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3. François-Louis Schmied

Paul Jouve, plate depicting the rock-python Kaa, engraved by François-Louis Schmied and printed by Pierre Bouchet, in Rudyard Kipling, Le livre de la jungle (Paris: Société du Livre Contemporain, 1919), between pp. 28 and 29. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Paul Jouve, plate depicting the elephant Toomai, engraved by François-Louis Schmied and printed by Pierre Bouchet, in Rudyard Kipling, Le livre de la jungle (Paris: Société du Livre Contemporain, 1919), p. 133. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Paul Jouve, vignette of landscape, engraved by François-Louis Schmied and printed by Pierre Bouchet, in Rudyard Kipling, Le livre de la jungle (Paris: Société du Livre Contemporain, 1919), p. 75. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Paul Jouve, double plate depicting Kaa's defiance of the monkeys, engraved by Camille Beltrand and printed by Pierre Bouchet, in Rudyard Kipling, La chasse de Kaa (Paris: Javal & Bourdeaux, 1930), pp. 98-99. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Pierre Bouchet, typography of opening page of Rudyard Kipling, La chasse de Kaa (Paris: Javal & Bourdeaux, 1930). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
Jean Goulden, "Athos: le monastère de Valopédie," engraved and printed by François-Louis Schmied, in Goulden's Selonique, le Macédoine, l'Athos (Paris: Chez les Auteurs, 1922). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
Jean Berque, plate depicting the tree of life, engraved and printed by François-Louis Schmied, in Rabindranath Tagore, L'Offrande lyrique,translated by André Gide (Paris: Schmied, 1925), frontispiece. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, plate showing strips of patterns evocative of North Africa, in Gustave Flaubert, Salammbô (Paris: Le Livre, 1923), frontispiece. Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, vignette depicting Venetian women at mass, as headpiece for "La messe de l'aurore à Venise," in Anna Elisabeth de Brancovan, comtesse de Noailles, Les climats (Paris: Société du Livre Contemporain, 1924), p. 66. Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
Maurice Denis, plate depicting a Sicilian scene, engraved by Camille Beltrand, in Denis's Carnets de voyage en Italie (Paris: Jacques Beltrand, 1925), opening plate. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, special printing of vignette depicting ponds at evening, for Anna Elisabeth de Brancovan, comtesse de Noailles, Les climats (Paris: Société du Livre Contemporain, 1924). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, vignette depicting ponds at evening, as headpiece for "Les soirs du monde," in Anna Elisdu monde," in Anna Elisabeth de Brancovan, comtesse de Noailles, Les climats (Paris: Société du Livre Contemporain, 1924), p. 6. Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, page of text with large V, in Alfred de Vigny, Daphné (Paris: Schmied, 1924). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, page with geometric decorations, in Alfred de Vigny, Daphné (Paris: Schmied, 1924). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpoint Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, two facing pages with text and with vignettes depicting a garden (on verso page of opening) and a running deer (on recto page), in Le cantique des cantiques, translated by Ernest Renan (Paris: Schmied, 1925). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, vignette depicting King Solomon and a maiden, in Le cantique des cantiques, translated by Ernest Renan (Paris: Schmied, 1925). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, two facing pages with text and with vertical decorative panels, in Le cantique des cantiques, translated by Ernest Renan (Paris: Schmied, 1925). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, plate depicting the statue of the Happy Prince, in Oscar Wilde, Deux contes, translated by Albert Savine (Paris: Schmied, 1926), p. xxi (first story). Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
François-Louis Schmied, page of text with vignette band depicting a student and a nightingale, in Oscar Wilde, Deux contes, translated by Albert Savine (Paris: Schmied, 1926), p. xxv (second story). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, plate depicting a stream in a woods, in Paul Fort, Les ballades françaises, montagne, forêt, plaine, mer (Lyon: Cercle Lyonnais du Livre, 1927). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, vignette band depicting gulls over water, at the beginning of the section entitled "Ballades de la mer, des golfes et des ravages," in Paul Fort, Les ballades françaises, montagne, forêt, plaine, mer (Lyon: Cercle Lyonnais du Livre, 1927). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, plate depicting Nero, in Suetonius, Les douze césars, translated by Joseph Estève (Paris: Schmied, 1928), opposite p. ccxiii. Morgan A. Gunst Collection, Stanford University Library.
François-Louis Schmied, page with text and with vignette depicting Princess Boudour and Prince Kamaralzamân, colored by Jean Dunand, in Histoire de la princesse Boudour, translated by J.-C. Mardrus (Paris:

François-Louis Schmied, page with text and with vignette depicting two supernatural figures, colored by Jean Dunand, in Histoire de la princesse Boudour, translated by J.-C. Mardrus (Paris: Schmied, 1926). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, page of text with vignette panel depicting a harp, colored by Jean Dunand, in Histoire de la princesse Boudour,translated by J.-C. Mardrus (Paris: Schmied, 1926). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, plate (right panel of a three-page foldout) depicting Schmied in Arabian dress, colored by Jean Dunand, in Histoire charmante de l'adolescente Sucre d'Amour: grand conte oriental inédit,translated by J.-C. Mardrus (first edition; Paris: Schmied, 1927). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, page of text with vignette depicting a garden against the sky, colored by Jean Dunand, in Histoire charmante de l'adolescente Sucre d'Amour: grand conte oriental inédit, translated by J.-C. Mardrus (first edition; Paris: Schmied, 1927). Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, plate depicting Caliph Haroun Al-Raschid, in Histoire charmante de l'adolescente Sucre d'Amour, translated by J.-C. Mardrus (second edition; Paris: Schmied, 1927), frontispiece. Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, two facing pages of text with vignettes depicting a moonlit garden (on verso page of opening) and a lotus flower (on recto page), in Histoire charmante de l'adolescente Sucre d'Amour, translated by J.-C. Mardrus (second edition; Paris: Schmied, 1927), pp.132-133. Frank Altschul Collection, Beinecke Library, Yale University.
François-Louis Schmied, plate depicting the creation of light, in La création: les trois premiers livres de la Genèse suivis de la généalogie adamique, translated by J.-C. Mardrus (Paris: Schmied, 1928), plate 1. Gordon N. Ray Collection, Pierpont Morgan Library.
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