University of Virginia Library

At that time long ago, they lived poorly.

'Ádáͅ 'iłk'idáͅ, joogobago daajindáná'a.
Ndah nDéí 'isdzáͅáͅyóí biche'shkéne gózhóͅgo yaahihndíná'a.

Biche'shkéneí ndédaahaleeł ndah, keekéͅyóí 'isdzáńdaahaleeł ndah, díík'eh bik'ehnaakaná'a.
At that time long ago, they lived poorly.
But Apache women taught their children well, they say.
Even when their children became men, even when the young girls became women, all of them were obedient, they say.
(39.10) Linguistic Notes

bik'ehnaakaná'a 'they were obedient'. bik'eh 'in accordance with it, by reason of it' plus naaka 'several move about, live' [3rd person cont. imp. of - 'several move' with prefix naa-| 'about'].