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1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A. English and General
- AITKEN, W. R., Eric Linklater, Bibliotheck , 5:190-97.[3608]
- BAIN, IAIN, Thomas Bewick, Engraver, of Newcastle, 1753-1828: A Checklist of His Corespondence and Other Papers, Private Library , 3:57-77, 124-40.[3609]
- BALDANZA, FRANK, The Murdock Manuscripts at the University of Iowa: An Addendum, Modern Fiction Studies , 16:201-202.(Supplements C3286.)[3610]
- BARBER, GILES, French Letterpress Printing. A List of French Printing Manuals and Other Texts in French Bearing on the Technique of Letterpress Printing, 1567-1900 , Oxford Bibliographical Soc., 1969. ix, 39 p.(Occasional Publications No. 5.)[3611]
- BOLL, T. E. M., May Sinclair: A Check List, BNYPL , 74:454-67.[3612]
- CAMERON, W. J., and CARROLL, DIANA, Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies, and the United States of America, and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701-1800, Held in the Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory , Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1966. 2 vols.(Supplemented by work by Ivan Page listed here.)[3613]
- CARR, Sister LUCILE, A Catalogue of the VanderPoel Dickens Collection at the University of Texas , 2d ed. enlarged Austin, The University of Texas, 1968. xi, 274 p.(Tower Bibliographical Series No. 1, Second Edition of B2347.)[3614]
- CARTER, JOHN, Further Addenda and Corrigenda to “A Hand-List of the Printed Works of William Johnson, Afterwards Cory,” Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:150-51.(Supplements A91 and C2666.)[3615]
- CHAPMAN, R. W., Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography , 2d ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. viii, 62 p.[3616]
- CHRISTENSEN, B. McG, J. R. R. Tolkien: A Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:61-67.[3617]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, Additions to the Junius Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):41.[3618]
- DACK, E. B., A Bio-Bibliography of Charles DuBos, 1882-1939 , Master's thesis. Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3619]
- DAVIS, R. M., Some Unidentified Works of Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:3:6-7.[3620]
- DEVEREUX, E. J., A Checklist of English Translations of Erasmus to 1700 , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1968. viii, 40 p. (Occasional Publications No. 3.) Supplementary notes in rev. by David Crane, N & Q, n.s., 17:228.[3621]
- DILLIGAN, R. J., and BENDER, T. K., A Concordance to the English Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins , Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1970. xx, 321 p.[3622]
- DOYLE, P. A., BOGAARDS, WINNIFRED, and DAVIS, R. M., Works of Waugh, 1940-66: A Supplementary Bibliography, Part I, Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:3:7-10.(Supplements B724 and C879.)[3623]
- FABER DU FAUR, KURT von, German Baroque Literature. A Catalogue of the Collection in the Yale University Library , Yale Univ. Press, 1958-1969. 2 vols.[3624]
- FARR, D. P., Evelyn Waugh: A Supplemental Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):67-68, 87.(Supplements B724; see also C879.)[3625]
- FEDERMAN, RAYMOND, and FLETCHER, JOHN, Samuel Beckett, His Works and His Critics: An Essay in Bibliography , Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1970. xiii, 383 p.[3626]
- FOSTER, HAROLD, Edward Young in Translation, I, Book Collector , 19:481-500.(Some Uncollected Authors XLV.)[3627]
- GALLUP, D. C., T. S. Eliot: A Bibliography , rev. and extended ed., New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969. 414 p.(American ed. of A1508.)[3628]
- GARCIA, RELOY, and KARABATSOS, JAMES, A Concordance to the Poetry of D. H. Lawrence , Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1970. xvi, 523 p.[3629]
- GENET, MALCOLM, Charles Dickens, 1812-1870 , Austin, Humanities Research Center, Univ. of Texas, 1970. 48 p.(Catalogue of an exhibition.)[3630]
- GILCHER, EDWIN, A Bibliography of George Moore , Dekalb, Northern Illinois Univ. Press, 1970. xiv, 274 p.[3631]
- GOFF, PHYLLIS, William Blake. Catalogue of the Preston Blake Library. Presented by Kerrison Preston in 1967 , London, Westminster City Libraries, 1969. x, 117 p.[3632]
- GOLDSMITH, V. F., A Short-Title Catalogue of French Books, 1601-1700, in the Library of the British Museum , Folkstone and London, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969 and following.[3633]
- GUNTER, BRADLEY, The Merrill Checklist of T. S. Eliot , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 43 p.[3634]
- H. G. WELLS SOCIETY, H. G. Wells: A Comprehensive Bibliography , 2d ed. rev., London, The Society, 1968. vi, 69 p.(First edition published by the Society in 1966.)[3635]
- HARPER, J. R., Early Painters and Engravers in Canada , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1970. xv, 376 p.[3636]
- HARTLEY, LODWICK, A Checklist of American Editions of Lawrence Sterne to 1800, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:53.[3637]
- HARTLEY, LODWICK, The Works of John Hall-Stevenson: A Check List, PBSA , 64:464-66.[3638]
- HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY. DEPARTMENT OF PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS, The Turn of the Century, 1885-1910. Art Nouveau-Jugendstil Books , Cambridge, The Department, 1970. 124 p.[3639]
- HEIDENREICH, HELMUT, The Libraries of Daniel Defoe and Phillips Farewell , Berlin, Helmut Heidenreich, 1970. 209 p.(An editing of Olive Payne's auction catalogue of 15 November 1731.)[3640]
- HICKMOTT, A. C., This Ivory Pale. The Shakespearean Collection of Allerton C. Hickmott , Hartford, Privately Printed, 1970. 55 p.[3641]
- HILL, W. S., Richard Hooker: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Early Editions, 1593-1724 , Cleveland The Press of Case Western Reserve Univ., 1970. xiv, 140 p.[3642]
- HORNE, B. S., The Compleat Angler, 1653-1967 , Pittsburgh Bibliophiles, 1970. xx, 350 p.[3643]
- HUMPHRIES, CHARLES, and SMITH, W. C., Music Publishing in the British Isles, from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century; a Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers, and Music Sellers , 2d ed., with supplement, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. vii, 392 p.[3644]
- INDIANA UNIVERSITY, The Indiana Wordsworth Collection , Blooming ton, The Lilly Library, 1970. 36 p.[3645]
- JASEN, D. A., A Bibliography and Reader's Guide to the First Editions of P. G. Wodehouse , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1970. 290 p.[3646]
- KRAUS, H. P., Sir Francis Drake: A Pictorial Biography , Amsterdam, N. Israel, 1970. viii, 236 p.[3647]
- LANDWEHR, JOHN, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, 1554-1949 , Utrecht, Haentjens, Dekker & Gumbert, 1970. xlvii, 150, 17 p.[3648]
- LANE, C. W., Waugh's Book Reviews for Night and Day , Evelyn Waugh Newsletter , 4:1:1-3.[3649]
- LAPOINTE, Father RAOUL, Histoire de l'imprimerie au Sauguenay , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3650]
- LINDSTRAND, GORDON, Fairley's Checklist of Robert Fergusson: Corrections and a Problem in Analytical Bibliography, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:159-68.[3651]
- LYLES, A. M., and DOBSON, JOHN, The John C. Hodges Collection of William Congreve in the University of Tennessee Library: a Bibliographical Catalogue , Knoxville, Univ. of Tennessee Libraries, 1970. xiv, 136 p.(Occasional Publications No. 1.)[3652]
- McKINNON, W. T., Louis MacNeice: a Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:51-52, 48, 79-84.[3653]
- MACLES, L-N, Manuel de bibliographie , 2d rev. ed. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1970. 366 p.[3654]
- MAUD, RALPH, and GLOVER, ALBERT, Dylan Thomas in Print: a Bibliographical History , Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. xi, 261 p.[3655]
- MITCHELL, CHARLOTTE, Bio-Bibliography of Brendan Behan, 1923-1964 , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1068.[3656]
- MORGAN, PAUL, Warwickshire Printers' Notices, 1799-1866 , Oxford, Printed for the Dugdale Society at the University Press. 1970. xl, 83, 13 p.[3657]
- MORTON, L. T., A Medical Bibliography (Garrison and Morton). An Annotated Check-List of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine , rev. 3d ed., London, Deutsch, 1970. 872 p.[3658]
- O'NEEL, MICHAEL, A Wyatt Bibliography, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:76-79.(To be continued.)[3659]
- PAGE, IVAN, Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in the British Isles, the British Colonies, and the United States of America, and of English Books Printed Elsewhere, 1701-1800, Held in Libraries of the Australian Capital Territory , Vol. 3, Supplement, Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1970. viii, 105 p.(Supplements catalogue by Cameron and Carroll listed here.)[3660]
- PALMER, D. S., A Harold Pinter Checklist, Twentieth Century Literature , 16:287-96.[3661]
- PARKER, JOHN, and URNESS, CAROL, The James Ford Bell Library: A List of Additions, 1965-1969 , Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1970. 103 p.[3662]
- READ, E. A., A Checklist of Books, Catalogues, and Periodical Articles Relating to the Cathedral Libraries of England , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1970. viii, 59 p.(Occasional Publications No. 6.)[3663]
- REID, ANTHONY, A Check-List of the Book Illustrations of John Buckland Wright, together with a Personal Memoir , Pinner, Private Libraries Assn., 1968. 94 p., 16 pp. of plates, front.(with 18 pp. of plates in the text).[3664]
- REID, ANTHONY, Ralph Chubb, the Unknown. Part I: His Life. Part II: His Work, Private Library , 3:141-56, 193-213.[3665]
- RUJA, HARRY, Bertrand Russell: A Classified Bibliography, 1929-1967, Bulletin of Bibl. , 25(1968):182-90, 192; 26 (1969):29-32.[3666]
- RYSKAMP, CHARLES, William Blake, Engraver: A Descriptive Catalogue of an Exhibition . . . With an Introductory Essay by Geoffrey Keynes , Princeton Univ. Library, 1969. x, 61 p.[3667]
- SCHRODER, JOHN, Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts by Rupert Brooke, Edward Marsh and Christopher Hassall , Cambridge, Rampant Lions Press, 1970. 134 p.(The compiler's collections.)[3668]
- SELLERY, J'NAN, Elizabeth Bowen: A Check List, BNYPL , 74:219-74.[3669]
- SMITH, W. C., Handel, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Early Editions , 2d ed. with supplement, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1970. xxiii, 378 p.[3670]
- STREETER, H. W., The Eighteenth Century English Novel in French Translation: A Bibliographical Study , New York, Blom, 1970. viii, 256 p.[3671]
- SZLADITS, L. L. Charles Dickens, 1812-1870: An Anthology Chosen and Annotated . . . from Materials in the Berg Collection . . . in Commemoration of the Centennial of Dickens' Death , New York, Arno Press and New York Public Library, 1970. 165 p.[3672]
- TOBIN, T. A., A List of Anonymous Pieces Presented at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, 1767-1800, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:29-34.[3673]
- VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM, South Kensington, Charles Dickens. An Exhibition , London, The Museum, 1970. 14. 121 p, 60 pp. of plates.[3674]
- WATSON, GEORGE, New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969 ff. Vol. 3, 1800-1900, all published to date.[3675]
- WIENER, J. H., A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals, 1830-1836 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1970. xiii, 74 p.[3676]
- YOUNG, D. F., James Leslie Mitchell / Lewis Grassic Gibbon: A Chronoligical Checklist. Additions I, Bibliotheck , 5:169-73.(Supplements B252.)[3677]
- ZALL, P. M., English Prose Jestbooks in the Huntington Library: A Chronoligical Checklist (1535?-1799), Shakespearean Research and Opportunities , 4:(1968/69):78-91.[3678]



B. United States
- BENTON, R. M., An Annotated Check List of Puritan Sermons Published in America before 1700, BNYPL , 74:286-337.[3679]
- BIRD, Sister D. M., A Check List of Syracuse, New York, Imprints from 1870 through 1872 with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic University of America, 1968.[3680]
- BLACKMON, L. R., A Bio-Bibliography of Rachel Carson (1907-1964) , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3681]
- BRISTOL, R. P., Supplement to Charles Evans' American Bibliography, Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Virginia for The Bibl. Soc. of America and The Bibl. Soc. of the Univ. of Virginia, 1970. xi, 636 p.[3682]
- BRUCCOLI, M. J., The Merrill Checklist of F. Scott Fitzgerald , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 39 p.[3683]
- BUCKINGHAM, W. J., Emily Dickinson, an Annotated Bibliography: Writings, Scholarship, Criticism, and Ana. 1850-1968 , Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1970. xii, 322 p.[3684]
- CHAMBERS, M. B. C., A Checklist of Mississippi Imprints, 1866-1870, with an Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3685]
- CLARK, C. E. F., The Merrill Checklist of Nathaniel Hawthorne , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. 45 p.[3686]
- COLEMAN, J. W., Kentucky Rarities , Lexington, Ky., Winburn Press, 1970. 34 p.[3687]
- DE WAAL, R. B., Solar Pons and Dr. Parker: A Bibliography, American Book Collector , 20:7:19-26.(August Derleth.)[3688]
- DRURY, C. M., California Imprints, 1846-1876, Pertaining to Social, Educational and Religious Subjects , Glendale, California, Distributed by A. H. Clark, 1970. 220 p.[3689]
- DU BOIS, P. Z., The Ulizio Collection: A Catalogue of Deposit Copies, Serif , 7:35-51.(At Kent State University.)[3690]
- ECKLEY, WILLIAM, The Merrill Checklist of E. E. Cummings , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 32 p.[3691]
- ECKMAN, FLORENCE, A Check List of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1856-1858, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3692]
- FALLWELL, MARSHALL, Jr., COOK, MARTHA, and IMMLER, FRANCIS, Allen Tate: A Bibliography , New York, David Lewis, 1969. vii, 112 p.(Fugitive Bibliographies.)[3693]
- FERGUSON, A. R., The Merrill Checklist of Ralph Waldo Emerson , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 44 p.[3694]
- FRICKE, M. E., Frank O'Connor (1903-1966): A Bio-Bibliography , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3695]
- GATLEY, F. McK., A Check List of Salem, Massachusetts, Imprints from 1866-1870, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3696]
- GOLDBECK, G. O., A Check List of St. Paul, Minnesota, Imprints for the Years 1872-1874, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3697]
- GOODE, S. H., Index to American Little Magazines, 1920-1939 , Troy, New York, Whitston Publishing Co., 1969. 346 p.[3698]
- HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, Arthur Miller Criticism (1930-1967) , Metuchen, New Jersey, Scarecrow Press, 1969. x, 149 p. (Includes as Part I “Primary Material” — Works by Miller.) See critical rev. by Robert A. Martin, Modern Drama, 13(1971):448-49.[3699]
- HEALY, M. A., A Check List of Rochester, New York, Imprints for the Years 1863-1865, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3700]
- HENAULT, MARIE, The Merrill Checklist of Ezra Pound , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 44 p.[3701]
- HILL, J. S., The Merrill Checklist of Frank Norris , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 32 p.[3702]
- HIXON, D. L., Music in Early America: A Bibliography of Music in Evans , Metuchen, New Jersey, Scarecrow Press, 1970. xv, 607 p.[3703]
- HOLT, M. E., A Checklist of the Work of Francis Shallus, Philadelphia Engraver, Winterthur Portfolio , 4(1968):143-58.[3704]
- HOUCHIN, M. X., Check List of Salem, Massachusetts, Imprints, 1871-1873, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3705]
- HUGUELET, T. L., The Merrill Checklist of Wallace Stevens , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 35 p.[3706]
- JENNINGS, CAROLYN, A Bio-Bibliography of Lillian Eugenia Smith (1897-1966) , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3707]
- JOHNSON, E. D., Thomas Wolfe: A Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1970. xiii, 278 p.(Serif Series No. 12.)[3708]
- KATZ, JOSEPH, A Frank Norris Collection , Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina, 1970. 25 p.(Dept. of English. Bibl. Series No. 5.)[3709]
- KAVANAUGH, M. W., A Check List of Dover, New Hampshire, Imprints for the Years 1848-1856 , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3710]
- KELLER, D. H., Boston Prize Poems — Some Additional Contributors, Serif , 7:74-76.[3711]
- KELLY, W. M., Check List of Buffalo Imprints for the Years 1868-1870, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3712]
- KIDD, D. D., A Check List of California Non-Official Imprints for the Year 1872, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3713]
- KING, C. L., A Senderian Bibliography in English, 1950-1968, with a Addendum, American Book Collector , 20:6:23-29.[3714]
- KOSOFSKY, R. N., Bernard Malamud: An Annotated Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1969. xiii, 63 p.(Serif Series No. 7.)[3715]
- KUDRAVETZ, B. F., A Check List of Worcester, Mass., Imprints from 1846-1849, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America. 1968.[3716]
- LEARY, LEWIS, Samuel Low: New York's First Poet, BNYPL , 74:468-80.[3717]
- LEMAY, J. A. L., A Calendar of American Poetry in the Colonial Newspapers and Magazines and in the Major English Magazines through 1765. Part Three: 1760 through 1765, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 79:291-392, 80: 353-469.(Including Indexes, pp. 410-69.)[3718]
- LOPEZ, M. D., Joseph Trumbull Stickney (1870-1904), Bulletin of Bibl. , 26 (1969):83-85.[3719]
- LUNDQUIST, JAMES, The Merrill Checklist of Sinclair Lewis , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 36 p.[3720]
- MARSH, P. M., Freneau's Published Prose: A Bibliography , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1970. 167 p.[3721]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Merrill Checklist of William Faulkner , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. 37 p. Earlier ed. B775.)[3722]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Further Additions to the Bibliography of Julian Hawthorne, Bulletin of Bibl. 27:6-7.(Supplements C1388.)[3723]
- MUNDELL, E. H., A List of Original Appearances of Dashiell Hammett's Magazine Work , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1968. 52 p.(Serif Series No. 13.) (Issued earlier at Portage, Indiana, 1968.)[3724]
- NASH, RAY, American Penmanship, 1800-1850: A History of Writing and a Bibliography of Copy Books from Jenkins to Spencer , Worcester, American Antiquarian Soc., 1969. xii, 303 p.[3725]
- NOLTE, W. H., The Merrill Checklist of Robinson Jeffers , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. iv, 25 p.[3726]
- RADYX, S. G., Check List of St. Paul, Minnesota, Imprints for the Years 1875-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3727]
- RAGSDALE, B. McF., Check List of Columbia, South Carolina, Imprints for the Years 1866-1870, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3728]
- RICKMAN, M. S., A Check List of Des Moines, Iowa, Imprints from 1866 through 1867, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3729]
- ST. JOHN, K. E., A Bio-Bibliography of Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957) , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3730]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., and COOPER, GAYLE, A Checklist of American Imprints for 1826 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1970. iv, 373 p.[3731]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., and COOPER, GAYLE, A Checklist of American Imprints for 1827 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1970. iv, 341 p.[3732]
- SMITH, HENRY, Rochester Printing, 1816-1834 , Master's thesis, Library School, Syracuse Univ., 1968.[3733]
- SUGGS, M. A., A Check List of Providence, Rhode Island, Imprints for 1865, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3734]
- STANFORD, ANN, Ann Bradstreet: An Annotated Checklist, Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:34-37.[3735]
- STEIN, GORDON, Robert G. Ingersoll: A Checklist , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press. 1969. xxx, 128 p.(Serif Series No. 9.)[3736]
- TAPLEY, PRISCILLA, A Check List of Dover, New Humpshire, Imprints from 1828 to 1847, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3737]
- UNGAR, HARRIET, The Writings of and about Arthur Miller: A Check List, 1936-1967 , BNYPL , 74:107-34.[3738]
- VANDERWERKEN, D. L., Truman Capote:1943-1968 , Bulletin of Bibl. , 27:57-60, 71.[3739]
- VIRGINIA. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The American Writer in England. An Exhibition . . . Foreword by Gordon N. Ray. Introduction by C. Waller Barrett , Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Virginia, 1969 [published 1970]. xxxv, 137 p.[3740]
- VIRGINIA. UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY, The Virginia Author, 1819-1969. An Exhibition , Charlottesville, 1969. v, 26 leaves.(Reproduced from typescript.)[3741]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, The Merrill Checklist of Ernest Hemingway , Columbus, Ohio, Merrill, 1970. 45 p.[3742]
- WOLLOCK, JEFFREY, Books of the Judge Publishing Company, American Book Collector , 20:7:13-18.[3743]
- WOODBRIDGE, H. C., Jesse and Jane Stuart: a Bibliography , 2d ed., Murray, Ky., Murray State Univ., 1969. xix, 144 p.[3744]
- WOOLDRIDGE, GERALDINE, A Check List of Cleveland, Ohio, Imprints from 1875 through 1876, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3745]
- YOUNG, P. M., Check List of Portland, Maine, Imprints for the Years 1871-1874, with a Historical Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3746]



2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ADAMS, F. B., Jr., The Uses of Provenance , Berkeley and Los Angeles, Univ. of California, 1969. 26 p.[3747]
- ALLEN, L. M., Printing with the Handpress , New York, Van Nostrand-Reinhold, 1969 [published 1970]. 75 p.(First published in a limited ed: Kentfield, California, Allen Press, 1969.[3748]
- ALLENTUCK, MARCIA, Addendum to Bentley and Nurmi: Stillman on Blake, PBSA , 64:463.[3749]
- ANDREWS, LINTON, and TAYLOR, H. A., Lords and Laborers of the Press: Men Who Fashioned the Modern British Newspaper , Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1970. xx, 330 p.[3750]
- ARINSHTEIN, L. M., Pope in Russian Translations of the Eighteenth Century, SB , 24:166-75.[3751]
- ASHCRAFT, RICHARD, John Locke's Library: Portrait of an Intellectual, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:47-60.[3752]
- AYRES, P. J., The Revision of Lust's Dominion , N & Q , n.s., 17:212-13.[3753]
- BARBER, GILES, Rossetti, Ricketts, and Some English Publishers' Bindings of the Nineties, Library , 5th ser., 25:314-30.[3754]
- BARKER, G. A., Clarissa's “Command of Her Passions”: Self Censorship in the Third Edition, Studies in English Literature , 10:525-39.[3755]
- BARNES, J. J., Galignani and the Publication of English Books in France: a Postscript, Library , 5th ser., 25:294-313.(Supplements B3160.)[3756]
- BARRON, JAMES, and others, A Highland Newspaper. The First Hundred and Fifty Years of The Inverness Courier, 1817-1967 , Inverness, Courier Office, 1969. 106 p.[3757]
- BASSAM, BERTHA, The First Printers and Newspapers in Canada , Toronto, Univ. of Toronto School of Library Science, 1969. viii, 25 p.(Monograph Series in Librarianship No. 1.)[3758]
- BENEDIKZ, B. S., Iceland , Amsterdam, Vangendt & Co., 1969. 64 p.(The Spread of Printing. Western Hemisphere.)[3759]
- BENNETT, H. S., English Books and Readers, 1603 to 1640 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970. xiv, 253 p.[3760]
- BENNETT, J. Q., Felix Culpa: A Cancellation in the First Edition of Newton's Opticks [1704], Serif , 7:33-35.[3761]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., Two Contemporary Facsimiles of Songs of Innocence and of Experience , PBSA , 64:450-63.[3762]
- BETZ, P. F., T. J. Wise and Gordon Wordsworth, BNYPL , 74:577-86.[3763]
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., and MENDELSON, EDWARD, A Poem Attributed to W. H. Auden, Library , 5th ser., 25:350-53.[3764]
- BOULTON, J. T., D. H. Lawrence's Odour of Chrysanthemums: An Early Version, Renaissance and Modern Studies , 13(1969):5-48.[3765]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, “Bibliography and Restoration Drama,” in Biblioggraphy: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, May 7, 1966 (Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Univ. of California, 1966), iv, 52 p.[3766]
- BRACK, O. M., Jr., and BARNES, WARNER, editors Bibliography and Textual Criticism: English and American Literature, 1700 to the Present , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1969. x, 345 p.(A selection of previously published works.)[3767]
- BRATCHER, J. T., and KENDALL, L. H., Jr., A Suppressed Critique of Wise's Swinburne Transactions, Addendum to an Inquiry , Austin, Humanities Research Center, Univ. of Texas, 1970. 58 p.(Bibliographical Monograph No. 2.)[3768]
- BRICE, A. W. C., “A Truly British Judge”: Another Article by Dickens, Dickensian , 66:30-35.[3769]
- BROOKS, H. F., The Editor and the Literary Text: Requirements and Opportunities, in Librarianship and Literature: Essays in Honour of Jack Pafford , edited by A. T. Milne, Univ. of London, The Athlone Press, 1970, pp. 97-121.[3770]
- BUXTON, JOHN, and JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sir Philip Sidney's First Passport Rediscovered, Library , 5th ser., 25:42-46.[3771]
- CARROLL, D. A., The Publisher's Device on the Early Hamlet Quartos, PBSA , 64: 449.(Nicholas Ling's.)[3772]
- CARTER, JOHN, Taste and Technique in Book Collecting. With an Epilogue , Pinner, Private Libraries Assn., 1970. xiv, 242 p.[3773]
- CHU, D. J., Censorship of Books in the Ch'ing Dynasty, China , Master's thesis, Library School, Southern Connecticut State College, 1968.[3774]
- CLAYTON, THOMAS, Editing Poets, TLS , Dec. 18, 1970, p. 1493.[3775]
- COHEN, I. B., The American Editions of Newton's Principia , HLB , 18:345-58.[3776]
- COLLINS, PHILIP, The Texts of Dickens' Readings, BNYPL , 74:360-80. And A Postscript, BNYPL, 75:63.[3777]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, The Dove Edition of Junius, N & Q , n.s., 17:308.[3778]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, The “Vicarius” Junius, N & Q , n.s., 17:307-308.[3779]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, W. Fraser Rae and the Political Poems of Junius, N & Q , n.s., 17:308.[3780]
- COWDEN, R. W., Dickens at Work, MQR , Spring:125:32.[3781]
- CRUIKSHANK, D. W., Calderón's Primera and Tercera partes: the Reprints of “1640” and “1644,” Library , 5th ser., 25:105-119.(Continues B2065 and B3296.)[3782]
- DAVIES, H. N., The First English Translations of Bellarmine's De ascensione mentis , Library , 5th ser., 25:49-52.[3783]
- DAWSON, G. E., John Payne Collier's Great Forgery, SB , 24:1-26.[3784]
- DE VRIES, DUANE, The Bleak House Page-Proofs: More Shavings from Dickens's Workshop, Dickensian , 66:3-7.[3785]
- DIXON, P., A Crux in Crowne's City Politiques , N & Q , n.s., 17:218-19.[3786]
- DUFFY, J. J., Problems in Publishing Coleridge: James Marsh's First American Edition of Aids to Reflection , New England Quart. , 43:193-208.[3787]
- ELIOT, ALISTAIRE, Duplicated Signatures, Library , 5th ser., 25:354.[3788]
- EVANS, G. B., Shakespearean Promptbooks of the Seventeenth Century . Vol. 5. Pt. 1. Introduction to the Smock Alley Macbeth. Pt. 2. Text, Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Virginia, 1970. 2 vols.[3789]
- FARMER, DAVID, An Unpublished Version of D. H. Lawrence's Introduction to Pansies , R.E.S. , n.s., 21:181-84.[3790]
- FEHRENBACH, R. J., The Printing of James Shirley's The Polititian (1655), SB , 24:144-48.[3791]
- FERGUSON, W. C., Valentine Simmes, Printer to Drayton, Shakespeare, Chapman, Greene, Dekker, Middleton, Daniel, Jonson, Marlowe, Marston, Heywood and Other Elizabethans , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. of the University of Virginia, 1968. 113 p.[3792]
- FOAKES, R. A., The Text of Coleridge's 1811-12 Shakespeare Lectures, Shakespeare Survey , 23:101-111.[3793]
- FORKER, C. R., Stephen Taylor's A Whippe for Worldlings , Library , 5th ser. 25:338-44.[3794]
- FOSDICK, SIDNEY, Chinese Book Publishing during the Sun Dynasty (A. D. 960-1279): A Partial Translation of Istoriia Kitaiskoii Pechatnoii knigi Sunskoii Epokhi by Konstantin Konstantinovich Flug with Added Notes and an Introduction , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3795]
- FOXON, D. F., More on Robinson Crusoe, 1719, Library , 5th ser., 25:57-58.(Supplements C3454.)[3796]
- FOXON, D. F., [Review of A Ledger of Charles Ackers (C2953), with Addenda and Corigenda], Library , 5th ser., 25:65-73.[3797]
- FOXON, D. F., Thoughts on the History and Future of Bibliographical Description , Los Angeles, School of Library Service, Univ. of California, and Berkeley, School of Librarianship, Univ. of California, 1970. 31 p.[3798]
- FOXON, D. F., The Varieties of Early Proof: Cartwright's Royal Slave , 1639, 1640, Library , 5th ser., 25:151-54.[3799]
- FREEHAFER, JOHN, Arbuthnot and the Dublin Pirates, Scriblerian , 2:65-67.[3800]
- FREEHAFER, JOHN, A Textual Crux in The Two Noble Kinsmen , English Language Notes , 7:254-57.[3801]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, An Epistle for Two, Library , 5th ser., 25:226-36.(Samuel Daniel's Epistle to the Lady Margaret, Countess of Cumberland.)[3802]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, The Writings of Thomas Achelley, Library , 5th ser., 25:40-42.[3803]
- GABLER, H. W., Cupids Revenge (21) and Its Compositors. Part I: Composition and Printing, SB , 24:69-90.[3804]
- GABLER, H. W., John Beale's Compositors in A King and No King Q1(1619), SB , 24:138-43.(Amplifies C1098.)[3805]
- GARRETT, K. I., Thomas James Wise and Guildhall Library , Corporation of the London, 1970. 21 p.(Reprinted with additions from Guildhall Miscellany, 1962 and 1965.)[3806]
- GEDULD, H. M., Prince of Publishers , Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1969. x, 246 p. (The Jacob Tonsons.) Critical rev. by J. D. Fleeman, N & Q, n.s., 17:105-106.[3807]
- GITTINGS, ROBERT, The Odes of Keats and Their Earliest Known Manuscripts , Kent, Ohio, Kent State Univ. Press, 1970. 79 p.[3808]
- GREENBERG, R. A., On Ending Great Expectations , Papers on Language & Literature , 6:152-62.[3809]
- GREENBERGER, E. B., Clough's “The Judgment of Brutus”: A Newly Found Poem, Victorian Poetry , 8:129-50.[3810]
- GREENE, GRAHAM, The Wrong Box , TLS , Oct. 30, 1970, p. 1276. (On Stevenson's corrected proofs now at Yale.) Replies by John Carter and Simon Nowell-Smith, with remarks on the ownership and copyright of proofs, TLS, Nov. 6, 1970, p. 1300.[3811]
- GRIEST, G. L., Mudie's Circulating Library and the Victorian Novel , Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1970. xiii, 272 p.[3812]
- GROSSHANS, M Z., Fine Printing in Great Britain, 1720-1850 , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3813]
- HALL, T. H., Mathematicall Recreations. An Exercise in Seventeenth-century Bibliography , Univ. of Leeds, 1969. v, 38 p.(Leeds Studies in Bibl. & Textual Criticism. Occasional Paper No. 1.)[3814]
- HARNER, J. L., Addendum to Wing: A Letter from a Freeholder , Library , 5th ser., 25:52-53.[3815]
- HARROP, D. A., George Fisher and the Gregynog Press, Book Collector , 19:465-77.[3816]
- HATCH, R. B., “This Will Never Do,” R.E.S. , n.s., 21:56-62.(The texts of Francis Jeffrey's articles in the Edinburgh Review and his Contributions to the Edinburgh Review compared.)[3817]
- HERRING, P. D., The Number Plans for Dombey and Son: Some Further Observations, Modern Philology , 68:151-87.[3818]
- HEWITT, C. R., Books in the Dock , London, Deutsch, 1969. 144 p.[3819]
- HEYL, EDGAR, The Boy's Own Book and Its Successors, Amer. Book Collector , 20:5:18-20.[3820]
- HOARE, P. A., An Early Serial Publication: A General View of the World, or The Marrow of History , Library , 5th ser., 25:53-57.[3821]
- HOWARD, M. S., Jonathan Cape , Publisher, London, Cape, 1970. 351 p.(Corrective note by Martin Secker, TLS, Mar. 5, 1971; p. 271.)[3822]
- HUGHES, M. Y., Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton , New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1970. Vol. 1, all published to date.[3823]
- JASPERT, W. P., BERRY, W. T., and JOHNSON, A. F., The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces , 4th ed., New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970. xiii, 420 p.[3824]
- JERNIGAN, E. J., The Bibliographical and Textual Complexities of George Moore's A Mummer's Wife , BNYPL , 74:396-410.[3825]
- KAGAN, DAVID, Roger Boyle's Parthenissa , Serif , 7:30-31.(Corrects A230.)[3826]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, The Eighteenthcentury London and Westminster Library Societies, Library , 5th ser., 25:237-47.(Supplements B2593 and C1968.)[3827]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, Two Volumes Autographed by Wordsworth, Book Collector , 19:478-80.[3828]
- KELLEY, PHILIP, and HUDSON, RONALD, A Note on Browning Variants, N & Q , n.s., 17:22-23.[3829]
- KELLIHER, W. H., A New Text of Marvell's “To His Coy Mistress,” N & Q , n.s., 17:254-56.[3830]
- KELLY, PATRICK, A Note on Locke's Pamphlets on Money, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:61-73.[3831]
- KENNEY, E. J., Progenies vitiosior: On the Genesis of an Edition, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:142-44.(M. Manilius's Astronomicon, Basle, Johannes Brandmuller, 1740, reissued by Elias Stoeber, Strasburg, 1767.)[3832]
- KEYNES, G. L., William Pickering, Publisher: A Memoir and a Check-List of His Publications , rev. ed., New York, Burt Franklin, 1969. 125 p.[3833]
- KINGSFORD, R. J. L., The Publishers Association, 1896-1946, with an Epilogue , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970. ix, 228 p.[3834]
- LANDON, R. G., Samuel Johnson's Journey (1775) with Uncancelled U4 Leaf, PBSA , 64:449-50.[3835]
- LAVIN, J. A., Printers for Seven Jonson Quartos, Library , 5th ser., 25:331-38.[3836]
- LAW, ALEXANDER, The First Edition of The Tea-table Miscellany , Bibliotheck , 5:198-203.[3837]
- LEARY, D. J., A Deleted Passage from Shaw's John Bull's Other Island , BNYPL , 74:598-606.[3838]
- LEED, JACOB, A Plate in Du Halde, Library , 5th ser., 25:58-59.(Dedicated to Moses Browne.)[3839]
- LEVINE, J. P., An Analysis of the Manuscripts of A Passage to India , PMLA , 85:284-94.[3840]
- LEWIS, J. N. C., Printed Ephemera: The Changing Use of Type and Letter Forms in English and American Printing, London , Faber & Faber, 1969. 128 p.[3841]
- LIEVSAY, J. L., The Englishman's Italian Books, 1550-1700 , Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1969. ix, 104 p.[3842]
- LINDLEY, K. A., The Woodblock Engravers , Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1970. 128 p.[3843]
- LINDSTRAND, GORDON, Mechanized Textual Collation and Recent Designs, SB , 24:204-14.[3844]
- LISTER, RAYMOND, Antique Maps and Their Cartographers , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1970. 128 p.[3845]
- LOGAN, T. P., The Variant Issues of the 1704 Edition of John Dennis's Liberty Asserted , Library , 5th ser., 25:349-50.[3846]
- LOVE, HAROLD, The Printing of The Wives Excuse (1692), Library , 5th ser., 25:344-49.[3847]
- LOWMAN, M. P., II, D. H. Lawrence and His Publishers: The Influence of the Changing Concept of Obscenity , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3848]
- LYLE, E. B., The Speech-Heading “I” in Act IV, Scene I, of the Folio Text of Macbeth , Library , 5th ser., 25:150-51.[3849]
- MacDONALD, R. H., Amendments to L. E. Kastner's Edition of Drummond's Poems, Studies in Scottish Literature , 7:102-22.[3850]
- MACK, D. S., James Hogg's Atrive Tales: An 1835 Reissue, Bibliotheck , 5:210-11.[3851]
- McKELVEY, J. L., John Baskerville's Appeal to Lord Bute, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:138-41.[3852]
- McKENZIE, D. F., The Genesis of the Cambridge University Press, 1695-6, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 5:79.[3853]
- MARKS, J. L. G., A Study of the Bookbinding Practices of the Hering Family, 1794-1844 , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1969.[3854]
- MASKELL, DUKE, The Authenticity of Sterne's First Recorded Letter, N & Q , n.s., 17:303-307.[3855]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., Printing Charges: Inference and Evidence, SB , 24:91-98.[3856]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., The Printing of the Votes of the House of Commons, 1730-1781, Library , 5th ser., 25:120-35.[3857]
- MASLEN, K. I. D., William Strahan at the Bowyer Press, 1736-8, Library , 5th ser., 25:250-51.[3858]
- MAXWELL, J. C., The Text of Where Angels Fear to Tread , N & Q , n.s., 17:456.[3859]
- MONKMAN, KENNETH, The Bibliography of the Early Editions of Tristram Shandy , Library , 5th ser., 25:11-39.[3860]
- MOSELEY, C. W. R. D., The Lost Play of Mandeville, Library , 5th ser., 25:46-49.[3861]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding by J. P. Coghlan, c. 1766, Book Collector , 19:502.(English Bookbindings LXXV.)[3862]
- NIXON, H. M., A Paris Binding by Wotton's Last Binder, c. 1552, Book Collector , 19:503.(Foreign Bookbindings VIII.)[3863]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, Editing Dickens: For Which Reader? From Which Text?, TLS , June 4, 1970, p. 615.[3864]
- NUTTALL, DEREK, A History of Printing in Chester from 1688 to 1965 , Chester, Published for the Author, 1969. viii, 69 p.[3865]
- PADWICK, E. W., Bibliographical Method , Cambridge, James Clarke, 1970. 250 p.[3866]
- PAPALI, G. F., Jacob Tonson, Publisher: His Life and Work (1656-1736) , Auckland, Tonson Publishing House, 1968. xi, 231 p.[3867]
- PEARCE, M. J., A Workbook of Analytical & Descriptive Bibliography , London, Clive Bingley, 1970. 110 p.[3868]
- PETERSON, W. S., G. W. E. Russell and the Editing of Matthew Arnold's Letters, Victorian Newsletter , 37:27-29.[3869]
- PRANCE, C. A., Gilbert White and His Illustrators, Amer. Book Collector , 21:3:9-13.[3870]
- REES, EILUNED, and WALTERS, G., The Library of Thomas Pennant, Library , 5th ser., 25:136-49.[3871]
- " REID, S. W., The Composition and Revision of Coleridge's Essay on Aeschylus' Prometheus , SB , 24:176-83.[3872]
- RHODES, D. E., India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, Thailand , Amsterdam, A. L. van Gendt, 1969. 95 p.(The Spread of Printing.)[3873]
- RICKS, CHRISTOPHER, Tennyson's “To E. Fitzgerald,” Library , 5th ser., 25:156.[3874]
- RILEY, J. C., Johnson to Baretti: New Evidence for the Text of 21 December 1762, Library Chronicle [Univ. of Pennsylvania], 36:115-17.[3875]
- RISTOW, W. W., Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , 1570-1970, LCQJ , 27:317-27.[3876]
- ROBERTS, F. W., D. H. Lawrence, The Second “Poetic Me”: Some New Material, Renaissance and Modern Studies , 14:5-25.[3877]
- ROGERS, PAT, The Conduct of the Earl of Nottingham, Curll, Oldmixon and the Finch Family, R.E.S. , n.s., 21:175-81.[3878]
- ROGERS, PAT, John Oldmixon and An Impartial Enquiry (1715), SB , 24:163-65..[3879]
- ROLPH, C. H., see HEWITT, C. R. RUDICK, MICHAEL, The “Ralegh Group” in The Phoenix Nest , SB , 24:131-37.[3880]
- RYPINS, STANLEY, The Printing of Basilikon Dôron , PBSA , 64:393-417.[3881]
- SCHEELE, D. R., The Authorship of Concealment (1837), N & Q , n.s., 17:382-83.(Mary Fletcher, later Lady Richardson.)[3882]
- SECKER, MARTIN, Letters from D. H. Lawrence to Martin Secker, 1911-1930 , Bridgefoot, Inver, Bucks, Privately Published by Martin Secker, 1970. 132 p.[3883]
- SHAW, DAVID, The First English Editions of Horace, Juvenal and Persius, Library , 5th ser., 25:218-25.[3884]
- SIMMEN, EDWARD, Sterne's A Political Romance: New Light from a Printer's Copy, PBSA , 64:419-29.[3885]
- SINGH, VISHNUDAT, Women In Love: A Textual Note, N & Q , n.s., 17:466.[3886]
- SNYDER, H. L., Arthur Maynwaring, Richard Steele, and The Lives of Two Illustrious Generals , SB , 24:152-62.[3887]
- SPARROW, JOHN, Visible Words: A Study of Inscriptions in and as Books and Works of Art , Cambridge, At the Univ. Press, 1969. xvi, 152 p.(Sandars Lecture, 1964.)[3888]
- SPENCER, HERBERT, Pioneers of Modern Typography , London, Lund, 1969. 159 p.[3889]
- STEVENS, JOAN, Woozles in Brontëland: A Cautionary Tale, SB , 24:99-108.(Misprintings of Charlotte Brontë's letter of September 4, 1848, to Mary Taylor.)[3890]
- STURGESS, K. M., The Early Quartos of Heywood's A Woman Killed with Kindness , Library , 5th ser., 25:93-104.[3891]
- SWENEY, J. R., The Dedication of Thomas Southerne's The Wives Excuse (1692), Library , 5th ser., 25:154-55.[3892]
- SWENEY, J. R., John Guy, the Bookseller, N & Q , n.s., 17:415.[3893]
- SZLADITS, L. L., Dickens and His Illustrators, BNYPL , 74:351-53, and VIII plates.[3894]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Bibliographical Description of Paper, SB , 24:27-67.[3895]
- TAYLOR, NEIL, Variants in the Quarto of 2 Henry IV, Library , 5th ser., 25:249-50.[3896]
- THOMAS, DONALD, A Long Time Burning. The History of Literary Censorship in England , London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969. xii, 546 p.(A popular account.)[3897]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Essays in Hispanic Bibliography , Hamden, Conn., Shoe String Press, 1970. xi, 117 p.[3898]
- TING, L-H, H, Government Control of the Press in Modern China, 1900-1949: A Study of Its Theories, Operation and Effects , Doctoral dissertation, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1969.[3899]
- TREIP, MINDELE, Milton's Punctuation and Changing English Usage, 1582-1676, London , Methuen, 1970. xiv, 189 p.[3900]
- TWYMAN, MICHAEL, Lithography, 1800-1850. The Techniques of Drawing on Stone in England and France and Their Application in Works of Topography , Oxford Univ. Press, 1970. xxi, 302 p.[3901]
- TWYMAN, MICHAEL, Printing 1770-1970: An Illustrated History of Its Development and Uses in England , London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1970. 283 p.[3902]
- WAINGROW, MARSHALL, The Correspondence and Other Papers of James Boswell relating to the Making of the “Life of Johnson,” Yale Univ. Press, 1970. 659 p.[3903]
- WERTHEIM, ALBERT, A New Light on the Dramatic Works of Thomas Killigrew, SB , 24:149-52.[3904]
- WHITE, C. L., Women's Magazines, 1693-1968 , London, Joseph, 1970. 348, [2] p.[3905]
- WIKELUND, P. R., Edmund Waller's Fitt of Versifying: Deductions from a Holograph Fragment, Folger MS. X. d. 309, PQ , 49:68-91.[3906]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., A Plea for Points, Library , 5th ser., 25:60.(Refers to Bowers principle 3, in C3377.)[3907]
- WILLIAMSON, W. L., An Early Use of Running Title and Signature Evidence in Analytical Bibliography, Library Quart. , 40:245-49.(By William Frederick Poole in 1867.)[3908]
- WILSON, F. P., Shakespeare and the New Bibliography , rev. and ed., by Helen L. Gardner, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970. 136 p.[3909]





B. United States
- BALLOU, E. B., The Building of the House of Houghton , Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1970. xv, 695 p.[3910]
- BEAN, M. S., A History and Profile of the Viking Press , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of North Carolina, 1969.[3911]
- BENNETT, J. Q., Whitman Loses His Ego; or, “Not I, said the fly.” Leaves of Grass , 1855, Serif, 7:35-36.[3912]
- BENNETT, J. Q., Winesburg Revisited, Serif , 7:80-82.(Supplements A1279.)[3913]
- BERGMAN, HERBERT, On Editing Whitman's Journalism, Walt Whitman Rev. , 16:104-109.[3914]
- BERGMAN, HERBERT, Walt Whitman: Self Advertiser, BNYPL , 74:634-39.[3915]
- BERGMAN, HERBERT, and WHITE, WILLIAM, Walt Whitman's Lost “Sun-Down Papers,” Nos. 1-3, Amer. Book Collector , 20:4:17-20.[3916]
- BLANCK, J. N., The Title-page as Bibliographical Evidence , Berkeley, School of Librarianship, Univ. of California, 1966. 15, [1] p.[3917]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, ed., The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane , Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1969. ff.(Especially, Vol. I, pp. xi-xxix, “The Text of the Virginia Edition,” and textual introductions to successive works included.)[3918]
- BRACK, O. M., Michael Wigglesworth and the Attribution of “I Walk'd and Did a Little Mole-Hill View,” Seventeenth-Century News , 28:41-43.[3919]
- BRODERICK, J. C., The Greatest Whitman Collector and the Greatest Whitman Collection, LCQJ , 27:109-28.(Whitman's own.)[3920]
- BROMBERGER, BONNIE, Noah Webster's Notes on His Early Political Essays in the Connecticut Courant , BNYPL , 74:338-42.[3921]
- CALHOUN, R. J., The Ante-Bellum Literary Twighlight: Russell's Magazine [1857-1860], Southern Literary Jour. , 3:1:89-110.(Southern Literary Magazines III.)[3922]
- CAZDEN, R. E., German Exile Literature in America, 1933-1950: A History of the Free German Press and Book Trade , Chicago, American Library Association, 1970. xii, 250 p.[3923]
- COHEN, E. H., The “Second Edition” of The Sot-weed Factor , AL , 42:289-303.[3924]
- CRANE, J. St. C., Rare or Seldom-seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions: I & II [Willa Cather], Serif , 7:27-30, 70-73.[3925]
- DELANEY, JOAN, Poe's “The Gold-Bug” in Russia: A Note on First Impressions, AL , 42:375-79.[3926]
- FILBY, P. W., and HOWARD, E. G., The Dunlap Declaration of Independence , Maryland Historical Magazine , 65:68-70.(The fragment at the Maryland Historical Society.)[3927]
- FOLKES, J. G., Three Nevada Newspapers: A Century in Print, Nevada Hist. Soc. Quart. , 13:17-24.[3928]
- FRENCH, H. D., John Roulstone's Harvard Bindings, HLB , 18:171-82.[3929]
- GALLUP, D. G., On Contemporary Bibliography, with Particular Reference to Ezra Pound , Austin, Univ. of Texas, Humanities Research Center, 1970. 28 p.(Bibliographical Monograph Series No. 4.)[3930]
- GILMER, WALKER, Horace Liveright, Publisher of the Twenties , New York, D. Lewis, 1970. xi, 287 p.[3931]
- GOLDSTEIN, J. J., Learning the Hard Way?, Serif , 7:36-37.(A variant binding of Jack London's Call of Wild.)[3932]
- GOUDEAU, J. M., Booksellers and Printers in New Orleans, 1764-1885, Jour. Library History , 5:5-19.[3933]
- HARDING, G. L., The Grabhorn Press, 1920-1965 , Kemble Occasional , No. 6 (October 1969):1-3.[3934]
- HARLAN, R. D., John Henry Nash: The Biography of a Career , Berkeley, Univ of California Press, 1970. xi, 167 p.(Univ. of California Publications in Librarianship No. 7.)[3935]
- HAUGH, G. C., Rivington's Songs, Naval and Military , Serif , 7:30-33.(Evans 16530, New York, 1779.)[3936]
- AN INVENTORY of a United States Army Field Printing Office, 1865, Proc. American Antiquarian Soc. , 80:351-52.[3937]
- KOENIG, M. E. D., Theodore Low DeVinne: His Contributions to the Art of Printing , Master's thesis, Library School, Univ. of Chicago, 1968.[3938]
- KUNCIO, R. C., Some Unpublished Poems of Phillis Wheatley, New England Quart. , 43:287-97.[3939]
- LOOS, MELVIN, Timothy Cole-Master Engraver, Columbia Library Columns , 19:2:25-39.[3940]
- McCOY, GARNETT, Printers and Presses in Early Detroit , Grosse Pointe, Junto, 1962. x, [4], 33, [1] p.[3941]
- McMURRAY, Mother F. T., The Book Jacket in America: Its History and Use , Master's thesis, Library School, Catholic Univ. of America, 1968.[3942]
- MANN, CHARLES, A Hitherto Unseen Virginia Imprint, an Explanatory Note, Serif , 7:32-33.(Evans 22632.)[3943]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Writings of William Gilmore Simms . Centennial Edition, Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1969 ff. “Textual Apparatus,” Vol. I, pp. 437-476.[3944]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, “Bartleby the Scrivener” and Melville's Contemporary Reputation, SB , 24:195-96.[3945]
- MOORE, R. S., “A Distinctive Southern Magazine”: The Southern Bivouac [1882-1887], Southern Literary Journal , 2:2:51-65.(Southern Literary Magazines II.)[3946]
- NORDLOK, D. J., Eating Off the Same Plates: First Editions of W. D. Howells in Great Britain, Serif , 7:28-30.[3947]
- O'DONNELL, BERNARD, An Analysis of Prose Style to Determine Authorship. The O'Ruddy, a Novel by Stephen Crane and Robert Barr , The Hague, Mouton, 1970. 108 p.[3948]
- O'NEIL, D. L., Early American Signed Cloth Bindings, Amer. Book Collector , 21:2:27.(Especially those of Benjamin Bradley of Boston, 1835.)[3949]
- PARKER, P. J., Asbury Dickins, Bookseller, 1798-1801, or, The Brief Career of a Careless Youth, Pennsylvania Mag. of Hist. and Biography , 94:464-83.[3950]
- POLLIN, B. R., Emerson's Annotations in the British Museum Copy of the Dial , SB , 24:187-95.[3951]
- QUIMBY, I. M. G., The Doolittle Engravings of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, Winterthur Portfolio , 4(1968):83-108.[3952]
- REES, R. A., and GRIFFIN, MARJORIE, William Gilmore Simms and The Family Companion , SB , 24:109-29.[3953]
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