on mergan mæssan syngað
and forþegide, þurste gebæded,
æfter tæppere teoþ geond stræta.
Hwæt! Hi leaslice leogan ongynnað
and þone tæppere tyhtaþ gelome,
secgaþ þæt he synleas syllan mote
ostran to æte and æþele wyn
emb morgentyd, þæs þe me þingeð
þæt hund and wulf healdað þa ilcan
wisan on worulde and ne wigliað
hwæne hie to mose fon, mæða bedæled.
Hi þonne sittende sadian aginnað,
sinne semað, syllað gelome,
cweðað goddlife gumena gehwilcum
þæt wines dreng welhwa mote,
siþþan he mæssan hafað, meþig þicgan,
etan ostran eac and oþerne
fisc of flode





Text from MS. Kk. v. 16, University Library, Cambridge (M), with variants from the other MSS.

Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard,
metudæs maecti end his modgidanc,
uerc uuldurfadur, sue he uundra gihuaes,
eci dryctin, or astelidæ.
He aerist scop aelda barnum
heben til hrofe, haleg scepen;
tha middungeard moncynnæs uard,
eci dryctin, æfter tiadæ
firum foldu, frea allmectig.





Text from MS. Tanner 10 (T), with variants from the other MSS.

Nu sculon herigean heofonrices weard,
meotodes meahte and his modgeþanc,
weorc wuldorfæder, swa he wundra gehwæs,
ece drihten, or onstealde.
He ærest sceop eorðan bearnum
heofon to hrofe, halig scyppend;
þa middangeard moncynnes weard,
ece drihten, æfter teode
firum foldan, frea ælmihtig.





Text from MS. 254, St. Gall (Sg), with variants from the other MSS.

Fore thaem neidfaerae naenig uuiurthit
thoncsnotturra, than him tharf sie
to ymbhycggannae aer his hiniongae
huaet his gastae godaes aeththa yflaes
aefter deothdaege doemid uueorthae.





Text from MS. Digby 211 (Dg), with variants from the other MSS.

For þam nedfere næni wyrþeþ
þances snotera, þonne him þearf sy
to gehicgenne ær his heonengange
hwæt his gaste godes oþþe yfeles
æfter deaþe heonon demed weorþe.



MS. 70.H.7, Royal Library, The Hague

Fore ðaem nedfere nenig wiorðeð
ðonosnottorra ðon him ðearf riae
to ymbhycgenne aer his hinionge
hwet his gastȩ godes oððe yfles
ester deaðdege doemed wiorðe.




MS. Voss. Q. 106, University Library, Leiden

Mec se ueta uong, uundrum freorig,
ob his innaðae aerest cæn[[OMITTED]]æ.
Ni uaat ic mec biuorthæ uullan fliusum,
herum ðerh hehcraeft, hygiðonc[[OMITTED]].
Uundnae me ni biað ueflæ, ni ic uarp hafæ,
ni ðerih ðreatun giðraec ðret me hlimmith,
ne me hrutendu hrisil scelfath,
ni mec ouana aam sceal cnyssa.
Uyrmas mec ni auefun uyrdi craeftum,
ða ði geolu godueb geatum fraetuath.
Uil mec huethrae suae ðeh uidæ ofaer eorðu
hatan mith hȩliðum hyhtlic giuæde;
ni anoegun ic me aerigfaerae egsan brogum,
ðeh ði n[[OMITTED]]n siæ niudlicae ob cocrum.



Text from MS. Cotton Faustina A.x (F); variants from Royal MS. 2B. v (R)

Ardor frigesscit, nitor squalescit,
amor abolescit, lux obtenebrescit.
Hat acolað, hwit asolað,
leof alaðaþ, leoht aðystrað.
Senescunt omnia que ȩterna non sunt.
Æghwæt forealdað þæs þe ece ne byð.




Text from MS. Hatton 20 (H); variants from MS. Junius 53 (J), MS. 12, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (D), and MS. R. 5.22, Trinity College, Cambridge (T)

Þis ærendgewrit Agustinus
ofer sealtne sæ suðan brohte
iegbuendum, swa hit ær fore
adihtode dryhtnes cempa,
Rome papa. Ryhtspell monig
Gregorius gleawmod gindwod
ðurh sefan snyttro, searoðonca hord.
Forðæm he monncynnes mæst gestriende
rodra wearde, Romwara betest,
monna modwelegost, mærðum gefrægost.
Siððan min on englisc Ælfred kyning
awende worda gehwelc, and me his writerum
sende suð and norð, heht him swelcra ma
brengan bi ðære bisene, ðæt he his biscepum
sendan meahte, forðæm hi his sume ðorfton,
ða ðe lædenspræce læste cuðon.




Text from MS. Hatton 20 (H); variants from MS. 12, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (D)

Ðis is nu se wæterscipe ðe us wereda god
to frofre gehet foldbuendum.
He cwæð ðæt he wolde ðæt on worulde forð
of ðæm innoðum a libbendu
wætru fleowen, ðe wel on hine
gelifden under lyfte. Is hit lytel tweo
ðæt ðæs wæterscipes welsprynge is
on hefonrice, ðæt is halig gæst.
Ðonan hine hlodan halge and gecorene,
siððan hine gierdon ða ðe gode herdon
ðurh halga bec hider on eorðan
geond manna mod missenlice.
Sume hine weriað on gewitlocan,
wisdomes stream, welerum gehæftað,
ðæt he on unnyt ut ne tofloweð.
Ac se wæl wunað on weres breostum
ðurh dryhtnes giefe diop and stille.
Sume hine lætað ofer landscare
riðum torinnan; nis ðæt rædlic ðing,
gif swa hlutor wæter, hlud and undiop,
tofloweð æfter feldum oð hit to fenne werð.
Ac hladað iow nu drincan, nu iow dryhten geaf
ðæt iow Gregorius gegiered hafað


to durum iowrum dryhtnes welle.
Fylle nu his fætels, se ðe fæstne hider
kylle brohte, cume eft hræðe.
Gif her ðegna hwelc ðyrelne kylle
brohte to ðys burnan, bete hine georne,
ðy læs he forsceade scirost wætra,
oððe him lifes drync forloren weorðe.



MS. Cotton Otho C. i

[[OMITTED]]e ðe me rædan ðance,
he in me findan mæ[[OMITTED]], gif hine feola lysteð
gastlices lifes godre biesene,
þæt he ful eaþe mæg upp gestigan
to ðam heofonlican hame, þar byð a hyht and wyn,
bl[[OMITTED]]s on burgum, þam þe bearn godes
sielfes hiora eagum geseon motan.
Þæt mæg se mon begytan, se þe his modgeðanc
æltowe byþ, and þonne þurh his ingehygd
to þissa haligra helpe geliefeð,
ond hiora bisene fulgað, swa þeos boc sagað.
Me awritan het Wulfstan bisceop,
þeow and þearfa þæs þ[[OMITTED]] alne þrym aof,
and eac walden is wihta gehwelcre,
an ece god eallra gesc[[OMITTED]]ta.
Bideþ þe se bisceop, se þe ðas boc begeat
þe þu on þinum handum nu hafast and sceawast,
þæt þu him to þeossum halgum helpe bidde,


þe heo[[OMITTED]] gemynd her on gemearcude siendon,
and þæt him god ællmihtig
forgyu[[OMITTED]] þa gyltas þe he geo worhte,
and eac resðe mid him, se ðe ah ealles rices gewe[[OMITTED]],
and eac swa his beahgifan, þe him ðas bysene forgeaf,
þæt is se selesða sinc[[OMITTED]] brytta,
Ælfryd mid Englum, ealra cyninga
þara þe he sið oððe ær fore secgan hyrde,
oððe he iorðcyninga ær ænigne gefrugne.


Bidde ic eac æghwylcne mann,
brego, rices weard, þe þas boc ræde
and þa bredu befo, fira aldor,
þæt gefyrðrige þone writre wynsum cræfte
þe ðas boc awrat bam handum twam,
þæt he mote manega gyt mundum synum
geendigan, his aldre to willan,
and him þæs geunne se ðe ah ealles geweald,
rodera waldend, þæt he on riht mote
oð his daga ende drihten herigan. Amen. Geweorþe þæt.




[[OMITTED]]geredæ hinæ god almeȝttig,
þa he walde on galgu gistiga,
[[OMITTED]]odig f[[OMITTED]] men.


[[OMITTED]] ic riicnæ kyninc,
hêafunæs hlafard, hælda ic ni dorstæ.
Bismærædu unket men ba ætgad[[OMITTED]];
ic [[OMITTED]] miþ blodæ [[OMITTED]]istemi[[OMITTED]],


Krist wæs on rodi.
Hweþræ þer fusæ fêarran kwomu
æþþilæ til anum. Ic þæt al bi[[OMITTED]].
S[[OMITTED]] ic w[[OMITTED]]s mi[[OMITTED]] so[[OMITTED]]gum gidrœ[[OMITTED]]d,


miþ strelum giwundad.
Alegdun hiæ hinæ limwœrignæ,
gistoddu[[OMITTED]] him [[OMITTED]]icæs [[OMITTED]]f[[OMITTED]]m;


Rod is min nama. Geo ic ricne cyning
bær byfigynde, blode bestemed.
Þas rode het Æþlmær wyrican and Aðelwold hys beroþor
Criste to lofe for Ælfrices saule hyra beroþor.




The text is from inscriptions engraved on the casket.

1. Front

Fisc flodu ahof on fergenberig;
warþ gasric grorn, þær he on greut giswom.
Hronæs ban.

2. Right Side

Her Hos sitæþ on hærmbergæ,
agl[[OMITTED]] drigiþ, swæ hiri Ertae gisgraf
særden sorgæ and sefa tornæ.




MS. Cotton Caligula A. vii

Her ys seo bot, hu ðu meaht þine æceras betan gif hi nellaþ wel wexan oþþe þær hwilc ungedefe þing on gedon bið on dry oððe on lyblace. Genim þonne on niht, ær hyt dagige, feower tyrf on feower healfa þæs landes, and gemearca hu hy ær stodon. Nim þonne ele and hunig and beorman, and ælces feos meolc þe on þæm lande sy, and ælces treowcynnes dæl þe on þæm lande sy gewexen, butan heardan beaman, and ælcre namcuþre wyrte dæl, butan glappan anon, and do þonne haligwæter ðær on, and drype þonne þriwa on þone staðol þara turfa, and cweþe ðonne ðas word: Crescite, wexe, et multiplicamini, and gemænigfealda, et replete, and gefylle, terre, þas eorðan. In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti sit benedicti. And Pater noster swa oft swa þæt oðer. And bere siþþan ða turf to circean, and mæssepreost asinge feower mæssan ofer þan turfon, and wende man þæt grene to ðan weofode, and siþþan gebringe man þa turf þær hi ær wæron ær sunnan setlgange. And hæbbe him gæworht of


cwicbeame feower Cristes mælo and awrite on ælcon ende: Matheus and Marcus, Lucas and Iohannes. Lege þæt Cristes mæl on þone pyt neoþeweardne, cweðe ðonne: Crux Matheus, crux Marcus, crux Lucas, crux sanctus Iohannes. Nim ðonne þa turf and sete ðær ufon on and cweþe ðonne nigon siþon þas word, Crescite, and swa oft Pater noster, and wende þe þonne eastweard, and onlut nigon siðon eadmodlice, and cweð þonne þas word:

Eastweard ic stande, arena ic me bidde,
bidde ic þone mæran domine, bidde ðone miclan drihten,
bidde ic ðone haligan heofonrices weard,
eorðan ic bidde and upheofon
and ða soþan sancta Marian
and heofones meaht and heahreced,
þæt ic mote þis gealdor mid gife drihtnes
toðum ontynan þurh trumne geþanc,
aweccan þas wæstmas us to woruldnytte,
gefyllan þas foldan mid fæste geleafan,
wlitigigan þas wancgturf, swa se witega cwæð
þæt se hæfde are on eorþrice, se þe ælmyssan
dælde domlice drihtnes þances.

Wende þe þonne III sunganges, astrece þonne on andlang and arim þær letanias and cweð þonne: Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus oþ ende. Sing þonne Benedicite aþenedon earmon and Magnificat and Pater noster III, and bebeod hit Criste and sancta Marian and þære halgan rode to lofe and to weorþinga and to are þam þe þæt land age and eallon þam þe him underðeodde synt. Ðonne þæt eall sie gedon, þonne nime man uncuþ sæd æt ælmesmannum and selle him twa swylc, swylce man æt him nime, and gegaderie ealle his sulhgeteogo togædere; borige þonne on þam beame stor and finol and gehalgode sapan and gehalgod sealt. Nim þonne þæt sæd, sete on þæs sules bodig, cweð þonne:

Erce, Erce, Erce, eorþan modor,
geunne þe se alwalda, ece drihten,


æcera wexendra and wridendra,
eacniendra and elniendra,
sceafta hehra, scirra wæstma,
and þæra bradan berewæstma,
and þæra hwitan hwætewæstma,
and ealra eorþan wæstma.
Geunne him ece drihten
and his halige, þe on heofonum synt,
þæt hys yrþ si gefriþod wið ealra feonda gehwæne,
and heo si geborgen wið ealra bealwa gehwylc,
þara lyblaca geond land sawen.
Nu ic bidde ðone waldend, se ðe ðas woruld gesceop,
þæt ne sy nan to þæs cwidol wif ne to þæs cræftig man
þæt awendan ne mæge word þus gecwedene.

Þonne man þa sulh forð drife and þa forman furh onsceote, cweð þonne:

Hal wes þu, folde, fira modor!
Beo þu growende on godes fæþme,
fodre gefylled firum to nytte.

Nim þonne ælces cynnes melo and abacæ man innewerdre handa bradnæ hlaf and gecned hine mid meolce and mid haligwætere and lecge under þa forman furh. Cweþe þonne,

Ful æcer fodres fira cinne,
beorhtblowende, þu gebletsod weorþ
þæs haligan noman þe ðas heofon gesceop
and ðas eorþan þe we on lifiaþ;
se god, se þas grundas geworhte, geunne us growende gife,
þæt us corna gehwylc cume to nytte.
Cweð þonne III Crescite in nomine patris, sit benedicti.
Amen and Pater noster þriwa.




MS. Harley 585

Gemyne ðu, mucgwyrt, hwæt þu ameldodest,
hwæt þu renadest æt Regenmelde.
Una þu hattest, yldost wyrta.
Ðu miht wið III and wið XXX,
þu miht wiþ attre and wið onflyge,
þu miht wiþ þam laþan ðe geond lond færð.
Ond þu, wegbrade, wyrta modor,
eastan openo, innan mihtigu;
ofer ðe crætu curran, ofer ðe cwene reodan,
ofer ðe bryde bryodedon, ofer þe fearras fnærdon.
Eallum þu þon wiðstode and wiðstunedest;
swa ðu wiðstonde attre and onflyge
and þæm laðan þe geond lond fereð.
Stune hætte þeos wyrt, heo on stane geweox;
stond heo wið attre, stunað heo wærce.
Stiðe heo hatte, wiðstunað heo attre,
wreceð heo wraðan, weorpeð ut attor.
Þis is seo wyrt seo wiþ wyrm gefeaht,
þeos mæg wið attre, heo mæg wið onflyge,
heo mæg wið ðam laþan ðe geond lond fereþ.
Fleoh þu nu, attorlaðe, seo læsse ða maran,
seo mare þa læssan, oððæt him beigra bot sy.
Gemyne þu, mægðe, hwæt þu ameldodest,
hwæt ðu geændadest æt Alorforda;
þæt næfre for gefloge feorh ne gesealde
syþðan him mon mægðan to mete gegyrede.
Þis is seo wyrt ðe wergulu hatte;
ðas onsænde seolh ofer sæs hrygc
ondan attres oþres to bote.
Ðas VIIII magon wið nygon attrum.
Wyrm com snican, toslat he man;


ða genam Woden VIIII wuldortanas,
sloh ða þa næddran, þæt heo on VIIII tofleah.
Þær geændade æppel and attor,
þæt heo næfre ne wolde on hus bugan.
Fille and finule, felamihtigu twa,
þa wyrte gesceop witig drihten,
halig on heofonum, þa he hongode;
sette and sænde on VII worulde
earmum and eadigum eallum to bote.
Stond heo wið wærce, stunað heo wið attre,
seo mæg wið III and wið XXX,
wið feondes hond and wið færbregde,
wið malscrunge manra wihta.
Nu magon þas VIIII wyrta wið nygon wuldorgeflogenum,
wið VIIII attrum and wið nygon onflygnum,
wið ðy readan attre, wið ðy runlan attre,
wið ðy hwitan attre, wið ðy wedenan attre,
wið ðy geolwan attre, wið ðy grenan attre,
wið ðy wonnan attre, wið ðy wedenan attre,
wið ðy brunan attre, wið ðy basewan attre,
wið wyrmgeblæd, wið wætergeblæd,
wið þorngeblæd, wið þystelgeblæd,
wið ysgeblæd, wið attorgeblæd,
gif ænig attor cume eastan fleogan
oððe ænig norðan [OMITTED] cume
oððe ænig westan ofer werðeode.
Crist stod ofer adle ængan cundes.
Ic ana wat ea rinnende
þær þa nygon nædran nean behealdað,
motan ealle weoda nu wyrtum aspringan,
sæs toslupan, eal sealt wæter,


ðonne ic þis attor of ðe geblawe.

Mugcwyrt, wegbrade þe eastan open sy, lombescyrse, attorlaðan, mageðan, netelan, wudusuræppel, fille and finul, ealde sapan. Gewyrc ða wyrta to duste, mængc wiþ þa sapan and wiþ þæs æpples gor. Wyrc slypan of wætere and of axsan, genim finol, wyl on þære slyppan and beþe mid æggemongc, þonne he þa sealfe on do, ge ær ge æfter. Sing þæt galdor on ælcre þara wyrta, III ær he hy wyrce and on þone æppel ealswa; ond singe þon men in þone muð and in þa earan buta and on ða wunde þæt ilce gealdor, ær he þa sealfe on do.



MS. Harley 585

Wið dweorh man sceal niman VII lytle oflætan, swylce man mid ofrað, and writan þas naman on ælcre oflætan: Maximianus, Malchus, Iohannes, Martimianus, Dionisius, Constantinus, Serafion. Þænne eft þæt galdor, þæt her æfter cweð, man sceal singan, ærest on þæt wynstre eare, þænne on þæt swiðre eare, þænne bufan þæs mannes moldan. And ga þænne an mædenman to and ho hit on his sweoran, and do man swa þry dagas; him bið sona sel.

Her com in gangan, in spiderwiht,
hæfde him his haman on handa, cwæð þæt þu his hæncgest wære,
legde þe his teage an sweoran. Ongunnan him of þæm lande liþan;
sona swa hy of þæm lande coman, þa ongunnan him ða liþu colian.
Þa com in gangan dweores sweostar;
þa geændade heo and aðas swor


ðæt næfre þis ðæm adlegan derian ne moste,
ne þæm þe þis galdor begytan mihte,
oððe þe þis galdor ongalan cuþe. Amen. Fiað.



MS. Harley 585

Wið færstice feferfuige and seo reade netele, ðe þurh ærn inwyxð, and wegbrade; wyll in buteran.

Hlude wæran hy, la, hlude, ða hy ofer þone hlæw ridan,
wæran anmode, ða hy ofer land ridan.
Scyld ðu ðe nu, þu ðysne nið genesan mote.
Ut, lytel spere, gif her inne sie!
Stod under linde, under leohtum scylde,
þær ða mihtigan wif hyra mægen beræddon
and hy gyllende garas sændan;
ic him oðerne eft wille sændan,
fleogende flane forane togeanes.
Ut, lytel spere, gif hit her inne sy!
Sæt smið, sloh seax lytel,
[OMITTED] iserna, wundrum swiðe.
Ut,lytel spere, gif her inne sy!
Syx smiðas sætan, wælspera worhtan.
Ut, spere, næs in, spere!
Gif her inne sy isernes dæl,
hægtessan geweorc, hit sceal gemyltan.
Gif ðu wære on fell scoten oððe wære on flæsc scoten
oððe wære on blod scoten
oððe wære on lið scoten, næfre ne sy ðin lif atæsed;
gif hit wære esa gescot oððe hit wære ylfa gescot
oððe hit wære hægtessan gescot, nu ic wille ðin helpan.
Þis ðe to bote esa gescotes, ðis ðe to bote ylfa gescotes,
ðis ðe to bote hægtessan gescotes; ic ðin wille helpan.


Fleoh þær [OMITTED] on fyrgenheafde.
Hal westu, helpe ðin drihten!

Nim þonne þæt seax, ado on wætan.



MS. Harley 585

Þonne þe mon ærest secge þæt þin ceap sy losod, þonne cweð þu ærest, ær þu elles hwæt cweþe:

Bæðleem hatte seo buruh þe Crist on acænned wæs,
seo is gemærsod geond ealne middangeard;
swa þyos dæd for monnum mære gewurþe

þurh þa haligan Cristes rode! Amen. Gebide þe þonne þriwa east and cweþ þonne þriwa: Crux Christi ab oriente reducað. Gebide þe þonne þriwa west and cweð þonne þriwa: Crux Christi ab occidente reducat. Gebide þe þonne þriwa suð and cweþ þriwa: Crux Christi ab austro reducat. Gebide þonne þriwa norð and cweð þriwa: Crux Christi ab aquilone reducað, crux Christi abscondita est et inuenta est. Iudeas Crist ahengon, dydon dæda þa wyrrestan, hælon þæt hy forhelan ne mihtan. Swa þeos dæd nænige þinga forholen ne wurþe þurh þa haligan Cristes rode.




MS. Harley 585

Se wifman, se hire cild afedan ne mæg, gange to gewitenes mannes birgenne and stæppe þonne þriwa ofer þa byrgenne and cweþe þonne þriwa þas word:

Þis me to bote þære laþan lætbyrde,
þis me to bote þære swæran swærbyrde,
þis me to bote þære laðan lambyrde.

And þonne þæt wif seo mid bearne and heo to hyre hlaforde


on reste ga, þonne cweþe heo:

Up ic gonge, ofer þe stæppe
mid cwican cilde, nalæs mid cwellendum,
mid fulborenum, nalæs mid fægan.

And þonne seo modor gefele þæt þæt bearn si cwic, ga þonne to cyrican, and þonne heo toforan þan weofode cume, cweþe þonne:

Criste, ic sæde, þis gecyþed!

Se wifmon, se hyre bearn afedan ne mæge, genime heo sylf hyre agenes cildes gebyrgenne dæl, wry æfter þonne on blace wulle and bebicge to cepemannum and cweþe þonne:

Ic hit bebicge, ge hit bebicgan,
þas sweartan wulle and þysse sorge corn.

Se wifman, se ne mæge bearn afedan, nime þonne anes bleos cu meoluc on hyre handæ and gesupe þonne mid hyre muþe and gange þonne to yrnendum wætere and spiwe þær in þa meolc and hlade þonne mid þære ylcan hand þæs wæteres muð fulne and forswelge. Cweþe þonne þas word:

Gehwer ferde ic me þone mæran maga þihtan,
mid þysse mæran mete þihtan;
þonne ic me wille habban and ham gan.

Þonne heo to þan broce ga, þonne ne beseo heo, no ne eft þonne heo þanan ga, and þonne ga heo in oþer hus oþer heo ut ofeode and þær gebyrge metes.



Royal MS. 12D.xvii

Gif mon biþ on wæterælfadle, þonne beoþ him þa handnæglas wonne and þa eagan tearige and wile locian niþer. Do him þis to læcedome: eoforþrote, cassuc, fone nioþoweard, eowberge, elehtre, eolone, merscmealwan crop, fenminte, dile, lilie, attorlaþe, polleie, marubie, docce, ellen, felterre, wermod, streawbergean leaf, consolde; ofgeot mid ealaþ, do hæligwæter to, sing þis gealdor ofer þriwa:

Ic benne awrat betest beadowræda,


swa benne ne burnon, ne burston,
ne fundian, ne feologan,
ne hoppettan, ne wund waxsian,
ne dolh diopian; ac him self healde halewæge,
ne ace þe þon ma, þe eorþan on eare ace.

Sing þis manegum siþum: Eorþe þe onbere eallum hire mihtum and mægenum. Þas galdor mon mæg singan on wunde.



MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Wið ymbe nim eorþan, oferweorp mid þinre swiþran handa under þinum swiþran fet, and cwet:

Fo ic under fot, funde ic hit.
Hwæt, eorðe mæg wið ealra wihta gehwilce
and wið andan and wið æminde
and wið þa micelan mannes tungan.

And wiððon forweorp ofer greot, þonne hi swirman, and cweð:

Sitte ge, sigewif, sigað to eorþan!
Næfre ge wilde to wuda fleogan.
Beo ge swa gemindige mines godes,
swa bið manna gehwilc metes and eþeles.



MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Ne forstolen ne forholen nanuht, þæs ðe ic age, þe ma ðe mihte Herod urne drihten. Ic geþohte sancte Eadelenan and ic geþohte Crist on rode ahangen; swa ic þence þis feoh to findanne, næs to oðfeorrganne, and to witanne, næs to oðwyrceanne, and to lufianne, næs to oðlædanne.

Garmund, godes ðegen,
find þæt feoh and fere þæt feoh
and hafa þæt feoh and heald þæt feoh
and fere ham þæt feoh.


Þæt he næfre næbbe landes, þæt he hit oðlæde,
ne foldan, þæt hit oðferie,
ne husa, þæt he hit oðhealde.
Gif hyt hwa gedo, ne gedige hit him næfre!
Binnan þrym nihtum cunne ic his mihta,
his mægen and his mihta and his mundcræftas.
Eall he weornige, swa syre wudu weornie,
swa breðel seo swa þystel,
se ðe ðis feoh oðfergean þence
oððe ðis orf oðehtian ðence.



MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Ðis man sceal cweðan ðonne his ceapa hwilcne man forstolenne. Cwyð ær he ænyg oþer word cweðe:

Bethlem hattæ seo burh ðe Crist on geboren wes,
seo is gemærsod ofer ealne middangeard;
swa ðeos dæd wyrþe for monnum mære,

per crucem Christi! And gebide þe ðonne þriwa east and cweð þriwa: Crux Christi ab oriente reducat. And III west and cweð: Crux Christi ab occidente reducat. And III suð and cweð: Crux Christi a meridie reducant. And III norð and cweð: Crux Christi abscondita sunt et inuenta est. Iudeas Crist ahengon, gedidon him dæda þa wyrstan; hælon þæt hi forhelan ne mihton. Swa næfre ðeos dæd forholen ne wyrðe per crucem Christi.



MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

Ic me on þisse gyrde beluce and on godes helde bebeode
wið þane sara stice, wið þane sara slege,


wið þane grymma gryre,
wið ðane micela egsa þe bið eghwam lað,
and wið eal þæt lað þe in to land fare.
Sygegealdor ic begale, sigegyrd ic me wege,
wordsige and worcsige. Se me dege;
ne me mere ne gemyrre, ne me maga ne geswence,
ne me næfre minum feore forht ne gewurþe,
ac gehæle me æmihtig and sunu and frofre gast,
ealles wuldres wyrðig dryhten,
swa swa ic gehyrde heofna scyppende.
Abrame and Isace
and swilce men, Moyses and Iacob,
and Dauit and Iosep
and Evan and Annan and Elizabet,
Saharie and ec Marie, modur Cristes,
and eac þæ gebroþru, Petrus and Paulus,
and eac þusend þinra engla
clipige ic me to are wið eallum feondum.
Hi me ferion and friþion and mine fore nerion,
eal me gehealdon, me gewealdon,
worces stirende; si me wuldres hyht,
hand ofer heafod, haligra rof,
sigerofra sceolu, soðfæstra engla.
Biddu ealle bliðu mode
þæt me beo Matheus helm, Marcus byrne,
leoht, lifes rof, Lucos min swurd,
scearp and scirecg, scyld Iohannes,
wuldre gewlitegod wælgar Serafhin.
Forð ic gefare, frind ic gemete,
eall engla blæd, eadiges lare.
Bidde ic nu sigeres god godes miltse,
siðfæt godne, smylte and lihte


windas on waroþum. Windas gefran,
circinde wæter simble gehælede
wið eallum feondum. Freond ic gemete wið,
þæt ic on þæs ælmihtgian frið wunian mote,
belocun wið þam laþan, se me lyfes eht,
on engla blæd gestaþelod,
and inna halre hand heofna rices,
þa hwile þe ic on þis life wunian mote.



Royal MS. 4A.xiv

Wenne, wenne, wenchichenne,
her ne scealt þu timbrien, ne nenne tun habben,
ac þu scealt north eonene to þan nihgan berhge,
þer þu hauest, ermig, enne broþer.
He þe sceal legge leaf et heafde.
Under fot wolues, under ueþer earnes,
under earnes clea, a þu geweornie.
Clinge þu alswa col on heorþe,
scring þu alswa scerne awage,
and weorne alswa weter on anbre.
Swa litel þu gewurþe alswa linsetcorn,

and miccli lesse alswa anes handwurmes hupeban, and alswa litel þu gewurþe þet þu nawiht gewurþe.