University of Virginia Library


The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia was held on this date in the Office of the President of the University,
at Charlottesville, with the following present. The Rector, Barron F. Black, President Colgate W.
Darden, Jr., Visitors Barksdale, Coxe, Dunn, Emmett, Gravatt, Howard, McWane, Mrs. Smith, Talbott,
and Wheeler. Absent: Visitors Gray, Mears, and Mr. Smith.

The minutes of the January meetings, previously distributed, were approved


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the resignation of Dr. Leroy S. Pearce, Instructor in Pathology, be and it is hereby
accepted as of January 1, 1955.

We wish for him the highest success in his new undertaking.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty

Mr. William Zuk as Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, effective at the beginning of
the session of 1955-56, at a session salary of $5,800.00.

Dr. John E. Deverall as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective at the
beginning of the session of 1955-56, at a session salary of $5,800.00.

Dr. Herbert A. Claiborne, Jr. as Instructor in Obstetrics, effective on 1 January 1955,
at a salary of $8,000, of which $3,000 shall come from the State budget and $5,000 from departmental


The following resolution was adopted by the Board:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the Hospital Accounts Committee be and it is hereby authorized to charge off as uncollectible
accounts Schedules 496, 497, 498, 500, 501, 502, 503 and 504, aggregating $57,928.13, as recommended
by them

[Subsequently corrected. See March 11 minutes under same heading]


The President laid before the Board a letter from the Comptroller of the University, with
attached list of funds, as follows

Dear Mr. Darden

On the enclosed list we have set forth a number of gifts to the Graduate School of Business
which, at the time of receipt, were added to the Consolidated Endowment Fund. Now that a separate
fund has been established for the Graduate School, I believe it advisable to transfer these funds
from the Consolidated Endowment Fund to the new fund.

If you concur in the above proposal, please present this matter to the Board at its next meeting,
as transfers from the Consolidated Endowment Fund must be authorized by the Board.

Very truly yours,
/s/ Vincent Shea
Vincent Shea, Comptroller
Mr. Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia

(Account #5192)

University of Virginia
Consolidated Endowment Fund
Analysis of Graduate School of Business Endowment

As of December 31, 1954



Date  Donor  Amount 
9-30-50  Mathieson Chemical Company  $10,000.00 
11-30-50  H. C. Hofheimer  1,000.00 
1-20-51  Herbert Johnson  100.00 
3-31-51  Lynchburg Foundry Inc.  5,000.00 
5-25-51  Solvay Process Division - Allied
Chemical & Dye Company 
12-31-51  H. C. Hofheimer  $1,000.00 
1-10-52  Norfolk & Western R. R.  25,000.00 
4-14-52  Norfolk & Western R. R.  500.00 
6-25-52  General Motors Corp.  4,000.00 
1-18-54  Atlantic Life Insurance Company  10,000.00 
Total  $61,600.00 

The Board resolved that the Comptroller be authorized to transfer these funds as proposed


President Darden stated that he would like to travel in Europe with his family from about
mid-June until some time in August, and requested leave from the Board to be absent from Virginia
during this period. The Board resolved unanimously that the request be granted.


Mrs. Smith reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee had met on February 11th with
the Virginia Art Commission, with all members of the Commission present. Professor Frederick D.
Nichols of the School of Architecture had attended the joint meeting by invitation, and had presented
photocopies of Jefferson's original architectural drawings for the Rotunda, with photographs
and other documentation on the interior of the Rotunda prior to the fire of 27 October 1895
The Art Commission, impressed with the unusual detail of the documentation, and the beauty and
functionalism of the original plans, had thereupon adopted the following resolution


1. Art Commission approved heartily of the proposal for a restoration of the Rotunda to its
original plan and appearance.

2. The data presented indicates that there is ample documentation for a complete and accurate

3. The Commission's action is based on the understanding that this would be a faithful and
complete restoration with furnishings and with no considerable compromises.

/s/ A. E. Kendrew

Professor Nichols, Mrs. Smith said, had discussed his ideas for the interior restoration
work with Mr. Fiske Kimball, leading living authority on Jefferson's architecture and the neoclassical
revival in America. After some hesitation over any tampering with the work of so
important an architect as Stanford White, Mr. Kimball had expressed great enthusiasm for
Mr. Nichols' proposal. Mr. Kimball had remarked that Jefferson was a greater architect than
Stanford White, that the Rotunda was his last great architectural monument, and that Mr. Nichols'
functional idea of making the Rotunda the administrative center of the University was strictly
in accord with Jefferson's conception of academic architecture.

Mrs. Smith noted that the Art Commission's suggestion that the Rotunda be suitably furnished
might be costly, and said that her Committee did not recommend any decision or action by the
Board at this time.

The Board resolved that Mrs. Smith's Report be accepted and approved and that the signed
Resolution from the Art Commission be filed with the Secretary.



The President laid before the Board the following letter and enclosure from President
Morgan L. Combs.

President Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Dear Governor

Under authority granted by the Governor on November 12, 1954, Mary Washington College has
been authorized to borrow from current funds in the State Treasury $1,356,515.57 with interest at
the rate of one per centum per annum, beginning January 20, 1955 until paid.

You will note that the authorities in Richmond agreed to reduce the rate of interest from
one and one-half per cent, which we originally agreed upon, to one per cent. You will also
observe that interest on this amount will begin on January 20, 1955 and run until paid. I think
we are very fortunate indeed in getting this low rate of interest and having it deferred until
January 20, 1955, which saves more than a half-year's interest.

I am enclosing herewith the note in the amount and conditions set forth above, and I shall
greatly appreciate it if you will present this matter to the Board of Visitors at their next
meeting for approval.

Cordially yours,
/s/ Morgan
M. L. Combs, President
MLC rej Enclosure cc. Mr. Edg. Wood



On or before July 1, 1956, the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, promises to
repay into the State Treasury the sum of $1,356,515.57 with interest at the rate of one per centum
per annum, from January 20, 1955, until paid, which has been borrowed from current funds in the
State Treasury under authority granted by the Governor on November 12, 1954, for Mary Washington

This loan is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 46 and 47, Chapter 708 of the Acts
of 1954, and the source approved by the Attorney General in a letter to the Governor under date of
April 27, 1944.


The Board resolved after discussion, that the proper officers of the University be authorized
to execute a note in the sum and terms set forth in the foregoing statement from the Treasurer of


President Darden presented a letter of 2 February 1955 from the Bursar of the College proposing
that proceeds of approximately $800 to $900 annually from the rental of caps and gowns purchased
on other than State funds be used to provide special scholarships for needy students in good academic
standing without regard to Virginia residence, this proposed special scholarship fund to be
supplemented by the net proceeds from the forensic tournament held at the College each spring.
President Darden warmly endorsed Mr. Woodward's proposal.

The Board resolved that the Bursar of the College be authorized to set up the special scholarship
fund as proposed in his letter of February 2nd.


The President stated that the State audit of the College's capital outlay expenditures for the
1949-1954 period appeared to be in order, and that it had been referred by him to the Chairman of
the Visitors' Committee on the College, who would presumably report to the Board on it at the
March 11th meeting


The President laid before the Board the following proposed schedule of fees and other charges
for the Summer Session submitted by the Bursar of the College:


(Eight Weeks)

Present  Proposed 
General College Fees  $27.50  $ 67.50 
Library fee  2.50  5.00 
Laundry fee  4.50  5.00 
Infirmary fee  1.50  1.50 
Student activity fee  5.00  5.25 
Table board  78.75  78.75 
Furnished room  27.00  32.00 
Total charge to Residents of Virginia  $146.75  $195.00 
Tuition for Non-Residents of Virginia  50.00  85.00 
Total charge to Non-Residents of Virginia  $196.75  $280.00 


Minimum charge (1 to 3 hours' credit), $35.00. For each semester hour's credit above the
minimum, $10.00. A student who is not a legal resident of the State of Virginia will be charged
a non-resident tuition fee of $11.50 per semester hour credit, in addition to the above charges.

No student will be admitted on a part-time basis who registers for more than four semester
hours of credit. Part-time students are not entitled to the benefits of student activity
functions, college medical and nursing staff services, and other college services for which a
fee is charged unless payment is made for the specific service at the regular rate



Present  Proposed 
General College fees  $16.50  $ 42.00 
Library fee  1.50  3.00 
Laundry fee  2.50  3.00 
Infirmary fee  1.00  1.00 
Student activity fee  3.00  3.00 
Table board  49.50  49.50 
Furnished room  16.50  20.00 
Total charge to Residents of Virginia  $ 90.25  $ 121.50 
Tuition for Non-Residents of Virginia  31.25  52.00 
Total charge to Non-Residents of Virginia  $ 121.50  $ 173.50 

President Darden explained that this schedule of proposed student expenses had been worked
out by Dean Alvey and Mr. Woodward in response to his request that Summer Session fees and charges
be made proportionate to the charges made in the regular session.

The Board resolved that the proposed Schedule be adopted, effective for the Summer Session
of 1955.


A general discussion was held on the ash nuisance problem at the College, and consideration
was given to proposals for its correction as embraced in drawings of the heating plant and
specifications (Institutional Engineering Section, Budget Division, dated February 1, 1955) for
an ash silo and accompanying equipment laid before the Board by the President. Mr. Darden said
that the specifications incorporated the recommendations of Mr. Fred Saunders, in whom he had
great confidence, that the cost would be heavy, probably in the range of $35,000, but that he
could see no way of avoiding this expense.

The Board resolved that the proper authorities of the University be authorized to obtain
bids and proceed with this work in accordance with the specifications submitted.


Following a verbal report by Mr. Howard of the February 11th meeting of the Visitors'
Committee on the College, an extensive and detailed discussion was held on the present and
future administration of the College

The Board resolved by unanimous vote that the Rector should reply to Dr. Combs' letter of
January 10th, and notify him of the fact that his case has been fully reviewed in the Board and
will not be reopened


The function of the Dean of Women and the work of Mrs. Ruby Cook Harris, who is at present
acting in that capacity, which had been discussed at length in the Committee, were further
considered by the Board.

The Board unanimously resolved to postpone the permanent appointment of a Dean of Women
and related administrative decisions until the March meeting.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On motion the meeting was then adjourned

Barron F. Black
Francis L. Berkeley