University of Virginia Library


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Periodical Publications of Dix & Edwards.



Every number will contain original matter, from the best American
Authors; with selections and translations from late English,
German, and French Publications, and will be finely and profusely
illustrated. It will be the aim of the publishers to combine, in the
engravings and the letter-press of The Schoolfellow, the utmost
possible beauty, variety, interest, and substantial instruction, with
an elevated moral tone, and reverent spirit. The general character
already established for The Schoolfellow may be inferred from the
following remarks.

“There are books enough in the market for boys and girls, as
everybody knows; but good and suitable ones, as everybody
who has looked at them knows, are not so easily found. Two serious
faults are noticeable in most of the publications which have hitherto
appeared, intended for the express use of children. In the first
place, they have failed to come up to the ordinary intelligence and
common sense of those for whom they are written. The mental
activity and curiosity of children from six to fourteen years old, are
certainly as great as at any later period of life. If you wish to
instruct them, they are capable of learning anything that is simply
and clearly expressed; and if your object is to amuse, they want
something better than baby-talk. This, we think, is often forgotten,
and the writers referred to fall very far short of the mark at
which they aim. And in the second place, children's magazines are
too apt to be made the vehicles of a false and morbid morality,
which does them no good, but only interferes with the wholesome
instructions and examples of the family, and of serious, religious
homilies, which would find a better place in catechisms and Sunday-school
books. The publishers of The Schoolfellow appear to have
appreciated and remedied both of these defects. If we may judge
from their first number, they are going to give us an instructive,
entertaining, and amusing Monthly, which is exactly adapted to its
purpose, and will be as valuable and welcome to the younger members
of the family, as Putnam's and Harpers' already are to their

Boston Daily Advertiser.

Terms.—One Dollar a year (payable always in advance), or Ten
Cents a number.

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