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- AGUILAR PEÑAL, F. Impresos castellanos del sigl. XVI en el British Museum. Madrid, C.S.I.C., 1970. 137p.(Cuadernos bibliograficos, 24.)[3974]
- ANUSHKIN, A. Na zare knigopechataniya v Litve. [The dawn of printing in Lithuania.] Vilnius, Mitis, 1970. 196p.[3975]
- AQUILON, P. Incunables des bibliothèques de Loches [etc.]. Impressions provinciales du XVI siècle de la Bibliothèque municipale de Loches. Lyon, Bibliothèque Municipale, 1970. ix, 71p.(Recensement des livres anciens. Travaux préparatoires, 3.)[3976]
- AVIS, F. C. The first printers in sixteenth-century Southwark, 1514-1540. GJ (1970):165-73.[3977]
- BALBI, G. Il primo incunabolo genovese. Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1970. 23p. facsim.(Manuali e saggi di bibliografia, 4.)[3978]
- BARBERI, F. Il frontespizio nel libro italiano del quattrocento e del cinquecento. Milano, Il Polifilo, 1969. 2v. cxxxv pl.(Documenti sulle arti del libro, 7.)[3979]
- BEATTIE, W. The printer of Jean Michel's “Visio”. [Attributing it to Pierre Le Dru.] Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970): 65-67. facsims.[3980]
- BEROMÜNSTER. STIFTSBIBLIOTHEK. Inkunabelverzeichnis . . . [by H. Mattmann] Erster datieter Schweizer Druck (Beromünster, 1970): 88-151(123 items.)[3981]
- BORSA, G. Die Ausgaben der “Cosmographia” von J. Honter. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):90-105.[3982]
- BOŠNJAK, M. Slavenska inkunabulistika. Zagreb, 1970. 196p.[3984]
- BÜHLER, C. F. A complicated ghost: notes on H 5242. GW (1970):89-92.[3985]
- BÜHLER, C. F. The date in the colophon of Hain 12332. PBSA , 64:323,24.[3986]
- BÜHLER, C. F. The text of the incunabula IA.46385 [Livre des vices et des vertus] in the B.M. and notes on some related works. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970): 120-127.[3987]
- CARTIER, A. Bibliographie des éditions des de Tournes. [Paris, 1937, repr.:] Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1970. 2v.[3988]
- CERRETA, F. L. Bonetti e l'arte della stampa a Siena nel cinquecento. Biblio , 71:269-79.[3989]
- CLAUDIN, A. Histoire de l'imprimerie en France du XVe et au XVIe siècle: tables alphabétiques. Nedeln, Kraus-Thomson Organization, 1970.[3990]
- CORSTEN, S. Eine Klosterdruckerei in der Kölner Kartause. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):128-37. facsims.[3991]
- CROUS, E. and KIRCHNER, . Die gotischen Schriftarten. 2. Aufl. Braunschweig, Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1970. 46p. 64 pl.[3992]
- DEMÉNY, L. Le livre et l'imprimerie roumains au XVIe siècle. Revue roumaine d'histoire , 9:625-39.[3993]
- DEMÉNY, L. Où en est-on dans la recherche concernant les débuts de l'imprimerie en langue roumaine? Revue des études sud-est européennes , 8:241-67.[3994]
- DEMÉNY, L. Typographische Kennzeichen der kyrillischen Druckerpresse in Hermannstadt im 16. Jahrhundert. Forschungen zur Volks- und Landeskunde , 12:25-36.[3995]
- DEMÉNY, L. A. [Philip the Moldavian's woodcuts.] Studii şi cercetări de istoria artei , ser. artă plastică, 16:229-41.[3996]
- DONATI, L. Stampe quattrocentine di S. Guillereto. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):144-58. 12 facsims.[3997]
- DOTTO, A. M. Gli incunaboli del “Fondo Monreale” della Biblioteca Nazionale di Palermo. Biblio , 71:205-221.(54 items.)[3998]
- EDINBURGH. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND. A short-title catalogue of foreign books printed up to 1600. Edinburgh, H.M.S.O., 1970. viii, 545p.[3999]
- EIDEN, E. and MÜLLER, D. Der Buchdrucker A. Weissenhorn in Augsburg, 1528-1540. [With a list of printings.] Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 11:527-92.[4000]
- ERSTER datierter Schweizer Druck: Gedenkschrift zur 500-Jahr-Feier in Beromünster, 1470-1970 . Beromünster, Helyas-Verlag, [1970.] 179p. 24 pl. bibliog.[4001]
- FALK, F. Die deutschen Sterbebüchlein von der ältesten Zeit des Buchdruckes bis 1520. [Köln, 1890, repr.:] Heidelberg, H. Tenner, 1969. 83p.[4002]
- FALK, F. Die Druckkunst im Dienste der Kirche, zunächst in Deutschland, bis zum Jahre 1520. [Köln, 1879, repr.:] Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1969. 107p.[4003]
- FRIEDERICHS, H. F. Johann Fust und die Cöllner zum Römer. Frankfurt a.M., Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Familienkundlichen Gesellschaften in Hessen, 1969.(Forschungen zur hessischen Familienund Heimatkunde, 57, 5.)[4004]
- GELDNER, F. Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker. Bd.2. Die fremden Sprachgebiete. Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1970. 405p.(Bd.1, C-2567.)[4005]
- GELDNER, F. L. Seybolds “Prognosticatio” für 1485, ein unbekannter Druck M. Reysers. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):165-73.[4006]
- GENOA. BIBLIOTECA UNIVERSITARIA. Fondo antico spagnolo della Biblioteca . . . Catalogo [by M. Damonte]. Genova, [the Library,] 1969. xix, 321p.[4007]
- GERHARDT, C. W. Was erfand Gutenberg in Strassburg? GJ (1970):56-72.[4008]
- GERULAITIS, L. V. A fifteenth-century director of a printing firm: Bernard Maler. PBSA , 64:324-32.[4009]
- GOFF, F. R. A few footnotes to K. Haebler's “Handbuch der Inkunabelkunde.” Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):174-81.[4010]
- GOFF, F. R. Four issues of A. Zacutus' “Almanach perpetuum.” GJ (1970):158-64.[4011]
- GOLLOB, H. Die Strassburger Totentanzinitialen und Holbein. Philobiblon , 13:251-55. facsims.[4012]
- HAEBLER, K. Spanische und portuguiesiche Bücherzeichen des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts. [Strassburg, 1898, repr.:] Naarden, A.W. van Beckhoven, 1969. xl, 95p.[4013]
- HARTHAUSEN, H. Des Kölner Buchdrucker Heinrich von Neuss. [With a list of 94 printings.] Köln, Greven, 1970. 96p.(Arbeiten aus des Bibliothekar-Lehrinstitut des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 36).[4014]
- HEARTZ, D. P. Attaingnant, royal printer of music: a historical study and bibliographical catalogue. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1969. xxx, 452p. 17pl.[4015]
- HELLINGA, L. and HELLINGA, W. A “Costerian” fragment [of GW 935]. GJ (1970):83-88.[4016]
- HELLINGA, W. and HELLINGA, L. W. Hees, printer or bibliophile? Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):182-95.[4017]
- HERMANOWSKI, G. Johannes Gutenberg: sein Leben und sein Werk. München, Markus-Verlag, 1970. 200p. illus.[4018]
- HIRSCH, R. Cicero “De natura deorum” (GW 6901). [Ascribing it to W. Stöckel, 1505-1510.] Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):196-200.[4019]
- HOLTER, K. Gedruckte Ablassbriefe und verwandte Einblattdrucke des 15. Jahrhunderts aus oberösterreichischen Archiven und Bibliotheken. Jahrbuch des Oberösterreichischen Musealvereines , 114:105-16.[4020]
- HOLTER, K. Über einige unbekannte Wiegendrucke in oberösterreichischen Sammlungen. GJ (1970):97-107. facsims.[4021]
- HUBAY, I. Incunabula aus der Staatlichen Bibliothek Neuburg/Donau in der Benediktinerabtei Ottobeuren. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1970. xx, 271p.(Inkunabelkataloge bayerischer Bibliotheken.) (1111 titles.)[4022]
- JARZEBOWSKI, L. Druki toruńskie XVI wieku [16th-century Toruń printed books.] Warszawa, PIW, 1969. 193p.[4023]
- JUCHHOFF, R. Was lasen die Kölner um die Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jahrhundert zu ihrer Unterhaltung und Belehrung? Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):201-12.[4024]
- JUNTKE, F. Neues zum Buchdruck in Halle an der Saale im 16. Jahrhundert. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 11:901-32.[4025]
- JUNTKE, F. Über das Missale speciale 1498 von J. Grüninger und ein noch unbeschriebenes von J. Prüss. GJ (1970):128-42. facsims.[4026]
- KNAUS, H. Zum Kölner gotischen Bucheinband: die Meister des J. Rinck und des P. Rinck. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesen , 11:593-608.[4027]
- KOCH, H. Der Wortschatz der spanischen Buchdrucker. Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1970. 32p.(Kleiner Druck, 88.)[4028]
- KOLB, A. Neue Beiträge zum französischen Buchdruck des 16. Jahrhunderts. GJ (1970):143-54.[4029]
- KÓRNIK, BIBLIOTEKA. Katalog starych druków. [By P. Buchwald-Pelcowa.] Wrocław, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1969. xvi, 139p.[4030]
- KOROKNAY, É. Sz. Corvina-Einbände (1490-etwa 1520). Acta historiae artium , 15:237-55.[4031]
- LANG, H. W. Wiener Karlstadt-Drucke aus der Presse J. Singrieners, 1521-22. GJ (1970):212-17.[4032]
- LANGER, G. Von einer bisher nicht beschriebenen Ausgabe der Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet des Thomas de Aquino. [Attributing it to M. Landsberg, Leipzig.] ibid. :120-27. facsims.[4033]
- LAURIN, G. Der Binder mit dem Arma-Christi-stempel: zur Geschichte der Franziskanerbuchbinderei in Graz. ibid. :359-70. illus.[4034]
- LE ROUX DE LINCY, A.J.V. Recherchees sur J. Grolier. [Paris, 1866, repr.:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1970. xlix, 491p.[4035]
- LÜLFING, H. Johannes Gutenberg und das Buchwesen des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. München, Verlag Dokumentation, [1970.] 165p.[4036]
- LUXEMBOURG. BIBLIOTH ÈQUE NATIONALE. Katalog der Inkunabeln. [By E. van der Vekene.] Luxemburg, Verlag der Sankt-Paulus Duckerei, 1970. xvi, 81p.[4037]
- MANZI, P. Annali di G. Sultzbach. Firenze, Olschki, 1970. ix, 139p. 26pl.(Biblioteca di bibliografia italiana, 58.)[4038]
- MANZI, A. Guanter, stampatore e libraio in Napilo, 1493-1503. ABI , 38:10-33.[4039]
- MARCIANI, C. Un filosofo del Rinascimento editore-libraio: F. Patrizio e l'incisore G. Franco di Cherso. Biblio , 72:177-98(“Aggiunte e correzioni” 303-13)[4040]
- MARINIS, T. DE Di due libretti napoletani con figure del secolo XV. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):138-43. facsims.[4041]
- MEXICO. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL. Catalogo de incunables. [By J. Yhmoff Cabrera.] México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma, 1968. 172p.(167 items.)[4042]
- MILAN. UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI. Le cinquecentine dell'Università. [By G. Sapori. With a list of incunabula] Milano, Università, Biblioteche della Facoltà di Giurispudenza, Lettere e Filosofia, 1969. 2v.[4043]
- MULLER, J. Dietionnaire abrégé des imprimeurs, éditeurs français du seizième siècle. Baden-Baden, Heitz, 1970. ix, 150p.(Bibliotheca bibliographica aureliana, 30.)[4044]
- MUNICH. BAYERISCHE STAATSBIBLIOTHEK. Kostbare Bucheinbände der Renaissance. [Exhibition catalogue, by F. Geldner.] Munich, 1969.(Kleiner Ausstellungsführer, 10.)[4045]
- MUNICH. BAYERISCHE STAATSBIBLIOTHEK. Treasures of the Bavarian State Library: an exhibition of MSS, incunabula and blockbooks. [Catalogue by F. Dressler.] Munich, [the Library,] 1970. 57p. pls.(Ausstellungskatalog, 9.)[4046]
- NORTON, F. J. Some Spanish printed bifolia of the early sixteenth century: F. de Peñalver's “Carta de la gota” and its antecedents. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):271-75.[4047]
- NÜRNBERG. GERMANISCHES NATIONALMUSEUM. Inkunabelkatalog. [By B. Hellwig.] Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1970. xxiv, 331p.(Inkunabelukataloge bayerischer Bibliotheken.) (980 titles.)[4048]
- OOMS, H. Catalogue des incunables du Collège Saint-Bonaventure de Quaracchi. Archivum Franciscanum historicum , 61:400-33.[4049]
- PARIS. UNIVERSITÉ. BIBLIOTHÈQUE. Catalogue de la Réserve . . . 1501-1540. [By C. Beaulieux. Paris, 1909, 10, repr.:] N.Y., Franklin, 1969. (Bibl. and ref. series, 258.)[4050]
- PAINTER, G. D. Gutenberg and the B 36 group: a reconsideration. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):292-322.[4051]
- PELLECHET, M. and POLAIN, L. Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. Nendeln, Kraus-Thomson Organization, 1971. 26v.[4052]
- PENROSE, B. English printing at Antwerp in the fifteenth century. [Gerard Leeu, 1486-93.] Harvard library bulletin , 18:21-31.[4053]
- PETKOVIĆ, S. Ilustracije Meditationes Vitae Christi od psevdo-Bonaventure u jednoj srpskoj štampanoj knjizi XVI veka [Illustration from the Pseudo-Bonaventure Meditationes Vitae Christi in a prayer-book printed by V. Vukovi&c.cute;, Venice, 1547.] Zbnornik svetozara radoj&c.reve;i&c.cute;a (1969):253-65.[4054]
- PIÉRARD, C. Un feuillet de vélin de la Bible de Gutenberg conservé à Mons: étude critique. Mons, Société des bibliophiles belges, 1970. 15p.[4055]
- POLLAK, M. The durability of fifteenth-century type. LQ , 40:371-91.[4056]
- POLLARD, G. The names of some English fifteenth-century binders. Library , 25:193-218.[4057]
- REIFENBERG, H. Die beiden Bamberger Agenden von 1491 und 1514 und ihre Titelei. GJ (1970):114-19.[4058]
- RHODES, D. E. Di alcuni prestiti e imitazioni tipografiche fra Roma e Perugia, 1515-28. Biblio , 71:253-58.[4059]
- RHODES, D. E. The incunabula of Siena. [A list.] Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):337-48. (71 items.)[4060]
- RHODES, D. E. Two fifteenth century editions of Johannes Versor. [Attributing Goff V 246 to H. Mayer, Toulouse, c.1494; and dating H 16051 in 1494.] GJ (1970):93-96.[4061]
- RHODES, D. E. Variants in a Lettou incunable [H 12596]. PBSA , 64:332-34.[4062]
- ROGERS, D. J. Hamman at Venice . . . With a note on the Sarum “Horae” of 1494. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):349-68.[4063]
- SAJÓ, G. and SOLTÉSZ, E., eds. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. Budapest, Academy of Sciences, 1970. 2v.[4064]
- SCHMALTZRIEDT, E. Peri physeos. Zur Frühgeschichte der Buchtitel. München, W. Fink, 1970. 142p.[4065]
- SCHMIDT-KÜNSEMÜLLER, F. A. Vergebliches Bemühen. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie , 17:332-36.(On the continuation of GKW.)[4066]
- SCHOLDERER, J. V. Johann Gutenberg: the inventor of printing. 2nd ed., rev. London, British Museum, 1970. 32p.(Revision of C.815.)[4067]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, K. Das Regensburger Buchgewerbe im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, mit Akten und Druckverzeichnis. [Mainz, 1920, repr.:]. Nieuwkoop, De Graaf, 1970. xiii, 289p. 13pl.[4068]
- SCHREIBER, W. L. Handbuch der Holz- und Mettallschnitte des XV. Jahrhunderts. [Leipzig, 1926-30, repr.:] Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1969. 10 Bd.[4069]
- STEVENSON, A. The first book printed at Louvain. [Attributing GW 4480 to Veldener, Louvain, c.1473.] Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):402-06.[4070]
- STILLWELL, M. B. The awakening interest in science during the first century of printing. N.Y., Bibliog. Soc. of America, 1970. 428p.[4071]
- STOLZ, D. H. Überlinger Inkunabel-Katalog. Konstanz, Seekreis, 1970. xvi, 144p. illus.[4072]
- STOPP, F. J. The early German broadsheet and related ephemera: a bibliographical survey. TCBS , 5:81-89.[4073]
- TAMANI, G. Inventario degli incunaboli ebraici della Biblioteca Comunale di Piacenza. Biblio , 72:221-46.(28 items.)[4074]
- TENNY, J. L'activité typographique de J. Garnier à Bourges, 1530-1562. Bulletin historique et scientifique de l'Auvergne , 84:[4075]
- TINTO, A. The history of a sixteenth-century Greek type. Library , 25:286-93. 5 figs.[4076]
- TREPTOW, O. John Siberch. Cambridge, C.U.P, 1970. xii, 73p.(Cambridge Bibliographical Society monograph. 6) (Abridged transl. of C.837)[4077]
- VENEZIANI, P. Notizie sul tipografo Johannes Bonus ed un suo Breviario Romano sconosciuto ai bibliografi. Biblio , 72:247-52.[4078]
- VIANELLO, N. Per gli “annali” dei Sessa, I. ABI , 38:262-85.[4079]
- WARNECKE, F., ed. Bücherzeichen des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts. [Berlin, 1894, repr:] Nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1970. 16p., 100 pl.[4080]
- WEBB, C. A. Caxton's “Quattuor sermones”: a newly discovered edition. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):407-25.[4081]
- WEBB, C. A. Pierre Le Dru. [C 3548, 3549.] Library , 25:248, 49.[4082]
- WEHMER, C. Gutenbergs Typographie und die Teigdrucke des Monogrammisten d. Essays in honour of V. Scholderer (Mainz, 1970):426-84. facsims.[4083]
- WIDMANN, H. Eltvilles Anteil am Frühdruck. Eltville, Burgverein, 1970. 48p.(Eltviller Druck, 19.)[4084]
- WIDMANN, H. Der Mainzer Psalter von 1457. Antiquariat , 19, Hft. 6/7: 81-89.[4085]
- WIDMANN, H. Vom Buchwesen der alten Reichsstadt Reutlingen. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 9:449-90.[4086]
- WOLGAST, E. Die Wittenberger Luther-Ausgabe: zur Überlieferungsgeschichte der Werke Luthers im 16. Jahrhundert. Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens , 11:2-336.[4087]




The compiler of Part I is indebted to Mr. J. S. G. Simmons for information about items published in Russia and Eastern Europe.

1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A. English and General
- AITKEN, W. R., Eric Linklater, Bibliotheck , 5:190-97.[3608]
- BAIN, IAIN, Thomas Bewick, Engraver, of Newcastle, 1753-1828: A Checklist of His Corespondence and Other Papers, Private Library , 3:57-77, 124-40.[3609]
- BALDANZA, FRANK, The Murdock Manuscripts at the University of Iowa: An Addendum, Modern Fiction Studies , 16:201-202.(Supplements C3286.)[3610]
- BARBER, GILES, French Letterpress Printing. A List of French Printing Manuals and Other Texts in French Bearing on the Technique of Letterpress Printing, 1567-1900 , Oxford Bibliographical Soc., 1969. ix, 39 p.(Occasional Publications No. 5.)[3611]
- BOLL, T. E. M., May Sinclair: A Check List, BNYPL , 74:454-67.[3612]
- CAMERON, W. J., and CARROLL, DIANA, Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies, and the United States of America, and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701-1800, Held in the Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory , Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1966. 2 vols.(Supplemented by work by Ivan Page listed here.)[3613]
- CARR, Sister LUCILE, A Catalogue of the VanderPoel Dickens Collection at the University of Texas , 2d ed. enlarged Austin, The University of Texas, 1968. xi, 274 p.(Tower Bibliographical Series No. 1, Second Edition of B2347.)[3614]
- CARTER, JOHN, Further Addenda and Corrigenda to “A Hand-List of the Printed Works of William Johnson, Afterwards Cory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:150-51.(Supplements A91 and C2666.)[3615]
- CHAPMAN, R. W., Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography , 2d ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. viii, 62 p.[3616]
- CHRISTENSEN, B. McG, J. R. R. Tolkien: A Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:61-67.[3617]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, Additions to the Junius Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):41.[3618]
- DACK, E. B., A Bio-Bibliography of Charles DuBos, 1882-1939 , Master's thesis. Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3619]
- DAVIS, R. M., Some Unidentified Works of Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:3:6-7.[3620]
- DEVEREUX, E. J., A Checklist of English Translations of Erasmus to 1700 , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1968. viii, 40 p. (Occasional Publications No. 3.) Supplementary notes in rev. by David Crane, N & Q, n.s., 17:228.[3621]
- DILLIGAN, R. J., and BENDER, T. K., A Concordance to the English Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins , Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1970. xx, 321 p.[3622]
- DOYLE, P. A., BOGAARDS, WINNIFRED, and DAVIS, R. M., Works of Waugh, 1940-66: A Supplementary Bibliography, Part I, Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:3:7-10.(Supplements B724 and C879.)[3623]
- FABER DU FAUR, KURT von, German Baroque Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection in the Yale University Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1958-1969. 2 vols.[3624]
- FARR, D. P., Evelyn Waugh: A Supplemental Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):67-68, 87.(Supplements B724; see also C879.)[3625]
- FEDERMAN, RAYMOND, and FLETCHER, JOHN, Samuel Beckett, His Works and His Critics: An Essay in Bibliography , Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1970. xiii, 383 p.[3626]
- FOSTER, HAROLD, Edward Young in Translation, I, Book Collector , 19:481-500.(Some Uncollected Authors XLV.)[3627]
- GALLUP, D. C., T. S. Eliot: A Bibliography , rev. and extended ed., New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969. 414 p.(American ed. of A1508.)[3628]
- GARCIA, RELOY, and KARABATSOS, JAMES, A Concordance to the Poetry of D. H. Lawrence , Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1970. xvi, 523 p.[3629]
- GENET, MALCOLM, Charles Dickens, 1812-1870 , Austin, Humanities Research Center, Univ. of Texas, 1970. 48 p.(Catalogue of an exhibition.)[3630]
- GILCHER, EDWIN, A Bibliography of George Moore , Dekalb, Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 1970. xiv, 274 p.[3631]
- GOFF, PHYLLIS, William Blake. Catalogue of the Preston Blake Library. Presented by Kerrison Preston in 1967 , London, Westminster City Libraries, 1969. x, 117 p.[3632]
- GOLDSMITH, V. F., A Short-Title Catalogue of French Books, 1601-1700, in the Library of the British Museum , Folkstone and London, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969 and following.[3633]
- GUNTER, BRADLEY, The Merrill Checklist of T. S. Eliot , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 43 p.[3634]
- H. G. WELLS SOCIETY, H. G. Wells: A Comprehensive Bibliography , 2d ed. rev., London, The Society, 1968. vi, 69 p.(First edition published by the Society in 1966.)[3635]
- HARPER, J. R., Early Painters and Engravers in Canada , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1970. xv, 376 p.[3636]
- HARTLEY, LODWICK, A Checklist of American Editions of Lawrence Sterne to 1800, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:53.[3637]
- HARTLEY, LODWICK, The Works of John Hall-Stevenson: A Check List, PBSA , 64:464-66.[3638]
- HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS, The Turn of the Century, 1885-1910. Art Nouveau-Jugendstil Books , Cambridge, The Department, 1970. 124 p.[3639]
- HEIDENREICH, HELMUT, The Libraries of Daniel Defoe and Phillips Farewell , Berlin, Helmut Heidenreich, 1970. 209 p.(An editing of Olive Payne's auction catalogue of 15 November 1731.)[3640]
- HICKMOTT, A. C., This Ivory Pale. The Shakespearean Collection of Allerton C. Hickmott , Hartford, Privately Printed, 1970. 55 p.[3641]
- HILL, W. S., Richard Hooker: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Early Editions, 1593-1724 , Cleveland The Press of Case Western Reserve Univ., 1970. xiv, 140 p.[3642]
- HORNE, B. S., The Compleat Angler, 1653-1967 , Pittsburgh Bibliophiles, 1970. xx, 350 p.[3643]
- HUMPHRIES, CHARLES, and SMITH, W. C., Music Publishing in the British Isles, from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century; a Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers, and Music Sellers , 2d ed., with supplement, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. vii, 392 p.[3644]
- INDIANA UNIVERSITY, The Indiana Wordsworth Collection , Blooming ton, The Lilly Library, 1970. 36 p.[3645]
- JASEN, D. A., A Bibliography and Reader's Guide to the First Editions of P. G. Wodehouse , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1970. 290 p.[3646]
- KRAUS, H. P., Sir Francis Drake: A Pictorial Biography , Amsterdam, N. Israel, 1970. viii, 236 p.[3647]
- LANDWEHR, JOHN, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, 1554-1949 , Utrecht, Haentjens, Dekker & Gumbert, 1970. xlvii, 150, 17 p.[3648]
- LANE, C. W., Waugh's Book Reviews for Night and Day , Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:1:1-3.[3649]
- LAPOINTE, Father RAOUL, Histoire de l'imprimerie au Sauguenay , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3650]
- LINDSTRAND, GORDON, Fairley's Checklist of Robert Fergusson: Corrections and a Problem in Analytical Bibliography, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:159-68.[3651]
- LYLES, A. M., and DOBSON, JOHN, The John C. Hodges Collection of William Congreve in the University of Tennessee Library: a Bibliographical Catalogue , Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Libraries, 1970. xiv, 136 p.(Occasional Publications No. 1.)[3652]
- McKINNON, W. T., Louis MacNeice: a Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:51-52, 48, 79-84.[3653]
- MACLES, L-N, Manuel de bibliographie , 2d rev. ed. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1970. 366 p.[3654]
- MAUD, RALPH, and GLOVER, ALBERT, Dylan Thomas in Print: a Bibliographical History , Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. xi, 261 p.[3655]
- MITCHELL, CHARLOTTE, Bio-Bibliography of Brendan Behan, 1923-1964 , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1068.[3656]
- MORGAN, PAUL, Warwickshire Printers' Notices, 1799-1866 , Oxford, Printed for the Dugdale Society at the University Press. 1970. xl, 83, 13 p.[3657]
- MORTON, L. T., A Medical Bibliography (Garrison and Morton). An Annotated Check-List of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine , rev. 3d ed., London, Deutsch, 1970. 872 p.[3658]
- O'NEEL, MICHAEL, A Wyatt Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:76-79.(To be continued.)[3659]
- PAGE, IVAN, Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies, and the United States of America, and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701-1800, Held in Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory , Vol. 3, Supplement, Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1970. viii, 105 p.(Supplements catalogue by Cameron and Carroll listed here.)[3660]
- PALMER, D. S., A Harold Pinter Checklist, Twentieth Century Literature , 16:287-96.[3661]
- PARKER, JOHN, and URNESS, CAROL, The James Ford Bell Library: A List of Additions, 1965-1969 , Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1970. 103 p.[3662]
- READ, E. A., A Checklist of Books, Catalogues, and Periodical Articles Relating to the Cathedral Libraries of England , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1970. viii, 59 p.(Occasional Publications No. 6.)[3663]
- REID, ANTHONY, A Check-List of the Book Illustrations of John Buckland Wright, together with a Personal Memoir , Pinner, Private Libraries Assn., 1968. 94 p., 16 pp. of plates, front.(with 18 pp. of plates in the text).[3664]
- REID, ANTHONY, Ralph Chubb, the Unknown. Part I: His Life. Part II: His Work, Private Library , 3:141-56, 193-213.[3665]
- RUJA, HARRY, Bertrand Russell: A Classified Bibliography, 1929-1967, Bulletin of Bibl. , 25(1968):182-90, 192; 26 (1969):29-32.[3666]
- RYSKAMP, CHARLES, William Blake, Engraver: A Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition . . . With an Introductory Essay by Geoffrey Keynes , Princeton Univ. Library, 1969. x, 61 p.[3667]
- SCHRODER, JOHN, Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts by Rupert Brooke, Edward Marsh and Christopher Hassall , Cambridge, Rampant Lions Press, 1970. 134 p.(The compiler's collections.)[3668]
- SELLERY, J'NAN, Elizabeth Bowen: A Check List, BNYPL , 74:219-74.[3669]
- SMITH, W. C., Handel, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Early Editions , 2d ed. with supplement, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1970. xxiii, 378 p.[3670]
- STREETER, H. W., The Eighteenth Century English Novel in French Translation: A Bibliographical Study , New York, Blom, 1970. viii, 256 p.[3671]
- SZLADITS, L. L. Charles Dickens, 1812-1870: An Anthology Chosen and Annotated . . . from Materials in the Berg Collection . . . in Commemoration of the Centennial of Dickens' Death , New York, Arno Press and New York Public Library, 1970. 165 p.[3672]
- TOBIN, T. A., A List of Anonymous Pieces Presented at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, 1767-1800, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:29-34.[3673]
- VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM, South Kensington, Charles Dickens. An Exhibition , London, The Museum, 1970. 14. 121 p, 60 pp. of plates.[3674]
- WATSON, GEORGE, New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969 ff. Vol. 3, 1800-1900, all published to date.[3675]
- WIENER, J. H., A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals, 1830-1836 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1970. xiii, 74 p.[3676]
- YOUNG, D. F., James Leslie Mitchell / Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Chronoligical Checklist. Additions I, Bibliotheck , 5:169-73.(Supplements B252.)[3677]
- ZALL, P. M., English Prose Jestbooks in the Huntington Library: A Chronoligical Checklist (1535?-1799), Shakespearean Research and Opportunities , 4:(1968/69):78-91.[3678]



B. United States
- BENTON, R. M., An Annotated Check List of Puritan Sermons Published in America before 1700, BNYPL , 74:286-337.[3679]
- BIRD, Sister D. M., A Check List of Syracuse, New York, Imprints from 1870 through 1872 with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic University of America, 1968.[3680]
- BLACKMON, L. R., A Bio-Bibliography of Rachel Carson (1907-1964) , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3681]
- BRISTOL, R. P., Supplement to Charles Evans' American Bibliography, Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Virginia for The Bibl. Soc. of America and The Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Virginia, 1970. xi, 636 p.[3682]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., The Merrill Checklist of F. Scott Fitzgerald , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 39 p.[3683]
- BUCKINGHAM, W. J., Emily Dickinson, an Annotated Bibliography: Writings, Scholarship, Criticism, and Ana. 1850-1968 , Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1970. xii, 322 p.[3684]
- CHAMBERS, M. B. C., A Checklist of Mississippi Imprints, 1866-1870, with an Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3685]
- CLARK, C. E. F., The Merrill Checklist of Nathaniel Hawthorne , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. 45 p.[3686]
- COLEMAN, J. W., Kentucky Rarities , Lexington, Ky., Winburn Press, 1970. 34 p.[3687]
- DE WAAL, R. B., Solar Pons and Dr. Parker: A Bibliography, American Book Collector , 20:7:19-26.(August Derleth.)[3688]
- DRURY, C. M., California Imprints, 1846-1876, Pertaining to Social, Educational and Religious Subjects , Glendale, California, Distributed by A. H. Clark, 1970. 220 p.[3689]
- DU BOIS, P. Z., The Ulizio Collection: A Catalogue of Deposit Copies, Serif , 7:35-51.(At Kent State University.)[3690]
- ECKLEY, WILLIAM, The Merrill Checklist of E. E. Cummings , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 32 p.[3691]
- ECKMAN, FLORENCE, A Check List of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1856-1858, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3692]
- FALLWELL, MARSHALL, Jr., COOK, MARTHA, and IMMLER, FRANCIS, Allen Tate: A Bibliography , New York, David Lewis, 1969. vii, 112 p.(Fugitive Bibliographies.)[3693]
- FERGUSON, A. R., The Merrill Checklist of Ralph Waldo Emerson , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 44 p.[3694]
- FRICKE, M. E., Frank O'Connor (1903-1966): A Bio-Bibliography , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3695]
- GATLEY, F. McK., A Check List of Salem, Massachusetts, Imprints from 1866-1870, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3696]
- GOLDBECK, G. O., A Check List of St. Paul, Minnesota, Imprints for the Years 1872-1874, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3697]
- GOODE, S. H., Index to American Little Magazines, 1920-1939 , Troy, New York, Whitston Publishing Co., 1969. 346 p.[3698]
- HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, Arthur Miller Criticism (1930-1967) , Metuchen, New Jersey, Scarecrow Press, 1969. x, 149 p. (Includes as Part I “Primary Material” — Works by Miller.) See critical rev. by Robert A. Martin, Modern Drama, 13(1971):448-49.[3699]
- HEALY, M. A., A Check List of Rochester, New York, Imprints for the Years 1863-1865, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3700]
- HENAULT, MARIE, The Merrill Checklist of Ezra Pound , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 44 p.[3701]
- HILL, J. S., The Merrill Checklist of Frank Norris , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 32 p.[3702]
- HIXON, D. L., Music in Early America: A Bibliography of Music in Evans , Metuchen, New Jersey, Scarecrow Press, 1970. xv, 607 p.[3703]
- HOLT, M. E., A Checklist of the Work of Francis Shallus, Philadelphia Engraver, Winterthur Portfolio , 4(1968):143-58.[3704]
- HOUCHIN, M. X., Check List of Salem, Massachusetts, Imprints, 1871-1873, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3705]
- HUGUELET, T. L., The Merrill Checklist of Wallace Stevens , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 35 p.[3706]
- JENNINGS, CAROLYN, A Bio-Bibliography of Lillian Eugenia Smith (1897-1966) , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3707]
- JOHNSON, E. D., Thomas Wolfe: A Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1970. xiii, 278 p.(Serif Series No. 12.)[3708]
- KATZ, JOSEPH, A Frank Norris Collection , Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina, 1970. 25 p.(Dept. of English. Bibl. Series No. 5.)[3709]
- KAVANAUGH, M. W., A Check List of Dover, New Hampshire, Imprints for the Years 1848-1856 , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3710]
- KELLER, D. H., Boston Prize Poems — Some Additional Contributors, Serif , 7:74-76.[3711]
- KELLY, W. M., Check List of Buffalo Imprints for the Years 1868-1870, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3712]
- KIDD, D. D., A Check List of California Non-Official Imprints for the Year 1872, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3713]
- KING, C. L., A Senderian Bibliography in English, 1950-1968, with a Addendum, American Book Collector , 20:6:23-29.[3714]
- KOSOFSKY, R. N., Bernard Malamud: An Annotated Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1969. xiii, 63 p.(Serif Series No. 7.)[3715]
- KUDRAVETZ, B. F., A Check List of Worcester, Mass., Imprints from 1846-1849, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America. 1968.[3716]
- LEARY, LEWIS, Samuel Low: New York's First Poet, BNYPL , 74:468-80.[3717]
- LEMAY, J. A. L., A Calendar of American Poetry in the Colonial Newspapers and Magazines and in the Major English Magazines through 1765. Part Three: 1760 through 1765, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 79:291-392, 80: 353-469.(Including Indexes, pp. 410-69.)[3718]
- LOPEZ, M. D., Joseph Trumbull Stickney (1870-1904), Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):83-85.[3719]
- LUNDQUIST, JAMES, The Merrill Checklist of Sinclair Lewis , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 36 p.[3720]
- MARSH, P. M., Freneau's Published Prose: A Bibliography , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1970. 167 p.[3721]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Merrill Checklist of William Faulkner , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. 37 p. Earlier ed. B775.)[3722]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Further Additions to the Bibliography of Julian Hawthorne, Bulletin of Bibl. 27:6-7.(Supplements C1388.)[3723]
- MUNDELL, E. H., A List of Original Appearances of Dashiell Hammett's Magazine Work , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1968. 52 p.(Serif Series No. 13.) (Issued earlier at Portage, Indiana, 1968.)[3724]
- NASH, RAY, American Penmanship, 1800-1850: A History of Writing and a Bibliography of Copy Books from Jenkins to Spencer , Worcester, American Antiquarian Soc., 1969. xii, 303 p.[3725]
- NOLTE, W. H., The Merrill Checklist of Robinson Jeffers , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 25 p.[3726]
- RADYX, S. G., Check List of St. Paul, Minnesota, Imprints for the Years 1875-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3727]
- RAGSDALE, B. McF., Check List of Columbia, South Carolina, Imprints for the Years 1866-1870, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3728]
- RICKMAN, M. S., A Check List of Des Moines, Iowa, Imprints from 1866 through 1867, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3729]
- ST. JOHN, K. E., A Bio-Bibliography of Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957) , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3730]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., and COOPER, GAYLE, A Checklist of American Imprints for 1826 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1970. iv, 373 p.[3731]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., and COOPER, GAYLE, A Checklist of American Imprints for 1827 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1970. iv, 341 p.[3732]
- SMITH, HENRY, Rochester Printing, 1816-1834 , Master's thesis, Library School, Syracuse Univ., 1968.[3733]
- SUGGS, M. A., A Check List of Providence, Rhode Island, Imprints for 1865, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3734]
- STANFORD, ANN, Ann Bradstreet: An Annotated Checklist, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:34-37.[3735]
- STEIN, GORDON, Robert G. Ingersoll: A Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press. 1969. xxx, 128 p.(Serif Series No. 9.)[3736]
- TAPLEY, PRISCILLA, A Check List of Dover, New Humpshire, Imprints from 1828 to 1847, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3737]
- UNGAR, HARRIET, The Writings of and about Arthur Miller: A Check List, 1936-1967 , BNYPL , 74:107-34.[3738]
- VANDERWERKEN, D. L., Truman Capote:1943-1968 , Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:57-60, 71.[3739]
- VIRGINIA. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The American Writer in England. An Exhibition . . . Foreword by Gordon N. Ray. Introduction by C. Waller Barrett , Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Virginia, 1969 [published 1970]. xxxv, 137 p.[3740]
- VIRGINIA. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Virginia Author, 1819-1969. An Exhibition , Charlottesville, 1969. v, 26 leaves.(Reproduced from typescript.)[3741]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, The Merrill Checklist of Ernest Hemingway , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. 45 p.[3742]
- WOLLOCK, JEFFREY, Books of the Judge Publishing Company, American Book Collector , 20:7:13-18.[3743]
- WOODBRIDGE, H. C., Jesse and Jane Stuart: a Bibliography , 2d ed., Murray, Ky., Murray State Univ., 1969. xix, 144 p.[3744]
- WOOLDRIDGE, GERALDINE, A Check List of Cleveland, Ohio, Imprints from 1875 through 1876, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3745]
- YOUNG, P. M., Check List of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1871-1874, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3746]



2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ADAMS, F. B., Jr., The Uses of Provenance , Berkeley and Los Angeles, Univ. of California, 1969. 26 p.[3747]
- ALLEN, L. M., Printing with the Handpress , New York, Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1969 [published 1970]. 75 p.(First published in a limited ed: Kentfield, California, Allen Press, 1969.[3748]
- ALLENTUCK, MARCIA, Addendum to Bentley and Nurmi: Stillman on Blake, PBSA , 64:463.[3749]
- ANDREWS, LINTON, and TAYLOR, H. A., Lords and Laborers of the Press: Men Who Fashioned the Modern British Newspaper , Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1970. xx, 330 p.[3750]
- ARINSHTEIN, L. M., Pope in Russian Translations of the Eighteenth Century, SB , 24:166-75.[3751]
- ASHCRAFT, RICHARD, John Locke's Library: Portrait of an Intellectual, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:47-60.[3752]
- AYRES, P. J., The Revision of Lust's Dominion , N & Q , n.s., 17:212-13.[3753]
- BARBER, GILES, Rossetti, Ricketts, and Some English Publishers' Bindings of the Nineties, Library , 5th ser., 25:314-30.[3754]
- BARKER, G. A., Clarissa's “Command of Her Passions”: Self Censorship in the Third Edition, Studies in English Literature , 10:525-39.[3755]
- BARNES, J. J., Galignani and the Publication of English Books in France: a Postscript, Library , 5th ser., 25:294-313.(Supplements B3160.)[3756]
- BARRON, JAMES, and others, A Highland Newspaper. The First Hundred and Fifty Years of The Inverness Courier, 1817-1967 , Inverness, Courier Office, 1969. 106 p.[3757]
- BASSAM, BERTHA, The First Printers and Newspapers in Canada , Toronto, Univ. of Toronto School of Library Science, 1969. viii, 25 p.(Monograph Series in Librarianship No. 1.)[3758]
- BENEDIKZ, B. S., Iceland , Amsterdam, Vangendt & Co., 1969. 64 p.(The Spread of Printing. Western Hemisphere.)[3759]
- BENNETT, H. S., English Books and Readers, 1603 to 1640 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970. xiv, 253 p.[3760]
- BENNETT, J. Q., Felix Culpa: A Cancellation in the First Edition of Newton's Opticks [1704], Serif , 7:33-35.[3761]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., Two Contemporary Facsimiles of Songs of Innocence and of Experience , PBSA , 64:450-63.[3762]
- BETZ, P. F., T. J. Wise and Gordon Wordsworth, BNYPL , 74:577-86.[3763]
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., and MENDELSON, EDWARD, A Poem Attributed to W. H. Auden, Library , 5th ser., 25:350-53.[3764]
- BOULTON, J. T., D. H. Lawrence's Odour of Chrysanthemums: An Early Version, Renaissance and Modern Studies , 13(1969):5-48.[3765]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, “Bibliography and Restoration Drama,” in Biblioggraphy: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, May 7, 1966 (Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Univ. of California, 1966), iv, 52 p.[3766]
- BRACK, O. M., Jr., and BARNES, WARNER, editors Bibliography and Textual Criticism: English and American Literature, 1700 to the Present , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1969. x, 345 p.(A selection of previously published works.)[3767]
- BRATCHER, J. T., and KENDALL, L. H., Jr., A Suppressed Critique of Wise's Swinburne Transactions, Addendum to an Inquiry , Austin, Humanities Research Center, Univ. of Texas, 1970. 58 p.(Bibliographical Monograph No. 2.)[3768]
- BRICE, A. W. C., “A Truly British Judge”: Another Article by Dickens, Dickensian , 66:30-35.[3769]
- BROOKS, H. F., The Editor and the Literary Text: Requirements and Opportunities, in Librarianship and Literature: Essays in Honour of Jack Pafford , edited by A. T. Milne, Univ. of London, The Athlone Press, 1970, pp. 97-121.[3770]
- BUXTON, JOHN, and JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sir Philip Sidney's First Passport Rediscovered, Library , 5th ser., 25:42-46.[3771]
- CARROLL, D. A., The Publisher's Device on the Early Hamlet Quartos, PBSA , 64: 449.(Nicholas Ling's.)[3772]
- CARTER, JOHN, Taste and Technique in Book Collecting. With an Epilogue , Pinner, Private Libraries Assn., 1970. xiv, 242 p.[3773]
- CHU, D. J., Censorship of Books in the Ch'ing Dynasty, China , Master's thesis, Library School, Southern Connecticut State College, 1968.[3774]
- CLAYTON, THOMAS, Editing Poets, TLS , Dec. 18, 1970, p. 1493.[3775]
- COHEN, I. B., The American Editions of Newton's Principia , HLB , 18:345-58.[3776]
- COLLINS, PHILIP, The Texts of Dickens' Readings, BNYPL , 74:360-80. And A Postscript, BNYPL, 75:63.[3777]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, The Dove Edition of Junius, N & Q , n.s., 17:308.[3778]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, The “Vicarius” Junius, N & Q , n.s., 17:307-308.[3779]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, W. Fraser Rae and the Political Poems of Junius, N & Q , n.s., 17:308.[3780]
- COWDEN, R. W., Dickens at Work, MQR , Spring:125:32.[3781]
- CRUIKSHANK, D. W., Calderón's Primera and Tercera partes: the Reprints of “1640” and “1644,” Library , 5th ser., 25:105-119.(Continues B2065 and B3296.)[3782]
- DAVIES, H. N., The First English Translations of Bellarmine's De ascensione mentis , Library , 5th ser., 25:49-52.[3783]
- DAWSON, G. E., John Payne Collier's Great Forgery, SB , 24:1-26.[3784]
- DE VRIES, DUANE, The Bleak House Page-Proofs: More Shavings from Dickens's Workshop, Dickensian , 66:3-7.[3785]
- DIXON, P., A Crux in Crowne's City Politiques , N & Q , n.s., 17:218-19.[3786]
- DUFFY, J. J., Problems in Publishing Coleridge: James Marsh's First American Edition of Aids to Reflection , New England Quart. , 43:193-208.[3787]
- ELIOT, ALISTAIRE, Duplicated Signatures, Library , 5th ser., 25:354.[3788]
- EVANS, G. B., Shakespearean Promptbooks of the Seventeenth Century . Vol. 5. Pt. 1. Introduction to the Smock Alley Macbeth. Pt. 2. Text, Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Virginia, 1970. 2 vols.[3789]
- FARMER, DAVID, An Unpublished Version of D. H. Lawrence's Introduction to Pansies , R.E.S. , n.s., 21:181-84.[3790]
- FEHRENBACH, R. J., The Printing of James Shirley's The Polititian (1655), SB , 24:144-48.[3791]
- FERGUSON, W. C., Valentine Simmes, Printer to Drayton, Shakespeare, Chapman, Greene, Dekker, Middleton, Daniel, Jonson, Marlowe, Marston, Heywood and Other Elizabethans , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. of the University of Virginia, 1968. 113 p.[3792]
- FOAKES, R. A., The Text of Coleridge's 1811-12 Shakespeare Lectures, Shakespeare Survey , 23:101-111.[3793]
- FORKER, C. R., Stephen Taylor's A Whippe for Worldlings , Library , 5th ser. 25:338-44.[3794]
- FOSDICK, SIDNEY, Chinese Book Publishing during the Sun Dynasty (A. D. 960-1279): A Partial Translation of Istoriia Kitaiskoii Pechatnoii knigi Sunskoii Epokhi by Konstantin Konstantinovich Flug with Added Notes and an Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3795]
- FOXON, D. F., More on Robinson Crusoe, 1719, Library , 5th ser., 25:57-58.(Supplements C3454.)[3796]
- FOXON, D. F., [Review of A Ledger of Charles Ackers (C2953), with Addenda and Corigenda], Library , 5th ser., 25:65-73.[3797]
- FOXON, D. F., Thoughts on the History and Future of Bibliographical Description , Los Angeles, School of Library Service, Univ. of California, and Berkeley, School of Librarianship, Univ. of California, 1970. 31 p.[3798]
- FOXON, D. F., The Varieties of Early Proof: Cartwright's Royal Slave , 1639, 1640, Library , 5th ser., 25:151-54.[3799]
- FREEHAFER, JOHN, Arbuthnot and the Dublin Pirates, Scriblerian , 2:65-67.[3800]
- FREEHAFER, JOHN, A Textual Crux in The Two Noble Kinsmen , English Language Notes , 7:254-57.[3801]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, An Epistle for Two, Library , 5th ser., 25:226-36.(Samuel Daniel's Epistle to the Lady Margaret, Countess of Cumberland.)[3802]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, The Writings of Thomas Achelley, Library , 5th ser., 25:40-42.[3803]
- GABLER, H. W., Cupids Revenge (21) and Its Compositors. Part I: Composition and Printing, SB , 24:69-90.[3804]
- GABLER, H. W., John Beale's Compositors in A King and No King Q1(1619), SB , 24:138-43.(Amplifies C1098.)[3805]
- GARRETT, K. I., Thomas James Wise and Guildhall Library , Corporation of the London, 1970. 21 p.(Reprinted with additions from Guildhall Miscellany, 1962 and 1965.)[3806]
- GEDULD, H. M., Prince of Publishers , Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1969. x, 246 p. (The Jacob Tonsons.) Critical rev. by J. D. Fleeman, N & Q, n.s., 17:105-106.[3807]
- GITTINGS, ROBERT, The Odes of Keats and Their Earliest Known Manuscripts , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1970. 79 p.[3808]
- GREENBERG, R. A., On Ending Great Expectations , Papers on Language & Literature , 6:152-62.[3809]
- GREENBERGER, E. B., Clough's “The Judgment of Brutus”: A Newly Found Poem, Victorian Poetry , 8:129-50.[3810]
- GREENE, GRAHAM, The Wrong Box , TLS , Oct. 30, 1970, p. 1276. (On Stevenson's corrected proofs now at Yale.) Replies by John Carter and Simon Nowell-Smith, with remarks on the ownership and copyright of proofs, TLS, Nov. 6, 1970, p. 1300.[3811]
- GRIEST, G. L., Mudie's Circulating Library and the Victorian Novel , Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1970. xiii, 272 p.[3812]
- GROSSHANS, M Z., Fine Printing in Great Britain, 1720-1850 , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3813]
- HALL, T. H., Mathematicall Recreations. An Exercise in Seventeenth-century Bibliography , Univ. of Leeds, 1969. v, 38 p.(Leeds Studies in Bibl. & Textual Criticism. Occasional Paper No. 1.)[3814]
- HARNER, J. L., Addendum to Wing: A Letter from a Freeholder , Library , 5th ser., 25:52-53.[3815]
- HARROP, D. A., George Fisher and the Gregynog Press, Book Collector , 19:465-77.[3816]
- HATCH, R. B., “This Will Never Do,” R.E.S. , n.s., 21:56-62.(The texts of Francis Jeffrey's articles in the Edinburgh Review and his Contributions to the Edinburgh Review compared.)[3817]
- HERRING, P. D., The Number Plans for Dombey and Son: Some Further Observations, Modern Philology , 68:151-87.[3818]
- HEWITT, C. R., Books in the Dock , London, Deutsch, 1969. 144 p.[3819]
- HEYL, EDGAR, The Boy's Own Book and Its Successors, Amer. Book Collector , 20:5:18-20.[3820]
- HOARE, P. A., An Early Serial Publication: A General View of the World, or The Marrow of History , Library , 5th ser., 25:53-57.[3821]
- HOWARD, M. S., Jonathan Cape , Publisher, London, Cape, 1970. 351 p.(Corrective note by Martin Secker, TLS, Mar. 5, 1971; p. 271.)[3822]
- HUGHES, M. Y., Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton , New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1970. Vol. 1, all published to date.[3823]
- JASPERT, W. P., BERRY, W. T., and JOHNSON, A. F., The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces , 4th ed., New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. xiii, 420 p.[3824]
- JERNIGAN, E. J., The Bibliographical and Textual Complexities of George Moore's A Mummer's Wife , BNYPL , 74:396-410.[3825]
- KAGAN, DAVID, Roger Boyle's Parthenissa , Serif , 7:30-31.(Corrects A230.)[3826]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, The Eighteenthcentury London and Westminster Library Societies, Library , 5th ser., 25:237-47.(Supplements B2593 and C1968.)[3827]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, Two Volumes Autographed by Wordsworth, Book Collector , 19:478-80.[3828]
- KELLEY, PHILIP, and HUDSON, RONALD, A Note on Browning Variants, N & Q , n.s., 17:22-23.[3829]
- KELLIHER, W. H., A New Text of Marvell's “To His Coy Mistress,” N & Q , n.s., 17:254-56.[3830]
- KELLY, PATRICK, A Note on Locke's Pamphlets on Money, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:61-73.[3831]
- KENNEY, E. J., Progenies vitiosior: On the Genesis of an Edition, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:142-44.(M. Manilius's Astronomicon, Basle, Johannes Brandmuller, 1740, reissued by Elias Stoeber, Strasburg, 1767.)[3832]
- KEYNES, G. L., William Pickering, Publisher: A Memoir and a Check-List of His Publications , rev. ed., New York, Burt Franklin, 1969. 125 p.[3833]
- KINGSFORD, R. J. L., The Publishers Association, 1896-1946, with an Epilogue , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970. ix, 228 p.[3834]
- LANDON, R. G., Samuel Johnson's Journey (1775) with Uncancelled U4 Leaf, PBSA , 64:449-50.[3835]
- LAVIN, J. A., Printers for Seven Jonson Quartos, Library , 5th ser., 25:331-38.[3836]
- LAW, ALEXANDER, The First Edition of The Tea-table Miscellany , Bibliotheck , 5:198-203.[3837]
- LEARY, D. J., A Deleted Passage from Shaw's John Bull's Other Island , BNYPL , 74:598-606.[3838]
- LEED, JACOB, A Plate in Du Halde, Library , 5th ser., 25:58-59.(Dedicated to Moses Browne.)[3839]
- LEVINE, J. P., An Analysis of the Manuscripts of A Passage to India , PMLA , 85:284-94.[3840]
- LEWIS, J. N. C., Printed Ephemera: The Changing Use of Type and Letter Forms in English and American Printing, London , Faber & Faber, 1969. 128 p.[3841]
- LIEVSAY, J. L., The Englishman's Italian Books, 1550-1700 , Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1969. ix, 104 p.[3842]
- LINDLEY, K. A., The Woodblock Engravers , Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1970. 128 p.[3843]
- LINDSTRAND, GORDON, Mechanized Textual Collation and Recent Designs, SB , 24:204-14.[3844]
- LISTER, RAYMOND, Antique Maps and Their Cartographers , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1970. 128 p.[3845]
- LOGAN, T. P., The Variant Issues of the 1704 Edition of John Dennis's Liberty Asserted , Library , 5th ser., 25:349-50.[3846]
- LOVE, HAROLD, The Printing of The Wives Excuse (1692), Library , 5th ser., 25:344-49.[3847]
- LOWMAN, M. P., II, D. H. Lawrence and His Publishers: The Influence of the Changing Concept of Obscenity , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3848]
- LYLE, E. B., The Speech-Heading “I” in Act IV, Scene I, of the Folio Text of Macbeth , Library , 5th ser., 25:150-51.[3849]
- MacDONALD, R. H., Amendments to L. E. Kastner's Edition of Drummond's Poems, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:102-22.[3850]
- MACK, D. S., James Hogg's Atrive Tales: An 1835 Reissue, Bibliotheck , 5:210-11.[3851]
- McKELVEY, J. L., John Baskerville's Appeal to Lord Bute, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:138-41.[3852]
- McKENZIE, D. F., The Genesis of the Cambridge University Press, 1695-6, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:79.[3853]
- MARKS, J. L. G., A Study of the Bookbinding Practices of the Hering Family, 1794-1844 , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1969.[3854]
- MASKELL, DUKE, The Authenticity of Sterne's First Recorded Letter, N & Q , n.s., 17:303-307.[3855]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., Printing Charges: Inference and Evidence, SB , 24:91-98.[3856]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., The Printing of the Votes of the House of Commons, 1730-1781, Library , 5th ser., 25:120-35.[3857]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., William Strahan at the Bowyer Press, 1736-8, Library , 5th ser., 25:250-51.[3858]
- MAXWELL, J. C., The Text of Where Angels Fear to Tread , N & Q , n.s., 17:456.[3859]
- MONKMAN, KENNETH, The Bibliography of the Early Editions of Tristram Shandy , Library , 5th ser., 25:11-39.[3860]
- MOSELEY, C. W. R. D., The Lost Play of Mandeville, Library , 5th ser., 25:46-49.[3861]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by J. P. Coghlan, c. 1766, Book Collector , 19:502.(English Bookbindings LXXV.)[3862]
- NIXON, H. M., A Paris Binding by Wotton's Last Binder, c. 1552, Book Collector , 19:503.(Foreign Bookbindings VIII.)[3863]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, Editing Dickens: For Which Reader? From Which Text?, TLS , June 4, 1970, p. 615.[3864]
- NUTTALL, DEREK, A History of Printing in Chester from 1688 to 1965 , Chester, Published for the Author, 1969. viii, 69 p.[3865]
- PADWICK, E. W., Bibliographical Method , Cambridge, James Clarke, 1970. 250 p.[3866]
- PAPALI, G. F., Jacob Tonson, Publisher: His Life and Work (1656-1736) , Auckland, Tonson Publishing House, 1968. xi, 231 p.[3867]
- PEARCE, M. J., A Workbook of Analytical & Descriptive Bibliography , London, Clive Bingley, 1970. 110 p.[3868]
- PETERSON, W. S., G. W. E. Russell and the Editing of Matthew Arnold's Letters, Victorian Newsletter , 37:27-29.[3869]
- PRANCE, C. A., Gilbert White and His Illustrators, Amer. Book Collector , 21:3:9-13.[3870]
- REES, EILUNED, and WALTERS, G., The Library of Thomas Pennant, Library , 5th ser., 25:136-49.[3871]
- " REID, S. W., The Composition and Revision of Coleridge's Essay on Aeschylus' Prometheus , SB , 24:176-83.[3872]
- RHODES, D. E., India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, Thailand , Amsterdam, A. L. van Gendt, 1969. 95 p.(The Spread of Printing.)[3873]
- RICKS, CHRISTOPHER, Tennyson's “To E. Fitzgerald,” Library , 5th ser., 25:156.[3874]
- RILEY, J. C., Johnson to Baretti: New Evidence for the Text of 21 December 1762, Library Chronicle [Univ. of Pennsylvania], 36:115-17.[3875]
- RISTOW, W. W., Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , 1570-1970, LCQJ , 27:317-27.[3876]
- ROBERTS, F. W., D. H. Lawrence, The Second “Poetic Me”: Some New Material, Renaissance and Modern Studies , 14:5-25.[3877]
- ROGERS, PAT, The Conduct of the Earl of Nottingham, Curll, Oldmixon and the Finch Family, R.E.S. , n.s., 21:175-81.[3878]
- ROGERS, PAT, John Oldmixon and An Impartial Enquiry (1715), SB , 24:163-65..[3879]
- ROLPH, C. H., see HEWITT, C. R. RUDICK, MICHAEL, The “Ralegh Group” in The Phoenix Nest , SB , 24:131-37.[3880]
- RYPINS, STANLEY, The Printing of Basilikon Dôron , PBSA , 64:393-417.[3881]
- SCHEELE, D. R., The Authorship of Concealment (1837), N & Q , n.s., 17:382-83.(Mary Fletcher, later Lady Richardson.)[3882]
- SECKER, MARTIN, Letters from D. H. Lawrence to Martin Secker, 1911-1930 , Bridgefoot, Inver, Bucks, Privately Published by Martin Secker, 1970. 132 p.[3883]
- SHAW, DAVID, The First English Editions of Horace, Juvenal and Persius, Library , 5th ser., 25:218-25.[3884]
- SIMMEN, EDWARD, Sterne's A Political Romance: New Light from a Printer's Copy, PBSA , 64:419-29.[3885]
- SINGH, VISHNUDAT, Women In Love: A Textual Note, N & Q , n.s., 17:466.[3886]
- SNYDER, H. L., Arthur Maynwaring, Richard Steele, and The Lives of Two Illustrious Generals , SB , 24:152-62.[3887]
- SPARROW, JOHN, Visible Words: A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art , Cambridge, At the Univ. Press, 1969. xvi, 152 p.(Sandars Lecture, 1964.)[3888]
- SPENCER, HERBERT, Pioneers of Modern Typography , London, Lund, 1969. 159 p.[3889]
- STEVENS, JOAN, Woozles in Brontëland: A Cautionary Tale, SB , 24:99-108.(Misprintings of Charlotte Brontë's letter of September 4, 1848, to Mary Taylor.)[3890]
- STURGESS, K. M., The Early Quartos of Heywood's A Woman Killed with Kindness , Library , 5th ser., 25:93-104.[3891]
- SWENEY, J. R., The Dedication of Thomas Southerne's The Wives Excuse (1692), Library , 5th ser., 25:154-55.[3892]
- SWENEY, J. R., John Guy, the Bookseller, N & Q , n.s., 17:415.[3893]
- SZLADITS, L. L., Dickens and His Illustrators, BNYPL , 74:351-53, and VIII plates.[3894]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Bibliographical Description of Paper, SB , 24:27-67.[3895]
- TAYLOR, NEIL, Variants in the Quarto of 2 Henry IV, Library , 5th ser., 25:249-50.[3896]
- THOMAS, DONALD, A Long Time Burning. The History of Literary Censorship in England , London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969. xii, 546 p.(A popular account.)[3897]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Essays in Hispanic Bibliography , Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Press, 1970. xi, 117 p.[3898]
- TING, L-H, H, Government Control of the Press in Modern China, 1900-1949: A Study of Its Theories, Operation and Effects , Doctoral dissertation, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1969.[3899]
- TREIP, MINDELE, Milton's Punctuation and Changing English Usage, 1582-1676, London , Methuen, 1970. xiv, 189 p.[3900]
- TWYMAN, MICHAEL, Lithography, 1800-1850. The Techniques of Drawing on Stone in England and France and Their Application in Works of Topography , Oxford Univ. Press, 1970. xxi, 302 p.[3901]
- TWYMAN, MICHAEL, Printing 1770-1970: An Illustrated History of Its Development and Uses in England , London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1970. 283 p.[3902]
- WAINGROW, MARSHALL, The Correspondence and Other Papers of James Boswell relating to the Making of the “Life of Johnson,” Yale Univ. Press, 1970. 659 p.[3903]
- WERTHEIM, ALBERT, A New Light on the Dramatic Works of Thomas Killigrew, SB , 24:149-52.[3904]
- WHITE, C. L., Women's Magazines, 1693-1968 , London, Joseph, 1970. 348, [2] p.[3905]
- WIKELUND, P. R., Edmund Waller's Fitt of Versifying: Deductions from a Holograph Fragment, Folger MS. X. d. 309, PQ , 49:68-91.[3906]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., A Plea for Points, Library , 5th ser., 25:60.(Refers to Bowers principle 3, in C3377.)[3907]
- WILLIAMSON, W. L., An Early Use of Running Title and Signature Evidence in Analytical Bibliography, Library Quart. , 40:245-49.(By William Frederick Poole in 1867.)[3908]
- WILSON, F. P., Shakespeare and the New Bibliography , rev. and ed., by Helen L. Gardner, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. 136 p.[3909]





B. United States
- BALLOU, E. B., The Building of the House of Houghton , Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1970. xv, 695 p.[3910]
- BEAN, M. S., A History and Profile of the Viking Press , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of North Carolina, 1969.[3911]
- BENNETT, J. Q., Whitman Loses His Ego; or, “Not I, said the fly.” Leaves of Grass , 1855, Serif, 7:35-36.[3912]
- BENNETT, J. Q., Winesburg Revisited, Serif , 7:80-82.(Supplements A1279.)[3913]
- BERGMAN, HERBERT, On Editing Whitman's Journalism, Walt Whitman Rev. , 16:104-109.[3914]
- BERGMAN, HERBERT, Walt Whitman: Self Advertiser, BNYPL , 74:634-39.[3915]
- BERGMAN, HERBERT, and WHITE, WILLIAM, Walt Whitman's Lost “Sun-Down Papers,” Nos. 1-3, Amer. Book Collector , 20:4:17-20.[3916]
- BLANCK, J. N., The Title-page as Bibliographical Evidence , Berkeley, School of Librarianship, Univ. of California, 1966. 15, [1] p.[3917]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, ed., The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane , Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1969. ff.(Especially, Vol. I, pp. xi-xxix, “The Text of the Virginia Edition,” and textual introductions to successive works included.)[3918]
- BRACK, O. M., Michael Wigglesworth and the Attribution of “I Walk'd and Did a Little Mole-Hill View,” Seventeenth-Century News , 28:41-43.[3919]
- BRODERICK, J. C., The Greatest Whitman Collector and the Greatest Whitman Collection, LCQJ , 27:109-28.(Whitman's own.)[3920]
- BROMBERGER, BONNIE, Noah Webster's Notes on His Early Political Essays in the Connecticut Courant , BNYPL , 74:338-42.[3921]
- CALHOUN, R. J., The Ante-Bellum Literary Twighlight: Russell's Magazine [1857-1860], Southern Literary Jour. , 3:1:89-110.(Southern Literary Magazines III.)[3922]
- CAZDEN, R. E., German Exile Literature in America, 1933-1950: A History of the Free German Press and Book Trade , Chicago, American Library Association, 1970. xii, 250 p.[3923]
- COHEN, E. H., The “Second Edition” of The Sot-weed Factor , AL , 42:289-303.[3924]
- CRANE, J. St. C., Rare or Seldom-seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions: I & II [Willa Cather], Serif , 7:27-30, 70-73.[3925]
- DELANEY, JOAN, Poe's “The Gold-Bug” in Russia: A Note on First Impressions, AL , 42:375-79.[3926]
- FILBY, P. W., and HOWARD, E. G., The Dunlap Declaration of Independence , Maryland Historical Magazine , 65:68-70.(The fragment at the Maryland Historical Society.)[3927]
- FOLKES, J. G., Three Nevada Newspapers: A Century in Print, Nevada Hist. Soc. Quart. , 13:17-24.[3928]
- FRENCH, H. D., John Roulstone's Harvard Bindings, HLB , 18:171-82.[3929]
- GALLUP, D. G., On Contemporary Bibliography, with Particular Reference to Ezra Pound , Austin, Univ. of Texas, Humanities Research Center, 1970. 28 p.(Bibliographical Monograph Series No. 4.)[3930]
- GILMER, WALKER, Horace Liveright, Publisher of the Twenties , New York, D. Lewis, 1970. xi, 287 p.[3931]
- GOLDSTEIN, J. J., Learning the Hard Way?, Serif , 7:36-37.(A variant binding of Jack London's Call of Wild.)[3932]
- GOUDEAU, J. M., Booksellers and Printers in New Orleans, 1764-1885, Jour. Library History , 5:5-19.[3933]
- HARDING, G. L., The Grabhorn Press, 1920-1965 , Kemble Occasional , No. 6 (October 1969):1-3.[3934]
- HARLAN, R. D., John Henry Nash: The Biography of a Career , Berkeley, Univ of California Press, 1970. xi, 167 p.(Univ. of California Publications in Librarianship No. 7.)[3935]
- HAUGH, G. C., Rivington's Songs, Naval and Military , Serif , 7:30-33.(Evans 16530, New York, 1779.)[3936]
- AN INVENTORY of a United States Army Field Printing Office, 1865, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 80:351-52.[3937]
- KOENIG, M. E. D., Theodore Low DeVinne: His Contributions to the Art of Printing , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3938]
- KUNCIO, R. C., Some Unpublished Poems of Phillis Wheatley, New England Quart. , 43:287-97.[3939]
- LOOS, MELVIN, Timothy Cole-Master Engraver, Columbia Library Columns , 19:2:25-39.[3940]
- McCOY, GARNETT, Printers and Presses in Early Detroit , Grosse Pointe, Junto, 1962. x, [4], 33, [1] p.[3941]
- McMURRAY, Mother F. T., The Book Jacket in America: Its History and Use , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3942]
- MANN, CHARLES, A Hitherto Unseen Virginia Imprint, an Explanatory Note, Serif , 7:32-33.(Evans 22632.)[3943]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Writings of William Gilmore Simms . Centennial Edition, Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1969 ff. “Textual Apparatus,” Vol. I, pp. 437-476.[3944]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, “Bartleby the Scrivener” and Melville's Contemporary Reputation, SB , 24:195-96.[3945]
- MOORE, R. S., “A Distinctive Southern Magazine”: The Southern Bivouac [1882-1887], Southern Literary Journal , 2:2:51-65.(Southern Literary Magazines II.)[3946]
- NORDLOK, D. J., Eating Off the Same Plates: First Editions of W. D. Howells in Great Britain, Serif , 7:28-30.[3947]
- O'DONNELL, BERNARD, An Analysis of Prose Style to Determine Authorship. The O'Ruddy, a Novel by Stephen Crane and Robert Barr , The Hague, Mouton, 1970. 108 p.[3948]
- O'NEIL, D. L., Early American Signed Cloth Bindings, Amer. Book Collector , 21:2:27.(Especially those of Benjamin Bradley of Boston, 1835.)[3949]
- PARKER, P. J., Asbury Dickins, Bookseller, 1798-1801, or, The Brief Career of a Careless Youth, Pennsylvania Mag. of Hist. and Biography , 94:464-83.[3950]
- POLLIN, B. R., Emerson's Annotations in the British Museum Copy of the Dial , SB , 24:187-95.[3951]
- QUIMBY, I. M. G., The Doolittle Engravings of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, Winterthur Portfolio , 4(1968):83-108.[3952]
- REES, R. A., and GRIFFIN, MARJORIE, William Gilmore Simms and The Family Companion , SB , 24:109-29.[3953]
- RICH, E. P., Army Bibliography: The Modest Beginnings of Notable Careers, Serif , 7:76-79.(Douglas MacArthur's Military Demolition, 1909.)[3954]
- RIDGELY, J. V., The Continuing Puzzle of Arthur Gordon Pym: Some Notes and Queries, Poe Newsletter , 3:5-6.[3955]
- SILVER, R. G., Efficiency Improved: The Genesis of the Web Press in America, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 80:325-50.[3956]
- SLAVENS, G. E., The Missouri Negro Press, 1875-1920, Missouri Hist. Rev. , 64:413-31.[3957]
- STEVENS, G. E., From Penny Paper to Post and Times-Star: Mr. Scripp's First Link, Cincinnati Historical Soc. Bulletin , 27:207-22.[3958]
- STOVAL, FLOYD, Dating Whitman's Early Notebooks, SB , 24:197-204.[3959]
- STRATTON, P. A., The Territorial Press of New Mexico, 1834-1912 , Albuquerque, Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1969. vi, 306 p.[3960]
- STROHECKER, E. C., American Juvenile Literary Periodicals, 1789-1826 , Doctoral dissertation, Library Schook, Univ. of Michigan, 1969.[3961]
- THEISS, F. C., Charles A. Murdock, Quart. News-Letter , Book Club of California, 25:81-85.(Printer in San Francisco.)[3962]
- THEISS, F. C., Edward Bisqui, Quart. News-Letter , Book Club of California, 25:37-40.(Printer in San Francisco.)[3963]
- THEISS, F. C., The Pioneer Press, Quart. News-Letter , Book Club of California, 24:75-78.(In San Francisco.)[3964]
- TIBBETTS, R. A., Bruce Rogers, American Book Designer: A Study of His Life and Typography , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3965]
- VAUGHAN, A. F., Pioneer Women of the Missouri Press, Missouri Hist. Quart. , 64:289-305.[3966]
- VINCENT, H. P., The Tailoring of Melville's White-Jacket, Evanston, Northwestern Univ. Press, 1970. xii, 239 p.[3967]
- WELCH, D. P., How Did The New American Practical Navigator Navigate, Serif , 7:33-34.(Addenda by Josiah Q. Bennett, 7:37-38.)[3968]
- WHITE, J. E., An Early Play by Edward Albee, AL , 42:98-99.(“Schism,” Choat Literary Mag., 20(May 1946):87-110.)[3969]
- WILLEY, E. P., The Looker-On in America: Reception of a Latter-Day Spectator , PBSA , 64:431-48.[3970]
- WILLIAMS, W. J., The Years of a Popularly Elected Public Printer in Michigan, 1850-1851, Jour. Library Hist. , 5:257-70.[3971]
- WOODALL, GUY, Some Sources of the Essays in Robert Walsh's Didactics , SB , 24:184-87.[3972]
- WRIGHT, L. H., In Pursuit of American Fiction, in Bibliography: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, May 7, 1966 (Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Univ. of California, 1966), iv, 52 p.[3973]


The abbreviations used here for periodicals are taken from the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the kindness of members of the Society in suggesting items for inclusion. They strongly urge bibliographers and interested persons to send information on titles which should be included to them, and would be grateful for authors' reprints or copies of publications to ensure their listing in this annual feature. However, books cannot be reviewed in Studies in Bibliography.
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