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Science, Method, and the Textual Critic by Peter Davison
Historical Grist for the Bibliographical Mill by Edwin Wolf, 2nd
Some Principles for Editorial Apparatus by G. Thomas Tanselle
Shakespeare's Merchant Of Venice in Sixty-Three Editions by Christopher Spencer
David Douglas and the British Publication of W. D. Howells' Works by Scott Bennett
Oscar Wilde's First Manuscript of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Donald L. Lawler
Some Unusual Printer's Copy Used for Early Sixteenth-Century Editions of Erasmus' Encomium Moriae by Clarence H. Miller
Was There A Lost 1593 Edition of Marlowe's Edward II? by Fredson Bowers
The Early Editions of Marlowe's Ovid's Elegies by Fredson Bowers
The Printer of Hamlet Q3 by J. A. Lavin
The Printer of the Third Volume of Jonson's Workes (1640) by D. F. McKenzie
A Broadside Prologue by Farquhar by Shirley Strum Kenny
The Evidence from Defoe's Title Pages by Rodney M. Baine
The Westminster Review: Change of Editorship, 1840 by Rosemary T. VanArsdel
Index and Author Guide to the Family Companion (1841-43) by Robert A. Rees and Marjorie Griffin
Thoreau Rejects an Emerson Text by Wendell Glick
Gilbert and His Ballads: Problems in the Bibliography and Attribution of Victorian Comic Journalism by John Bush Jones
Mather's Melville Book by George Monteiro
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An address delivered November 23, 1970, at the invitation of the Center for Textual and editorial Studies, the University of Virginia.