University of Virginia Library

Then the white men came among them.

Nágo 'indaa bitańjéná'a.
'Indaaí nádaayótaͅná'a.
"Shighóóyé! Danjíł'iͅiͅgo gogháda'íshiish!

Then the white men came among them.
They sabred them.
They went between the white men [and their fellows].
"My uncle! What has he done to you that you sabre him!"
they said to them.

(27.3) Linguistic Notes

1. bitańjéná'a 'they came among them'. 3rd person perf. of 0-ta-ni- ...[ni- perf.]-jaa 'several come among, several get to be among' [act. intr.; ta- 'among'; ni- completive]. The theme alone: 'several lie down'.

2. bighádaada'ishiishná'a 'they sabred them'. 3rd person distrib. imp. of 0-ghá-da-'i-...[? perf.]-ł-zhiish 'to sabre, to slash with sabres' [act. intr.?]. ghá- 'through'; da-'i- ?. The theme alone: 'to thrust with a pointed object'.

3. nádaayótaͅná'a 'they went between them'. 3rd person with distrib. 3rd person obj. of --ni-...-taͅ 'to get between [e. g., two persons fighting]' [imp. neut. tr.]. Cf. -ni-...-taͅ 'to have hold of' [imp. neut. tr.].

4. shighóóyé 'my uncle'. -ghóóyé [also -ghóóyé] 'mother's sibling'.