University of Virginia Library


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Periodical Publications of Dix & Edwards.


Re-published Monthly from the London Edition.


Besides its distinguished editor, whose name has become so
familiar to the community, by his Pickwick Papers, Dombey &
Son, Bleak House, etc., etc., a large and able staff of contributors
is regularly engaged upon this Journal; among them William
Howitt, Barry Cornwall, Marry Barton, Faraday, the eminent
chemist, and others distinguished in Arts and Sciences.

In Household Words has been developed almost a new species
of Literature (so superior have been its articles of this sort to anything
of the kind before it)—the presentation of Science and Scholarship,
in a really witty and entertaining manner, without any
vagueness or inaccuracy in the information conveyed.

Alternately piquant and tender in style, always manly, democratic
and humane in purpose, readable, instructive, and wholesome,
a singular consistency of character pervades all its articles.

It is especially valuable as an index of political, social, and philanthropic
reform, and of popular progress in Great Britain; as
instructive of the latest applications of Science to the Trades and
Manufactures; as encouraging and training the development of
beauty in the Household and in the Mechanic Arts, and as furnishing
the best light literature of England, in novels, tales, personal
narratives, anecdotes, and jeux d'esprit.

The novels included in Household Words not only appear more
promptly, but are printed better than in any other form in which
they are ordinarily offered to the American public.

address, Five Dollars; PUTNAM'S MONTHLY or HOUSEHOLD
WORDS with the SCHOOLFELLOW, to one address,
Thre Dollars and Fifty Cents; or all three of the Magazines, Five
Dollars and Fifty Cents.