University of Virginia Library



Mr. Lewis began his statement with the assertion that the members of the Board needed to
have closer relations with the faculty and the long-range planning program of the University.
He said that this idea would not in any way result in by-passing the President, but, on the contrary,
would help the members of the Board to interpret the University's programs to the people
of the State. He stated that, if the members of the Board had a weakness, it was that they
could not get down far enough into the University's operations to know what was going on. He
distributed copies of a proposal which called for meetings of the Board with the Long-Range
Planning Committee and with University officials and faculty members. Following Mr. Lewis'
statement, there was a general discussion, but no formal action was taken.

The President stated that he had planned to ask the Deans of the several schools to report
on their programs at future meetings of the Board in the same manner as the Dean of Admissions
and the Assistant to the President for University Relations and Development had done earlier in
this meeting. He said he would consult with Mr. Lewis concerning the accomplishments of the aims
which he agreed with Mr. Lewis as being desirable and would be prepared to submit recommendations
on the subject at the June meeting.