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4. Jean-Émile Laboureur

André Dunoyer de Segonzac, portrait of Jean-Émile Laboureur. Reproduced from Marcel Valotaire, Laboureur (Paris: Henri Babou, 1929), frontispiece.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a couple caressing (on verso page of opening), in Roger Allard, L'Appartement des jeunes filles (Paris: Camille Bloch, 1919), frontispiece. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting a couple at tea, printed by A. Vernant, in Valery Larbaud, Beauté, mon beau souci, with text printed by Robert Coulouma (Paris: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1920), p. 72. Spencer Collection, New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting a crocodile-skin valise, printed by A. Vernant, in Valery Larbaud, Beauté, mon beau souci, with text printed by Robert Coulouma (Paris: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1920), p. 139. Spencer Collection, New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignettes depicting native tribesmen (left) and Chief Ampanani (right), in Évariste Parny, Chansons madécasses (Paris: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1920), title page and p. 11. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting Bougainville waving to the natives, in Denis Diderot, Supplément au voyage de Bougainville (Paris: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1921). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting Silbermann after a fight, in Jacques de Lacretelle, Silbermann (Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1925), opposite p. 68. Collection of Dr. Jack Eisert, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting Silbermann overhearing a conversation, in Jacques de Lacretelle, Silbermann (Paris: Nouvelle Revue Française, 1925), opposite p. 136. Collection of Dr. Jack Eisert, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a woman's head, in Remy de Gourmont, Le songe d'une femme (Paris: Camille Bloch, 1925), frontispiece. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting a forest scene, in Remy de Gourmont, Le songe d'une femme (Paris: Camille Bloch, 1925), p. 65. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting pots of jam, in Remy de Gourmont, Le songe d'une femme (Paris: Camille Bloch, 1925), p. 31. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a theatrical troupe in the rain, in Colette, L'Envers du music-hall (Paris: Au Sans Pareil, 1926), frontispiece. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, headpiece for "On arrive, on répète" depicting actors on stage, in Colette, L'Envers du music-hall (Paris: Au Sans Pareil, 1926), p. 9. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting fairy-tale characters, in Charles Perrault, Contes (Paris: Robert Hilsum, 1928), p. 9. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting soldiers at their morning

Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting Private Scott destroyed by a shell, in André Maurois, Les silences du Colonel Bramble (Paris: Le Livre, 1926), p. 75. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting Private Biggs approaching a German trench, in André Maurois, Les discours du docteur O'Grady (Paris: Le Livre, Émile Chamontin, 1929), p. 112. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting Colonel Bramble and Aurelle, in André Maurois, Les silences du Colonel Bramble (Paris: Le Livre, 1926), p. 135. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, headpiece depicting Wotton speaking to Hallward, in Oscar Wilde, Le portrait de Dorian Gray, translated by Edmond Jaloux and Félix Frapereau (Paris: Le Livre, Émile Chamontin, 1928), p. 1. New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, headpiece depicting Dorian Gray in Covent Garden market, in Oscar Wilde, Le portrait de Dorian Gray, translated by Edmond Jaloux and Félix Frapereau (Paris: Le Livre, Émile Chamontin, 1928), p. 125. New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, headpiece depicting Dorian Gray killing himself, in Oscar Wilde, Le portrait de Dorian Gray, translated by Edmond Jaloux and Félix Frapereau (Paris: Le Livre, Émile Chamontin, 1928), p. 341. New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting the seeming assassination of Biondetta, in Jacques Cazotte, The Devil in Love (London: Heinemann; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1925), p. 48. Elisha Whittelsey Collection, Department of Drawings and Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting Sterne's purchase of gloves, in Laurence Sterne, A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire: Golden Cockerell Press, 1928), opposite p. 69. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette and plate (on facing pages) depicting Gilpin at the calenderer's gate, executed by Lucien Serre et Cie., in William Cowper, The Diverting History of John Gilpin (Paris: Ronald Davis, 1931). New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, "La fille au litre," in The New Keepsake for the Year 1921, edited by Marcel Boulestin and Laboureur (London and Paris: Chelsea Book Club for X. M. Boulestin, 1921), p. 35. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a scene before an elevator, in Jean Valmy-Baysse, Tableau des grands magasins (Paris: Éditions de la

Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a department store at Christmas, in Jean Valmy-Baysse, Tableau des grands magasins (Paris: Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1925), opposite table of contents. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a dancer in a bar, in Nina Toye and A. H. Adair, Petits et grands verres: choix des meilleurs cocktails, translated by Laboureur under the pseudonym of Ph. Le Huby (Paris: Au Sans Pareil, 1927). Department of Drawings and Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a Portuguese hotel dining room, in Valery Larbaud, 200 chambres, 200 salles de bain (Le Haye: J. Gondrexon, 1927). Department of Drawings and Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting Camuset's great-uncle suffering a stroke at table, in Georges Camuset, Les sonnets du docteur (Dijon: Éditions du Raisin, 1926), p. 52. Department of Drawings and Prints, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting Lafcadio committing a murder, in André Gide, Lafcadio, vol. 5 (1930) of Les caves du Vatican, printed by L'Imprimerie Aulard and L'Imprimerie Rigal (Paris: Gallimard [with monogram of Nouvelle Revue Française], 1929-30), frontispiece. New York Public Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, plate depicting a beekeeper and his hives, in Maurice Maeterlinck, La vie des abeilles (Paris: L'Artisan du Livre, 1930), frontispiece. Collection of Dr. Jack Eisert, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting a queen termite and her consort, in Maurice Maeterlinck, La vie des termites (Paris: L'Artisan du Livre, 1930), p. 89. Collection of Dr. Jack Eisert, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting Suzanne aboard an ocean liner, printed by A. Jourde, in Jean Giraudoux, Suzanne et le Pacifique (Paris: Les Cent Une [Société de femmes bibliophiles], 1927), p. 62. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting Suzanne and the island creatures, printed by A. Jourde, in Jean Giraudoux, Suzanne et le Pacifique (Paris: Les Cent Une [Société de femmes bibliophiles], 1927), p. 101. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting Suzanne in an idyllic setting, printed by A. Jourde, in Jean Giraudoux, Suzanne et le Pacifique (Paris: Les Cent Une [Société de femmes bibliophiles], 1927), p. 180. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting the rescue of Suzanne, printed by A. Jourde, in Jean Giraudoux, Suzanne et le Pacifique (Paris: Les Cent Une [Société de femmes bibliophiles], 1927), p. 244. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean-Émile Laboureur, vignette depicting cigarettes, holder, ashtray, and matchbox, in Paul-Jean Toulet, Les contrerimes (Paris: H.-M. Petiet, 1930), p. 87. Spencer Collection, New York Public Library.
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