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The Secretary reported that Dr. Vaughan, as Chair of the Medical Center Operating Board, was authorized by the MCOB at its May meeting to approve credentialing and recredentialing actions when approval is needed between meetings of the MCOB. Dr. Vaughan approved a set of actions on July 1st, and the listing is appended to these Minutes as Attachment A. No action by the Board of Visitors is required and the listing is in these Minutes simply as a matter of record.

The first two items on the Retreat Agenda had to do with the operations of the Board, and were grouped under two headings: “How can the Board of Visitors add greatest value to the University?” and “What is – and is not – a Board issue and why?” Discussion on these was done in Open Session and lasted from shortly after 2:00 p.m., until 4:00 p.m., when the Board recessed.

In discussion, Members concurred that the new format of Board meetings where much of the Board’s work has been


pushed down to the committee level, is the correct approach but that refinements are needed. Thursday and Friday of Board meeting weekends should be reserved for committee meetings. The President suggested that Members attend conferences and programs organized by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB). There was a feeling that the Board needs to be concerned more about academic affairs, recognizing, of course, that there is a line in such matters beyond which the Board should not go.

The Board resumed its deliberations at 4:15 p.m., with a report from the Special Committee on Diversity made by the Committee Chair, Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson presented the following draft mission statement: