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A Century of Printing: the Issues of the Press of Pennsylvania, 1685 — 1784 (1885-1886), 2 vols.


C. W. Miller, "Franklin's Type: Its Study Past and Present," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, XC (1955), 418-432.


The Colonial Printer (1938), rev. ed. Chap. v.


Benjamin Franklin's Memoris, Parallel Text Edition, ed. Max Farrand (1949), p. 86. Cited hereafter as Memoirs.


C. H. Timperley, The Printers' Manual (1838), p. 714.


See Philip Gaskell, "Type Sizes in the Eighteenth Century," Studies in Bibliography, V (1953), 147-151.


Albert Henry Smyth, The Writings of Benjamin Franklin (1905-07), III, 165-167.


Two line great primer is roughly comparable in size to French canon.


John Clyde Oswald, Benjamin Franklin Printer (1926), p. 93.


Talbot B. Reed, A History of the Old English Letter Foundries, ed. A. F. Johnson (1952), pp. 200-228.


A Catalogue and Specimen of the . . . Printing Type-Foundery of . . . Mr. John James . . . Improved by . . . Edward Rowe Mores . . . which will be Sold by Auction . . . Wednesday, 5th June, 1782 . . . .


T. B. Reed, op. cit., p. 216.


Ibid., p. 214.


A Catalogue and Specimen . . ., p. 26.


See The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 31, 1734.


Charles Enschedé, Fonderies de Caractères et leur Matériel dans les Pays-Bas du XVe au XIXe Siècle (Haarlem, 1908), pp. 74-76.


Horace Hart, A Century of Oxford Typography 1693-1794 (1900), p. 28.


A Catalogue and Specimen . . ., p. 22.


A. H. Smyth, op. cit., II, 243, 280; III, 165-167.


J. C. Oswald, loc. cit.


American Philosophical Society Library Mss., David Hall Letter Book, 1764-1772, November 21, 1764. Cited hereafter as HLB III.


Haverford College Library Mss., Roberts Collection.


American Philosophical Society Library Mss., David Hall Letter Book, 1750-1759, July 13, 1750. Cited hereafter as HLB I.


A. H. Smyth, op. cit., III, 286-287.


Ibid., III, 337-338.


Ibid., III, 340-341.


Ibid., III, 473-474.


American Philosophical Society Library Mss., David Hall Letter Book, 1759-1764, March 5, 1760. Cited hereafter as HLB II.


Morristown, N. J. National Historical Park Library, Lloyd P. Smith Collection. Copy in modern hand.


HLB I, November 1, 1753; September 20, 1755.


Luther S. Livingston, Franklin and his Press at Passy (1914), pp. 137-174.


J. C. Oswald, op. cit., p. 143.


Anna J. DeArmond, Andrew Bradford (1949), p. 244.


Ibid., pp. 36-37.